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�" „ �� _. . . n �-, <br /> •�t n.. '�.. <br /> � �3ia�.s�►s � <br /> ro�BTHBie VvrTH�I�.tha improvm�nu noW or he�•t��eaea on the propaty�ma.0 wanaw. �pp�aunoa�.na <br /> N�tturea taw or heroafter � pal oP Ute prq�tY. AQ � �I additbta �ludl dw be covaod by thl� SaoueUy <br /> �mcnt.All of the forcgain$i�r�sfarred w fn this Socudty 7ro�tnanad i�t��"Fn�pe�ty.' <br /> BORROWBR COVBNAMit"J tbat Horrower is lawfully�ehed of the catua herebY oonveYed�d ha��hi0���O Q�� <br /> convey tha Propeny and thwt tha Prope:rty ia une�umberod. eac�ept fbr mcumbranca of reoo�d. 8orrower wa�u��ad wW <br /> drfend Senemlly the titlR w tha PropertY a�i�ut all cl�inu ud denwnds�wbject w any encumbranoe�of roco�d. <br /> THIS SECURITY INATRUMBNT combine�uniform covenonte for national u�e pnd non-uniform wvawu�with lind�ed <br /> vn�i�tlons by)uricdictian to conpitu�a a unifarm�ecudty in�trument wverfng real property. <br /> � UNiFORM COVENANTS.Hrn�rawerend Lendercove��a����°��wer shell pmmptly p�y when due 1he <br /> +�� 1. Payment oi Principwli and Inteeicti �WY� �nt and late charges duc under tha Note. <br /> pcincipal of and interest an tba debt cvidcnced by the Note and any prepay <br /> � 2. Funds[or Tnxes and�Tn�urance•Subjxt ta sppliaable law or to a wrinen wa�ver by l.ender. Bortower ahall pay w <br /> Lender on the day monihly paymcnls are due under 1he Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds") far: (a)yearly taxes <br /> �� uxl assessments which may att�in priority over thiR Seruriry instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)YeadY�easehol�paymer►ta <br /> � ar ground rents on the Property�.if any:(c?Yearly ha�ard or PropertY insurance premiums:(d)Yem'ly flood insurance premium4. <br /> ! . • if any: (e)Yearly martgage inourance premiums, if any:and(f)any aums payable by Barrower to l.ender, in accordance with <br /> � '• the provisions of parngraph 8. in lieu of the payment of martga$c inaurance premiums.These items are called"Escrow Items." <br /> ' Lender mey. at t►ny tlme, callect and hoid Funds in an amount not to oxcxed the maximum amount a lenckr for a federaUy <br /> „o,:�.,. ,. ,,:.�. <br /> ��:•. „ ;h�� related mottgage loen may req{uire for Borcuwer's escrow acoount under the federal Rcal Fstate Settlement Procedums Act o <br /> j•.`;';�s:.:�� ;,` ;��<,•,,.,����:��s�?��2�'" 19?4 es amended from time w time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. ("RPSPA"). unless anothcr law that applies to the Funda <br /> ' �"a''''���':�j';ira:�:��•� <br /> '��,;'.;;�,�;.•�` + �.;�.,;;' "� ,,;,,��t aets a lesser amount. If so, L.endBr may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced�he lesser amount. <br /> ' ���'':' , ;.'�„''a'�;�,? .�'µ :.k, L,ender mey estimete thc amaunt of Funds due on the basis of curnent data end reasuneble estimates of expenditures of fL�ure <br /> �` '��`�. � j°� Fac�uw Iterus or otl�envlsa in acccrndance with applicable law. <br /> r.- `� �r11':.., <br /> ' '� ``�r�'��?;��'..''�'�.�:.':. The Funds shall be held�in•an inetitutfon whose de aits are insurecl by a federal agency, instrumentality. or ent ty <br /> ,. .� ._, � <br /> ��a,�::�1..�-.?•_-•,'r�;Y� � (including Lender,if I.ender iR euch an inF�ituNon)or in any Federul Home Loan sank.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay�he <br /> ^ '•' • Escrow Remg. Ixnder muy n�t oharge BoR�wer for holding und epplyina tne Funds,annually analyxing the escraw Account,or <br /> _ . . .. ,..,, ... ' <br /> '� . • verifying the�vcmw UemK,unlesa I..ender puyK Banower intere:�t nn the Funds ond upplicuble law permil� Lenler to muke such <br /> "��� ,, .� ' . ����.V" a charge. Howcver, l.cndcr muy�equirc&�rrawcr to pay a anc-time churgc fiir un indcpendent real e�+tale ta�reporting scrvice <br /> :,.r' �� •�.�"� � � usod by Lender in c�nnec�i�m wilh thih laun, unlesx upplicable luw p�ovi�ks ��therwisce. Unless An pgreement i� made or <br /> • �� ' h `;: �,� .,-r� ; applkuble law rcquirca imere.r�tn i�paiJ,I.endcr,rhall nc�t t+c reyuireJ lo puy&►rn►wcr uny interest or earninga on the Funds. <br /> � � , ' Sorreswrr sssd ixnder mtey agm�in wrii+ng. hawcvcr. thut intcrest xhall bc puiJ on�he Funds. t.ender xhull give to Borrc�wer. <br /> � withcwt ebnrge, an annual uccounting of�he futKiw, xhowi�g creditx and debits t��the Fund�and the purpose for which eaeh <br /> ^ °_ �� � . .:. •.' � debit tu Ihe Fw�d�wa+�made.The Funds are plixlged r.y:uiditfnnu!security t'ar ull sumx wcured by this Secudty Instrument. <br /> � • If the Fundc held by I.endoc axceed the umoun��permittal u�bc held by applicable law,I.ender shall acmunt to Borrower <br /> � for the exce�x Fundc in uccotrlunua with thc rcyuiremernK af applicublc luw. If thc umount of the Fund�held by I.ender at eny <br /> ' '� �`� time is not suPficient to puy the Tssumw I�ems whcn duc,l.endcr mny so natify&�rrower in writfng,and,in such case Borrower <br /> t � shull pay tu Lender the umount naaeweury to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in na more lhan <br /> �� "�0•' �:�'� twelve monthly payments.ut I..ondar'K solc discretion. <br /> �� ` ' . ""� Upon payment in full ��f ull �ums serurcif by this Security Instrument, l.ender shall promptly refund tn Borrower any <br /> , '. ',;. <br /> ° ;�,. Funds held by l.ender. If.undor puragraph Z I.Lender xhull acquire or+e0 �he Pmperty,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale .} <br /> ,'• . ' . `;��.;;;,,`�•, of the Propeny, shull upply uny FundK held By L.endcr ut thc time��f acqui�itinn ar sale as a credit against Ihe sums secured by <br /> "��'�� this Sccurity Inctrumcnt. <br /> �'�•': ;,r�.'�",� 3.AppUcatian of PeymoMe� Unle��upplicuble luw prcwidcti��thcrwi�e,ull paymcnts received by Lender under para€raphs <br /> ��:�., � <br /> ':..vtr..�vs.t W�:.:...:, <br /> �, �'� — ••-�•���r r, 1 und 2 shull hc applicd: first, �o any prepuynxnt churgc.duc undcr the Notc: +ecnnJ, t��umounts paynble under parngraph 2; <br /> !' ��• �� ' third,to interest duc:liwnh,to prin4ipul Juc:•rnd lu�t, w any lute churgc�due uadcr�he N�ne. <br /> ' � 4.CharRes: I.ienK. Borrr►wur+hull pi�y ull tuxc�. ussc.smentti, rhargc+. finc.u�xl imp�nitionx nttribulable to the Pmperty <br /> .�.;��,;;��. <br /> ��'�::� ! 1 �- : ° which may nitain priuri�y u��cr ihir+Sccuri�y In,�rumrn�, unJ {w.�fiu{d paynknt� or�ri,und rent,. if uny.&►rrower shull puy <br /> . r , ��•�'•? these the manner ptv�eidcd in pur��ruph ?,or il'n��t puid in th•rt munner, &�rrower rhull pay them an time direcUy <br /> . ; �:,'.:;` to Ihe pcnon rnved puymcni. Bnrm���cr tihall pr��mpUy I'urnish tu l.rndcr all n�,tirc.�H'amuunts to be paid under thiti paragraph. <br /> �'' .'....,..•�;;;;'';.:.. � [f&�rruwcr makc�the�r paymcntr:Li:�ctly. Bornnti•cr�hnl1 �+r,�,�p�ly fnmi.h a�t.endcr r�ccipt+cvidcnring the puyments. <br /> . �;'�::'r �� &�rn,wcr shall prump�ly ditirhuruc uny licn whirh hu�pri��rity�►�•cr thi�Srrurit�• Imtrunxnt unlc�s B�rrowcr: lu)uFrec�in :, <br /> ''r 1.,1`r .. <br /> • . ' writin�to�hc pa�•mcnt of ihc�►bligmion scrured by Ilu licn in a munnrr arc�pluMc to lAnJcr,ih)r�mtc+t+ in F�xxl tuith the licn �'� <br /> 1 � , . <br /> .','' , by, or defenJ+ uguimt enli►rccmanl ul'the lirn in. Ic�ul pr�nceJing,w hirh in thc Lcndcr'. ��pinion��perute to prevem the <br /> � cnfiircemcnt of tl�r licn:��r Icl�ecun'.frum 1hc h��ldrr��I thc lirn an agrecmrnl.ali.l;ir�ory �u LrnJer tiutmnlinating the lien to .L <br /> � this Security In,irumm�t. II Lender dutenninc�thal an� p:irt af thr Prv,�nrt� i. .uhjcrt lo a licn whirh ma}•rttain pri��rily over <br /> - this Sccuriry butrumcm. Lrndcr mu�� gi��r fi„rr����cr a iH��i.•r iJrmif�in� thr li.�n H��rrm�cr.h�dl ,;iti,f��thc lirn��r tuke onc nr <br /> ��` '. j� ;,�� more of the Actiom,ct li►nl�uhuvo wilhin IU Ja��ul�hc En�m�ul n�nirr. <br /> ' T '�,:•.�� Form 3028 8l80 <br /> � ., � . , . Pnpr J��6 <br /> i ' <br /> r n � <br /> v , Y; <br /> .. � �'t . _ . " _. <br /> - �� .. ,' . . • � ` . . - ' . • ;..�....� . . . . . <br /> �'� '�_ .._._-. - ,.: . . ,.-. <br /> :�.• ! .. '. . ' � . . � l <br /> . .. ..S � � . � . <br /> .�� , �� .. .. . 1.Y t":r�s�. t. . . . ' . . ' . . � � <br /> f�r �,,1 �� �-.�- • � . • . <br /> ( �; . , ... ;',� �� ,� ., � � , . <br /> : "�r,. <br /> ' f' _ , "r,`'�4�`. ' � ,1�. � . . ' � ' � _ . ' .� � .. � . <br /> .V ',�� ���� . . - • ��, � ' � t ��� �J//� <br /> ^ �/ <br /> �� 1. .�v r .;d �.. • _, .. .. ' �� . �� .� _ , • . <br /> � � ; ;. . -d� ' . ' . ' - - <br /> +,. <br /> � � i <br /> s , . <br />