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; ! • . .. <br /> ��� .. ,_ . . . <br /> . _ ._, . ___ � . _, �f _ _ <br /> -- s _ - - '_ - ..' � .c.? �'�i'� . .tF�, 'c' - `r ' � . - _ <br /> _ __. _ '_ - .. -_ . .. _ . - :r':,-�:___ <br /> __ _ E� , � .c.. -`.� .�a-_.-=r. _ . . - - . .. . . . .- - ....__. _ <br /> .. _ <br /> -.-. ;_. : . , -. . �. _ .�; -- — - -- �-��:-. . . - - - .- ---_. - — <br /> s = . • s. � � - . .. _. . . iV i�?.•��' . f <br /> �i���r� � <br /> _;� . ° ; 9�. . _ <br /> — � ` r� atd b�wntfau�ai. �eqefiirtas7. :s a wsitar ot rfgltG:aaA��l.C,'�;�t notics to leustot <br /> _�:,;� ' or�7�a� ��ad�r lYvstas. aad vitdout saS,ard�T.ra ebR+►+�Eve af::t'ba i'c��ui��it� os th� iaissat o! �• �.. <br /> , � ,u <br /> . eLc Trustos ti�eseia. �h�,tl�nt� LAa right to aaY.e�ttt�h���t�r.t�u•itKk� to apyolnt a seeatesr <br /> ';��f-s� :;;•ca of the pt'eD�#!'- " ,,•;, ' . <br /> .? 10. TT�fc= O£PtODlK4.. If all or any pasc of ehc psoFarig;.cr•r,aS!:.tut+L'8�st of Sru�tor thrrein !s <br /> _ �,~: �F�-:.%. sold, tsaas£eaed or fureher ean�hesed vithout the e�re+cst ac vetCtan•taasftsxlti�ef Emefictatp. IIene(tclas9 <br /> � • . �ay. nt its sole apsfm. decLse:�11 s�s sec�ua8 Dy eIIia Dea! n£Tm�,�t�t�a•bi��i�ediauly due md papaDl� <br /> '���� •'` " � md psoceed to the zest0ies evailaDle to it �md,�s tt�e ds!`auLC Pcar�+txa:�et.e�s1t`�s4aed hesain. —. <br /> , �;•,.�: . <br /> - =- _--- .t. _.T,.: Il. Ermts oF DeYeulc. Aa3 of sEa lo23oulag at�st+e sht.�l��du�aeff��a�i�nent of dsfault A•s""�+sa: — <br /> :,�.�`(':;:i�; , .. <br /> • (a) Tsmtor shall Aave fail� to mafaa�aywea�u�r+�S!:�lrisfineL•sfe�af.iatereat, <br /> ��= -.� pslaeipal or prtaciDal utd LntereaL:ur�:o'thAr,Ba��satttanp3�t1R�",�i.�vhea due: ' — <br /> '��qi;h.�''`. ' . _"_-- <br /> � � " (b? There has occurred a btcacb,of•us•{tli�rafirtit�+.••�3t,Ci�ss.,covenant. agrea�eat, ___ <br /> _ .. `rr;,•:';;`s cwdition. prwtaion. repzesmt8ticm�or.•va.t�t3�rrraGSLiu�f�,��thtE�3ked of-Tresat. the —_--�� <br /> .�.�1='$��;�.`�::�,t.; '� `'� �=---- -- <br /> �a,i�,r aate or�p ather loan last�ent aer�ed tv�`E:. , ,.. , _ <br />� � �.�. h%`r!,., : . . .�. - ' � - <br /> �'r r:,:.r;�_'.;,-71: <br /> �r. -,_ ...,.._�. (e) lhere has been•a defanit 6y tt�t isaisutf'iff,ztaa p�Y�at af any psfor or a�hsequeat �?��_ <br /> = liea ur enc�brance fsi resgeet to.a13•es aay.4ari ef t6e pruFen9; ="— <br /> - . �'_--- <br /> � " ' "�:,:;" � -- <br /> -� -- -. ' ';"--:;,-='-T`'�, � (d) TLIISCOS 9�28ZI £L:e 8 40ZImi31'y Fl� in b�lanPtcy or ahatl be ad�esdirated — .�- <br /> - • b�tkzupt or lasolvPnt. a.-sUz.Ll maYcf aa - ent for the benefit of credtrors ta=esF� ���_ <br /> to the psopertY+ or as �Lss to`enfarce ms�-I.ien ar enc�braace ar 3udgme�s against t�e �+ _ - <br /> -- -- - i - - Propert9 !a co�eace�_ . �"^_: - <br /> - .• ,`��., __`` . _ . •. - y <br /> - 12. Meeleration IIvoa O�zfaul:_ :a che eve�,�°�.c�f�.H�••�c�•.��sy aaly deeiece all iadeDted- ' ��,`:ri�..,a�� <br /> �'�;;'r�. �' �� '' neaa secured hereD to De dus aad Ls .-�T le, aad s���s.aL•2 tbereagaa irecame due aad�ayab2e vieAoaL ``"�� <br /> p ��:�__.:..�n— <br /> 4. � .;`4. ' . �Y PresentteAi� dessad, protest ar'nctice of azy�:.. �_-...-!�ier,,H•��e�e�mg_ . - -,��'��—° <br /> '�� s ' (s) eiWer ta persoa or by ages[, �inc�s"v°���bstagla$ g �Sn <br /> �• - �.s actica ar roceed '�": <br /> � . ��' ` . . �';�4?-:- <br /> ,,.`,`.;.`_ , � or by receiver appotated by a coart��-2-^ct z��a:3 to t2�e�{-.a-'q aF aa�s�ciaitYs <br /> ,,f� � � �'r�S:,�� • enter uPan a� take possesslon of tbe yrcperty. ey�part the=eof. iz it� c�ss iase or fa . _ ���� <br /> �' �_:`���� •'"'� . ' �a�`k•�;_ the aase of the Trustee. �d do anp adts ahicb!t �e�s aeoesaary°and desi,rsF.i�=tb psesesve _ .f: <br /> '''''d:�'.'"t.. ,•�.� ` ``. .`��.�;''��� t�e value. marketability or reatabilitp o£ tt�e propescy, os part tlsereaf-;s.L1L�i[est theseia, • _ <br /> � I , � � `` �'4�'' iacsease che income therefrom or pmte� the securitq hereof aad, vl:h.o�'�iSng poaaeaelon � ,'-' �� <br /> f� �:. ! � �f the psoperty, sue for os othec�ise csllect the seuta, issnes���,�a+ie� thereof. lacluding ��,j�'��` y� ' ,� <br /> ,.'�:-�- °-�:�'_ • 'L5rnse past dae aad impaid. aad app2y t'3x e�e, lesa costs e¢d es�sres���opesatioa aad collection. r•� +-+-�'='-_.,- <br /> `�'�`>�` `•�� �. �ciudi attorne teea oa snq indebtedness secased hese6 , aL1 iz �'r..�i.osder as Heaeficlasy `i°Y�g;iY r�� , � <br /> :;, n8 Y . u0 Y Sit�'-�a�, . ,_ <br /> •�" 'i-� ;raq detetmiae. 1be eatesiag upoa mmd teldag poesesalot� oF the tsrist•esr.ea:.;•the eollectlua of T?�!<�4�ft � -_ <br /> , r'�'�'i� , �� .� such sentss 18sues and �.-fits imd a lication thereof as aforesaid "slralt?r-rs cuse or vaive any � rv_, `" �. <br /> '. 'r,�.::• : _ . P PP _':''�:�F, .� . <br /> •t:•,.:, � � , : default or aotice of dec.saEt heteuader or iavalidate any act and tn respca§e to such default or :fjy;,,�`,l. <br /> '"±;',�:' • ` �:' , . pursuant to sach notice m£default aast„ aotvithst�ding the coatlacance ia poesesaioa of tAe �•�'f • ���' <br /> '�•�ft'.ig•� . a . �'�:�l.f�?.:.. �;.'�� <br /> ;.y�;:;4i3;t� `, , psoperty or ehe coilectiaa„ seceLpt,aa..•application of renta, issne9 or profits. Tcustee os � � I '• . _-- � <br /> �a��#"a`�" <br /> ,;��,�+;�„- BenefAclasq map tie eatiila��o ese��se evesy right Dr+�ded for ia anq of she loaa lasts�ar�ts � � t�e•,t �-�- <br /> i.�;t+f�.;.• , . :' '�,`�7�3ri`'� <br /> ' �.•,.,}; os bq law upoa occurrence of a=.p 2v>a��of default, lacluding the sight Co eserciae thn pover of 1�F���:,� - <br /> . •,.,�y,� . , sale; .-,:�r.ti.';j�' 1e: <br /> • '`�� - b ce ac r �foseclose thfs Deed of Ssust as a mon e a olat a :eceives, . Y ` - ��'_ <br /> ',> ( ) co�en a� ri� 6 S�S s PP . , "� <br /> , �t:•.,;, or specitically enforce anp of the coven�ta heseof: i � �r . <br /> _'.,`:J:��l�:�o�._ • ' . . <br /> y;;��,�.. (e) dellves to Trustee a vritten declaration of default and dema�sd for sale. ead a�+ritteu � �,_ <br /> �°f;< notice of default and electiop co cause Tsuacar's incerest in crte propesty to be so1G, whicb , . _. , <br /> , • ' notice Tsustea ehall cause to Le duly filed for retord in the official recorda o£ Che couaty ln . , ' . �� <br /> , �. . ' vhicfi the property !s located. , . . • �' <br /> . . � C: <br /> , ,,_, ' 13. Yoseclosure Ev Por.�er of Sale. Should Beneflciary elect to foteclose by exereise of the pover of tl <br /> � sale hereia coataiaud, Beaeficiary ahall aotify Ts�stee and shall depasit vith Truatee thia Deed of Tsuat ""` <br /> ��'i�" � aad the note aad auch receipts and evldenee of expendlcuses made and secured hereby ea Trustee maq requise. � • <br /> ` '1"�% . and upon request of th�e&eneflciary. the Tsustee ehall file for zecord. in the Register of Deeds office in �� • ' <br /> . t`:��:'-�,f, ' � the Co�mty vhere the �aceezcy is I�ocated, a x:'fce of default, setcing 4osth the n�e of the Tsustos, the Q, <br />, � '� Baok and Page os Doc�e:: No, of �':�:� Aeed cf?rust as secosded ia eaid Registes of Deeds offlce, the legal �. , � <br /> �.: ':' • , ' , dracrlgcSaz of the abcve-descri�cd��ai es:.3�i:and that a breach ot an obligatian, for vhich aaid real <br /> :;i�` • "� i,�.. .- eatate �s conveyed as 9ecurity, i:_ �:��_rze3. aad aetting fozth the aature of such bseacD and the isasiee�s j ' � � <br /> '�f%;�•:','%' �•t(,i�;t.:;`;', ' electian to se�l che real escate ta s•a:i9£y t!:e obligation; aad aftes the laDse oY not less than oae (1) � , <br /> ��;. •:.''• 1.;�,;{;�,; � , month, che Trustee ahall give vritcen noticg cf the cime and place of sale r+hich may te betveep 9:00 a.m. , <br /> �' "•F°'"<�!: snd S y.m. at the psemisea, or at the Cousthos:se !n the Co�mty wherein eucfi propetty !s located. deacribing j; <br /> �':�'�"''�' ` �''�'f�'' the prayesty to 6e sold by ita lega: descriptlon, sald notice to be published in a nevspaper of general <br /> . ' � circulation in the County vherei:s <_;s:'s property !s located.:qnce a veek fos l3ve (S) consecutive veeka, the � <br /> • • , laet publication to be at least cu= ��IO) days, but not mozr_ r�an thirty (30) days, psios to the eale: aad ; � <br /> , . , � the Trustee ahall then aell said yrcresty at the efae an3 �:?-�;h designated !a che noiice. !n the eannes psa- '. „ <br /> vlded by lav !n affect aL the ti¢e sf fillnR eaid notice, �e ;.+:Ei2e auctf�n to the hiqhest biddes fos cash �' <br /> . ��RPi: and efiall delives to <uch purchase: a deed to Lre propert�•.r•%;i'.,:.rcn'sisr.eozt vith the lav !n effect at the i! <br /> . � :.j;�`st� • • . ' t 1LIe. _ . . . � • ... <br /> .. j.. ' <br /> :i�7:'.; Upon receipt of paynent of c!•,� �:etce hid, Trustee sha:l r�I1�:�s Lc C::e purrhaser, irustee's deed con- <br /> • � veyinR the praperty sold. Recita.'.�_a the Tzu9tee's deed G.h.�Ll be pri�a facie evidence of the tsuth ot the , • <br /> • � � � 'r�i.��.�;� � stateeents nade�therein. Trustee �:+tu�l ap�ly the �roceeds af the sa2e ia the fol3m.rinR ordes: (a) to all <br /> r,s;,,:; , reaeonab2e costs and expensea of c::c sale, Snci,:�ing hut noc 3imited to, t'rustee's feee of not �ore than `• � . <br /> �,1;.', , Z.n 9: of the Qi099 nale prtce, rearm.:3:3� attorney fees and costa �f titlo evidence: (b) to all t'., <br /> � s�ma becured by thi� Detld of Truve; and (c} a1:.e r.y:cese. !f any, ta tFe prraon os persons lep,ally entitled , � <br /> );c':., thereto. Any person. incladinR 9eaef2cfasy, .ta��utchase sal3 propesty at .aald sate. ' <br /> � . ,� . � � <br /> � ;':���.;:,';; ?he,pe:,.:n conductlnQ tha sale na��. for a�y cause he cr <_t:�: deees expedient, poat�osre the snle fso� tice • <br /> ���,'•� •° Ca cino m7Gl1 it ahail be cor�lct�::l �.d. in ever; such r.ase, �oElce of postponer_en[ snall be given by publlc ' <br /> ' declaration thereoP by sssch perscm at the tfae and place la'se apyointed fos the sale; yroviEed. !4 the sale <br /> is postponed fos lon�er than oae (l) day che date deaignnted in the notice of sale. notice thereof ; :.' <br /> . _ � sha11 be given !n the s�.r.e nanrter av the orlgina2 nottce•oP sale. � <br /> ti '� 14. Re�edies !:ot Exclusive. Pruvtee and Beneficiary� rnd each of thea, shall be entitled to enforee <br /> • payaeat and pesfos.rnnce of nn, fedc�tedness or obllRatioq aecused heseby aad to eaercise nl� rlgitts nnd <br /> pwers uader ehla Oeed of Yrust or under anq loan instruaent os other agtee�ent or any lavs no•r or hese- <br /> ` ' ' aPter eaforced, notviihstandlna svae or alI of erte ladebtednesg and obllgaelons secured hereby vhich cay nov <br /> or heseafter be othewise ser.��red. vhether hy n�rt¢aee, deed of trast, p2e3ae. 1len, assl�=eat or othenrise. . <br /> , !telthei the acceptance of this Deed of Frust nor !ts enforceeeat, vhethps bv court actloa or parsuant to the <br /> pove! ot eale or other polers hetefn contaiaed. shaY1 pre�udfce oe !n an: .:anaes �ftect Ssustee's os Eene- <br /> Ftcfasy's rtgh[ to reallze uaun or enforce aay orher �ecurlt; no�os iiereafter held b�tzastea os Beneficlary. <br /> � . it be![ti; agreed Lhat 7rusiee a:rd Ser.ef2ciary. an3 earh of tF.e�:. sha22 br ensitied t� enforce th3s Deed of <br /> 'Irust ana any ather secuslty nov or hereafte[ he�d bv tl:e 8enefici�zv or Tsastee !n such osdes astd naanes as <br /> ` - -- =ht�. ar e:'.er o: th�vs a;v in tt�ir abnnlnte �:�c..L!c: ,'.�.�—..e. ..- z<:.d•: .�:z_°e:red ::,�.. 3.- :c- <br /> . �' -----. � ' - serve�k ta .'ruytee er 3c�neiictar is inirnde3 to be escYusfve'o£ any other te'�..ed7^!�er.eS:t or bp la:r Piovided <br /> � or pescritted. bu[ eaciE shall be c�alat4ve aad sha22 �¢ in ad�ittan ta every nthPS iPRP(IV ptvert heee�sr�ez rr <br /> � �-���- �--�� nov or hereaftes exlstiag at 2av or tn eq:alty or bp statute. Every po�es os re�edy ;�iven by any of the Foaa <br /> � ' instrt�.:.ea[e tn Tru�tee or Seaeficfazy or co vhtch eliher of che�,av Se refienlse eatit2ed :aY 6e exerctse�, <br /> concu[sentty or independenctv, fro� ta ti�e aa3 as aften as tay be dee-ed expedient bv Trustee or Qeae- <br /> -f' . _ _?� <br /> ' � . <br /> ' � , i <br /> � t <br /> . ° : .' #' " " "__ ' ' - ' <br /> . .j . . , .. j .. ._. _ .. <br /> ! . . ' . -_ _. . ._._. <br /> . . t .. . . . . __ � . . .. _ . <br />