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<br /> condcmnation or aher takkin�of Any part of�he P�vpeny.a fot convey�nco in lieu of condemnatian,ab hercby a�i�ned�
<br /> rhwli bo paid to Letder.
<br /> In Iho event of a tot�l taking of the Propetty,the proccede snall be applied to�ho epma xecurcd�y thic Secudty
<br /> �d lnstrument,whethcr or not then due,with any excess puid to Barrowcr. In the event of a ptiutird takMg nf iha Ptoperty in
<br /> whfch the fair marlcet valuc of the P�openy immediataly bcforc the laking ia equul ta ar greAtpr�hen the amount of the suma
<br /> securcA by thls Secu�ity insaument immediatoly beforc the toking,unlesc Barmwer und Lender dherwirse agree M �vriting,
<br /> ��' the suma secured by this Security Insuumem ghell be reduced by tho nmount of�he proccod:�multiplied by�he following
<br /> fraction: (a)the total wnuunt nf"thc sums secured immediutely before the tnking,divided fiy(b)t4e feir merkct vdue of the
<br /> ` Propeny immediately bcfwe �he taking. Any bnla�ce shnll be paid ro Borrawer. [n th4 event of a pnrtial wking of the
<br /> Praperty in whfah�ha fuir market value uf tha Property immedialely before the taking is Icss thon the umounl of the suma
<br /> r,ecured lmmedintely before the wking,unless Botrawer and Lender otherwirc agre�. in writing o�unlesc upplkuble law
<br /> othervvise provides,the proceeds shall 6e upplied to[ho�ums r�ecured by this Secu�ity lnstn�m�nt wdethcr or nat the sums we
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> If the Propeny is ubnndoned by Borcower,ar if,after naice by Lender�o Bormwer thAt�the candemnor affers to make
<br /> 'i,%i.::. : • . nn awurd ar�:etde u cluim for demuges,Borrowcr fails to rcspond ta Lender within 30 days aftcr the dnte thc notice is gfven,
<br /> ��:�a�rs�v '' Lendor is uuthariud to colleci and npply the proceeds, al itx option,either to restamtian or•rapair af the Propeny or to�he
<br />_ �;`a:�;.����� � � • sums secured by this Secu�i�y Instrumem.whe�her or not then due.
<br />- �ii�.r�:.t'����,. c'�.
<br /> a .,t�,t�,�hf��a�q�,� Unless Lender und Borrower otherwir,e�gree in writing,any applicutian ai proceedr ta principul shall na extend or
<br /> `y�:: postpone the due date of�he monthly pnymen�w neferred ta in parugmphs 1 and 2 0�chci�ga the umount of xuch paymenls.
<br /> ` - ' ,:v�;','` 11. Borro�ver Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension af d�c time for payment or '�
<br />` •� , r'::'J::�`�°�• modification of amartization af the sums securecl by ihiw Security Insuument grnoted 6y Lender[a uny successar in interest
<br /> 'r'�'Y�:-:�•',_ ��_.r of Sorrower shall not operate to relea�e the liubility of'tha originul Borrawer or Barmwerk tiuccesson in intercst. Lender
<br /> '' ��'�' � �� "' : shul!not be rcquired to cammence praeedings uguinst eny +uccessor in interest or refuxe lo ex�end timo for payment or
<br /> "'j`.,�,i�;. ', •
<br /> „ j�;��'?�„,�;�: - .;u'�� otherwise modify umortizution of the sumx securcd by Ihis Se�:uriry In+trument by reuxon af.uny demund mude by thc ariginal
<br /> ��"���`''' Barrower or Borrower�successorss in iMerest. Any forbeur►nce by l.ender in exercising uny rFghi nr remedy shull �ot be a ,
<br /> ; � ' ' i�='. waiver of nr preclude the exercise of�ny righ�or remedy. '�1`'
<br /> 1 . � k .�,f �F'•
<br /> � ,, 12. Successorx and Asslgns Bound;Joint And Several Liabflityi LaRtgners. 'The covenants nnd agreements of this �,�
<br /> • �"'' Secority lnstrument tihall bind und 6enefit Ihe succestion und as�igm af Lender und Bc�rruwer.subject to�he provixions of
<br /> -� �;,:.t;� � . , � �. ' paragraph I?. Barrowerk covenants sind agmements shull be joint und,everul. Any Barrower who co-signs this Security �. �
<br /> n l�:
<br /> '''�"`', � ' �'����` M!�trument but does not�xecute ths Nac: (u)iy co-signing thiz Security Instniment only ta mortguge,g�nt and convey that ;
<br /> '` `�' � � Borrower's interez�in the Property undcr Ihe tcrtnti of thi.Securi�y Imtrument: (b)is n�t pe�onully abligated to pay the sums �
<br /> •,s',?�(•.,,. , necumd by this Security Instrument:und Ic 1 agncs thm Lcnder and uny olher Borri�a•er ms�y apree�o extend,rnodify.farbear �:��
<br /> �,;;z;: „ „ °� or muke any uccommoJationx with re�u�d to the temts of ihis Securiry Intitn�ment or�the Natr withou� that Borrovver� :�
<br /> coment. '
<br /> _ _ !3. I.�n !'hnrgtx, If ihr lo:�n wrumd hy �hi. Security Instrument i+�+ufilrct u��u luw which +e�x muximum loan
<br /> 1 ��`�x;,��;;"5;:;:-" churges,und thut Inw is finully imrrpro�ed so�h�u the in�cre+t or uth�r laan chur�ex caHe+�ted ur to be collected in connection �•;.
<br /> `` ���" �`"" with�he laun exceed�he pemnitted limit+,than: t:►1 uny such loun chur�:e,hall hc reduc��i by�he um�mm nerrssury w redw:r ;;�
<br /> ...r�.::+��;,•, .
<br /> � �`��KF;,�'.'':�'.. . �he churge to the permined limit:un�l lbl uny sum�idrcady cullerted from Bc�rn�wer w�E�ich exrce�led pem�iued limi�x will be
<br /> D ; . • , , rcfunded ta Bonower. Lender muy chanse to maikr thi. refund by reJucing thc prinripul owed unikr the Note or by mukinR u
<br /> :'�� dimct paymenl to Borrowr�. If u rel�und reduceti prim:ipal,the�edur�ion will ixr�ro•rtcd u,u purtial prepuym�nt without any
<br /> �� ' prcpayment churgc urnk:r�hc Nn�c.
<br /> ` , � 14. Notlees. Any nutice ��► Born�wcr pr�wideJ tin•in Ihi. Seruriry In.uu�mnl.shull Ix �iven hy delivering it or by
<br /> � ' mailing it by first cluss mnil unlesx applicuMc I��w rryuin+u,r of unather mrthixl.Th�.nutice�hull Iw direc�ed�o the Propeny
<br /> �''•' Address or�my uther aJdre.s B�►rri�w•rr de,ignutc+ hy noiire��i Lendrr. Any m�ti�r tu LenJrr�Null hr given by fir+t cluti�
<br /> � � mui)to l.endcr's aJd�+��I:u�J hcrrin ar uny�Nhcr addir..l.rndcr drsigna�c�hy m,ti�ti to Borrowcr. Any notice prc►viJed for
<br /> f�`�'',. in thi, Security Imtrument ,hnll tx drrmed ia havc Fxen gi�•rn tu flarmwer��r LrnJrr wh�n givcn a� provided in this
<br /> `y parugraph.
<br /> v . IS. (iovernin� I.aK•: Se��err�billty. This ticrurit� In�aununt �hall h� guv,;m�xl hy fedrral law aml Ihc luw iif Ih�
<br /> '� ' � juri�Jictinn in u�hich th�I'm(xrty is located. In the r�•rtu Ih:u any pra�•i.iun ur rfau�r of thiti Srcunty In+�rument or the Notr '
<br /> . contlicts with applicablc lu��•..urh ronllicl�hnll nnt afl'�rt uthcr pn,�i.ium ut'Ihi.S�v:uril��In.�rumcm ur thc Nu1c which cun
<br /> be givrn effrcl withaul Ihe conllicting pr�wi.i�m. Ti�thi,rnd thc pro�•i.iam at'thi►�tiecurity In+trument und the Note urr
<br /> !,�• ... dc�lured to tx,cvcrublr.
<br /> • . 16. Oorrower's U�py. Burruwrr sh;dl lk gi�rn unr runt��rni�d rupy ul�hc �otr and ol Ihi�hcunty In�tn�ment.
<br /> 17. 7lransFer oP thc Propert�nr o Benefiriul lmenht in Bnrro��•cr. II'�dl•ar nm p:m��f thr ProExny i�r uny intcr�,�in
<br /> ii i�snld or traml'rrrrd lur if a Ixn�t�iciul inlcrc.� in Rnn�u��rr i.,uld ur tran.trrraf and Bnrruaer i, nut u nutur.�l per.onl
<br /> .. ��•ithout Lrnckr ti prii�r wrin�•n r�n�.��nt.I.•ndi�r mny.,u itti�q�linn.r.•ip�ire inmx.htac p:n•mcnt in ful l ul'all�wn.�erured by
<br /> , � , �hi.Security In.trumrnt. Ho��•rvcr.thi.orlNm,hnll ni��Ik rrerri.ed M•l.rn�l.r it c�rrri.r i+pruhihi�ed by tederul law�a,of _� '
<br /> . thc dmc ul'thi�Security In.trumcnl. "+`
<br /> • �;:;;;�� It'Lender rxcrcisr�thiti��ptiun.l.cndrr,hull gi�� liurn���rr nrnicr ul accelr��;itiun. "I�Ix n��tirc ,Ir.�ll pnn•iJr a rxn�xl of
<br /> � . : �•.�'':;". iwt Ics+lhun 30 day.t'ram Ihe du�e Ihe nn�ice i.d�h�errd ur mailyd wnhin��hirh Nurn►��rr mu.�pa} :dl,um..erurrJ h} thi+ `�T.
<br /> . Securily Intitnmunl. If Rarruwrr luil�ta pay �hc,c wm, pn„r �o �he e�piruiion„t'U�i,�xriuJ. Lendrr nwy in�ake uny �'
<br /> . rcmrdic.�xrniittcJ My�hi�5ecuritv Inruumrm�+iihuut tlinhrr n„lirr ur drmand un Hi�rruu.r. � .
<br /> •'.; .. � 18. Borrow•cr's Ri�!hl tu Reinslalc. If Rurruwrr mrci, nnain rundiliun.. liarruacr .hall h:��r Uir right �o havr �'
<br /> enfoncmem of thi�Srruriry In�tr�nnrm di.c�m�inu�•d:�� am Gmr priur ti�Ihe r:u•li�r��f: �;u 5 da�. �ur�uch uthcr�xriixl:iti
<br /> i , �:
<br /> . � tiro}Ic I auuly • FLnnk�1��r Frrddie 11nc 1�IFUN\I 1��'1'Bl'�f{:�l • l ud�nm c l��cnam. 4.411 ip��t�J nl n p��R�•� �
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