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<br /> -- - -- --- - - = -- - - -- - - -- — - - - - - - --- ------ --- =-- . ._ __ - - ------
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<br />�_ - -- ' _- - 01' & iBt�a� S tt�gYn llas!'ii� k�ssQat�
<br /> __ . . . . �H�Sba� a,�a.�3�E�:�
<br />- - — ` �r�oF Taus�wrr��RE i►ov�►�cES. - . -
<br /> �_ nil�.D�REt�OP TR¢JST.ts m�de as ot the 2�ay Af � �.�t .19.--.�bg and 8monp
<br />=` tt�p Trust�c�• .Cuslla.L.S�ith 8 EAt C�rlet�lae.Saittt� . »rried Peseoa� htishand diG� s�fe .
<br /> 1@�3.!F Sth St 6raad Ielend !�e C�8�2-�133 �
<br /> Mrhus�ms�Yl?D addrasa ts (tie�etn"rnrstor."whether aae orm�rek
<br /> - i ,
<br />_- _ �T�� Five P¢� Hank. a HeDraeDca Corpor�tton ::� .
<br /> -�-- !�� �,
<br /> _ �. " -'�� � �.fi�.•,�ox 150? 6rand Ielend. HB 68802 � .
<br />_ `s'����:' _i' wPta9D�z►91tdrlg AddrBSS ie' • f�etekl°Tt� �6ttd _
<br /> U►Q 8�rsfl Five Fd�.n'8� Bea� _ �.� ..
<br /> �' ' -
<br />- - �°''F�=� wRO�a�.m�Uing aQdrass is ��Y� H: Broadvell G�t�end Ie2ena. HS. 68802-iS07 (herein"�sQer'?• .
<br /> r � �:: .:. , ,
<br />_- � � '�.�� ;.3: FS3R VALUABLE CONStDERAATION,Enctuding Lender'e extens[an of credi!EQeMifled herelo to �rtie L S�itb'�3
<br /> �' —
<br /> ' E Y` `rr�'VY �' �'.�.r Qr Chr�etiae .S�4�J3 . -
<br /> - '�;'�-�,:;'i ..:,�;_ (here[n"Borrowe�".wAether ona or more)and the Wst hereiiF;�t:'�ed.
<br /> ;�£t.��,.si• . : tha r�aa�t ot which ia hereby@.i�scwtedged,Trustor hereby irrevocably grente.trensters.conveys end asstgns to'ftsa�t�aa.IN
<br /> :--�:c� .• . :. Tqtl81'.i�UfTHPOWEHOF6ALB,5artheDenefitandsecurityotLender.underandsub�ecttothetermaandr.a.Rdttionsheretnafterset.
<br /> �.�,::Iz_.�:. •�.' forlf4 Pia�1=b'.�dgs a$ . .
<br />_- `:��� .�l,. the real criLeif. foitow� ��
<br /> `�`"=��`�' ` YiCYi' N�B. ��"i9)���DLS CLUB SUBDMSION• I[J �S.'OD[3'17i. t�R1�I(A',
<br /> _ .�,t�..• •,�: `
<br /> .:3����
<br /> �: <^; �; ._ � -. - . . . .
<br /> �� �.
<br /> �� .��'.�`���` � . � . ..` , �.. : . -:.� - ' . i
<br /> �.�'.:.�r<:�:_�� ' •: toge�ar wiiti°aaFtiuitdinga Imprnvemente,flutures.straets,aUeys pass�swa`j�s.�easements.rlgh�,gr'rrileges and a�purie-- .
<br /> � '�` `'�'� n3n�lp�28d thereon at in anywisa pe�ining thereto,and the rents,lssues and protits,reversiona ert��nraindere therep�and
<br /> �.�<:�..- . - a
<br /> s�y��sonaf properiy that is et�zhed to the tmpravements so as to constitute a tixture.im:iuding,bu1 rtisilimited to,fte�c�8nd
<br /> .��'�s' ' c�hit$equipmen�and together�+.�the homeatead or ma�kal iqmeests,il any,which interests ere hereDy reteased and w�E�sPd:e►1
<br /> . �'`.��� ofwSrteh,lncfuding�splacements�daddit!onsthere�o.taherebyaaolaredtobeapartotthereales�tesecuredbytheues�atthis
<br /> �- Oe�sd.�t Tru&t and ell of the fcregaing being refeRed to harein as the"Pro�s'y".
<br />-,;+ . . - ---
<br />_ � '
<br />_�'� 7i�i9 Qeed ot Tn�&t ehall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum.a:r�rnterest evtdenced by a promissory note ar credH
<br /> ,. ,,�-
<br /> _ . , ,,�
<br /> •'`-�����;�;': egr�snenl dated _..�8.��er 29tA 1993 .having a maussEt;r date ot 1larch Z9th 1�394 __---
<br /> � .:�:�,,:�,>:, . , 25 @00 �0 � -------_
<br /> . �.��,��:.. .
<br /> �:' �}.;;•• in trq Odgin8l prinCiDal amount of$ � • ,and any end all madliicattona,eMensions end renewais s-_--_.
<br /> . -- -=-- --- tt.�aot ar Mereta and aay and alt tuture advance9 and readvances to 6or.�vwer(or any ot them 1t R�7o than o�e)hereunder °-;iY:._�
<br /> pursuaMto one or more promissory notea or credit epreements(herain catted"Note');(b)the peyment ot�er sums advsrtced by °--
<br /> Ler.+��rtoproteclthesecudryotiheNote;(c)thepertormanceolallcovenantsendagreementaotT�ustorsetforthherein;8nd(0)ail ;�,s�=t
<br /> �1T�:_
<br /> ;`�.�?;; pra^�ana future Indebtedness artd obiigations oi Borrower(or any of them if more then one)to Lender whether d(rrar.�indirect .�. ,�,;a,�__
<br /> abGa�uca or Contingent and whether erising by note,guarenry.oYerdtait or othenvise.The Note,this Deed o1 Trust ared arbr and all ,',�.,
<br /> ,'�'�����`� OthCiCOCUOnbthet88CUr0thgNOt9orOthBnNiseexeCUteOinCanrteCtiontherewith,inciudin withoutiimif�tion ua�e�te�es,eeCUrity ``'� ��'�
<br /> ::;.�� •.z��ti; ' " 9 9 '�:��.--
<br /> ;.,
<br />-_..i _: _ r�,;; . agr�ments 8nd ess)gnmenb of leases end rents,aha�l be reterred to herein as the"Loan Instruments. .:; ,;:t;,s ��'�`��` '
<br /> ' TtustOr Covenants 8nd egrees with Lertder es followa � t� �;'��T''
<br /> `,, .� 5 ... . + f.�.
<br /> t; � Q�•;: , t.Paym�nt dJ bcdebadne�.All indebtedness aecured hereby shall be pald when due. , ,
<br /> -,��° I�t�:�,,�n���;�:.�: ' 2. 7iUs.TNStot IS t�e owner a!the Properly,�89 tAe rigM end 6uthority to Convey th9 Property.artd warrants thei th9 Oen -..��'���'•. , ,
<br /> = 't .;::��c; ��;� �::,:.:. . .
<br /> =;'� ` �'•`;��,,.,��,,,,- croatad hereby is e flrat and Oridr lien on the Property,except for u@ne and encumbrances eat toRh by Trustcr in�rriL'ng and ..$,,.�..;.,�
<br /> _ • ' ;����!�y+�, defivermdtoLertderbetoraexecu4icnotthlaDeedoiTrusLandtheexecuUOnanddeliveryotthlsOeedofTrustQoesnotvtotateany � .
<br /> � "•' `� cantr�ctor other abcgati9n tv which Truator la subjec� s��_�
<br /> ��'� �.� . 3t 7hxes�A�a�nenm.To pay Defore delinquenuy ait taxes,speclal assessments end all other cha�es agalnst the PropeRy � � ' -
<br /> �' naw ar Aeresfter(evled. . �`��••
<br /> ; ,�. � �, . . d�6Clunnee.To keeptha PropeAy�insuredagalnat demage by flre,hazarda loctuded within the term"e�ctended eoverage",and �•�. •
<br /> �•' eueh oMar hazerda ae Lendar may�require.In flmounta and witB companles aceepta6le to Lender,naming Lender as an addiUonal � • ?�::�•.
<br /> � : . �"` namud in3ured,with toss 08yeble to th9►endBr.ln CSSe ot toss urtder 8uch potie�e9,the Lender Iseuthorized to adJusL coltect and `� • '
<br /> 'i ' : �ampromisg.allelalmsthBreunaerandshallhavetheoptlonotepplyingeliorpartottheinsurancopraceeds(�►toanyindebtedness
<br /> �' `" • ' secur�d hereby and in auch order as Lender may determina.(u)to the Trustor to t�e used tpr the repalr or restoreUOn ot the Propert�t
<br /> '�° �; . o�(iiijioranyotheipu�poseorobjectsaUstactorybLenderwithoutatfectingthelienolthls0eedotTrusttorthetuitemounteecured '
<br /> he�Eby betore auch payment ever taok ptace.Any eppticaUon of proceeds to Indebtednoss shal!not extend or postpone the due . . � '
<br /> ` ' ' da0ac!eny payments unde►the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. •
<br /> ' �.� �n� 8. E�cror.Upon writtan demand by Lender,T�uator ehell pay to LenQer,in euch manner es Lendei mpyQosignato,suHlelent '!�� ,
<br />_ � . sumat0enabtelendertopayestheyhecom�dueoneormoreofthefottowing:(i)alNexesassessmenbandotAerchargesagainst . , .
<br /> - the Property.(il)th�premluma on the proAeA1►Insurance reQulred hereunde►,and(Ili)the premluma on any mongage tnsurnrt�e
<br /> _ ,-.-_� roqutrcd Oy I.ender. 4 �
<br /> �Nl�int�nufN�R��(Pa tnd CompUAnC�with Laws.Trustor sha�l keep the PropeKy In gaod conditlon and repalr.ehall , .. ._
<br /> .� ` , � pramptfy repalr.or reptaee any�mprovement which may be damage0 or dastroyed:shall not cammil or permit eny waste or � �� , �
<br /> . . .'. Ae09rtOredon o!the Properly:ahall not remove,demollsh or substentiatty etter any ol the Improvemonts on tha Property:shall not .
<br /> � ' � cammi�sufferorpertNtenyaclto6�doneinoruponlhePropertyinvlolaUonotanylaw.ordinance.orregutaUon:andshaltpayend i. , .
<br /> ` • promptry dischargeat Trustor's cost and expense all liens.eneumbrances and charges Ievled Imposed or assessed apelnst the '
<br /> - . � Ptopetty ar eny paRthereot .�
<br /> � • .• •-Q 7.Emhlettt Qantatn.Lender la hereby assigned atl compensatlon.ewarda.damages end other payments or reeef(herelneftgr
<br /> "Proc@edsy 1n connecUon with condomrtaUon or othe�faklr�gotthe Properry or psrt thereof.ortoiconveyartceln 11eu of candemna-
<br />- � ----�-' ,�.` 8ort.l,snEer slta!!�s arHifls�at its aAtiars tc c�m8stce.ap�ear!n and prasecute In its own neme an�eaflon ar prucee3ings,end --_-_- -
<br /> � '�� �` . , ehafl atso be enUtled to make any compromise or setttement tn connectian with aueh taking or damaga tn the event eny pordan a1
<br /> �.�� � �• ,� • N�C3467p1�41udmdQa�ih+r.t0/Ad f: � .
<br /> " 019�lhLUitlBnrdCemree�Tnsta�tlStNrof4ttoeW�or►�rooM►N�n�a
<br /> •i:� � ,.
<br />