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... <br /> ADJUSTABI,� F�ATE RIDER 9 9 10 9 81 <br /> 5 <br /> 7'HIS AnJUS7A9LE RA7E NID�R Is made this � 17,tF�_day ol �eptamber _ 1999._, and (., incq}porated Inlo <br /> qnd ahaU b0 deemed lo amend a�d supplemanl the Mortgage, Ueec! �f Trust o� $eCU�'1ly nP,ed (lhG "Socm�ity Instrumcn!") tif the sama <br /> dele glvcn by ll�e underslgned (ihe "Borrowor") to sE�cure Bortowor's AdJUStt�ble Rnle IJole (thc "Notn") lo <br /> lincoln �edaraf Savings 8ank of eb �k�_„_�____ _M�� _'�^�_ <br /> (lho "Londer") of the samo dat� �nd coverinq the preperly describad In tho Securhy Insirumenl und located ak <br /> ,,.. __._, .�_ 904 W�121h, Grand IslEnd; _ N�braska 68�0�� <br /> �MoP�try Ad 7rc?hs] -......._—....��_ <br /> THIS NOTE CONTAINS PROVIStON$ A�LOWING FOR CFiANGES IN THE INTER�ST RAT� <br /> ANb 7HE MONTH�Y PAYMENT, THE NOT� (_IMITS THE AMOUNT TH� SORROWEFi'S <br /> lNT�REST RA7E CAN CHANGE AT' ANY ONE TIME ANb 7NE MAXIMUM RAT� 7HE <br /> BORROWER NIUS7 PAY, <br /> ADDITIONAI CAVENAN7S, In nddilion to lhe covonant� end egreemenis m�de In 1he Security In�lrument, QotrowcY and Lender <br /> tu�thcr covonnnl end �grae ns follow:: <br /> 4. IM7EFiE5T RATE AND MONTHLY PAYM�NT CHANGES <br /> (A) Change Dates <br /> Yhe tnlore3t rale I w(fl pay moy change on Ihe Crst day oi October , 2009 _, nnd on Ilint ciHy every <br /> 12th monlh tl�oteallAr. Each dato on wiilch my inierost retn eould chnnpe is cnlled s 'Chnnc�e[late". <br /> (B) The Index <br /> 8aginnlny with the tiist Change �ate, my intarost rele wiA be basod on Rn IndFx, The 9�dex" ig lhe 11nn1 nvern�e caniract <br /> Inlar'ost rAt� on convenlionpl loens closed, for purcli�sing prevfously oceupled homes, by all maJor lendris (or tliol month, as made <br /> available by ihe Feder��l Housing Ffnance Bo`rd. Tha mosi recenl h�dex Cgurn avnlleble as ot the dale a5 days t+Pfore each Chan�o <br /> Onle Is called thc `Currenl Index'. <br /> 11 lhe Index Is po Ionger avelleble, tha Nolo i{�Ider wiil chooso � new index which Is baaecl upon com�nrahle inloimallon. Tlin <br /> Nole Holdor will glve me nolico of Uils choice. <br /> (�) Calcufatinn of Changes <br /> Before oach Chen�e Date, tha Nole Holder will cnlculate my new tnterosl rale by a�iding Q��e_and_250 1 `�,,,.,._� <br /> porcontagn poinls (,,,,,_ _,.1,250 qo) to ihe C:urrent Indox. Selbjpol lo ihe lirniis stoted in Section 4(U) bniow, Iid�s srnount <br /> wMl ba my now (h�ere;t rnte un1Y tl�e nexl Chango Dale, <br /> 7he Nolo hlolde► wiq ihon detarmine lhe nmow�l ol 11;e monthly paymant ttial wo�dd bo suf iclenl to�y ihc un�iald pruir.ipnl <br /> th�l � am expected lo owe at lhe Chan9e Uate b� fuli on thc maturily dale at my ncw Intaresl rate In substanG:dly equEil pnyrnenis. Tho <br /> renuft o1 llils calculr�lion wip bo tlre new amount ot my monlhly pnyment. <br /> (b) Lirnits on (nte�est Rate Changes <br /> lhc htoresl rate I :+m required lo pay al the flrsl Change Data wll be no less lhan tha eurrenl Index but nu nto�e Uian <br /> 1.ri,00�Ye polnts more lhan thc cutrent index rate. Thereafler my Intcrest ralu wi►I never bc Increase�J or dvcrcasad on nny sin9le <br /> Char�90 Datc by mnra than One and 500�1000 _�.,�_�_porcent (1,500 96) from tlte tato oI lntcros! i hnve <br /> bean paying for the precoding tweNe monlhs. My rate will nc.w��r be grealer than_,,,,_ 14.000 �,, Floor�fi,5006 96. <br /> (�) �Hective baka of Changes <br /> My new lnleresl rale witl bacotne etfeclive on each Chanpe Date, i wil( hay the amauiyl o( my hew monthly paymenl beginntnp <br /> un tho ilrst mordhly p.yymont date alter lhe Chon�e Dale unti)1ho amount o{my monthly peyrnent chan�es ngo4i. <br /> (F) Notfce o� Chpnges <br /> lho Nola Holder will dclivcr or mail lo me e notice of any chnrn�os In my Interesl ralo a��c� Il�e amount of my rttontlily paymenl <br /> belorc lho aflpciive date of uny cI�AnQe. Tho notice wlll Includo 4�lorrrtaliah required by fAw lo be glveii ms a11d also lho litfe And <br /> lelopho�q frufnbef ol a person who will answe� any questlon I may hav�a regnrding Ihe nolir,r„ <br /> B. TRANSFEq OF TH� pROPERTY OR A BENEFICIA� INTERES'T IN BORROWER <br /> Unlform Covenant t7 0l Ilie Security Inslrument Is omonded lo rcad as lotiows: <br /> 7'ransfe� oi the Praperty or a Bene�cial Interost in Borrowo�, I(all or any part o( tl+e Propeity or mly h�tprest <br /> fn II Is �old w IrAnsfercd (cr if s� beneficiQl Interest in Borrower I� r,o'd or iransic�rrPd and Borrower ix nol a nslurni pei•sen) wilhout <br /> lendor's prlor written eensent, Lender may, at its opUon, require immcdiate pay�►nenl �n full o( ali sums ecaired by Uils Securily <br /> InsiNlflAb(, Nowevcr, Ihis optfon shaq not be oxcrcised by Lendcr it exercise Is proh�ilyd hy Iedartzl law ps of lhe dafa o1 Ihla <br /> Spr,urlly Instrument. I.Fndr.r elso si�aq no! exercisa lhis oplion (L (a) flonower causes to be si�bmitted (o l.end�r Iniormatfon tnqiiired <br /> by lender lo oval��nte the Intended transferae As if a ncw loan were beln� tnAde to thc t�ansferee; and (b) Lcl�der rens0�tobly <br /> �IrlPrminas thal lPndcr's security will net be impaired by tl�e loan assuinptton flnd ihal Ihe risk ot � brencli o( any coven�nl or <br /> agrec+nlalt in Ihls Secwity In.^•Irument Is accPpixble to Lender. <br /> F4!113.LMG(1?/�J6) Pupn 1 ot 2 <br /> 9t1e7 <br /> i <br /> � <br />