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<br /> ' d � apFt�eabt�ta�er m�g!ep�y►far�n�)Deforc�saie of t9e�to�eitp��utuit ur�y pawcr af eaba:oa��.���� � --
<br /> -- -- �:- . .—=.ti m���;��4���'� g� ,T_ � —
<br />� - . �i�i►t:artaj��dai ra€�tt��-Lns � -
<br /> = = : ' ' �jIS LRRde4�t IIW�Wh{ch t&a w0�$t�undtT.4�9 SCC3IIIty LiSWmCttt aRd tA01�OtG a9 i�ao eOD�F�3ii3itlCt:� �
<br /> ��_� _ ._:a�m_�(b�cuc�an�r_defaul#9f aa�►dth�r cov_e�oaAt�os�nts:(c1 Psy�e�expen!�s in�in a�fuaein�.[�i�_S�,tr�ty - --
<br /> _ � . �
<br /> — -�-
<br />_ - - rasuumea�ta�tudtns,au�not iL�3tsa t�r�onati�e attQmeye�feea:sadt��s sucb acttoa ag t,ea�m .�
<br /> .., .
<br /> ___._ ` requiiv�t�assiue that the lien uf thi9 S�it�t Inste+nment,l.�der4r dghta ia�he Pesopeity ea4�Qm��o�Ugado�kta. � � - _
<br /> EA �
<br /> �sums seca�od Dy�tLis Sesutity L�humr.at sball�eandnue �ang�vi. UpaD �t by Bamcot��er�itfl3� . iul • --
<br /> — <. Iaswtncut a:[d t�e obl3g�tioas s�fneteD stmll remai�t fulh►e@astive as if ao aaceIeeadoa h�i occ�ured. f��t�vet."�
<br /> ---- -- �
<br /> �igAt witeins�IIt�sTta1!aat e�ppfy in t�se case �ocet�utioni�e paeagr�pA IT. � — _ --�-_--- _
<br /> �- --- -----. � ;�9� �e c►?1�t�te#.t�at E.�a�vE� 7��to nr a�t�t inte�t in�se Kote(toget�er cvith�dfi St�i�iry = _- -- --
<br /> - - - -- °-�entj ani►S�e soTdo�9 os c��iames an-mwi[-p�ftst coti�ca�o�enwer. a a�te msty re�c in a cLaaga-iirma�iY- - - _ --
<br /> > (k�aown�tlte°Loan SetvIoer")tHat collects aionttilY ir�ymsma dae undar tfle 2Vbte and dRis Sec�uiry i�swmEal: 74�ena Nso - -
<br />_ may 6e one aor mare changes af the Loan Sesvioer iuuetafed tQ a sate of die Nate. [f tIlere is a deaa�of tbE I�omn�s.nd�. .,_,_�_^ --- -- -
<br />;':. Bmroaer wW be givea arritren uo�oe of�he ebange in aecocdanoe witS pmag�apb 14 a�ave s�appiieable la�v.�e nntice
<br /> - w�71 stat�t�e name and address of t�e nea�.aan 5�nrio�r ead the adMess to wltic�paymeats shat�d da n�aske. T��tu2ic�wltl
<br /> also oontaia any other info�matioa required bx ePPlicabte taw
<br /> _ " ?A� H�rduas St�6stnnec9. Bomnmer shall Qot cause ar petmit We p�seoce,use,disposat•st�age.or t�eJeas�of�ny
<br />= Nam�dous Su�staaoes an or in the P[operiy Bomnaer s6aI1 not do.nac aUow aqyoee etse w do,anythiog e�octin$th$
<br /> Pmperty_tbat is in viWattoa.of aay F,nt�mnmeWai Law. 'I�e pncedtng taro seatenees shaU aot apply tc tds pns�oe.u�.or
<br /> .s�ta..r1a�g.e..at,n,�the Ftope�ey of smaD quaati�tLies4of.f..Ha�atdous Snbstances dtat are gmecally iecognized w 6�eppmptiate{o noimal
<br /> •W111Gl�W411SL�S�W�IIAIi11P_nAilOCOf WC«V�IET�y
<br /> Bomoar�sQaU P�PUS►give t��er aduea aotice of aay�iuvestigation.dazm,demaad.taa►suit�othtt ar�ion bY�Y --- -
<br /> govemmentat ar�gulatory agency or p�ivate party invotving dre FcopeBy aad eay Hazardous Subst�e or Faivironmentel
<br /> - - - : - Iaw of whicb Hoaoawea has aewal Ionowledge. If Bomawer Ieains. ar �s aotified by any governmr�tsl ar�egulata�ry �s-,,.'=_- --
<br /> - suthority.that eny reutaval or other remedtatlon of any Ha7acdons Substaace affectiag the Ptope�ty is n�essary.Bmmsva �-�.
<br /> - �F��Y�,all neoe.uary cemediai astions in aocordaase witL F�viiaam�ttal Law. � _- - --
<br /> . As�sed ia d�is Qaragraph 20.°Hazardans Snbstanccs"a�ce Wose substanees defined as taxic flr 6a�arduas aubstanoes by - -
<br /> _ .� �,� Eavimavmaita!Iaw an�tht following.subsaaces: gasoline.�ose�other tiammabte or toxic getrolwm p�us;is,ma�ic �_-�.:,-:_.
<br /> �a.� .�:�•��'�.:� peshcides�at�d h�abicades.volat�e solvents.materials containuag asbesms or famialdehyde,aad radio�tive ruateaials. As =—_°___
<br /> : usQd in this Rarag�p�h 2t1.°F�virnnmental I.aw"means fedeiai laws aad laars of the jutisdiction whece th�Pmperty is lacated
<br />-` "-��'k�s•; . ge ' -----
<br /> �.= -. -- = --
<br /> ��"".. .,�<.`: that�elaoe to heaIth.safety or em�imnmeutal pmflactioa. ___
<br /> ��',� : • NON-U1�FORM COVF.t�tANTS. 8onower and Lender futther coveaaat aad ag�ee as foltacvs: —__- _- _
<br /> ,'��� `'�~: �"_' 21. Acoeierat�un;R�e��s Leader s�aQ gtve no�oe to Honmwer prtort o aooeteratlon to�a�g Bonasv�'s ���`�-
<br /> �'•�f< 5��`'N i-' -' `� 6rsacfi ot�oov�nt or eg�cat in tids Secarity Iastrumeat(but uat pdor to eooeteratloa aa�er p�ap517 ■�- -
<br /> �: � ����
<br /> :r__S,:z.,�� '...:.:+=_ untess applicable lawpruvWes nWerwise� �e notioe sba11 spedi�r: .(a)the defsiatt:(b)the srtlon reqWreA.to c�ne fhe ��__-=--
<br /> _ ��':,, .�, �,'��� . defnniu(c)a d�c,�t[es9 tLan 3Q days Br�the date the natice ie giveu to Borrower.by vvWct�tt�det�iWt must ha _ --_— -
<br />- 'i�:���:;;-` �'��'�`u caredi and(��saRf�3tnie to cur+e the deimaT�an ar 6eto�s the dutr�ed in the nottoe may rc�tt fz►aooeieretton ot =___ -
<br /> �:: ` - < `', the a�secae�L's3�8�ts Secarity Inswment and sale of the Prapei4ys '�he aattoe shall ti�rth�i�m St+r�r�rrer of =, �
<br /> `fl�;:-��::��;���";' th�ei�t to m�e a8er soce[eration and We Hght to 6rgug a comt at�ton to asert the Qoa�SOen�e af s detauH or ,.
<br /> .- �, ._ a��!6er dd�se af Bornnwer to aoceleraHon and sala Uff tC�e de�[t is not cored�or betore We clste spac�ed�u ,.�cs.+� �3-
<br /> r u
<br /> - Y" ~�; t h�o m t lo�L e n d¢r ffi i t s op t i o n�y►reqaire i m m e d i a t e p a y m e n t t a f a II t a f a ll s a m s s e�r e d b y f h L s S e e a r l t�r I t t�t s c u�e u t 5" �,� � �:.
<br />� . .�. .t•c!�'.:._�..s.- � ��1.,.�'
<br /> . '�:': �;.._,' .,:: .., , witDo�furt6er��aad and may tnvuke the power of sale and mmag o�tter reaiedies permtttesl fiy.�pglTi�le[u�r. ��;,���4�-.--- _
<br /> �_�,_ ,�;,._ �.. .��� Leader sLaD 6e cntItlwl W oollect a11 eapeases incurred ia pnrsatag tLe i+emedtes rovided im tiris ZI, �-
<br /> - .�" , .� p P�� kti;�ii<<;�:'`��
<br /> ` ..',�. .:,: tnsln,dtag,6nt not llmited b,nea�onabie attomeys'[ces and c�ts of tttie evtdence. �>,>.;:j;�:.,�.� --i
<br /> ' . :;;��' . �t U thep wer of sele ts i��¢fced.7t�stee shall reeord a aotIce of default In ea�oonaty in wNcd ap part as We �;=^;;:'.;�:- -; �< ''-,�
<br /> o Y t.:._:;:�.�-�t
<br /> - , Pj+upe�ty ts I�cated and shu11�oogies of sucL nottee ia ttte aiauner pnescrihcd bY aPPticabie taw to Bon�o�ser�d to s:.::,�:��ti��-� ': � •.�-
<br /> escr
<br /> .°. ".'•� � the other pe�soas prescrlbed 6y appftca6ie tsw Aiter the time rsquired by appBcable law,7�arstee shtil�giv+e.publlc `�.�i..:�b�'���` . ��
<br /> ' ��'-.`_, f`;p`...-:,r,. .
<br /> � aotice uY saie to ltte geisons aad tn tlte m�mus�r prescrlbed by applicabi�law. 7tustce.a r i W out d�n d on B areower. .,��.. , :...: :_.`,_.,,"',..
<br /> . ,��. '• . . .,.;: ":.• : ... ,':3i5:'.
<br /> shaD seil t'�Pcuperly at publlc aactlon to fl�a GighesE bidder at the tirs�end ptuce and under th�terms da)ganted in :.,�... < .
<br /> •. . . tDe aotloe o�sale tn one or more paraels and in any order 1lrustee detc�rmtnes. 7tustee may postpone sale of aU or an ��,: :�..: � i`•-
<br /> , . .' :� � �oY tde Pe+oPertY bY Pnbuc anaouacement at the U�ae and plaoe of uny prertously scQeduled sa1� I.eudPr or i� �{: z .�
<br /> :1Z,�1,4,._� d�may purchase We Psoperty ateny sa�e. � � s�"�,` ,_ _� -
<br /> : „ �;�'� ai�on reoe��t o4 p�yment of We prtce btd.7fusSee scua�i deliver La the purchaser 7lvstee s deed owireytt�p�d ,.wr,, -�- . •;_
<br /> '.,. ::�.,. � ��,�; , Prnperty. Tite a+2citais In the'Ilrastee's deed sha116e proma fade evi�aue of the truth of the stat�fnla made thereln. `'`��• �� .
<br /> ��:;, : . � 11�astee shall apply the proceeds ot the sale+Tur�fmlt�wing order. (a)to all custs and expea.es o�exen�ising tde pa«er ��' � . . :.�., :::.
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