Dec -03 -01 02:34P GI ABSTRACT,ESCROW &TITLE 1 308 382 7782
<br />200404163
<br />EX'IIBI'r "A"
<br />Lot One (1) (a /k /a NE1 /4NFI /4) and the Easterly Twenty -Six arid Cne Half.
<br />(26 It) Ru-:Js -)f Lot Two (2) , ail in Section Thirteen (13) , Township
<br />F,levQn (11) North, Range Nine (9) Wes*_ of the E`h P.M. in Hall County,
<br />Net'L'aska, Fx^apting there from t.ho f•ollowir.g tracts of land.
<br />All <)f Nilr-ic:n Lakes Subdivi5i,rn N! MbPr
<br />Subdivisi:in Number rmir, all of Hidden
<br />A tract of land compr_siny a part of tl
<br />Northeef. Quarter (NEI /4NE1 /4) of
<br />Eleven (11) Nutt:, Range Nine (9) West
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described
<br />on the eas'. line of .lain Soction Thirt
<br />foot north of the southeast corner of
<br />Northeast Quat:ter (NE1 /4NE/14); thence
<br />said Secticrl 'Thirteen f 1.3) , a d + 3t,111 ^,.e
<br />left 90 (Ing. 11!,' and running westerly,
<br />deTlec: tiny irslt 73 dpq. 4j130" and run
<br />166.6'j foot, to a corner on the nurthe
<br />i,akps Subdivision Number Three; :hence
<br />Lin? of :acid T,Ot Seven (7), ann this 1
<br />Three, all of Hidden L�jke3
<br />Lakes 3-0division Number Ei;1ht,
<br />e Northeast Quarter of t'1e
<br />on (13), Township
<br />of t::e 6" P. M1 in H:a ; l County,
<br />s fo.l low.^.: Beginning at a pc)inL
<br />en (13), said point. being ".411.1`,
<br />aid Nort,hoa t Quarter of the
<br />northerly along the ea:_t 1-_ne of
<br />of 160.0 fcct; thoncc. deflecting
<br />a distance cif 79.0 £� e +.; 'jje.rlr :e
<br />,ing southwesterly iistan e of
<br />ly line of Lot Seven (7), TaidClnn
<br />easterly along the nc.rLherly
<br />no ex-:ended, a distaner_ of
<br />125.45 feet to the place of beginning.,
<br />A tract of iar.d situated along trio, oast line of thn Narthoa nt Quarter
<br />r',*_ tho N0rlhe;+sl: QuaCCei' (NE1 /4Nf1 /4) of Section Thirteen
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range wine (9) West of the 6`i' F.M. in Hall
<br />County, Nebr,a`Ka, morn particularly desi :ribed as follows: 8e_iinning at
<br />the northeast uOrrier of said Northeast Quarter cf the Norr.hajsr. Quarter
<br />(NE1 /01E1 /4); thence running snuth along the ea,3t line of said
<br />NOrthea5l Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NF1 /4), a cilstarce of
<br />approximately Ono ^_hman.2nd 9ev-- nt.Fen and Forty Eigt,t hundredths
<br />(1, Cl > .48) thence deflec_ L in:.T right 89 deg. 55' and runr i.n:j
<br />westerly a distance of Forty 140, feet; thence running north par-,)1.1e1
<br />to and Forty (40.0) feet west c£ the east line of said Northeast
<br />Quarter of the Northeast (NF1 /4NE1 /4), a distance of
<br />approximatc:iy Onp Thnusand Seventeen and Forty Fig �t. Hundred,.h:S
<br />(1 „117.,18) feet, to a point or, th. north lire c,,f said Northea!,,t Qir,
<br />of the Northeast Quarter. (NE1 /4NE1 /4); thence ea-SCerly along
<br />the north line of said Northeast Quarter of Lhe Northeast Qua:-t,-.r
<br />(NEI /4NE1 /4;, a of E'urty (4C.0) feet the point of
<br />beginning.,
<br />P. 02
<br />