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<br /> NON-UMFQRM GUVENA(�S Homnwer and I.endet,fu Goven�nt�nd a�oo�follow�:
<br /> 17 Fardo�un Proc�dYrt. Ii L�der�ros imc�ta�Nymen�t in fuil ueder WnQrnph 9.Lcnder m�y invoka�he
<br /> • �u {� 7_c�da��i►wll be�nlitlod W colkct all expenses incumed ".
<br /> �owcr uf�le�I�n7�wi�er rcmwtferprm�itt�xl r�1 �t►If+ N�r+.
<br /> in purwing 1he mnodie�qrovlded in tbi+�Mc�gmph 17,inoluAina�bul not limited to,�e��aublo snarney�'faa ab cau of
<br /> titla avldencc.
<br /> 1�thepo W!f Q�/Y�M I�IAYOI[!A.71ru�e sboll reaand A.�M{oq M AehWlt In esch�county la wYlci��sy pu!of IMe
<br /> �y f�iocal�d��d elu�ll piW copiei of�ucb�Wiae W1�tha mA11r10�'Pt�sc�lbed by•pp'k�b1t Iaw���Banower_,�
<br /> to Ihe al�er per�an pnscribed by• {cabk I�w. Ahpn t��ti re9uired by epplkable bw. t�u
<br /> bltc ao�ice etaa[a to UK pereom a�ln tha m�nner pne�arJ�y+�pP�k��w ��•�'��t��0�
<br /> � er•d�all�e11 tM Property at publk�ucllon tp fhb hl�aFt�bld�ar at lhe time s�d place aRd onder tbo termr
<br /> de�ted I�tbe aoNce at sak fp aue or more pa�oelx�nd�m�n ��iMtn'7Uwtee delerndae�. 7ti�ustee nu7N*�
<br /> s�le a��tl or sa1 Nrcd ot tLe PropeHy bY Publlc qannanaeman�pl•Iha qme�ad plaoe dany prevlou�l7
<br /> p� L,p�de�orlte dni�ee my rch�ee the PropeMy At�ny�sA a�
<br /> Upon rece�pt otp�r�neat�Ibe Prlce bld�7Fuqee ahpll�.dallvnr In Ibe purcboser 71ru�tee'r dad ca�ve' tMe
<br /> Property. The nclhle Is the 7Yustee e deed�11 be prlmp�lqcte avl�lenae or truth of Ibe Wwtaoeab iaadt�N�.
<br /> 7tu�e�ah�U apply�he proceeds of tbe cnle In the faN�wing onders (p1,lp �II cacta�nd eapeiaen of e�ercl� 1Me
<br /> power ot s�le�uil tMe sak.fadudla�U�e p�yment oPthe 7ii'�u�toe'p Poca aatually Incurred,aM to exceed liv� �
<br /> ot tbe nclpal w�pou�t o�tbe nute at 16e dme of Ihe dealpnAtlan,06 defAd� aad reaiso�a0k attorue9s'tces as
<br /> �1y entitled�to it�� �����ured by Ihl�SecurNy 1n�trumentC.And lcl Any ezcess to tbe penoe ar per�ws
<br /> 18, Reconre a�ce. U paymem of ell sums r,acu�ct�by,lhie�acutity Insuument,l.cndcr shall request'Itustee to
<br /> y P� °
<br /> recanvey ttio Pro�ehY
<br /> and shall surtender this Secu�ily In�tnrmanhand,ull�nptas evidenci debt secured by thia Secu�iry
<br /> � Insuument to'Itustee. 7lustee shall rcconvey 1he Pmpehy wilhoul�wamanly and wi�iwut c suge to the pers�n or perwn�
<br /> �.; legelly entiUed to it. Such persan or persons shull pAy any roaatdpdnn.aoats,
<br /> ?•-�•. , lq, Sul�ty�te 7}ustee. I,ender.At ils oplion,mpy Ihnm�lima In�lima romove 7lustee and appoint n successor vuslee
<br /> � � ��� � to any 7iv�ke appointed hercuMicr by an instrumenl rccatdad•in iha caunty in whKh Qiia Snurity Instrumcnt is recoMai.
<br /> • . ' Withaul conveymce of the PropeAy,the sucressor tmctae ahnll r+uca�ad�ta all�he tide,power and duties conferred upon
<br /> ''�,'!•U. , i,,�`,; 7lustee heoein and by app�licoble law.
<br /> �-��n?�., �� , 211, Requeot for-ryoUces, Borrower reque�l�tha� oapias nC�hc nnticBy of dcfauU and sale be bent to Bormwer's
<br /> ;i,�+..,, f �`� Addrecs whiah iethe Property Address.
<br /> :j;7},`:;.��, � '� ,� �,`•;.?t,�;
<br /> �'•,;:. ' a •�n '`��,i+Y�'• Wders fo tqla Securlty I�IrumeM. If one or maro ddur�u�oxaculed by BwTOwer nnd recorded together with this
<br /> ���.�� t} -k::,A� �. ,: �
<br /> �' Seeuriry InMrument,the covenants of eacb such rider shall Ua Inao�pnratad into und shall amend nnd supplement 1he
<br /> ' �'�� � cavenents and agreements of this Security Instromam aR if Iha ddar(y)�weis ln a pail of thi�Security Inxwment.
<br /> /�'�
<br /> w r. ._.,,..." .<''• [Check applicable box(eall.
<br /> � :y-;.:-,`';.^;{•
<br /> ' + �Condominium Rider �(3raduntad�l►aymam Ridor �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �• . :,o.,_ .
<br /> --h�-_
<br /> '`�k.�at:-`•• -� ::,
<br /> L"-::�- ,:;R,.,�..,;'. '..'�
<br /> . �Plnnned Unit Devclopment Rider �Oihor��Bpaaify]:
<br /> '�'� �. ' � ' BY SIONING BELOW..Barrower uccepts und ugrcoq to the iunns contained in pages 1 through 4 of lhis Securiry
<br /> .�:"�.. � " ^ " . ;;';•n:;;:':; Instrument end ip eny riden�)execu�ed by Bornawer and�roawriled with.il.
<br /> -;�:' .
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<br /> ���" On this lst �I�'�•�'i Oatober. 1993 . �li�re mc.Ihc undeni�xncd.u Notury ,;r,
<br /> �': E.,_. �,::
<br /> �t .ri PuNlic duly commiasiancd and yuulilird ti�r+aid c��um��.(wn.�niully ranu ;��h
<br /> �r�= �;� A SIN(lLB PERSON '�
<br /> 'r,'. . M11RIlINNB B BESLOP .�o mr I.nown tu F+c Ihc '•�?r
<br /> 4.� ;:�';fi�,,,., '.
<br /> �� •.�.. idenlicul penoM�)whrne na�ml�1 am,uh.cnlxJ�u�lin luregi�in�instnimrm and acknowlcd�ed thc excrution thcnof�o hc ,�.�..
<br /> .r. ��,�:�, � '. her vnluntup•urt antl dccJ.
<br /> K;� , '}, �;�.��.`., .' VNitness my hand•rnd nu�urial�eal al (3R1lHD ISLAND in +aid coumy. Ihr F.
<br /> ?• g ,t �: date af'oresuid.
<br /> � '�`��'�'
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<br /> ::�,' ,t . ., My Commissioncxpires. �,n��wn��c t
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<br /> „ Thc undcnigtxd is thc hotdcr nl'thc nwc ar nutc,tirrund by thi.[Awd�►1"liu��. SuiJ nut�ur nutcti.u��tcth�r wilh ull �
<br /> � � , olher indcbtedne�+Krured by th��lk�ed ol"Itu�t.havr bcen paid in full. Y�m arr h�rcin•Jir�wteJ Iu ranrrl,aid nu�c ur ,
<br /> I � ' notes nnd this 0.�ed of'li'uxl.which are iklivercd h�mhy.und lo rccanvcy.withi�ul«artanty�.•rll Ihe c,tulr now held b� ruu
<br /> � �•' , ' . , under this Deedot'Itust to the person m prsnns legully entiUeJ�hen�a. �.
<br /> •t � • F
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