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_�=s�. - A�`�.�,�-'�+-_�`fi� ' Y -� -- - �- — - <br /> ,.. . <br /> � .. • <br /> _ :.. . +t1`- �F. ._ ,-'�_ . '_'.i _ -Z. _ - <br /> `-'T3- - �.c`�-_-�Y__�� �JCZ--I.. _ _ — _- — — <br /> y�--' - o i'c f''` ��'� _ - - - --- .. _ - — �--- <br /> �°'s' -`p '�`� 4c , <, Q.� G �._- - .._,.. - _ -.�o. <br /> -- - .,...,.. °��� . � . . � ; . . `A` c���� c . - .. -. <br /> - -, ' 3.��lSi�•�d� YEW13'� �TOl�i,�p�W��i!�',8�8�1 �• t�F��aQt1DY�aOW`!��iCt�CfaC{01�Effix tblt , . <br /> , <br /> - --.. r- ....--`-.'.._ ���fr��I � ��_��;�,�_'���_ 7�IO�ii16ECil�iL�.liiaul.��c�ft��.��!_r=t- -- � ' _ - . <br /> . QOQ�9 0?��$s fQY�IGD�GT iC�S�9�BCC.�1�8�SIIfA�C 6�SI�bQ 1Ci�,�IlfB���R t�D�0��Q� . . <br /> . ..�t i�,r:�.4aa ia^.1�cam�kr'�vtdioa eT�tnsareaoe�}tie�C�ey Bomuc�t�s�:bJoct co�•�e�prOy�I `. ---- - <br /> � � whic�ehatt ib[ba unrGasoan��y wtthhsi�.it Hor�owet�'all��t9 a�i�intai�cqvetage drssslAed aDovr.i+e�dariw�.at�e�der a. . ,Y <br /> �. � : optiu�uMainaove�mge to pmtt��er's tighte ia tite P�[�o�tyr in aaoazd��e with p�'�ph�. � �:: . . < . , . <br /> — `,i . . . . .. <br /> .•� = pti insa�oc polic[es��raacwafs shatl Ee.aeapl�Ie ta L�ndei�nd sDa�ll�l�e s stac�da��rtgiga clause.t�eudet . .._�.,__..�__ .��. <br /> .. _ _ .. � � - - <br /> — -�.�. . �' <br /> _ . s�ait i�o iQe tlght to II����tr�wafs�If 1�Ies�es,�►�sbe►t Piamptiy'g[va ca tia�er,'ai��of�- -�� ••� - <br /> � — F�P���d r�erra�t�ot3seg.�the event of ias9.�:m�ver sha11 give p�b��atice m tIle ir�taace cmrier�d Leadat. �-, _ _- <br /> -�---�--�—�- --- --�eader�aY�FmoF�idssr�fnntmndc <br /> - ---- -----_- -- - ---- - - ----- -. ._. . . <br /> ---- __ <br /> - . `�FJntess teader and Botmw�otttenrisa�wiiting.�nsura._�p:ooeed.s et�atl Ae agp#ied w re�toratt+on or m�air of tt�: --- <br />_ . P�+opersy.datmged.jY the restoration or rep�sir is coosmmlcally feasible aad t.eader's seauiry is aot Iesse�d.If the r�toration or _- <br /> -- - cepair is aot eoouomicaUy fcas�'6Ie or Le�ie�'s seamitll woWd be tessened.tEe ia�safle pmoceds sLaIt 6e applisd ta tbe sus� <br /> __ _—__--- �° ;cwr�t,y tt,fiw S�curity�stt�enl.w�cilar or uut iheu due.with anjr�exc�paid w Bomower. �P norra�+��ans tLe . - -- -- - _-- <br /> - P�►.or does nat am��er withia 30 days a nadce fi+om LaadPa tbat the insuiaace canier 6a4 offec�d to settte a�n <br /> _- = Leadec ar�y ooftect t�insu� p�aods.Leader ma�► ase't�e P,mce�ds to�epair or ccston the Pmpetty os ta gay sums — <br /> - sepue�by tDia Secaiity InsWment,whethet or aot�due.The 30�day per�od wili 6egin when the aatice is givea. <br />- Elnl�ss Leader�sad Bon�ower othe�vvise ag�+ee ai wsiting,aaY apFlic�aa of piaoeeds tb pridcipa!shall�uat extmd�os - <br />`� � . Past�*.a��iDe�d,¢e date of tHe muntht� PaYmenLa referre�l to ia�Ls t.aud 2 or cfiaaga the amonut of t�e paymrab. If <br />_���;, uadec�h 21'the Fmperty is�by Lender,Hoimwe�s tig8t m e�y insatat�p�fL1m end Fmoeads�sat�g�um <br /> �� da�get+�the Pmpertg prior to the anquisitton sball pasa to Ireadas to the eat�stof the siuus secuned 6y tbis Secauity In�nt <br />.J ` <br /> � �Y Anor to t�acx�uisidon. . - - <br /> � Pr+o •Bon+uwer's Loaa catto •I.easeh+u�ds. <br /> of t� � <br /> �: .�6.f[�ugarny.Pte�ra�Enn,Meint�aaoeat�#Frotecttoa p�[9. �►Pl� _ <br />- -`�,�o�r:�al!eocep}►,esmblisb�and ase t�e Pri�eriyr es Bomower's priacipal iesidenae wi�in sixty days afte,r the eaeaution of� � <br /> . <br />_ �: t�is`�Styr Insuument aad shall eontinue to oo�gy the @m�y as Barrower s pntacipat testdea�e for et ieast oue year aRa', � -- <br /> ...:�Iie�ate of a�ocupaary.unless Leuder othe:wise�in wci�ag.wbich oonsent sha11 not he an�easonably aritt� esnIess <br /> '�nua�ng cucamstauocs enist wluch are hey6isn�`$otrowet's oontrnl. Bormwer shail uot destmy, damage or.ia�yaSr the <br /> .����iiopeziy, altaov the Property w��smit waste on the Propertyr. Bo�rower sbaU be in d�'aWt if aay foifeit�ue <br /> actip��pmoeeding.wAether civtl or ciiminat;�,s begun that in Leader's gaad faith judgineat coutd result in forfeI�of the � - <br /> i Ptogeit��ar otherwise mate�ially imQ-,�r�Uen created by tI�is Sewriry Iostmmeat ar L�s secudty Interest.goa��may = _ <br />-.�. , „' � �`. cute s�g default and iemstate,ss�vtded in patagraph 18.6y causing tDe agion or gx+aaa9ding to be dismis�d witia�ru?wg -_ <br /> :;� �' x� � . � Lender's gaa�faitb determinadon,pr�aciudes forfeituie of dte 8o�s L�teiest in the Propeity or otber�i . <br /> �. �"���y; . nt or Leader's s int�t.Bornower shal!aTso be�u t if <br /> :� . . R. 3.��.,. .��ir�ent of tIIe I�.�ated�y t6ls Secunty�u�ae � ju� <br /> _ �,r�,� <br /> ��.�, �-..� <br /> ;< ��. . � =�4Orrow�.during the Iaan applic�aon pme�s.gave matereally f�se or inac�rate infoimatioA or atatecnents w l�der{br.�ailed <br /> �� ma <br /> `� A'�� ' � to S�Leadcr with anyr material infomoation)ia oonnectton wlth ihe loan evidenced 6y the Note.including,but a�i€mited <br /> ? �=>.;`_.. � -, .e �ljC►y[ � � <br /> - 4 � �� w.repi�se�nsapons aonaeming Eorrower's ooaipancy of the Property as a principa)residenoe.If this Seauity Insau�t#�oA a _ <br /> . -���.�:` teasehotd, Boirower shall comply with aU tha provisions of the lease. If Borrower aoquires fee dtte�ta-the-R�r. the __ <br /> � .�:�:;.,-,_ � - <br /> ` �.�a. , �,�:=,.:;� :f:s�;_ teaseho2d aad tho fce dtIe shaU not merge unless Lender a�rees to the tnerger in writing. _-_-- <br /> . S, �::, � . , i-• <br /> ,, :�c�:F� : . t,�.:..t...' 7.Pa�utection of I.ender's Rights in the N+npeety.If Bormwer fails to perforcu tAe coveUannts and af�ements oontained ia .:���•�� ;F�,�--- <br /> y,e.....,'�w"�.... ,-.� ... � �'-(:.,�.�?.�:��r, <br /> =.,r,�;� -;.��s}'r4�k':`. ' this Seauity Insmiment.or there is a legal pmoeeding that may signifiarntly effect Lender s rights ln the ProPertY(�rcb as a �• ... •� � <br /> - � i` '�':':�?:'�'s;f:,, .. f�,��-„� <br /> ��,��•.;._:.,;,;.;p=;,,�v, pra000ding in baakniptcy,probate.for candemnatior.or fort'eitu�e or to enforoe laws or regWations).thep i.ender m3y do an� x• -��:::�;��� <br /> , v''.�,�;`,.:'; • .,'''! �� , pay for w h a t ever is n e ce s s a ry t o p ro t e c t N o v a t u e o f t h e P ro p e rt y a n d L e n d e r's r i g h t s i a t h e P r o p e rt y. L e n d e r's a C t i a a s m a y ���3�'��`�-- <br /> ' ,. .. ,:.�.. ,�: .. :�..;.:,° _--.._ <br /> '{ ';;a`��� �" ' � include paytng a�r suas secured by a lien whlcA has prlority over this Security Instrumeiu. appearIng in court,paying , . .,-• TT ,_,__ <br /> `��'�'. '''� ''- '� reasonable attome s t�es and eaterin on the Property to maice re uis.Althou Leader ma take action under this h - <br /> Y � D 8� Y P�P , ��::' � ��: <br /> '; T,Len�daes not 6ave w du so. � :``s _ <br /> ' ' �c�gr amounts disbursed by I.eader under this paragrapb 7 shall beoome additional debt of Borrower secare�bg� tiils ��, : T���`,.~,'~'• <br /> � _..� _ <br /> , , , �� .� Security InsWment.Unless Botrower and Lender agcee to other tomu of payment.these amounts shall 6ear imerese$v�the � � - <br /> � �� � � date of disbnrsement at tho Note rate artd shall be payable. with intenst. upon not�ce from Lender to Horrower re�w�sting '. r <br /> � :." ,r � � . a �-�.� , <br /> . ;,, ,. <br /> ' � ��: ,;>>� 1 • p y 8.Mortgage Ia�urance.IPl.eader requir�ed mortgage insumnce as a condltion af matcing the toan secured by tlus Ses�rity r. � <br /> �...,, �_.�:���� '. .' '�.�.. �. . .. <br /> "`�r 3' „ . ��:� Instiument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgagc insurac�ae in effeci. If. for any re�socti,the ,,.,;:,. ;. <br /> .. ,.. .. <br /> • mortgage lnswaace coverage re�q�e,ed by Lender lapses ar ceases to be tn effect.Borrawer shall pay the pmmiums re��iPed to � , ;_..�.:.: <br /> ,� ���. � obtain oov e subsczs��ll wvalent to the mort a e insurance reviousl m cifect, at a cost substantiall ulvalent to the � " �� •�+ -� <br /> c...,. , ,���•' �8 Y�l � � 8 P Y� Y�1 ' . . � .:� - <br /> . � � • �' ���: wst to Borrower of ttx mortgage insurance prevIously in effect. from an�Sternate mortgage insurer approved by lender. If � <br /> �� , � substandally equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower sha11 pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to � `� <br /> ` t��' ,� ' one�e!£'�of�he yearly mortgage inswence premlum being paid by Horrower when the insurance coverage Iapsed or�ased to •� . <br /> 6e in ef('�.L�nder will aocept.use and retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Las�reserve • ' <br /> ��' , <br /> - : ' � Farm 3028 9/90 . <br /> .,.. . . • i <br /> `�. ; 7a8e 3 0/9 .,�. <br /> r �'. y.1,t'j1;w:�.tY . ' . <br /> .'�ii�:�, . `.i'i: , • <br /> _ _. _ . _ , .. .�.,�--x���..n,...-.-.� . .� <br /> .. . .`51�..; . . . .t , . � . .. . .. . . • .. - . 1� �k::.�:'. , .. . � `T�:�`f-:.' .. . . .. . . .. <br /> �'� ` -t. -• �. � ' � . . � � . . � . <br /> .. �� ' : `��-. - '� . . � ' � . .. • � ' �' . . f <br /> � �} � 1 �� ' . �'\�,� .... - ' .. . . � � _ . . i ,' . . �. - ,� � • � - .. . � ' . . - <br /> — �l_ .. (1 , ` 1{, _• ' � .t .Si �t' .. . �1 � (! � ' ' . ' . , . . . �i' �.. � ' �. ''• . � • I. •. . <br /> .. ., .. , '� , � ' � . ' ' . . � �'2� . .. •• . . . ' � . <br /> t. . . �. . . _ . . �- � . � . . .. . - . ti� i - .f.'� ' � <br /> , �1' �. . . • - . . • . ..M�. �, . . . .. ' . � , �� 1. i <br /> � . . .. �l . . ' . . . . •. . . - . .. � . . <br /> . � . ' .. �!• . .. � . � . � ' ' � . � . � • .� . . ' . .. <br /> i- •'• '. .. ��� •� ��•• � ` ' . . - . � • . . • � • <br /> ' • � <br /> , � ,.,( . . . ._ � _ ' . . ' ., e. . _ <br /> '•.i '._ �_._..�_,-__.9_.__--.. '.. -_— �.• .. _� — � — —_-_—�...__'�. . -� . ... �_ ___ —..-_.— . __�._.. .____ —_, _ _ _____- .__--_.._. <br /> . ' • `� .�:' : " , . . . , ' ' ' • `S . � ' a . <br /> . , � . . .. � • . . :.� .•;,� _ <br /> , <br /> � � , ..� � � ' . � .� • ., � � , ., ' . . _, a ' • , , . . .. ., „ � <br /> . . , <br /> - �. � � . . . . � , . � . � <br /> ., �. : . . , . <br /> , <br /> , _ . , �, . . �,, ... . . , . , S . <br /> . � . <br /> . <br /> . . . -. , . . . <br /> .. . .... . : . <br /> . <br /> , .r- . . � . ..._� . . L .-_ <br />