<br /> � �_ ^ . .a.
<br /> ^ _ � '• � ��`:' � , .��
<br /> : i0�'�,5i
<br /> TOdETHBR WITH dl tho improvcmenu�now or heraRer er�ected on tha prope 93arid dl e�eanenU,appur�etuu�oa�md
<br /> fixtunes now or here�tier � port of the propctty. All nplaoemsnta And rddition� rFwll al�o bo aave►od by thi� 8eauriqi
<br /> Ina�ument. All of tix forcgoing ia roferrod to in thir Savrity In�trument ox tM� "Propeny."
<br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS thAt Borrower is lawfully�i�ad of the�hercby rnnvayod wKl h�r lho rf�hl to�{rant�td
<br /> canvey the Property and �hat the Property ie unencurnbarod, eacept for encumbrancer of rocord. Bomuwer w�rr�nl�Yrd will
<br /> dofend grner�lly the�ille w the Property ngainct s�ll cloima wid demand�.qubject to�ny encumbrance�oP rocord.
<br /> THIS 3ECURITY INSTRUMENT cornbines unfForm rnvetwnts far national use w�d non•unifornt covotwnu with lintitad
<br /> � "i "'�' variwtions by ju�lsdlctian to constitute a unifurm�ecuri�y inwrument oovering rcal pmpeny.
<br /> ��; UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower and L.ender cavenant And agree�s followa:
<br /> � ; ` R'1� � '` 1. Pwyment of'Principal and Interest; PrepsymeM +md I.ate Cha�es. Bomawer ahall pmmp�ly pay when duc 14a
<br /> •�•�}' P � y meM end latc charQea due under the Note.
<br /> ;.n , �t rinci of and into�+cst on the debt evidenced b tha Note and any prcpay
<br /> �"%:.`.%'�`f�� 2. I�nds io�7'axes wnd Insurance. Subject to applicable Iaw or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shull pAy to
<br /> �'' Lendcr an the day monthly ppyments are duc under thc Note,until the Note ia puid fn full.a sum("Funda")for:(A1 yauly twcea
<br /> • .� � ';` 4'���:' and assessments which.may uttain priority over thiR Secu�ity instrument as a lien on tt�c Property;(b)yearly leasehuld�►ytnents
<br /> ��;
<br /> z;'' �'"„u..�,.�`'• or ground rents an tho Property,if uny;(c)yearly hazcird or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly tlood insurcmce prcmiums.
<br /> �a�" ' ���. ''.%�`�•� ��. �' if any: le) yearly mortguge insurance premiumg. if any;and(fl any sums puynble by Bormwer to l.ender, in acco�dunce with
<br /> . 1�!:��;._+�;. .;;',�
<br /> •.-,�,;•. �•• ihe pmvfaionr of parngtaph 8. in liau of the payment of mortgaga insurance premiums.These items are c�lled"Escrow Items."
<br /> .. � �� "�;'� ' ° ,� Lender may,at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceod the maximum amount a lender far a federaily
<br /> '�''��• '7fti�`'`"'`�'C'""`'".;.��� related mortgage loan may require far Borrower's escrow accaunt under the federnl Real Estate Settlement Procalures Act of
<br /> .;,:;.�. r. . • • -::,�.
<br /> � '-,•'.:�;„ ,. �.�-<.�����;.::'-Y,t;z�, 1974 ac amended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unlegs enother law that applies to the Funda
<br />' '`'`'' ` ` � � ' �''"'`� � sets a lesser umount, if so, l.ender may, At any timc, collect and hold FundR in an amount not to excetd the lesser emount.
<br />_ :I:.;', ��•;,;;,..''..:� :':,;;'•i�k=,':�''�
<br /> : . ,��,:t,,�..,,f,,,:.,�y-4,,,.��,5 I.ender mAy estimata the amount of Funda duc on the basis of current data and reaROnublc estimates of expenditut�s of futum
<br /> � r�:,, t �:.., ��,.{��x, F.scrow llems or othcrwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> f.�.:���:,,,:;��?,,.::,;t The Funds shall he held in an institution wh�se �ie�+c�si�s are insured by a federal agency, inst�umentaNty, or entity
<br /> ,° � ; , , ��� � �.'�. (including Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Feder�l Home l.oan Bank.I.ender shull apply the Funds to pay thc
<br /> i! �•,: .•,��• ,.�•�e��i-�,.:,;�. Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Harcower for holding and applying the Funds. annually anulyzing the escrow acwunt,or
<br /> k,��:� ;', ;r;:;r�:,�°.'•,;�;,3�`��y�z::,:
<br /> �,. .�..;. .,,,,�,,.....::... .... verifying the Bscrov►�items,unlccs I,ender paya Borrower iaterest an the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender to mnke such
<br /> '`''`' t''-�`.?;��~',,.�•:::,:;:,�;:�;s��� a charge.However. I,ender muy require&inower to pay uone-time charge for un independent rcal eslatc tax reparting service
<br /> y�'` '"��'''' � � �"�`,;',� used by Lender in rnnnection with this I�un, unle,�s upplicable law pravldes athernise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> ��� �• '. =. •� applicahk faw requiraa interest to he paid,i.ender shull not be required to puy Barrower any inte�est ar earningx an the Funds.
<br /> � ~ �� 8orrower�nd Lender mv,y uKrce in writing. hawever. that intcrcst shall be puid on the Funds. l.ender shall give ta Borrower.
<br /> • • withnut churge, an annttRl�uccounting of the Fundy, ,hnwing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpor,e for which euch
<br /> � dcbit to�he Funds w•as i�ir�io.The Funds arc plcdged os udditional.r•ccuri�y titt ull +umx secured by this Security Inurument.
<br /> If�he Fund�held b�•L.en�k:r cxcccd the umounts permGtcJ to be heW by upplicuble luw, I.ender.hall accoun�ta&�rr��wer
<br /> ' " for thc ezce+s Fun.1� in,wtivmluncc with thc reyuiremenls of upplkuhlc luw. If thc anH�unt of�he Funds hcld by I.enJcr al uny
<br /> � . ' : iim�i. ix�t r;ufliricnt la�>>uy thc F.tirr�iw Itemr�wbcn Juc,l AnJcr muy ui nndfy&mawcr in w�ri�ing,u��l, in.urh�u�r Fi��rrowcr
<br /> . rhull puy to l.ctxlrr Ilµ�nmown ncrcti.ury ti�muke up�hc Jeficicncy. &irr��wcr .hull nwkc up tlx drficicncy in n�►im�ro �hwn
<br /> �. • �welve nK�nthly puynxti���.a�I.ender'�u�le Ji.rrrc�i�m.
<br /> �. � ` Upnn paynxnt.in,Full ul'ull ,um. ,�rurcJ My thiti Srcuriiy In,tronxnt. lA�ular,hull prampUy nfund �o &►rrnx•cr uny ,
<br /> :¢ � , • Fuixl�heW by Leixlcr. 11'. undcr puagruph 31. I Andcr+hall uryuirc��r.cU thc Pr���x riy,l.cnder,pri��r tu Ihe uryui�ition ar wle � -
<br /> nf the Pra{xrny. .hull upply un�•Fund�hcld by l.endrr at �hc tinx ul'ucyui,ition��r.ule as u rnJit u�!uinsi the zums,ecurcd by ,
<br /> �rr � �his Sccurity Imtnimcnt. ��
<br /> i 3. Appllcs�Uon oGPaymenlx. Unla+�upplirublc luw pru�•iJcti a�hcrwi�a alt p•ryment�rcceivcd by Lender under parr�truph.
<br /> I uml 2 +hall Ix uppliv.l:�17rnt. tu uny prcpuymenl rhurg���Jue uixler thc N�nr: .ecund,to um�wntx payahle uiuicr purugruph 2: ',,.;;
<br /> third,t�►imrrc�t duc:ti�unh.tu principal duc;and la+t.N►uny lule churgcs due undcr thc Notc.
<br /> , 4. ChA�ev: I.i��n►. Hnrrrn�•cr tihul)puy all ta�c�,as�c+timcnt�.churgc�, finc,anJ impo,itinn�unribuluhlc t��the Pr�►pcny ;;'`
<br /> . . ��:• whirh rnay auuin prinri�v �ierr ihi,Scrurity Intitrum�nt. anJ Ica,rhulJ puynknt,ar gmund rem.. it'an�•. &►r�ux•cr�hull P�Y "��.,
<br /> � .• ;��'i�:`''�•`"' �' thex ohli•ation,m tlic mxmxr nwidcJ in ara�ra � ��r if n��t s�id in Ihat mann�r.A��rrn��•rr tihall r•�hem on tim�Jirrcd
<br /> ,..,,.�; .,:�� �'�r�: :- � � r � t� -• r r•> r •. ..
<br /> tu thc�xnnn inr•eJ paymrm. &,rroa•cr.hall pram�tly furni.h tn L�nJcr all n�,tirrti nf am�ium.tn hc paid under thi,parrgr�ph. i,•..
<br /> �. •� ,� . • .. . If Borraxcr makc•.th,.r pa�•�mnt,Jirertl}. B��rr�,�eer sha!!prnmptl�•furui>h tu LenJrr rercipt,r��idenring thr paynx:nt..
<br /> " .� • • Bi�rri�acr�hall pn►ntplly Ji,�hargc unp licn«•hich hcn pri�ttily� �»�.•r tl�i,Scrurit� Imtrumrnt unlr,. Rurrowrr:lal:igrrr,in
<br /> � s �� ,� �.� writing io the paym��n��f 1hr uhliguti„n.crureJ hy Ihr li�n in a manncr:�rreptahle i�� LenJer: Ihl rnntc�t,in�ixxl I'aith Ihr licn
<br /> � �.. hy. ur Jefcixl. again.t cnfi�rcrmrnt ��I�thr lirn in. IcEal pr�+rreJing. ��•hirh in �hr LcnJrr', apiniiN� iryxratc la prcvcnt the �
<br /> :t•:.';' :'
<br /> ! : , entiircenunt nl'thc li�n: �u�rl�crurr,frum ihc h��Wrr nt��hc licn:m:��rcement �:ui.l;irlun 1�� I.�ndcr,utx,rdinatin�Ihc licn to �
<br /> ,. • thi,Sc�uri�y In.�ninkm. If Lrndrr Jc�rnninr,th:n :im•p:ir���I Ih�• Pr��r�rt� i, .uhj.:� In :�lirn «hi�l�ma� atiain pri��rit� uvrr
<br /> � this Scrurity In.hunxnl. I.rndrr nr,�� gi�r Fi�+rr�,+�rr a ix��i�c ulrmil�inL�h� lirn. Hnrrmcrr.h:dl .:�ti.rl') dir I�rn ur w{�r rn�c�►r t
<br /> i . � �� more of th�•rrtion►,rt li�nh ahu��r w•ithin Ill Ju}•,��I thc pi�in�C��I��uticr.
<br /> i - Form 30Y8 8i90
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