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<br /> 7'OUP.'I'N8R WITH dl the improvemaN�now or he�aflar erocted an tNa p�rty�wtd dl�����od
<br /> A�tura now or hererlter � p�u1 at 1ho prope�ty. All �I�caman` uKl �ddlllotw rb�l! dw, tr� award by tbh �Lty
<br /> Irptrumcnt.All uf�ho fore�oin�{I�e�cterrod�o in thb Securlty InurumaN nr�ha'PnMorty.'
<br /> , qORROWER COV6NAlVTS lh�t Brnrn�wa la I�wf�lip�ai�ed nf Iho atwto heraby convryal�nd Iw Ihe ri�bt ta�niM�nd
<br /> rnnvoy tho Property wid that tho Prop�rty ia uncncuml+e�ad,QXCepI f01'CI1C411dttA1K'a nf I�CCOrd. Bomawcr w�rt+ufu snd wW
<br /> defad�enemlly the titlo to tho Property��n�t all�olaimt aal darnuids.wbject lo�ny encumbr�ncs�af raoo�d.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN3TRIIMENT oombinai unifann aovciwuc for n�tion�l ucc and tan-unifomt covet�snu wNh Hmlted
<br /> v�riuiona by Jurisdiction to conslituta a uniform iacutiry jn�tamont wvering real pmpehy.
<br /> " ,' UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Barrower wnd Lenckx coveaant and a�roe s�a fbllowa:
<br /> l. PAyment ot PrineJpAl and 1e�ten�ti P�pwymert.wtd I.wt� Ch�r�a. Bomowcr�holl promptly pay when due 1he
<br /> principal of and intarest on the debt evidenood by the Nute and pny prepayrn�nt and I�te chugea due undet the Note.
<br /> 2. �xids tor Tazes And Iosuranoe.Subjoct to applioablo Iaw or ta a wtftten waivcr by Lender. Born�wcr sholl pay w
<br /> �i Lender on�he day monthly payments ere due under tha•Note,until the Note is paid in full,a surn("Funda")for:(o) yeul y uuca
<br /> ��� and assessments which may attain prior�ty over thic Security lnRtruman as a lion an the Property;(b)yearly Iwsehald paymenu
<br /> ,,•; :„ or graund rents on the Property.if any;(c)yetuly ha:ard ar property insu�premiums;(d)yearly flaod insurence prcmiums,
<br /> `�•,. if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any;and(�eny sums payabla by Borrowar to l.ender, in aaorclance with
<br /> °� �?Ff`�t.,..�.,,Y. :,:, the provisions of paragrnph 8, in lieu af the payma�i af mortgage insumnoc pr�emiums. 7'h�e�tems are called "Escrow Items.'
<br /> ;jt �� '' Lender may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in en amounl not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> �>�;,;,�����::.
<br /> _ . , �',k;t� � ° r�elated mortgage loan may require far Borrower's escrow accounl under the federal Real Eslate Settlement Pracoclwes Act of
<br /> � ��;`�;`-� t��F,�--"� 1974 as arnendcd fn�m time to time, 11 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anotF�r IAw that applies to�he Fut�da
<br />�. �. s�µ�,�,;,:�;�ti�.;. �u ,•. .
<br /> ' . • �• r�; t� j;:�•��;�.:{ ,.,.; � sets a lesser amount. If so. I.ender may. at any time. collact and hnld Funds in an arnount not to exceed the ksser amount.
<br /> I� '��"�'��� %t�'�t����•�;'�``•�x�.,�; . I Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on thc basis of curroM data and reasonable estimates of expendilures of futurc
<br /> ir�_;r • .fsi;'�:S'�•�t���1•' • •> ri..
<br /> ''���'�� ` ' Escraw Items or otherwlse in accordance with applicablo law.
<br /> �f����f��,,��� t.;.i}..•:'�:•: . . ,r: i
<br /> .,.,., . �s'''""`�:`,'�.•°. _,�_ � 7'he Funds shall be held in an insti�ution whoss depasits ara insured by a federal agency. lnstrumentality,ar entity
<br /> �'" � ' •:�:' '� (includin l.ender,if Lender is such an institutio�)or in any Federal Homo L.unn Bank. I.ender shall App1y the Funds to pay the
<br /> I ,.;:�;i� ;.. : . ,',: , ...;._r ; 8
<br /> '� .,�;.: : . . . �';; : Escrow ltems.Lender may not charge Borrower far holding end epplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> i� � ,;�� . � ; ver�fying ihe Escrow lrems.unless I.cnder pays Borrowcr intercat an the�Funds and applirnble law permits l.enderto make such
<br /> �'� .. ��" a charge.However, Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-time chargo for an independent reAl estate tax reparting service
<br /> ;�'•�''' ; �� ,r' used by I.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othen�vise. UnieRS an agreement is mada or
<br /> � ...�, � • . .
<br /> �".�' • • ' •� > ' appUcable law requires interest ta be paid,l.ender shal I not be requined to pay Horrower any interest or eamings on the �unde.
<br /> '�• . �i::;� . r�,,.>�'�`,:
<br /> „ _ • Horroeser ans!l.ender may agree ln�vriting, however, thet intereat Ahpll he+�+aid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> n•..�-, :
<br /> ,�, 'h� without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, sho�ving credi�s and debiis to Ihe Funds and ti�puipose for which each
<br /> ' ,�' • • debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged u.s uddUional securiry for all sumg secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> . `� If the Funds held by L.ender exceed thc amountti permiucd lo be heW by applicablc lav�,l.ender shall acrnunt eo Borrower
<br /> ' ; . � ', far the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of upplicable�law. If tha amount of tlk Funix�tvtld by Lender a�any
<br /> � ' , .. �� time is not sufficient�o puy the Escmw Items when due.L.ander muy so notify Borrower in writing,Ant.�in�such case Barrower
<br /> shall pay�o Lender the am�wnt neressary 1�� muke up the deficiency. &xn►wer.hull moke up th��deficien�y in no more than
<br /> '' ' twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sole Jizcmtion.
<br /> �' ° " , Upnn payment in full �►f all sums .ecureJ by Ihi. Security In�nvment, I.�:nder sholl pra�mptly refun3 to Bc�rmwer uny
<br /> . � Funds helJ hy l.enJrr.If, under p•rrugruph?I, l.rndrr.hall uryuin�or�.ell thc Pr��perty,I.cnder.prii�r ta tl�t ucyuixitiun��r wle �
<br /> ;i� ,, of the Pmperty..hull upply any FunJ. held My L.rnJer ut the lime uf;K�yuir�ition or wle us A crc�dit ugainwt ttu sumti secured by i'
<br /> • • .. Ihis Securiry Instrurocot.
<br /> •'' `" 3.Applicntion oi Paymentv.Unlc��upplicublc law•pmvidcr othcrwi.c, ull p•rymonts rctici���l by Lcn�t�tr undcr p��rngruphs
<br /> •• I und 2 shall be applicJ: fir�t, tu uny prcpuyn�rnt churgc.r due under Uie N�►tc:�crund, ta anx►unts pay�able�under pAragrnph 2;
<br /> � � .' � third,to intcre+t due: founh,to princip�l Jue: aixi lu+t. to uny latu rhur�tc.due wider thc N��te.
<br /> 4. Clwrges: I.iens. &ircow•cr shall p•ry all tax��, asu:.smcnt�,rhar�tcs, tinr.and impu�ition::u�trihut:ble� �n the Prc�perty ''
<br /> , which may au•rin priurity i►vcr thi. Scruriq� Imtrununt, urnf Ica,chold pr�•mrnt. ur graunJ r�ntti. if uny. 8nrn�w�r shAll puy
<br /> - these ohligaticm.in the mannc�pri�vided in paragruph 2,or if nu�paiJ in thut munncr. &�rruwrr xhall p�y thtm on tince dircctly
<br /> , � to thc peru,n �u�•cJ paymrm. &�rtinccr�hall pr�mipUy furni+h ta LcnJcr all nalirc,uf amnun�s tn t►e paid undcr Ihi�paragruph.
<br /> � ' . If&►R��wer make.thrk paynknts dircrtly.Bi�rro��•cr�hall pmmpUy furni+h t��l.enJcr r�rciptr cvidencin�t ih�paymenis.
<br /> � &►rrowcr�hall prrnnplly di+charEc am•lien ahirh ha�pri�irity��vcr thiti S�YUrit� In+irunknt untcr.�H��rniwcr. �ulu�r��. in �'
<br /> w�ritinF ti►�h� puyment of th�i�bliga�inn.r��urcd h��the lien in u nwnn�r;K�tptuMc 1��L�nJrr.�h�cont��xtx�in gcrxl iaith the lien ;',t=
<br /> � • '�'r,•,;. by. ��r dcfen�i,again,t rnfi�rcrment ��t'thc lirn in. legat prur�edinF� w•hirh in �he L�nder'. apini�m ��TMra�c in pmvent the i�=
<br /> . ' . ' enti�rremcnt cif thr lirn:��r�c►scrure. f��mi thc h��ldrr„f ttic lien am ugrecm�n��:ui.l:irmn a, I.cnJrt r.uh�rdinaiin��he lien a�
<br /> ' � Ihiti Srrurity lir�rumcm. If L�nJcr dctrmiinr.th:�i un� pan at'thc Pr�,pcm i.•uhjrrt tu a li.n ��h�.h nu} unuin rriurity over •
<br /> � �hiti S�tiuriq� Inytrumem. LrnJcr mciy �i�c H�,rru��cr a nuiirc idrnlit�in� thr li�n. Iiorn�arr.hull �.U��Ir�tre lirn��r lakr ot�or �
<br /> , s
<br /> � more of the action.,rt fnnh•rtxwe N�ithin 111�1;��.af Ihe gi�•hig uf nutire.
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