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<br /> ` Q�It�c�r ef land��t�l���nC�A�.!�,��e�tl��ld4���'�ti�MiDM�S���Oid ,
<br /> , p��� ��� e�t�i�r cep�atld vY�TrllMtl�f lA�aet(n0�t MtM�x�ail�.f� •
<br /> - - tt�p�6�cs '.a�mcutloa of�l,ihe4��': . � _ �
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<br /> — . �� .
<br /> _ -- _ _—__ ' _`'__' - ' , — � � ' __ _ — _ '_ '�" ' ._� , _ __'.'0,_—'—_"'-'—_ �-�e.__ . . . .
<br /> --- — � r
<br /> -- --- - `-- ------- -- -- - - -
<br /> - --=-- -- --_ _.�...,---------- - � �
<br /> . .. �
<br /> - - -—LL,.•� -_ - .�E�ED 0��A�g'f•VI1iTH�TU�E ADVANCES-
<br /> - TNIS 0&ER:GF�lSr.ts nrteQe eS o18te �_�:d�E oL �' ��1�:�by�BnQ�nan9
<br /> . t1�aTit+�tor. �BA11A �lABtI!!8Z � l,�A�C.1lAR�I�6Z . htts�aad and e3tv�
<br /> ` 223 F.AST �211D G�A�D �S1.AliD b8 68�3 • �
<br /> whose maiUng addr�a ts — . (hesein°Trosto�"wt�ttt�ona or moieb —
<br /> -- --- tRe Tru�ee� Pi� Po3n�s 8�ak, � H�Draslco Carposatton .
<br /> ��.�,�. �- ' P.0. Box 1587 Grand IslsutF. � �+�� •
<br /> -- �rhase matitng address is (Reretn"frustea").anA
<br />- _-= ry tRe Beneat�ary. Fia� Points 8ank . ' .
<br /> �°��_���i � , Z8�5 H. Bros.dy�ll 6raad Isload. H8. 66892;�l�1
<br />-�� � merein�cende�7.
<br /> j�,,�� '����� rrhese nis�i�tg address Fa F811$B HAB?I18Z
<br /> � �•�k�^ FOR VAUTABlE CONStDERATtON�including Lender a extenston of credit identifled herein to
<br /> . '.._;�C,=
<br /> �- ;�.;�t;.:. i lFAAA C l�TI�SZ �h�tn°eorrcxre�'.whether one or more)and the trust heretn created. -
<br /> �F��.���
<br /> �. ��•v����s``'���L�• tlte receipt ot whtch(s heteby acknowte0ged.Trustor hereby ir�evaCabty grante.tr2nsf8t&convs�ys and ssstgn9 to Trost+e9 IN
<br />- �'`���` TRUST.WRHPONlEROFSAI.�brtAeDertetitandsecurityofLender.underandsubjecttQthetermsand¢onditionshereinaRerset
<br /> = � ,;�.: , .v�„rr:�ti. -
<br /> .'�y�_;-�-� z�; � r°'�e�.�'i�'2 , B���i
<br /> , �..,; �-��.. .:.,, . ��LaCH°� t i1 I!i �tiICHB.8g1! SISY@ ADDITIOA TO THH CIYY OF
<br />_-, �, _ ;;: .�. ' t38A�D ISL�11D. HALf. COl1HT1t. 88B8AS�A.
<br />:1 =��'"'��''"�;;� � 'r . — - -
<br /> ';1 �•;t•' ;t''�;r.::�"
<br /> � 9.1'`;_�.:� :"� ' ' _� _
<br /> ;r��'�`� ,; Yoge�er wtth ail buitding�Improvemertts,6alure�streets.attays.Dassageways,easemenia�ighte�pdvtleges and apauRe- �-.
<br /> - •-: � �'=3,� � nSnCe9 fut�tted fhereon or in anywis0 pBAaining there�,8nd the rertst issues and profita,reve►sions aRd remainde�e fhereot.end �
<br /> 7A�;;;,i�... � . B u C h p e B O n e l p m p e ri y t h a t i s a t l B C h e d t a t h e lm provaments ao as to ConStitut9 a fixtur�inCtudin g,but eot Umited to.hEta@rtg 8rtd `�.,,x�.�-
<br /> ��'�;;:; :. cootingequipmentandLcgetlterwithth9�homesteadormarItatlnterests,Fteny,whichinterestsareherebyreteasedandwaived;at! . - R;..�-__
<br /> '� ��.:��; ` o!whkh,irtctuding replacements and addf�ons thereto.is hereby declered to be e part of the rea!eStete BeCUred by th9 tl@n o!thi8 �� �t;�
<br /> � :•s�=.,.,. <<,°�il�:
<br /> L''��;:. . :.. :,.._ .. Deed of Tnjsi and afl ot tha foregoing being refeRed to herein as the"Propertyl". _ ---
<br /> ' • .:_.�;;:-:.-_.
<br /> ' '`� This Deed of Tru6t shall Secure(a)the payment of the rinci a7 sum and interest evidenced Dy a promisso note or credit ' ��f��''--
<br /> . D P ry ���`�t'•-
<br /> , ' �ober iet 1993 Oato6er lot 1999 � ,���;`'�°�
<br /> , , agre8ment dated . .having a maturity date ot i" • ;.,�;'�� .�_-
<br /> � ,,•:. .� -—
<br /> � � � in tK�artgi�rJ pdncipat amcunt of$ 47��0.00 and any and all madiflcations,extensions and rertewats I ,{���f ��,
<br /> .' __-=.= thCrCC`.r:�roto snd sny SnQ a!1(sP!sre Advences and readvances Co Bonower(or any of them ft more then one)hereurt�c+t .�.�._ °,,., � -.
<br /> � �;,=� ^� l`y .. pursuantto one or more D�missory notes or credit agreemenis(herein calted"Note'7:(b)the payment of oMer sums advanasdby i- �.�;vr;� �,''.=
<br /> t' �' ��- • ' LendertopruteCltheseCUrityoftheNOte;(c)thep�2da�ranceotailCOVenantsandagreemenlsolTrustors9tfoAt�h@r@in;and(d)el! ;I, :;;y'�,�''' � �'�'•
<br /> `� � ' • present and tutur9 tnCebtedness and obllgaUons Ct�crrower(or any of them tf mare than one)to Lender whether direct Indlrect, 4i ' �Y•,''y ' ` '
<br /> pi�.': .. � . . .�.� �,1.�.: ��..�.. ..
<br /> i ��:°='`-. • ebsofute or conUngeM and whothor arising by rtota.�zaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,chis Oeed ot Trust and any and al! �, ., �. '
<br /> ' � .,,;� othec docu@nt9that SeCUrethe Note or otherwise exeeuted in ConneCtion therewith,including witlsout Um1taU0n guarantees,6ecurity ��:' '• '.
<br /> , � egceement8 end assigamenta ot lease�and rents.ehall be referred to herein a9 the°Loan trtstruvr•Ents". �; � . ?'•'; ��' �' �• _
<br /> � ���` ;. • TruBtOr covenant�and agrees wft�Lender as foilows: ''��;:;^� .'�.;
<br /> �53, � ,- - ' -
<br /> ��� • • t. Paymenl at Indabied�a�.Al1 indebrQdrs�ss�:r:ured hereby aha11 be pa�d�hen due. •;:�'�. �°� �� • __
<br /> ;�•�. " ° , 2, TiUa.Truator Is ths owner 01 thg Frawerr/.h�the right and authority tocorrvey the Propertyr,and warranta that the Ilen � . •";
<br /> - �s�:�� '.' , , Created htveby io e fltst erta prtOr IIeR on tl�e Pro�s..�riy,except tor Ilens and encumbrancessei tonb by Trusbr In wridng end �,�. .
<br /> � doitveredtol.ender batore execution of tt�:�DeeQ af Truat,and Me�xecutton and delivery otmis Oesd ot Trust does notviol&te eny :
<br /> �5 ;, �'�. contracl or ather obltgeUOn to whlch Tm�tar is sub;ect � ' , � ,
<br /> '��� ,' � 3. Ta�.Ats�smente.To pay beto�e deimqu.�:cy all taxes.special assessments ared alt ati;er charges against the Fraperty •`'�� � •
<br /> � ` �� � � no�r o�hereafter tevfeA.
<br /> �., .
<br /> 4. tntwaaee.To keep the Property insured agairs�t damage by flre,hazarda tnchrded w.;hin the term"e�rGed Cover�ge".end ,
<br /> � � •� such othor h�fiards ae Lendar may require.In ameun�and with companies acceD�bb to Lend�r,naming ler�r 8S�n add3lonal
<br /> mm�Fd InsureQ,witb tosa payable totho Lender.tn case ot los9 under auch policle9,the Lertder IgauthOrtied to adju5�eoft�t and � i,�"
<br /> z` �� comprpm!Se.allctaimsthereundaranslshaQhevetheopUonotapDtyingellorpartottheinsurart�eproeeedsl�ltoenyfadebt�Srross
<br /> ,Y ° , seCUred hereby and in such order es Lender may determine.(ii)to tha Trustor to be used tor the repalr or restoratton o!ttte Fraperty `"
<br /> � or(lii)toreny othor purp�eo►objoclsallsfactory to Lender without effecUng the iien ot this Oeed otT�ust to►thetuil amount�ure0
<br /> �;��� �, � hereby betore sueh payment ever took place.Any eppNcatlon ot praeeeda to indebtedness shall not extend or pa�ne ctre Cus � .
<br /> date ot eny payment9 under th�r Note or Cure any default thareunder or hereunder.
<br /> - 6. B:Crow.Uport written demartd by Lender.Trustor shalf pay to Lender,in such man�er as Lendor may deslgnato,suificic-nt .
<br /> araw
<br /> �'•� ��° �. � � sumatoanabto l�enderto pay ar�thoy bocame due one or mare ot tho bitowing:(I)all mxes.essessmanb and other chargee again�t
<br /> ,. , tha Pro�rty.(ii)tlfe premiume on tha properry in3urance requir�ed hereunder.anQ(iii)the premiums on any moRgage insurance
<br /> � . repulred Dy Lender. •
<br /> � & If�n0l��tt,R�pata�nd CortlpWnC�witb Lowa Trustor st�all keep the Property In gaod condltton and repalr,ahall
<br /> �- � promptty reIIair,ar repiace eny impravement whleh may 6e damaged or desVOyfld:8ha11 no!cammit or permlt eny waste or ' �
<br /> � � ' � de�uioratlo»of the Propetry:shatl not remove,demotish or su0stantielry alter eny of the tmprovemenb on the Praperiy;ahatt not f ���, • -
<br /> � •'' .. . .. ., eammi�Sufter or pmtat!artyr 8ct to be donA In or upon the RropeAy In vlotaUon of any few.ordinanee,a�regutaUan;and shall pay and r.
<br /> ' �:•� � prom�y discharge ot Truatofe cost and expense ell liens.encurnbrences and eharges tevled,lmposed or assessed egaina!tho �
<br /> . ;: . RroqErty ct enf►Pe�t Ihereot � , ,.
<br /> � •�� 1. Emin�sd 0�.lender is hereby ass►gaed atl�ompensaUan.awards�damages and atAer payments er rellef(hereinufltu { �, .
<br /> ^' � � "Prooea4s'7 in canne�fton with eandamnaUOn or other fatdng ot the Properry or part thereo!ar Por canveyance tn lieuot condemno• ( ,
<br /> - uen.LanE�shall 6e entlttea e!its aprien tn cammertee.apeea�in end 0►esecute in its own name any aettan or ora6eedin�and E -
<br /> ; � �C; ��,..�. . { sPc3ltetsoa0 er�titted to make eny cdmpramiso nr setttement in eonnecttan w�th aucA taking or damaqq.In the avenleny portion of � - --
<br /> . . � � � . . ,
<br /> �es.s�p�rrc,�ma.�aae •
<br /> �. ' . O�w�nMeaAdwmwo.rnia.00aee�rmoa�uahu�nlqera+u .
<br /> '�� • , : . . ,: _ _
<br />