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<br /> iN CONSIDERATION of the payment of one-half (1/2) of khe
<br /> ��- �� � . t} ' ��bt named therein, the uadersigned hereby releases all of hie
<br /> �'� � `� r�m a i n i n g i n t e r e s t i n t h e M o r t g a q e a f N i n e t y T h o u s a n d F o u x
<br /> ,. �.�.r . .:c
<br /> .�?� . . • Ht�atdred Sixty-One and No/100 Dollars t;90,461.00) made by
<br /> �' ^ " ` Axr�old J. Placke to Larry J. Placke on the following-desaribed
<br />��i1 �r�� grQperty, to-wit:
<br /> � �.•..
<br />�� �
<br /> `�,��� .� A tract of land comprisiag a part of the Northeaet
<br /> �r•l.
<br />`°;-�� � ; �,.A puarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE�NE�) of 3ectiari �
<br /> .. � �� �`+" ,� �� Twenty-One (21) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine �
<br /> . (9) Wegt of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, ia the
<br /> - � - - City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraeka, more
<br /> par�icularly desaribed as Eollowes
<br /> � �� First, to ascertain the point of b�ginning, start at
<br /> the intersection of the Westerly line of E]aa Street
<br /> � with the Southerly line of Anna Street� thence runaing _
<br /> � �'� Southweaterly along the Southerly line of Anna Street a
<br /> , ;,,, diatance of Three Hundred Thirty-Four (334.0) feet to
<br /> , the ACTUAL point of beginningt also being a poiat on
<br /> �` the West line of Cleburn 3treet as condemned by City .;�„
<br /> i!� ordi�nance No. 1591 dated February 2, 1938 t thence � ��;
<br /> .;_. __ _ ___,��, continuing alonq the Southerly line of Anna Street a �
<br /> ,, distance of Eiqhty-Five and Faur Tenthe (85.4) feett
<br /> `,. � � thence running Southeastsrly, parallel to the Westerly
<br /> � � � line of �lm Street a distance of One Hundred For�y
<br /> • �i (140.0) £eetj thence runnin Northeasterl
<br /> � the Southerly line of Anna Street a distancell�f to
<br /> ; .
<br /> . �(, Eiqhty-Five and Four Tenths (85.4) feet to a poin� on
<br /> �; ���� the Westerly line of Cleburn Streetj thence running ' �
<br /> � Northwesterly along the Westerly line of Cleburn Street ��
<br /> � a distance of One Hundred Forty (140.0) feet to the ''
<br /> ,��.� . point of beginninq and containing 0.274 acres, more or ;4�
<br /> �;' ' � less= Cp
<br /> , , ��"
<br /> . '�-�
<br /> . wk,ich is recorded as Document No. 79-002290 in the Records of the �r
<br /> � . .: RK+qister of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. A one-half (1/2) ''"a
<br /> � ii�terest 3n said Mortgage was assigned by Larry J. Placke to "•��"�
<br /> � ��� K�y t... Placke by a �artial Assiqnment of Mortgdye w}iicll is '
<br /> ' . re+corded as Document No. 79-006263 in the Records of the Register
<br /> of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and such assignee has E� • .
<br /> praviously released her interest in such mortgage. �=
<br /> �. � (
<br /> � . ,
<br /> Dated this 1�day of ��j,�,.(�-�,� , 1987.
<br /> �� ,.
<br /> . X •�[ l�,i �i, 1 ( �t'�'
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