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<br /> ,�'~'JV
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<br /> a
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<br /> �� . . � .�:'�" �'Zii�:�..;'!. ' � � ., -
<br /> ��
<br /> • , . .. . L�ndw m�y� N�ny 1Yn�, oobot�nd hold Funds N �n�rnouM not to�aowd th�nwonM�n�in�outri��dr��rN�t�d nwrlq�
<br /> .,. : ..".� b�n nwy nquk�lar BaeAwR'� Ma►ow aoaount undw th�Udu�l RMI E�BMY�nm1 Fhoo�diuM Aal of 1Y7�1 u �nMnd�d kan tim�b
<br /> ,•,�,->� ..:., ��;: IrM�12 U�B.C.2101 �1
<br /> ° `,.,y fs.M�Y �. �p.,IfRRBPA"►�unlMS�nathr Mw that�Us lo tM FuMb ut�� M�ar rno�mt. N�o,L�nd�r�y,d�ny Mm�,
<br /> `; :��� ooWw .nd fwld Fwx�Ir►an!wK�w+t not fo�xcNd tA�INS�r�no�u�4 I�neNr m�y � th��mount W Apids du�ae tlt�ba�N ol
<br /> ' �� r r.'��.. q�Rmt dw�nd rMSa�M�IM�01 apndW�ns of Wdin E�aow k�a�a oth�wN�b�aaardr�a wMb�p{�1o�bM I�w.
<br /> tud n
<br /> � . �. � Th�funda�hM M hN4 M►,an InWoutlon whos�d�po�Ms �n Niwnd by�1�d�n1�p�nay. InWunwnWty,a�ntlty(N�oludlnp I.�ndu� M
<br /> ' . I.�nda Is wcb m N�sUk�tlael:or In�ny F�d�l HorrM Lo�n 9ank. I.mdw stMM�ppy th�Fund�to p�y ih�E�arow It�. L�nO�mry not
<br /> fi.: . ahvp� Bartow�r lor hoklNp�nd�PPh�o th�Funds,�nnu�N an�lYtino th�uarow �aoaud�or vwNyNfp th�E�arow It�� urdM� L�ndw
<br /> , � pay�Borrowar IntareW a►tha F�ri{1a and appYcaWo I�w pamita L�ndx to Rwko weh a charp�. Howavar, l.a�da� �wy raquin BartowK to
<br /> pRy� on�1Nn�oh�rp�lo►�n�lndmt�I pat�wc npordnp s«vlo�us�d by l�nd�r In aann�allon wNh this lov�,unlMS�Wp1abM I�w
<br /> . j • ., p►ovld�s othuwlN- UN�ss �n �qrplmM�t It n1�d� a appAe�bl� Mw nqutos bla►Nt to M pdd, L�nd�► �hd not b� nquirod to p�Y
<br /> �, eortowr my Int�rsat or�s on�lh�Funds. Borroww�nd L�ndw m�y wpna In wrNkip,howw�r�th�t Mrten�t�h�Y b�pald on th�Fw►�M.
<br /> :'- i 'i � l�d�r sluA qv�ta BoRawa.wiU�put,ohap�,�n�nnwl accountlnp W th�Fund�,thawing endits md d�bits to th�Fund�md th�pumos�
<br /> . •,. ;:��:. � to►which uch dibit ta th�Funds wR,a m�d�. Th�Funds an pbdp�d�s adddion�l a�a�ity ta aN wms ucund by thb Suudty Imtrummt.
<br /> � � ; . 11 ttw Fw�ds hald by UndFr excvod tho amounis pMmfited to be held by �ppNcsblo hw� Lender ah�M accouN to Botroww for the
<br /> • .r � excas Fwids(n�oordw�av whh tM►roqukwn�nb o1�ppWaibk 4iw. If ths �mawil o11h�Funds h�ld by Lender�t�ny tltn�is not sufAd�nt �� ~
<br /> , • to p�y th�Etaaw' lipns when dua. L�ndar rtaiy�a notHy 9ortower in w�ting, and, in suah as�Borrow�r shd p�y to L�nd�►th�amount
<br /> �ttr :, '�� � � O�GSSUy 10 11Nk�up 1h�1 d1AClNlpp/. Bortoww sMMI m�k� up Ihe dMldN�oy in np mon th�n iw�lv� mo�thy P�Y�n��t LMIdN'i sOM
<br /> ,t`�' • � „�.
<br /> .. � . �...
<br /> � Upon paymml in lu4 0l W sums ��aund by thk S�ardty In�hummt. Lendr ahaY pranpUy nlund to Bortoww �ny Fund� hNd by
<br /> L«itler. q.untNr p�g#ph 21��l,�ndr shW�cquln or aN tha Propery�Lender� Rior to the�cqubiUon a s�N a1 th�Prop�rty.�hd�pply �
<br /> � �ny Funds h�ld by Lender�t thA 1im�01�cqubWon a�as a cx�At apdn�t ihs wms s�cund by ihis S�eudtY Instn�n�nt.
<br /> 3. Appliadian vf Paym��. UnNas�ppYabb I�w provid�s athrwis�,�N payma�h ncehnd by UndK undar p�rapraphs 1 �nd _
<br /> 2 shW b��ppY�d: fkst, ta�ny prapayment chruqes due under the Note; s�eond,to�nwu�M pay�6te undar psmpnph 2;thkd to InUnst
<br /> � du�fauNh,to piM�ip�l dua:and wst,to any I�t�eharpes due under th�Not�, '�
<br /> �:.$ •� -
<br /> ` � � 4. Ch�tg011; I.Ipne. Borrower aholl pay�I taxes, aaaeaamenU, oharqe�,Mes�nd Gnpositlone atUlbutable to tha Property whleh n�y " ��
<br /> ;�.. :.,
<br /> • �tWn pdodty wer thk 3sourNy Instrument. md lessehotd p�ynw�te or pround nnts, N any. 8ortower ahafl p�y thar obYp�tlons In th�
<br /> mamer proWd�d in pr�praph 2, or fl not p�id in Ih�t m�nner, Barow�r ahwN pny them on tim� dkectlY to th� prson ow�d p�yma►t. ,4� ,�;':_ .
<br /> Bortow�r ahap pmrnpty tumish to Londer aN naUcea of amcunts to b� p�id under thia para�ph. R Bortowr m�k�s thn� psymmb
<br /> �,BaraNnr shaN promptly fumish to lander recelpts�videncing ihe paymenta.
<br /> BoRaw�x sfiW promptly disah�rqe any Aen whleh has priorly owr this Secudy Insirumant unNea eorrow�r: (�) ��In writhp tu�h�
<br /> paym�nt o1 tKt�ob4gatlon a�cured by Ihe Un In a m�nnar�ccepte6le to Lender.Ibl oonteste In 9�d 1�Uh the Ilen by, or defmds ay�fnst
<br /> enlaaQtMn1 ot Ihe Ilen M,�I�I proo�dinps whioh In the Lande'a opkdon ope�ate to prevant tha enforcement of the qm; or(c) s�ou►ss kom ,� ...f .,
<br /> � , Ih�hotdor ot ihe Ilen�n aqreanent salialactary to Lender subordkiadnp the Aen to ihls 9eawiy Inshument•If Lenda determines th�t any � '"
<br /> part o1 the Propay ia sub��ct to a Ilen whkh moy atWn priority ova thb Security InaUumant,Lender m�y ylva 6arow�r a noUc�W�ntlylny ?�±t;:,�"
<br /> ih�Men. Borrower ahdl aaUsty the Ilen or taka ona or moro of the aalions s�t foAh abova wflhln 10 days of lhe ylviny ot noUco. +;�'
<br /> c
<br /> 8. Has�rd o► Propoiiy Inouranco. BoRawa ahoA keep tlw improve�nenis now existlng or hereafter erected on the P�opaiy .�'�,�� ., s
<br /> , • Inswpd spdnst bss by flre, hazards Included wqhM the term 'extended corerage' and any other hpzatds. IncludY�g Aoode or Iloodkip,1or ' ��
<br /> � whkh Lender requkes insurance. This Inau�nce nho0 be maintolned In the emounte and tor 1he perbds that Lender requlres. The Insur�nes
<br /> wmer p►ovidlnp the insurance shaU be chosen by Bonower subjeci to Lender's approval which shaY not be unreoaonabty wflhhetd. II
<br /> � Bortuwer lails lo nwlntaln wverage desalbod �bova, landar may. al Lender's opUon. o6/ain eovaape to p�otect Lendw's �iyhis in ihe � . ..,,,,•,
<br /> ' � � �P�Y M�accordance wflh pareyraph 7.
<br /> All inwrance potides and renewals ahall be acceplabk to Lender and ahall Indude a standard morlgage cl8use. Lender shtll have ihe � .
<br /> d�yhi to hold the polidea and renewala. If Lender reqWrea.Borrower ehal promptry gNe to Lender ell receipts o1 pald premNMns end renewal
<br /> � notiees. h► the eveni o1 loss, 8ortower shaN yive prampt notice to the Inau�noe aanie►and Lende�. Lender nwy make prool of bas R not i
<br /> 1 rtfade prampty by Bortower. �ti�, ';'
<br /> Unleat Lender and Bortower otherwlse agree M w►fUng, ineu►ence p►aceeda ahall be appQed to resloroUon or repaY of the P►operty ��'�'
<br /> , . damoged,H the restoraUon or repair Is economically feasible and Lender's security Is �ot lessened. fl the restomibn or repalr Is nat r•�
<br /> economic�Ny te�slble or Lender's secwfly would 6e leasened, the insurerwe proceeds shrN be appNed to ihe eums secured by this Secutity � . •
<br /> Irnstrument, whelher a not then due,with any ereesa pald to 8orrower. If Bortower�ba�dons 1he Property.or does not anawer wNhln 30 � •'
<br /> days a noUce irom Lende►that the Insurence cartle► hos ollered to setlb a claim,then Lender may cotlect the Insurence ptoaseda. lender ,��-
<br /> � may use Ihe proceeds to repalr a restore the Raperry or to pay suma seaKed by lhis SecurHy MaLument,whether a not then due.The , �
<br /> 30day pedod vrm begin when the noUce is given.
<br /> , , Unbsa Lender ond Borrower otherwise agree in writiny, any appllcaUon ot proceeds to principal shatl not exlend or postpone the due
<br /> date o1 the monlhly poyments referred to in porapraphs� 1 and 2 or chanqe the emount ot ihe payments. II unde►paraproph 21 the Property
<br /> is aoquked by Lender,Bortower'a right to e�y insurence pdtc�ea and proceeds reaulUng hom dam�ge to the Propeity pdor to !he�cqul�lUan
<br /> � ahaA pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums secured by Ihfs Secudty Instrument Immediately pria to the acquisillon.
<br /> . � 6. Oacupancy, ProsQrvotion� Mainto�anco ond Protaction of tho P�oporly; 6arowo►'s Loan Applicallon;
<br /> ,� Loaseholds.BoROwe► shaN occupy.establlsh.and use the Property as Barcower's principal resWence wlthln sixly days efter the executlon
<br /> � � of Ihis Security Mstrument and ahall continue to occupy the F'rapeHy as Bonower's prfncipal retidence for at least one year afler the date ol
<br /> ' , osxupancy, unfass Lender othe►wise egrees in wriling,which aansent shal nol be u�re�sonab�y wNhheld.or unkss extenuating tkcumstanoes �
<br /> � � exist which ara br/ond Bortowers eonlrol. Bortower ahaN not deslroy.dam�ge a impak the PropeAy. Nlow the Property to dete�iorate, a
<br /> � eonmit wiist� on t1►e Prope►ty. Bortower shaU be in deiaull ii aty IoAeiNre acllon or proceeding.whelher civll or crNnk�al,is beyun thot in
<br /> :,, ' landar's pood kiUti Judgrnad could result In IorleiNre of the Prope�ty or otherwlse matedslly impair the Ren cxwted by thb Security
<br /> i; �rtbnt or Lrnder's seeurity interesl. Bortower may cure such a delault end ralnstate.�s provlded in pamgnph 16,by ausU►g Ihe�cUon
<br /> - � r� �► 'yi'vu�iiw�y Qu `ue iro�iiuoe:� "viw`� i iumry ii�ii, n� ����ia�b yiivv iiiiu v'eia7iwwiiini. �IIR.�YYtli wnnuiie "vi C.ii aiG7u::ai�G n�Sa.i2 w�Si.o
<br /> 4 1 Prope�ty a o1hK mntehl InpaGrnent ol the Iten crealed by thh Security Inahument or Lmder's security Interest. Bortower shaY also be in
<br /> }, dalauft H 8ortowar, dudnq the lan appAcaUon process, gave m�terlolly felse or Inaccurate fnlwTrwtlon or statements to Lender (a fafled to
<br /> # provlde l�nder wlth any motai+�l Intormatlon)in connectlon wlth the Iwn evidenced by the Nole, induding.but nat Ilmlted to, repreaentaUons
<br /> ' conceming Bortowerb oceupanoy ol the Prope�ty as a princlpd realdence. 11 this Seeurity InshumerN Is on a leasehald. Bortower ahaa
<br /> � �� COmply WNA NI Ih! prpYf91q1f o1 tho lease- If Bonower acqukes lee lille to the Properly, the Ieasehold end the fee title shW not merge
<br /> � �. unless Lender aqrees to the marQtr 1n writiny.
<br /> r
<br /> � � FOrn� �1?tl 9.`3��
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