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<br /> ; . 17.Teao�Per ot t6e thvpa�ty ur�Bwdlcl�l vte�t Iu Bornowe�'.If dl or p�ut of�ho Pivpercy or wy interat ia it
<br /> i�cal�l or tr�ufenad(or If a tieneflclal intecect in Borrowor i��old or traiufenod aad�orrower is not a nawnl pawn)widaat
<br /> I.eMar's pdar wriuen oon�t. Lender aay. rt iw opdoa. � immedine P�yrt�aa in tLll of tli wu� �ecur�d by tb1� ,
<br /> Secvdty Insuument. However.thi�optton duU not ba e�ca�ci�ed y I.ender if oxa�ci�o fa prohi0ited by fedenl 4►w iu of t6n d�te
<br /> I of this Secudry Inu�urnent.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lencler ehall�iva Borrower aotice of aoceleration.Tbe natice ahall provide a period of not
<br /> less tbwa 30 dayo from tha date the noNco i� delrvered or mAiled withln which Borrower muct pnY tll wms cecurod by thi� �
<br /> Sxu�lty l�atrument. lf Borrower faile to pay Uuse sums prior to the oxpjruioa of W�period,L,ende�mAy invoke any npnedias �
<br /> � � perndttedby thia Secuc�ty lasawaent wittwut funher notfca or demAnd on Borrower.
<br /> i � 18. lbnoWe�'sRigpt to RetnKtsta If Borrower moets axtala oonditiona, Botrower rhall havo the �iQht w luwe
<br /> � enforccment of this Secudty L�atrumcnt discontU►uad at Any dme prior w the wdier of: (A) S dayr(or such other pafad�r �
<br /> applicable law may spetlty for neinstatement) bcfo�e swle of tha Propeny pursuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> ±��� I Socur�ty Instcument:or(b)eniry of a judgraent enfarcing�t►is Security Insuutnent.Tlwce aondit�ons ar�e th�t Borrower. (�)pey4
<br /> , Lender ell sums wiuch then would be dua uade�thia Secudty Insuument ard the Note as iP no�ccxkration h�d oocuried:(b)
<br /> curts any default of ony dher covenants or agnaments;(c) pay e all expensa incumed io enforcing this Secudty ln�tNment.
<br /> � Including.but not limited to. reasonabla attorno�o' foes:iud (d)tpkes ruch actian� I.ender mwy reawnably roguire ta aswr�e
<br /> � �hat the lien oi this Secudty lnrtrument, l.ender�r�ghts in tho Prnpeny and 8orrower'r obN�ation ta pAy!he wmr cecurod by
<br /> �his Security Instrument shall rnntinue unchan�ed. Upon rcinstatemenl by Bnrrower. thi� Secudty Instrument wKi the
<br /> obNgations recurod hercby ahall rtmain fully effective ar ff no wccrolerntion tud occurrad. However. thie�iphl w ainrute�IWI
<br /> not apPly in�he�ce of ncaleration under prra8raph 17.
<br /> • 19. 3nle ot NWei C�e ot Lawa Servk�er. Thc Notc or a p�utiul fnterest in tha Note (togcthcr wllh this Secu�ity
<br /> _., � K.:•. Inztrument)moy ba cold one ar mnr�e times without prior notioe to Borrower. A calo may re�ult in a ehwn�o in ihe emity I�wn
<br /> ;,�?,� , �c the"l.oan Servicer`)ttwt callecls manthlY paYmeMe dua under tha Note und thia Secu�ity loatrornent. Tbero also rnAy bo one
<br />�.� � .�' �""`�°;:+�;�?}r:� � or nbre ct�enPes of thc L.oan Serviar unrclated w a eale of the Nate.If there h a cfwnge of tho Loan Service�.Borrowcr will 60
<br /> ��, ^ '';;;.�;,,'�:. � given wrftten notice of Ihe change in�xordonoc wlth pa�graph 14 above and applicable law.The noNce wfll atata the nwae wd
<br /> . :��..,.�.:? I addross of tha new L.oan Servicer and the address to which paymcnta rhould be mada The noticc will also contain any ather
<br /> �•",�S ' infomwtion rcqufrcd by applicubla law.
<br /> � � `:' ;•�?!;...'. � Z0. H�ardoua Subotances. Borrower shall not cause or pennit tha presenac, use, dispasal. storago. or release of ony
<br /> • .�.:°.��� , Ha�ardous Substances on or in the PropeKy. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone eise to do, enything affecting the
<br /> � '�!'`.�: � Property t6at is in violation of any Envimnmentsl I.aw.7'he preceding two sentenoes shall not apply to thc presence.use.or
<br /> . .�''+��`•' ' storage on the Property of small quantitiea of Hezandous Substances that are generally recognized tu be nppropriate to nomw!
<br /> ; .•..';;:�5�; ; residential uses and to maintenance oY the Property.
<br /> Borrower shell promptly give Lender written notice of any investig�tian,claim. demand. lawsuit or other actian by any
<br /> ;�. . ;;;'��;�,;{.� I governmentel or reguletory agency or private party involving the PropeRy end ony Hezardous Substance or Emironmental Law
<br /> :i ' '��`�:�,�.:;,{E of which Horrower hes actual knowledge. If Burtower Icarns.or is nwified by any governmental or regulatory authority.that
<br /> ,�*•t�:,t any removal or other remediation of any Hezardous Substance affecting tha Propany is necessary,Bor�ewer ahall pmmptly take
<br /> : �':s •. all nx�sary rcmedial actions in accordance with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> '`���;,;`�' �' As used in this patagrnph 20, "Hawrdous Substances" are those substanoes detined as toaic or huz,ardous substances by
<br /> � r .`<.,s�:• ; Environmental Law and the following substances: gasaline. kerose�a. other tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toaic
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materlals conlaining asbestos ar formaldehyde,and radioactive meterials.As used in
<br /> �. -�!",,:�,,. � , this paragcaph 20, "Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and lawa of the jurisdicuon where the Propeny is located tl�et
<br /> ;;,:,,, . relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> • �•�' NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender further covenant end agree as follows:
<br /> ���•���' �`� 21. Acceleratlon;Remedies.I.ender shell give noUce to Borrower prbr to acceleration following Borrower'e breach
<br /> � �;��, ;,,�,'. of ony covenent or �reement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to ucceleradon under pengraph 17 anlcss
<br /> � � •:`i::.• , ppplkable Inw provides otherwlse).The notice ahBll specify: (a)the defauk; (b)tbe aclion required to cure the detault;
<br /> ,•,ir
<br /> ��} '.•�. , (c)a dute,not less tiwn 30 days from t6e date the notice is given to Borrower,by which tbe detault must be cured;and
<br /> �r•,; � �`:�i� �...�,�.,.,;,...� (d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date specifled In the notke mey result in accelerntion of tbe sums
<br /> 'Y`i" •� secured by th(s Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall furlher inform Borruwer oP the right to
<br /> •'�N. "'`�' reinstate ARer accelerAtton s�nd the right to bring a courl xction to �.csert the non�existence of a default or any other
<br /> , �., '��''�� , defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale.If the detault is not cured on or bePore the date specified in the notice,
<br /> � ��Y' �• Lender, s�t its option. moy require imm�diate payment in full af All sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> .;�. ' ,�;� , Purtber demand and may invoke the power of sale and any othcr remedi�w permitted by applicable law. l.cnder shull be
<br /> � � '. ;S;` . entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuln�the remedits prnvided in this paraRraph 21.including,bul not Nmited
<br /> � • .,: ' . to.reasonable attorneys'Pees and cosla oP title evidence.
<br /> �� .•���'• � • If thepower ot sale Is Envoked. Trustee shall record a notice uf defuult in cach county in which any part of the
<br /> ' ° � ' Property is lacated und shall mail coples oP such notke in the manner prexrii►ed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to � !'�`�
<br /> !�:. �.:h�;�� .y thc othcr persons prescribed by appiicable law.AftPr the time reyulrcd by�pplicable law.Tru.ctee shall�ive public nMice ,�� '
<br /> •• af sale to the persons�nd In the menner prescribed by applirablc la�•.Tnntec,�•ithout demand on Aorrower. siwll sell ,
<br /> ��� � .,• the Properq�at publtc auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time ond place ond under the terms designated in the nWice oP ��
<br /> +�' • , sale in one or more parcels and in any order Tru.stee determines. Tru.titee may po+tponc�ale of all or anv parcel of the �
<br /> ! . .,;` . Praperty by publM announcement at the time and pince of am• prc�•loush� �chcdulyd sule. I.cnder or its desi�nee may
<br /> ;. • , 1r�� • purchxse the Property at eny sale.
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