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<br /> °. ' . . � ° -> . _- _
<br /> - --�� __° _ - '; � ---_---
<br /> . - . •:�.79 �Ttie BORRONBR agreest`no��to.+t��scsi��ir�te. e��ltta� .�i�.�.���.� ;� _.�� - - - -_-�--
<br /> _p`� � ^��,�. . occupaaay to.�ay Cenant or Pi08jlE:CtiVA te�aa� by reas��� alE. :: °°��
<br /> •� ' ' their re��ipt,of, or eligfbf iity far, hous�r►g assis�aac�t�., ; �
<br /> � `K�` undes any �e�esa�„ State oz loea2 hovsfng assistaace ��og�ams:::�� ` �-�.z
<br /> -. �:t'a< . L�.Ki".� . . "a�w"�"�'.�-�_�.
<br /> F - : '�`,���• . and a�t�ta discaiminate aqaf�s� os 8eny occupancy ta� an3F. , � .,.y.�-'° —
<br /> u� K° _ '_� ` tenant or psospecfiive taaant by season that the tenant�har��:a.: ,�� _
<br /> :y�, .., � � ; � mit�os child ox chil�ten vho vill be residiag o�ith them, .,�.� �;�.
<br /> - yr r °�;, ,`- - -- -�sr�les� th€� �ROJECT be -ona �e�eru�d for elde�rly tenante. � - � '�����.
<br /> ,,;,�, r - . l.. . . 'ir= �� .
<br /> �.° . � �..1� i" l `1�--_.
<br /> .;,. - � �ti:, 81 TAe term af this 1 i�n ahai l be unt i 1 tAe balance 8uts is , ��1�..
<br />��� ° � . '. >~:, .`.`'=-� paicl in full os foz a pea ia� endine� an tke f iast �ax oF tQ��� ::���:_;:-����_. :�s: .
<br /> ��'_.�. '„_..� �;�- _ ;;::�:_-_
<br /> �.�r��;�q��";�"�:':�="::` month fisrst occursing ten �10t Y�ars after the com Ee�ian.a�w_. ,.:.-_.��._;:<�.�:-
<br /> � � .� ;` �� ' - w.�
<br /> Z`�` ' tr� : i4=�` the PROJBCT�z�habil�tation, pxeser�va�ion, or enhaaceatea� - �_
<br /> a@ 4£.�r�F�l r . - ��' • . :k':. ..�r�,
<br /> �, Fo_. .: �. ,�� . , actiuities fiaance�3 '�n o�bole or in past. by the 8e£erzed �. ti,��� �� �
<br />���� ` _` <r: �- ga}�a��t loan evidenc�a� by this liere. Unless pxepa�d o�� �� � . . _�
<br /> ;'�� ='��:�'`�� ���� �
<br /> N.::, 4 ,;< .. .fogieclose�, tt►fs lier� ahal.l De sat$sfied and be �e��ased b��,=� .: ,,��.f :��
<br /> `3 _< ' - . F� 'F�-'� vT _.v_s:
<br /> � .:;at�i� LLNDBR on the ffrst 8ay of SeptemAQZ, 2003. The . x ___.
<br /> � ° - � �:a�nfversazy of this lien sh�ll �� tIIe let day ot Septem�e� �� � : `� ���
<br /> a�T�.'��,. �-�` . . , o-
<br /> � ! -' Y•� � "�:.�ch yeas folioring the comfsle�tion of activities finaacer��� —
<br />_,� , ,�s�.�-� . �� �,'` � . ��`� -
<br />_ :r�� ° ' � t�� deFersed paymeAt loan e�idenced hy thie lien.
<br /> '. ��,4,. �Fr f��nt
<br /> _ �7 . � . . � .o' .� `y�9,.- ';��
<br /> _ � 9) Uniess accelerate8 pu�s�ant to paragraph 10, a� eaa� . ; ��'}7;�
<br /> . � attnivesaary date the bala�c� due heseunder shail be re8uce�. ; t � �
<br /> ,�; .. `�t � ��.,<.. • �
<br /> by.ten percent I10�1 of th� original amount of the dQfe�rBd� .`°'.-= z •`'=
<br /> . .._, � _,..•n , ._�-
<br /> '. . , payment 2oan. . ���"ti�.�,�-�
<br /> �F ;�?� —�
<br /> ; . , � +� >
<br /> s ` �`:��—
<br /> -� `°� _ . . . 10) Dusing the term of th�s lien the BORROWER shali matte n�- ` �� �
<br /> ;.`:.; �:�- . . ` . paymenta of principal or inSterest; PROVIDEO HOWSVSA, �hat tf- =�. �.s���
<br /> ; ' ' tha BORROWBR shall be in �d�i�ault of any of the te�ms or .: � jt �,+.►'...
<br /> eomditiohs of this lien, then the� unBaid an� remaining .= �'� ��,���y �`�:
<br /> _ . ° ba�ance �shal l becone immea 3ale ly d�e and payabi e ugon de�aa�rd ��� _,�i.=-,�,��...,-R,
<br /> - ,�� by the LSNDER. ,'' '..'` ''� _
<br /> . . � �his liea ma� 6� ;`�,,�'�-`�'��'' ` `�'' ����v
<br />_ � ;.�•�.;�' il) The 8efesse8 payme�t 2oan evidenced by � ��,�, �°>�z;. ���.`,°
<br /> Y� �= assigned and/oz assu�aed; BRCVIDED, that any an8 aii terms aas�:.-� �'.�- �1�=���'°�r:.�� _
<br /> ,'';-.�. ;;};��'a;.`';�
<br /> ' �'� •��� con8iti ons shall sema�n fn full fQrce and effect fa� .au� ��;�_ .�_,.. ,� _
<br /> � � r' ' - assiqnee os succeesor to the 90RROWER and such asstgnBe as . . � �=>
<br /> ` � ��� � successor ah�il assume al2 s�uties and obliqations of the� � �'� �� ��±
<br /> i � � HORROWER as descsibed herein� � � ,3. "�;`
<br /> "`. �� ! . �� .. . .. ��,. �' _
<br /> . ' 12) any subosdination of this lien to ad8ltional lie�s os - __
<br /> encumbrances of the assignee ar successoz to the HQRR�T�YIE3tt ��=� .�
<br /> � ` � shali be only upon the vrrittea consent of the LBNDBR. Such �,;�:,, � `
<br /> � � j � � � � ad�itiona2 liens and enauaabrances shall extend to and inc2uda `.�`�,��, , �
<br /> , i}•:ia:. t.: "
<br />- , �-�: ----- =- any conlract £or deed, lana contsact, or other ag�eement �,,,�.r��...,._.�`_.,._;,:,.y
<br /> ', � . . � bet�een the 80RROWER an� his suecessor or assignec�. Snch �
<br /> ' conaent tio subordi�ate shall not be unseasonably �rithhelH sc �'��; �
<br /> ��4 . ' � . long as LENDER has the assurance, reasonable to the LBNDIIA, . .
<br /> ' � tha� the psovisions of t��s lier► remalr► en£osceable an8 a�e •• • �
<br /> �` •� � alle9uately secured by the pso3ert. ���.. �
<br /> �' � ' � 13D To assuse and pxotert ita sights in this lien and tha �
<br /> , : . � � .
<br /> � � � � � PR03ECT, the GENDER sha11 have right of access an8 inapee�iaa
<br /> � �"' � � . �± of the PROJSCT at reason�ble times ancl With seasonable noLice
<br /> �, !'�� .. ' �: ' , to the BORROWER. ;:;�
<br /> - �c�� 19) Any fosDeasan�ae by the LENDER �rith respec� ta any o� tD�e �� �
<br /> � �,� ��tY:��' te=ms ancl con8ltioas of tfiis lien ia no may censt��u�es a
<br /> ; �.�;
<br /> ;�,:�;�;'�.°, ��t �aive= o� amy og tl�e LENi�BR'8 zights or �sivileqes� g�anted
<br />_ �:�'i��`` ��'�y hereun�er.
<br /> ��� ��_y-� � �.� •.
<br /> , y,-,.;.. :..,�.�.' .: :'i�4;.�
<br /> � " '��`F`-'�' 1S) Any notice of one pasty to tDe other ahall be in m�iting
<br /> :�
<br /> '� � �. � �. to the parties as follo�rs:
<br /> ;�. : :, c:� ' I
<br /> � !���`" � : � � The LENDSR - THE CITY OF aRANO ISLBND, NEHRASIiA, a mua3cipal {
<br /> - � , Corporatian. �
<br />- . �4, . . . . , t
<br /> •.�..1. , � .• ,
<br /> t. ' -
<br /> `�.
<br /> - : � :� . . � i .
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