� ��-�,:� _ � � � , � u ,-��. _ -=_
<br /> _ - _ _ . _ _
<br /> � � S -v �„ - �x: r�-c ';. ._ - _ a '-7? , n _�r �:3 _ _
<br /> _.F �c'a'�c..sssfisE ,,. _ _ .
<br /> •
<br /> -- •�r: �c: - - -_ -- `z`� =.t�� . v��--° - - ---..
<br />���� w°�a o�,�. , �� - �.� 'r`°=�� ` -- -, �- � ' ' — . . ,�` . . .` -`� .7- - _ � —- - .
<br /> --'�- � �,c`.`� - . � . ' , � f��. . _ < < . . �. ` ,. . � ' `
<br />. , ` �L,� 2. 4 , ` . ( � � , ` c ' ,���`����� , - � `,� - � ���• "_
<br />_ - - . . .. . _ � . .. . � ,. � . .� .< J .. '� � . ', ,-
<br /> ---- -- � `� � y . `perEod�th��ender�r+quares. 'Ihe issnranco carriee p�ovFdfog tf�e insu�ca ehati b�Fdosen IIy��r s�ab�ct tb�d.oudei�� ., , �
<br /> - _ ..___ -___ ----- �---�,g�oc�t��3it��u�-��;c���::€t3���:-•-tt8��ta;ra:atts€�a���sL�s���;�_:--�-= -- - ,T
<br /> --- - - -l�ead�r'�a�an„af�r+covcm�gr to`�tsotect�.endes�i9gt�te in lhe P,tu tn Qccas�tai�oe�xitii Raiagraph�: _ < �-� , . -
<br />--�` � - � -"'`-'-Ai�i�►s�goi'i�an�e�sts�."t� ���ml;s1�tl11��st�� i.ender... :° - ,. -- _-_
<br /> - �aaii Qa►ve s��ight rolto�d d1e patteics anQ tenCwu�VEs��teq�ir�i;Ban±bW�r�Rait�omPUY.give co c iei+�ipts� ��
<br /> - ,nq pa�ci��a+e�afuin�and oe�i noticies. Itt tlta Cvent of Ia�s.Bm'towet��itat��ve px+ompr natt�to du�s�ance caatct aQd _ � .
<br /> �� Len� l�qnde�'ma�►�a pmaf of t4ss nt nat ou�de P�A�Y�y�flnower. - . _ , . . .- � . .
<br /> � � ,.�� .:.. .' ul�Le��.-r and Bae�oa�r ot6�ca�Ls�agee iu wpiting�insuninoe praceeds�sh�eli b�a��lIed fu c�x�m or`repait og •�.
<br /> .. = _— . .- -ti�_�t d��.if ttse.!esto�uHan or repair is ecanomlcaliy�f�:xr s��k-sEarcit�.i�n�L tes�netl. 1f tice -- ---
<br /> ��.—
<br /> �esror�uaa ar aepair fs aorscanomFcatiy feas[bte or t�ende#�sec�uify+wauid tie E�se�ted.the��s s3ra1!� ' _ — --=---
<br /> 4--- - - - ..�gpt�ta�th�sums s�e�t byttus S�arity�tert�wRni�erorme theirdue;+�ith=c�y-eac�p�td to-�mrawer. tE----- _ _ - -
<br /> �------ `Bqm�a�ee a�adoag 1he Prapeity,ar does aat answer witIiiin 30�days a nartioe fmm Leae3er thas the iasw�ance cartier has --- -
<br />_-- -- -- - offeted.to seule a claIsu.tGen lreader may cou�dt the iasutanoc pra�eds. txnder may u�ee We pmceeds m repair or c�o� - _�_ -------- -
<br /> __� � tt��toptrty or ta pay sums secureci by�his Security Ittsttument.whc�he;r or unt th�du� Tdo 30�day period w�tbegin ar�iea�
<br /> —__-- thc n4siae is givtn. � -
<br /> — - UnI�i.md�r�►d Ba�muier othee�vise agt�ee ia writing.any applIcation af pmc�eeds ta principal shail.not eatend ar
<br />-- � pa�tgone the due dat$of the montTily payments iefe�sed to ia pazagrapl�s 1 and�or change dte amaunt of the payments. if
<br /> tmder paragraph 21 the Pcape�+is aoqu�re�by Leader.8omnwer�ri,gbt to any fatiiurma golicirs aad pmaeeds msuIting
<br /> - fmm�to the P�operty pria�r tn tae soq,uisition sball pass to Leader w the entau of dce sums sesuned Dy this Socuriry
<br /> - fiu0�ttmeat imtnodiateiy prtor to tite aoquistioa.
<br /> 6. Oaatpanel. Pre�v�iiva, A�fainteoanoe aad Protection of the.Pro�ee4y: Boraowt�s I.oan Ap,pl2c�aa:
<br />` • �.easeRoids. Bomawer sGaU accupy,establisL.sud use the Ptopeny as Bonnwerk prirtcipal cesPdenc+e wi8tin sixty days after --
<br />°���������� • �he execuiion of this Seiwity Instrumeat aad�all oontinue to aavpy the Ptoperty as S�rower�s principal tesidence for at �
<br />_ �- - teast une year aRer the date af oocupanry. untess [.eader othenvise ag�ees in writing. w6ic6 canss�nt shall not 6e
<br />- -� �`� ���+}+a�ly witt�Aeld,ar vaiess e�ctenusting ci�umttances exist which are beyond Bonower's ecwtrol. Batrower shall not =
<br />- � --- - - - .
<br /> destqoy.dasnage or impair the Ftupeity.aliow the Propeny to deteriurats.or oominit waste on the Fropeny. Bmrower s4�aA
<br /> be m d�uuIt if aap�anfeitune aEtion or p�ing.whether civ�or criminat.is begun that in Leadet�good.faith judgm�tt - -
<br />�-- cvuld;�in f�fei4�ae of the RopeRy or athe�wise materisdly impair the Uen created by this�eauity fnstnunent ar
<br />—`; '� Cassieic;s se�ity�t Boaower may aue svsb a default and reinstate.as pmvided in�aragrapb 18.dy causing dze actian
<br /> �:r, ,, or�ng w be dismissed with a niling t�a3.in I.cnder's good faith det+etmiieation.Ptsclud�.s forfeiture of tt�e Bm�ower�s
<br /> : �, °'-5:.�_�R ��an the Propecty ora�smare►ial i�innent of the tien�ated by this Security Instiumeat or Lender�secvrity --_
<br />- ��, Bomower s6a11 alsc+4s¢ in default �Bo�wer. during the loan appficatioa pmcess.gave materially fatse•or _
<br /> . �=+':.., .�. . !n�zFr`'� _
<br /> ,� +j�;. t .� maodnate Wo�sion or stateme+nts to Lendsr(vr failed to pmvide Lender witb any materiu!infom�arion)in eomtection witb
<br /> �,s m ari
<br />� • 'F";N),t :y_1 r - �
<br />_ 4,,...:.�' ,.: ;, th,e toaa•�widea�d�Dy the Note.incIudini;.Q�rt not limited to.nepresentations conceming Bomuwer's oceupancy of the
<br />-'� '�. �;; ;��,��'•�`.�: ,' : Pto�t}r ag a priacipal cesideace. If tdis Sec�ciey Instrument is on a IeasehotQ Bomuwer sball oomply wit!►alt the pnoms�ons - -
<br /> �.:
<br />_���;�. �?'��"' �. o���a s e. I f B o s m w e r a c q u u e s f e e 6 u e t o t h$P r o p e c ry.t h e t e a s e hol d a n d the fee title sAa[t not m e r ge ualess Leader a g�e e s
<br /> �- �,�i�-'�;: � ta�±rcerger in wridng.
<br />-'':� .�",<��"�; '�� � Pratectton o!1,endee's RigAis 4t tite Property. If Borrower fails to perfoim the oovenants an d agreements - -�—
<br /> E t.:•�:;aa.:�, a
<br />�� ,:;`,. ,�.'�E,�,-=�;°: coniained in this Security I n strument,or t here is a le g a l p ro c e e ding t h a t may si g n�'eran dy a ff e c t l..n der k ri g h t s m t he _- =
<br /> '�•�'� ,.�_`�.:•. prope�tY(such as apmoeeding in bankruptcy.pmbate.for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then -- —
<br />-"�.""'` '�`�" ' I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to pmtert the value of the Property and l.endec's ri�ts in the Ptoperty. �--�
<br /> - sc�:�:,�*:•�.}f.�. _�_�__�
<br /> ,�`^�'•' ��'�.<'«'' °• l.enderk actions ma mclude a in an swns secuced b a lien which has rioriry ovec this Secur�y instrument,a �•�
<br />- ;,�}.;.�':-. �. _ �:: Y P Y P Y Y P PF�g �'.�+c�-==
<br /> ;,,�...::: �:it;.�° , i�cour�.RayinB reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the Praperty to maks�eQaus.Although Leader may take action �`;;l,,�';-�
<br /> y�. „ , .r.�.-_�..�,`�1�
<br /> under this paragraph 7.l.endcr daes not have to do so. .•
<br /> � My amounu disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become udditianal debt of Bomower seculed by this •i:''^•'. :, °�s�� '�~
<br /> ` ' Security Insuument Untess Bor�ower arid Leader�Snee to other tetms of paymen�these amounts shaU trear interest from the t`� �°• ���..��'
<br /> �� •,•��.� 'i.tYt.:�'. _,��:.�
<br /> � , ' date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall 6e payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender to Horrower requesting ,
<br /> . . , payment. . „ `
<br /> ° _ $. Martgage Insuranoe. If l.ender reguired mortgage insurance as�condition of making the loan secured by this , �'�.���
<br /> ' . Security tnst�ument,Hwrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mongage insuranoe in effect. Ii:for any ' ,"�
<br /> neasoa. the mortgage insumnce coverage reqr�lred by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bormwer shall pay the • _
<br /> ,. .;' ne '
<br /> � ' "` pmmiums required ro obtain covetuge subsG3mrally equivalent to the mon�e insurance previous[y in effect. at a cost ; ;� -. ,. � `
<br /> �.��'-; u
<br /> ��:�T ° subs[antiaily eqai�a��m io the co�e to Hmrawrr c�f�i�e uw,t�;age in.�urancc previously':�effect.from an altemate nort�,age � _ -
<br /> .-''• � . a �. , insurer appmved by Lender. If substantially eq�ivalent ma�gage in�urance coverage is crnt availabte.8oirower shall pay to .;�. �;: ..
<br /> ' ' Lertder each month a sum equ::i tQ one-twelf�h of the yearly mongage imurance pre�uim Geing paid by 8orrower when ihe
<br /> ' �• ,''„(-' ti�, insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use:u�d retain�I,�3:payments ac a loss mserve in lieu '" � '�
<br />=�i� ,,'7���. , � ;� ` of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymc�rct�.may no longer be reyuired,at the option of Lender.if mortg�ge insurance � ���.��.�. •
<br /> .�.,: •. covernge(in the amaunt and for the perind tlax E�:nder requirex)provided by an insure�approved by Lender again becomes V��� • : r� . •
<br /> �`'•�••-:.�z�� :; �� av�llable and is obtained.Borrawer�hall pay L�e pmmiumc reyuired to maintain mort�.�p insurar�ce in effect.ot to provide a �;•
<br /> .��?'�= • �� � loss reserve.until the re uirement for mort a o insurance ends in accordance with��c;.v�rtten• mement between Borrower '�`'���' '
<br /> � r;' .;..�_',.••-.�` 9 8 S `� � �._ _,t�i�:..,: ,.
<br /> . . and Lender or applicable law. ,,�..'�1;� •-
<br /> �`a� 9. Inspectloa. Lender ar its agent may make re�.4n�Ie entries upon artd in�rtions of'the Propeny. Lend.�t shall .'��' � � "
<br />=:�•i• •��• `���• • give Bmrower na tice a t t h e time a f or prior tn sn i ns p e c ti o n s p e c i f y i n g r e a�rs nz�l e r a u s e f o r t h e i n s p e c t i o n. ' � �� , ` '
<br /> -:., .�. •
<br /> ;'�i 10 Conde�rtnatlon. The proreeds of ahp award ar claim fbr damzFe�.dimct�or conseyuentiul.in connection with tiny
<br /> �,:' �.� .�.�, . Single Famiiy»�nnnie e?ae/F'reddle Sfar U�tIFUR�f l�ST[tU1�fE�Y-t'a�`�mi Cuvcn�nts 9i90 (prr�e 9 n�b pu.eesl - _ .
<br /> . {. ` . l�eat I�ts�Potmf.E�c� ''�' S•;
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