� �I � M,1 - Y�� iq•'~ • . ' '
<br /> , 93- io�s � - .
<br /> �raoNw�urr or���w»�iou
<br /> TMIa•All81aNMENT QF RENTB RIDER 1�nuid�a�d�x�aut�d thlr �Tk d,y p� SEPTEI�ER ��� 93. ;��
<br /> Inowpotabd Into�nd thall d�da�m�d to am�nd�nd�uppNn»nt th�Matp��or ONd of Tro�t,h�ninaR�r nbn�d to u th�
<br /> ' "8�ou�ly In�trum�nt", ot th��artw d�t�Qlv�e by th�und�nipn�d, h�rNnNt�r r�f�rr�d to a�tM "8orrow��'� to s�ou►�
<br /> Borrq�wn'�Ind�6t�dnns,h�nln�it�r rN�rnd ta�s IM"Not�",to HOMH FEOERAL 8AVIN08 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> , � aRAND 18LAND,h�nlnaft�r nf�R�d to�s tM"L�ndu",uf th�s�nN dat�end eowrinp th�prop�rty d�tarib�d In th�8�ourity
<br /> ' Irwtrom�nt�nd locat�d��
<br /> �
<br /> ''�-^�� 414 N. SYCAINDRE, GRAI�p l'SLAND. NEBRASKA BB901
<br /> �'a" I�oP�rtfr Addru�)
<br /> WHLREAS�8orrorwr�nd lender h�w�prNd th�t�ny r�nt��nd p►ofit�aftrlbut�bl�to 1M prop�rty�hould constitut�
<br /> "'� ;-• v adtlltlonal s�ourity to thp�Lend��for th�p�ym�nt of tlr�Not�;
<br /> .e� . k .`�.�.,
<br /> � � NOW,THERBFOR@,It I�spre�d th�t ths S�nurlty In�lrument sh�N b��an�nclad hK�by�nd dNm�d to Inolud�th�fotlowlnp
<br /> �
<br /> provldons:
<br /> • ,•:• 1. Assianment oI Rents and l.ander Rantal Cotlaotlon Rlahts.Borrower hereby abaolutely and uncondNlonally asliipns all
<br /> ` `'-'� ' '� ' rents, Issuss ond�profite of the proporty to 8snetloipry. Landar aha�l havs the rlqht, power �nd authority durinp the
<br /> . „. � ��.,;,,� *�,'����:x aontinwncs of the 3ecurity Instrument to colfeot ths rmts�Issues and profits of ihs property and of any psnonal propsrty
<br /> :• '; ' � ' .:.:��t��%�. loaab d t heroon w lt h•or wlthout t�kinp pw�esalo�of the propsrty aNscted hsreby.Lend�r,how�v�r,her�br aone�nts to
<br />,� .� .. y;�.t�.t:'„' -'.,u�n,
<br />. $ � � ,r..•.;q: ,� 8onowere co116otlon and retentlon of suoh rente,lasues and proHte as they acc�ue and becom�payabls,s010np�s BOrrOw�r
<br />- '�° ; �uL .��;��;f�� ` • � it not,�t euah tlme.In dNault witD r„pect to payment of any Indsbtedn�us tecur�d h�►�by,a In th�pufo�mana of�ny
<br /> � .��r,-a:�•�r ,• ; apreem�nt hereunder.
<br /> ;, t. •,��-.;:;�•+�_ ..•,,' 2. �ocolMmen! otAecelver. If any eveM of default in reapeat to the 8acurUy Inat�ument shs11 have occuned and be
<br /> �� �"� �����'���'� contlnuln�, Lender, ae a matter of riaht and without notioe to Borrower or anyone claiminp under Borrower,and without
<br /> • � d �" •�` �'�� ►epard to the vAlue of the truat estete or the Interest of the Borrower thereln,ehall have ths�ipht to apply to anr couR havtep
<br /> � �A.-' - .�� ''I�'
<br /> • jurisdlotlon to appolnt a receiver of the property.
<br /> � ' " 3. Rlpht to Poasesslon.ln oase ot default f�the payment of the said prl�clpal Note or Intereet,or any part ths►eof.�s It
<br /> .. ,''��' ehall matura,or In the case of lallure to keep or pe�form anr of the covenants or aqreements contalned In the Seaurity Inetru•
<br /> �„� " � ment,then ihe Lender, Ite euaaeseors or asslpns,aholl be end la hereby authorized and empowered to take Immedlote
<br /> , " ' poaaeualon of the aald premisea therein desoribed and to colloot the rents therefrom,and to apply th�procads tMr�M to th�
<br /> "� payment of the Note.
<br /> � _ �1�.`�;,: :�:*.. A. �1�plloatlon of Ra�ts.Isaues and ProfNp.All rente collected by Lender or the recelver ahall be appliad fint to p�yewnt
<br /> � " • of the costs oi m�nayement of the property and colleotlan at rente,inaludinp,but not Ilmited to,�eceiver's fees,premiuma on
<br /> _ �� • � recpive�'s bonds end reasonable ettorney's feea,.and then to the sums seou�ed Dy the 3ecu►�ty Inat�ument.Lender and ths
<br /> � •� racelve�ahall�be Ilable to account only for thoee rents ootually recetved.
<br /> ,. � � • �� S. Conetructlon of Provlsions.Each of the provislons contalned In thfe Aaslpnment of Rent4 Fiider and the 3ecurity Inet►u-
<br /> ' ment shall, unteas otherwlse specifioally required,be construed In accordance wfth Nebraska law,and in the event any
<br /> �.. • , �� _ provi6fon hereln a therefn contelned shall be determined by a courl of competent Jurlsdictlo�to be unentorceabla,ths s�me
<br /> � sholl be conatrued ae thouph suah unenforceabte provlsian were not a part hereof or ihereof.
<br /> ` 6. Elfect of Ridet.Except as specificelly modlfied by or inconsistent wNh this Assipnment of Rents Rlder or by any other
<br /> �`��, • �- applicable rider,all ol the terms and provislons contained In the Securlty Instrument shall continue in full forae and effect.
<br /> :�'t• ,
<br /> ��, ' . IN WITNE$$WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Assignment of Rents der on the te f noted abr►ve.
<br /> �
<br /> ! . ' „•�
<br /> , .� � • BOrrOwQr
<br /> ,; JA S D. NOLAN
<br /> • .,: :;,� ' r�f ��)�'-����_. �
<br /> `'� Borrower �S
<br /> �� �"�`������ DE88IE L. NOLAN
<br /> - ,�s�.
<br /> .,yti� • • ' 8TATE OF NEBHASKA) ry�
<br /> (ss:
<br /> �'' ,� COUNTY aF HALL ► ,��f�.
<br /> .•1n�>.,. �
<br /> +� ' � ' ' On thla�_day of SEPTEI�BER ,19 9�.before me.the undersfgned,a Notary PubliC duly commissioned and 1'
<br /> : •� qualified forsaidcounty,personallycame 1AME5 �, NOLAN ANp DEBBIE L NOLRN HUSBAND AND WIFE
<br /> . '.,
<br /> , �`;� — _ ,to be fhe identiCal person(s)whose name(s)islare eubscrlbed
<br /> � �; � to the foreyoinq instrument, and helshelthey acknowled9e the executlon thereof to be hfslhe luntary aot and deed.
<br /> 1 •• � /
<br /> ; . Wltness my hantl and Notarfa�5ea1 at GRAND ISIAND. NEBRRSKA _ ___ _y..__ � �
<br /> : , �'� ' in �ald�C y.ihe da a 1 ��, •/j.
<br /> . � ��i�LC'c•-xs-s'1� y �����
<br /> , • � .• , . Nofe►y Public ;
<br /> , :�_ My Commisafon ezpires: _ �_�,�r� -----
<br /> �
<br /> -= y-'-- ._- ' " - ".l MF�0�7017AQ1
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