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<br /> — � �aafdar�Eott of SEUENTIf THQl�NQ ANp���Q-��;,;,�,�--«�•••-••�_:•ywt�-�••�•w� �
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<br />- - �r�ad 1tLn�N�,a�tt�onctwa�.�.���dta�rtn j t+�d qRttti dE�d{e ---NALL �`.� ,,� :
<br /> — C�,lht��. �—Ng��tASKA " �ta�i�s � � � : . � , � _ -, '. ,
<br /> -- � .. . � ' � . • � . , � - � «: . . .
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<br />- �` �a8ett�er�fth aII tflo aDi��n�tnennato fielon8ln�,aa1l.all cova�n�ia all�tttTe deeds samnfm��OII��'co� .
<br /> - aad e11 tbe teats�ic�as.and proSta�tIIereStaom e�tnr 8cdaulk ia� aA9 v�
<br /> �. �Saea;snQ wursnb the tttte�o�r pa�anQ clesc ezcept ios 8�s mmRgaBa � � .
<br /> �� �'���;. . Dmin�taa time t�mmtga8e io iu foraa tt�e mmiga8�� lac2a�eIi tyt�t �at!ass�zm�Iegied
<br /> -'s'.<.:'s,
<br /> ' 't�=;....���§ I�G To pa�ail�utd��edpl �mm�Ie42°Q a�.�id Ds�emised. _
<br /> ``-. ;,,�.;:.'.:_��_� opaa ifi��c�aSe.ar tne daDt se�wt.'d bR tLia mo�e. -
<br /> . .-.,...__: _.. �d. 'ib LeeD aII Dufldinga thm�oa iatare�l�agafas�JassB9�,118ht�f ia9•tn7rn�3Q 3aaa�e eompa�Y.to Ae a�
<br /> r:.. ..._:,,;� .-�;�:' . ?0 QOO.QD
<br /> �r;�;;�;r�"`�%-' pro�d.bptbe said 8flme Fedetal Savlags�Leaa As�ad,a4laa ag�saadlelaad iathe sam o#�:- � : imr
<br /> '• t ;;�;��;`'•Y;Y=.�- the�e¢e8t a2t�te satd Aagoetation,�its saa�essora�a�iBu�smA.so deposit eaid D��e�l�Arisa�tion,aad eDaII not .
<br />:,,� '._;,.�.��.,����.,-�: . com�mfi�ar aatier�nY�aste oa said pramisea, and e�sII p�aad Fs�p�said real eaEat�b�itd�and �D��e��.�
<br /> .eLYyti�j�::• �'•�:. � ��•
<br /> -':4t-' :. �.
<br />:ae= :�k�4..��,�_,_ - T�L �i nslY os cattseEVENTY 7NOUSAND ANQB�O/1Qi?--�-=--I��sII�A&3oMt►t[oa ai G=aad I�]tIId�ite�+?t
<br /> _;.,: .�.� :.�. .:.-". �,tha�na ot�i
<br />- �=�''r'a :,•,�r� py�aple As�Ic�we: . �
<br /> n'�'' _ •:�i} . . .
<br /> . . , ' ;����i:T .
<br /> . ,;��;
<br /> :,F:, �.:; .� . '�.'`�� �lf�s FtARIL 5. 1994
<br /> ,�';,. .
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<br />- �-; �
<br />_-, ;,;t�:= ' . . . . _ ..
<br />--, . . -___-.:,..��+•.~��_� w!W lntet�t the�aun payaDle,aacazdfn�ta the teaor end effect af the oae cerlafn iirat mar�aBe aote ot said mort�o�,
<br /> �'� - ' ;.';::,�:a��,. • ` beartng erra dale wSth these pr�ents After matuiftv� eald b�d fira�ve interest 8t the ra2e oi nine per ceat per aa�m.
<br /> �:-, : �'�•'�±: . : It a'�:d ttuces end essessmants am.nca patd whea due.or ff flre Duiidings oa eaid premi:eg are aot ittsured as abone IDsa
<br /> �``': `-`,..•:� •'. ..�,,�,
<br /> � �,� '„ vtde�,ar.i�e�of said intea�ast•f�not paid whea dne,then eatd a+�ole debt eIIall become 8ue immedlatel,Y.at the oytt�a r,2 We
<br /> • fxld A�tion.and ahall thereaftes drew intenest at.tba ra�e oq aiae Pes cent Des aaaum. �
<br /> .; ,••...�`' � . '�S'ae mort�o� IIereDY�s1gn-- to eaid mc�ee �tI rPnte and iacome esl�lag at enY and all times �vvm aald _
<br /> � :. ,� :; at its oDtton, upoa defauit� to tahe charge a! eaid y�royEt�y aad
<br /> pmg�►�nd hereby authorize satd mostga8ee or fbs�3e�t. _-
<br /> �',,,,'..'. . � . coIIert ati rp►ts end inaome therefiom and aDp1Y tiie sar�e to��e Daqmeat oi interest. ns1nciPa1, insaiaace D���+aes�
<br /> � essessmea�r.rePairn or imDrovemeata necessarY to Iceeg sa!8 p:v�itY!a teaaataD2e oonditlon. o=to other c�8� or m� _.
<br /> � ' �'��, mante Dsovtded•tor herain or in tae aote hereby secvs+e�.fi8is s�t esslgnmeat etiall coatlnue in force ua�t t3a.�a.� Da2 _;
<br /> � �'� � . ence ot eaid nole is fnilp•paid. The takin8 ot Passasian IIeseuades shall ia no manner Freveat or retaM Batd murt�,s�gee in _
<br /> , ; ' � . ' the collectlon o4•�ifl•etims b9 fo:eelosure or ath2a+cfse. v
<br /> ,. '• Whethes esi8�de6�l�bacamPS dua bY�Dse of time, or Dy reason oi the taiture ot tho par�y o!tho fi:st Pffit t�comp�y
<br /> ,:.::•. . wIth ettY oanrHtion hereln.ttte said H�cr:Federal Savia�s&I.oan Asaadattoa o4 Grand Islaad� t�e suceessors an� as�3gob, -
<br /> � � sL�all�hsve We a�gbt to Degia t�a fon�ciosnre of tLie mort�age at onca on the who2e debt hereDy secured� and tv i�clude _
<br /> .�. th�eein ell tas�a,asses�ente�iasurcace Dremiums and costs�Oald bY it ar tIIem: or eaid Aagadation� ite suoeessa�e oi
<br /> . es _
<br /> �= , essi�s. may tareclose onty ae to the sum nast due� without iNu�Y to Wie mortgege, or the d1sDlacement or imDai:me�
<br /> ,` . ;j_ ',� ot the Iten ther2o�
<br /> Md the satd lirat party ead the mskese oi eaid aote,esyecially agcee aad declare tnut the seD��e�� ot eaeD aa8
<br /> .U '�� • ' every one ot them, tacludiqg botD that now o�vned and that heteafter ecqtilreA, is Dledged aad Dound tos the D�s�►t o!
<br /> � . the deDt hereDy secureQ. -
<br /> - ��: : . - . . After the commencement o! apY snit ln foreclosure the platatlft therefa sball De eaStled to the immedlato pa�se�ton ot _
<br />"��' ` �'. saiQ premfses and tho aDDolntment ot a receiver ttcerefor.aotwl�stending they mt�y De tha IIomestead of the occaDaat and �
<br /> � aotwltbstaadla8 the pa�tes 1lable far the debt m�y be soivent,aad tke�t past4�bq ceaseate ta tha anpointmeat af a
<br /> .. . B�ceiver uyon the praductton ot tHla infleaW�without ottter evldance.
<br /> � ce
<br /> �.' � ' Tho tare8�8 cnaQitions aad �eements, all and singular.be1nS fu1�Y pertormeA.thie convepaase shail Do vaid,MIIer
<br /> }�':':� � alse to bo ead remafa ia fiill larce aad eifee�
<br /> �.
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