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<br /> J_ � . . �._ _. . ' _ ~_ .. __ - _
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<br /> s.u;_.F.`sJ:...P -- �` , �. .. ����� ���� . . , .. 'r - -
<br /> a7.�a�asfar Oi th� �dT e 8�tnte�r.se tn Bo'r'iawss�.If aU or pc�t of tae Ptmp�rty br a�nyy�te�est ta�t' . `
<br />- - ,. . `' �s sold or tsu�ferrad(ar ifga beae�cla!iaterest u►Boaow�i is so2d'or trn�sfarnd��sme�er Is act a namral p�cson)�vltt�t
<br /> ` L�nder's�sior mitt�oonseat� Leader a�y.at its opr�cn, requirc immedi�te p�meIIt in tbll of stt sums�by tHis� : ��- -
<br /> � - _,, ..:..���c..�cun- -t�i"�st�en�.-�oaaeirer:ti�is op�a�shali�►oi:be ex�i�8y��'i��i3�t,�it�3#sy f�tr�!i�w:�of Et� �t�,=_ '-
<br /> -- � � of d�a Se�tY Insttu�at. . � . � - - -- -
<br /> a
<br /> . � --ifr teader'exercises ih3s o�tioar=i:esider sUa31give B�u�rower�b£aaater�on.'�e uuttce e8alt a pe�iad af�'. - - - -_
<br /> - - _ � t�s tA�n 30 days from the date tIle�n�ioa is ddtver�d or mailed wit�n which Borroarzr aiust pay sums aeaired by t�is . .
<br />_ - � �trtty t�_�++�nt_if Bormwer fails.t�pay these sum��rior to the expiistto�s of t4is:p�,Lcnder may ipvolce sny�+ea�dies ,
<br />�` _: p�maiued 1►Y tLis � Iusaument�,�thout,fnrttcer notice or demand on Borrower. � �
<br /> "����••� i�.�`,�a�s's ��. t�Bs�rrorra m�s eertatn enn�itlons, Bomower slia!! have t�a.right ta have
<br /> -°g -�-�,� �foroe�t o€d��Se�cun �►itmant:d�ooiltinue�i at any wne prSor ta the e,ariier o� (a)�5 days tor•s�other pe�dod as _-� - -._
<br /> la�r ' fcr:einsta�n�t) before sale of the . ttY Putsvant to any �aower of sale oontaivat ia t�is -
<br /> -, � .. ��� ----epP�� - .�Y�_' - enFoning tlitsSecun�.Those�ondi@oa��re.t6at uonawer[aipays - - --
<br /> �= Se�rity Insuumear or(b?emiY of�ju�igm�nt ' re --$ ------ -
<br /> Iender all sums��t+bic5 then aoWd 6e due as�rtbia Security tasin�nt a4d ttt�Note es if no eooe�etrtian had o�uned;@)
<br /> = � aue,s any defanit vf aay oi4er oovenuuts nr a�menta;_(c?PaYs all ex�enses incurred in e�forcing this Se�uitY Instrament, _---
<br /> � -- inctnding,bnt not tirnited to.m�asoaaDt�auor�s'fee.s;.and(d)takes sush action es Lender may reasonab2y " W ass�te
<br /> �
<br />;�� that the lien of this�u�ry Inst�vmEnt,Lead�t's rig ts in the Property and Borrower's oblig�o n to pay ahs sums secor�d.bS► :_�_-_---- --
<br />-- this Seauiiy>� shall.cuiWnue.u�banged.n U�on::emstatement by Bamower. ttis Secwity Inst�umeat and t� , -- --
<br />- obllgatioas s��y sha11�semain fuUy effective as if no eaoetera6on dud ocwrred.However,tbis right to reiastate sl�alt — -__
<br />�= not apply ia tl�c�;s��oeierarioa nader ga.�h�iT. . --
<br /> ':.- � 19.SaE�.t��Y��.C�e v.�;Lo�:�toer.'!�e Note or a partial interest in the Note(tog�her arith this Seauity
<br />_- - Instiument)�ay be�f�tou�ar��a�nut paor notice w 8orrower.A sale may result ia e cbange ui the eatity(known . - --
<br />��.. � as the"Loau Setvi�r`j that ce�f�s�y FaYmenis due under the Note aad this Seauity L�strumeat.TRere also may be one ---
<br /> �;�., e�=--
<br /> . _� „ or mare chan�a of tHe 1�oan��unreta2ed to a sale of the Note.If tLece is a c5ange of thc�Loaa Setvicer.Borrower wi11 De _ ____ _
<br /> � .' given wrIueu nodce vf�c�e��s::;in aocotdance arith parag�aph 14 a6ove and applicable law.'I7ie norice wil!state the name and � --
<br /> �E�-:°:1;,: .°-,.z.R;•� address of t�e aew i.�.5ea��i��and tiie add�es to which payments should be made.'I4ie notiee will atso oontain any other �. � =-
<br /> ,�
<br /> ��c. .ti information ra�uired�g sppSicaF��law. � � y`�.�" -
<br /> .�_:s;,.� �. _�:'_• Z0.�rdon.s Sa�ace�.Bomower s6all not c�se or the res�nce. use. , storage,or r�lease of any -
<br /> Pe� p �� ��:�:�:_-
<br />��_• -��=:.-�_'� -'``: H�ous Substances on or in the Pro e 8onower s�t:�! aot do. nor allow anyone etse to do, aa a�ng the �:�=�_-.
<br /> :�{� a�v,..�. P rtY•
<br />�-;�fi,.... . .:�=R_,-.._.
<br /> .,.,.; �'`:. •�:- Pmgerty th�t ts in violation of any Environmenta!Law. 'R�p�cedi�ag taro senteaoes shall not ly w e ps�ne,use,or �,�.:.��:
<br /> :A;..z��. _ � stoiage on t6e Pro�ty of small quantities of Har�rdous 5ubstanoes that aie geaerally reoo�to be appmgri�tr�normal ���P.�,
<br /> at � _
<br />_ � � i resideatial u.ces aud.tv maintenance of We Fmperty. '� _
<br /> , � - • - Borrovrer shall�pmmptly give I.ender written natice of any investigaflo�,claim,demand,laws�t or other action by eny �,t�_��_-
<br /> �.�•:.s •,.� : �t��_,-:-
<br /> ".��rR . govemmental or regulatary agency or private party ittvolving che ProQerty and az►y Halardous Substanoe or F�virnamentai Lraw __ _
<br /> `����� • � � � of whIch Bmrower das actual k�mwledge. If Boirower leae�s�.cr is nodfied by any govemcqental or regiilatory authorlty.that �'a' _
<br /> ea t�._-..
<br /> ,.<i_: . . r��-_
<br /> y;,, . any removat or other remediatio�of an Hazardous Subs�aas affectiag the Propeity�s neoessary,Horrower shall pmmpUy take =
<br /> . all neoessary remedial actioas ia�ccorrdaaee with Environmeatal Law. I ''� ���_
<br /> �ti--
<br />- . As used in this patagaph 20. "HardrBoes Substances" aze those sabstances defiaed ac toxic or haTardous su6stances by �. s�Y:�
<br /> EnvironmeNal Law and the folWwing subs��s: gasuline. k�erosene. other flammable or toxic petroteum�mdurxs, mait ��^'� -
<br /> ' � ' � Festicides and Reibicides.volah'le solvents,ma2�ials wnta�wg asbestos or fom�aldehyde.ead radioactive matenals.As asea i� ��'3
<br /> '� ,.� . " ; this�aragraph 20. "Envunnmentat Law" meamg fede�al taa3 end taws of the judsdictian where the Propeny ss tac�md tbat ; ,�. #,_�;-
<br /> �late so heatth.safexy or environmental protectiaa. ' �s=
<br /> � NON-UNff�R.�V!COVENANTS.Borrowec and Leader further oovec�ar►t and agcee as fotlows: �t`::� _ _
<br /> �21.Aocel�¢�n;Remedies.Lender sbaU gfve notice to Bosrower prtor to aooeteration foQowlog Bomnwei's 6rPacEt ;. r �
<br /> 08�my eovenar�3.�,r agreement In tflts Secnrity Instramen! (but not prtor to�eceleration underp ph 17 unless � ; � ���_
<br /> ,�� ' e�b prnvides othertivise).T[te noHce s�sll [f • (a)the defauit; (b)tite actton nired to�cure the defaWt; `��,:=t s�'�
<br /> :�� ie!aw spec.y. req , �,',�:;,-..K:� �_
<br /> (cD s�ate,nat te�tbaa 3Q davs from the date the notice is gtven to Borroaer,by wGicb t6e defautt must he cured;aad � `�x?:���.��;� �.
<br /> . (d)that[sitnre t�cvre the c��aalt on or Defore the date speeiRed in the aotice may�esult In aoceteratton of the sums �':t:;y;:;_;''�,��,;.;:; .�`���
<br /> • secused by tWs�zsfty Iastr�ment and sate of the Property.The aotice shall fwther inform Borrower ot the r l g ht ta �',;rt�j ti��tY
<br /> ��ry
<br /> ;.�,'. � � ePinstate atter s�tPon ead We ctght to briag a court acttou to asseri tde aon�existence of a d�ault or aay oth� . "` t�;+:%j,,:;,:
<br />- � defease of Bon�wasre�r to ac�eleration aad sate.lf the defaWt ts not cured oa or before the date speci#led in the nottoe, ;���>t�'�";';':-
<br /> , �} .°
<br /> ' I.�ad�i,at its optioa,may u+aaycdrP immedIate paymeat tn full oi all sumv secue�ed by tltts Seeusity Instrument withatrt .. '���`A'.:_
<br /> �;��>,..,
<br /> ` ,����� fi�sr demand and may inv¢�e the power of sate aad e�sa other remedies permttted by appUcable la�v.I.eader shall be .;;z��:��., 1 '"�`�_
<br /> i.:- .,--c.?.s':. �..,'. . . L� •e _.
<br /> , �. ..�.�;:,.. eu�3aU�to eoltect all expenses iQCUrred tn pu�suing t6e re�dIes provtded tn thts paragraph Zl.tnctadiag.b�a¢�t limited ''47,'�, t. , , ���
<br /> �..�;, , 4: �;;� ,< <
<br /> � ��,,�; � to,�+easonable ea¢�rueys'fees and costs o!dtte evtdence. t '�': `� ';.
<br /> ;,;,.,,;::,. If thepaw�rot sate Ls invoked, Trustee shall record a aotice of detault in eacb county in whlch eny pae�of lice �.�r��--,:.:.,��;,t -.
<br /> _: � Propeety is�orated and shall mail rnpt�of such notice in the manner prescsibed by appltca6le ta�v to Borroaer aad to :..:. ;S�:; �•' �
<br /> •�•` `•�� ,j thc olher persons pmscrtbed by applIcabte taw.After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shall give pu611c aatice s,{:`;�i�.•:',`s..'"'
<br /> �;,=.;,.`���� . o P s a l.c to t he persons an d M t C�e manner Qresc r i b e d by app l ica b le Ia w.7'e a c t e e. w i t h o u t d e m s i n d o n B o r r o w e r,s�a l l s e U �•�t:r��;';3��;;� , �. •
<br /> • ' ;,�` ' '�'' tDe�operty a1 pubtic auctton¢o the highest Dlddee at the tlme and place and urtder the tenn9 deslgaated in the notice ot ��,,,;;;��'^`;_;�. � �
<br /> �::•.,rj;:;,.:,,:, . ��;�'� .
<br /> h ;;:��:'�=��.:.. : . . sate in one or mam parcels and In any ordee Trustee determtnes.Trustee may posipone sate of all or anyparc el of the a �..:; ., . . -,;,,.
<br /> ; :;� ' ,`>� Property by paP�Hfc annouttcemeat at the t�e and place of any previously sthedWed sate.Lender or its designee may �, ' _ �.�;,;c,<:..::.
<br /> ';�' = .. . pnrchase the Pro�eety at any sale. .;;,�� '
<br /> �; ..;`��, '' : ,i:: `:. ':�s:
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