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<br /> DEED 0�' TRUST
<br /> -
<br /> T8I8 DaED OF TRLJST i s iaade as o! tha 18T day o!
<br /> , 1993, by and aa�onq ths Trustor, 9�� E. McDERMOTT
<br /> au� N N. McDEFt!l�TT, huibau►d and wifa, whosa nial.ling addr��s
<br /> for purpo�a� o! this Dead o! Trast is 220 An�iok Aveaud, Donipheui,
<br /> NebrAQkn 68832 (herein "Trustor", whether one or uwre) , the
<br /> Truste�, BRUCE I. BMITa, J►ttorney nt Law, whoee maili»q addrea�
<br /> ie P. O. Sox 790, C3rand Island, Nebraska 6880Z-0790, lherein
<br /> "TtuBte��) , and the Beneficfary, 10EVIN D. S�iNP'ORD AND PAtJLA JO
<br /> SANFORD, DECEA3E0, whose mailinq addr�ss is 2330 Jam�eon North,
<br /> � Lincoln, Nebraska 68512, (herein "Honefiaiary"1 .
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON&IDERATION, includinq the indebtie8nesa
<br /> i8entifisd hexein and truat herein crented, the reaeipt of which
<br /> �-:�.:.:�� ��-�• is her+aby acknowlsdge�d, Trustor hereby irrevoaably grants,
<br /> ` 'r : �` transfers, conveys and assfgns to Trustee, IN TRLIST, WZTH POWER
<br /> ���^' � OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and
<br /> ` subject to the ter�as and conditions hereinafter set forth, the
<br /> �.�..:.; ,
<br /> real property, described as follows:
<br /> _ Lots Sever� (7) , Eight (81 and Nine (9),
<br /> • „ �
<br /> � ` Amiak Aaree, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br /> �r � � ��;� :,• tAgether with all buildinqs, improvements, fixtures, streets, .�
<br /> ..:_,� alleys, passaqeways , easements, rights, privileges and appur-
<br /> tensaces lx�ted tt�araon or in anyw3.se oertaining thereto, and
<br /> i�'t�. � �•'': " �- tt►e rents, issues and profits, reversions and remainders thereof,
<br /> t`:•, . , �'��`���"�-•�t'"'`'� and such personal property that is attached to the improvem�enta ��
<br /> � � � �;;;;q :,.�+�. .,..,. so as to constituta a fixture, inaludinq, but not limited to,
<br /> + �.`��;�' : ;�.,�:°���::.:*.� �� heating and cooling ec�uipmentf and together with the homestead or
<br /> R";'�� • "` � marital interests, if any, which interests are hereby released
<br /> "'' ' ' � . �, and waived= all of which, including replacements and additions
<br /> , `:� o• � thereto, is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate .���
<br /> •i , ,� ��.,� �? secured by the lien of this Deed of Trust and all of the
<br /> - . •��x�.�; foxegoing befng referred to herein as the "Property".
<br /> � � ;�:;i:", .,,..;�,;,:
<br /> ,:.: � . This Deed of Trust shall secures
<br /> , ,/� ., ► �:::' . . . '�: .
<br /> � �' } � ° ��� (a) The payment of the principal sum and interest
<br /> �N� �"�'S" " �r� r evidenced by Trustor' s Deed of Trust Note dated
<br /> �?„����t� - -.`�.-��=::-- . ''� ` October 1, 1993, having a maturity date of Npvember 1,
<br /> '�n ° r 1996 in the oriqinal principal amount af One Hundred
<br /> � ' '' ' Thousand and No/100 Dollars (5100,000.00) and any and
<br /> ,,,,_ ::• .
<br /> all modifications, extensions and renewaLs thereof or
<br /> - , �q��_�.�. � thereto and any and all future advances and readvances
<br /> .�;.,�: i14d:�:.. . . .
<br /> hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or
<br /> ; N : �. credit aqreements (t►erein called "Note") t
<br /> .� ,
<br /> t�� � -�•�� '� �� J (b) The payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> •� - . t of the Note and �"
<br /> �, '� , Seneficiary to protect the securi y s
<br /> �,.��., .,�" •t{; r; .
<br /> � , ;��;i+� (e) The performance of all covenants and -
<br /> �'� "" aqreements of Trustor set forth herein. ,
<br /> ;� � ���
<br /> � ' � Trustos, to ps�otect the security nf this Deed of Trust,
<br /> :� ,!, � : 't , . , ,1;,;; �� , -
<br /> ��• �• � covenants and aqrees witl� Beneficiary as follows:
<br /> �.,��_ti-: ��., . , �,
<br /> .:,, . , �: � 1. Pavment of Princi al and Interest. Trustor shall k
<br /> � rom tl a when due the r nci al of and lnterest on, and any �
<br /> 2• , E �� ' P P Y P Y P P
<br /> fees or charqes provided in, the Note or in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> � � �� -- � Such payments shall �e made paya�le to the Sank of Doniphan, 11e F ��
<br /> �•��'�,. � � W. Plum, Doniphan, Nebraska 68632, Escrow Agent pursuant to a
<br /> � • certain Escrow Agreement dated the 30th day of September, 1993, .
<br /> �� � ; � - amonq the Trustor, the Seneficiary and the Bank of Donfphan.
<br /> �_ 6 � • 2. Title. Trustor is the owner of the Property hnd
<br /> ` , . � � .. has the right an author ity to convey the Property. ;
<br /> y � ° � � � � 3. Taxes Assessments. Except when they are '
<br /> " ���`�_,�• +,,::_�� aontested in goo a t , to pay when due al1 taxes, special
<br /> �"• : ;��;°q� ..� assesse�ents and all other charges aqainst the Property and, u�vn
<br /> ' . # � ` � t
<br /> , -1- �
<br /> .;. 4
<br />