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<br /> . aI t6�Cono�r �nd Stato aro.aoK� ealled tho partY oi tbe �nt ynrt� ia
<br /> ~ "' '.�" � oo�tld�catlos � SIXTY-EIGHT THOU5AN0 AND 00/100------------•--�--------------------rx�Ll.pag,
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<br /> ':. x. ;��•a�. HALL
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<br /> " ._ ' � To�ether piW xll the�pyurtenances thereonto beloa�ing, �nd all covenaate in W the tltle deeds runnini wlth a�ld rsd at�ta,
<br /> � ' md�ll the renb�isruci u►d proStr �rlrin�tDeretrom aites delaWt in P�orm�ace oi aaq covewnt or eo+adltton 6�nia eotf
<br /> t .,::.;x��. ..,. ,-,. �3 Wned;and�varr�nb the fltle thereto Perlect�nd cleAr escept fos tWs mort��a
<br /> •`rf�.,° . TIUl�D�Ule �18��IO1�QA�! �/�R �01�00�iQ QIOTt�OL/ �!!e�
<br /> � ��.�`�:�;';, r��. To r.r ,�u r��.�a .reda .�..�►.oa ie��a .a.jn.c .�a pre�i�ua+na .0 t,�� .na �.na ��a � �4.;
<br /> _ -_- _ auiii,_=_ .:� ti�►Qa th� n1orSS�Sw,or the debt secueed by tWi mostit�¢e. +nd torn�do in some comp�oy.to b� ap
<br /> ; • ,,,'".�iy. Second. To teeD N11 bulldin�s theteon iaared +�dn�L laa by ilre�Wi�II
<br /> �'•;� :. '�:'; proved bq the eald Home Federat Saviaga& laaa Asaocl�tion a[aTand Island in the�um oi � �a�nnn,nn , _�
<br /> � '' '� �.; ,,,•., � . We beaefit oi the said Aesxiatlon,and•its�uccesaon or aui�: �nd W depotit tAid policfes wlth faid Auoelatlo�J,�nd d1a11 Aot
<br /> ,:•..��„ . ,. . '•��.;•,
<br /> ,;,�,',•.,.,, ,,.�;;� commit or �aNNer any w�te on wtd �emise�� wd slull put aad Icesp wld tenl estate bulldiap��nd Improvem�at� fn Qood
<br /> ,;.;:': . +•' order.
<br /> ' ' Third. To PoY or cnme to ba P�d to tLe Hom�Federil 3avin�e dc Loan Associ�tton oi (iraad LLnd. its wcceswr� oc
<br /> � : ,
<br /> ., �, the enm oi SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND 00/100-------------____________________DpLyp88,
<br /> . .
<br /> ° psy�blt �u follows:
<br /> ?` DUE: APRIL 1, 1994
<br /> .� .'.
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<br /> �
<br /> %.
<br /> . .. ,�
<br /> .,� • • ,:),.
<br /> , :•,�
<br /> � � aith fateseat thereon payable,according to the tenor and ofiect oi t6e one certafn ifest mortga6e note of aaid mortBAgore,
<br /> besrina even dAte with Weae pre�ents. Attcr mslurlty sald bond drnws Intereat at the rate ot nlue pee cent per anaum. °
<br /> • �`',: ' it aald taxes and assesamenb arQ not pald when due. or ii the buildinBs on said premt�es are aot insured aa above pro- �'�R'
<br /> " .' vlded,or 1i any of sald interest l�not paid wben due,then eaid whole debt ehall become due immedtately,at tLe optioa oi the � `�•.;,.
<br /> � � ''%..���� • • �aid Assoclation,and sLall thereaiter draa interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
<br /> , ;i' . � � T6e mortgagor hereby asaig� to add mortBagee all renta and lacome ariaing at any and aU ttmes irom eaid � ,
<br /> property and heecby authorlse aaid mortg�gee or 1ts a8ent, at ita option, upon default, to tnke chuge of sa[d property aad t,�
<br /> . collect all rents and income tbereErom and apply the same to the paytnent ot interest, principal, lasueance premiums,tucea, 1� i ,
<br /> � aasesemeats, repairs or lmproveraenfa necessary to keep snid propeety in tena�table coadltfon, or to other charges or pay � �(;• •
<br /> � meats provided tor 6erela or in We note hereby aecured. Thls reat assignment adall contlnue la focce uadl the uopafd bal• f�
<br /> j �.. .
<br /> i ance oi eaid note ta fully patd. T6e takina ot possea�lon hereunder ehall In�ao maaner prevent or retard iaid mortgagee ia � i �, �
<br /> t6¢collection oi said sums by foreclosure or otheravlsa. ,
<br /> q�hether eaid debt becomee due by lapse ot tlme, or by reasoa ot the fs►ilure ot tbe pnrty of t6e ticst part to comply ;
<br /> h ,
<br /> • with any condlUon 6eceln, We sald Home FederAl 3avings k Loan Assceiation of Grand Island, the auccesaors and asalgn�, ,
<br /> , � � shall 6ave the rlQht to be8in the forecloeure oi this mortBage at once on the whole debt hereby aecured, and to include �
<br /> therein a11 taxes, asaessmeats, Insurnece premlums and costa, pald by it or t6em; or said Assoctation, its eucceasore or �
<br /> `• , �s�igtu, may foreclo�e oaly aa to We sum peet due, without injnry to this mortgaBe, or the displacemen! or lmpairmeM ,
<br /> � of the lien thereof. �i
<br /> � And the tald Wst party and tbe maters of said nate. especfetly agree and declare that the separato estate of eacb aad �
<br /> � _ every one of them, Includia� bo16 tiut oow owned aad t 6at hereafter acquired, is pled�e3 and bound for the payment at
<br /> — _ " the aeDt eereDq secured. •
<br /> � � Atter the commencement ot any tult ia foretloaure t6e plaintiff thercia shall bc entitled to the immedlate poesession of
<br /> , �aid premisea and the appofntment oi a recefve�theretor. notwithataading thcy mny bc the homestead oi the cecupant and
<br /> s nutw[thatanding t6o parties lloble for the debt may be colveat, end the first party hereby coo4enb to We appolntment oi � �
<br /> � REl'QIY@!YQOR W@ �IOIIUMIO�O�UII!IDdU[I!U!@, without other evldeace. j
<br /> ' ! •� The toreQoioa conditlo�u and a�recemonb. nll and sta�ul�r.be1a�fu11y Peetutmed.this conveYance shall be void, other� �
<br /> �► wiie W b� wd r�m�fa In full loe�ce�nd etfect.
<br /> , �- � ���d�h;� 1 ST � aLlOCTOBER / D., 1p93 --
<br /> ' � In pnseace ot
<br /> / � �
<br /> ,� � B E. ANl'ON50N
<br /> ��, .
<br /> .
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