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A' _i � � - <br /> �, - _�' � t�•.: . . . . . . - _ - <br /> — - .:�L�,- . -- ._K�.-.. <br /> ---.:� - - • - ' - - <br /> P"= � 'i - __ ... , _.._. p.. - . . <br /> "> . _ _ <br /> ._— .t;� ., . `� . r+ . . . - . . <br /> _�.t...� _ _ <br /> __..��:.'tt ' �. � . . . , < . . � . . _ .. <br /> } - <br /> ' ' ` • ;� ����iO�IGI� f -" <br /> of flNa►.�tl+alt b�entiWd D�mlaes this 7nni Os�O end anY otBer seeutih�fow ar hereitoer 1t�1Q Ey 8e�fidary a�T�wte�in eueh otdu u+0 mw�r . <br /> ��Y G��iU�w o!th�m miy in theb a�a�tQQLtcn6on QRNtstine.No�ert�eQy Irorain c�nterrad+�an or res�rved W Tntstee Cr Qan4ffCtary is brtenQ�O . <br /> to 1�fuWlivs Of+n1►aNer ramedfl herein a Dy tanr PmvideA a P�iited.Eut eacA shaD be aimui2tivs and sR�R�e in�to avary aB+1►rprtbd�► <br /> piv�n[+Rw�bRa no+r or tiereaRer ensongat iawain ep�tya bysta.n►ta Every Go+�er anemedYDra�idedunderthi�7natDeedtoYnrsteew8a�e�cisY <br /> � a eo r�hiM eitt+u ot tM�n msy Es oU�entitted,maY Oe e:ereised.canaurenttY or ind�w+�Y•from tirr�e W tim�r md as othn as may 0�d�ained <br /> _ r�N�t E'Y TnntN Qr Baneficiary anQ eithet of thdn maY p�e��emedies.Natginq herein d�bs aonsbue0 as DrChaitin3�Bet�sf cisl� <br /> -- frae��ic�f4.a QefiGenCfi t����Trtr',.LOr ta tAe ert�nt 6uch aGiott is�mitled h71�• ----.�-- <br /> 11.1RAl15�EA OF 7HE PHOPERTY:ASStl1�1�ON.It alI or amr 0�oi the P'raPe►tY a iriterast Mesein is sdQ transfeirred a oft�riss eomeyv0 <br /> .^ bfl Tnt�[�Yithait Bmefia�cY�P«or written consenl,eictudi�u3(a}the ueation ot a Gen a enCUmb�atr.e�c�aoe W this Ttust GeA.(b)a uansfer <br /> :�:_�' b11 ap�r�iat d���9t/af�ot a Trustor who is a�t mnant a(e)ths�t of anlf�asetwW interost oi ttuee C�l Y��o►fess which daes�t. --- <br /> '�: oa�►.an oNo^to Purel�aucn actian is a oreach ot mis ageament,ana Beneficiary 8ensf�anlr's opticn.deWre an the sums&eauad�y _ <br /> - tlus Tnut Oe�Q t0��rt�mediaNtY dus and G�Y��•P►aviaed.tunher.Mis Tnrst Deed 6enefiGa�fl's optio�.be declued imme�tal�t due arn3 <br /> _ ptyaDte.Hl'I�Ttusta is a P��P��11 i�rest in u�e partnershiV is aolGor assi�ed bYanf►me�ns wAatsaever.a{�ittbeTn�st�a aoorpor�¢iort �- <br /> ��- - - and a tmsfar ot the ma�Oritl►amck owtter�qf interat in the cwporatian occurs.w tAe Tnisior a�p�ation merges in a�ry tom►wRh anatlter corporation _ <br /> � ti� <br /> �-�_ -ar�ndt�l B��fiduN shall have w2iveC sueA aption to accelerate�7.V�or[o ttfe saRe:tra�er ar ca�ayance.-8�Y at1A 1he PeESan f0 M�boaf tlf�.. . �------- <br />- 3 :. Rope�ty is ta Oe sdd a transierred reach agreement in writiag that H�e aeeit of such person is satistacta�t to 8enaficiary anC that the intarast pay�te <br /> pn BN surr�s asurea Ef►Mis Trust Deed shatl be at suth rate as Benefieiar5►ShaO request. �- <br /> - t2ACCH.@tA710NIJ/OMD�AURT:�:SALE.Thefaiiureoytl�eTrusoor.tomatrearrypaym�tertopeAartnan7tottAetermsaird� — <br /> o/Nis Tntst O�e0.a tAe terms and canditions ot the NNe.a any renewata modifieations or e�ttn3seof,or the fa�"ture to make�rayraea[af�.' _ <br /> othM tatledted�ess.�r ot subseluent to this Trt�st�ed.and seaue0 Dy Ihis property.ei the d�ir r:i�ane or more Trusro+s s0all 6e a Breaclr scgir_. ' — <br />- � � dd�++It of tttis 7n,st Oee�and tAe Benefidarlf�Y Aectare a defauli artd may dedare�lt�m§.se��e.+reby immediatetY due and payabte snd if�ris.,:•'; "�` <br /> � ; sarne shatl theret�pon becama Que artd�ayahle without presentment.demane.Prot�E ar.rt.��+�t�g�icQ.P�wiOed.Tnuta shatl dave anY�:::..'� _ <br /> = � ri�t f0 curo ths default bNare anY notrce of detaiAt and demand tor sate ma5►he detive►ed.ys:Y.¢t"�theteafter.Benefrciary maY Qeliver fi T�,:;.;, <br /> �-=— <br /> a�fttert dedaration of Qefautt and demaad tar sate-Tnistor agrees 8nd dere6ll S���;t�aTr'��irjil have the power at sale of the Prapert9 arr¢:��`�: � <br /> it B�nsfreia�y decidts the PropeRy�s to De sotd i!Sfiall Qeposit with Truwtee idis Tnut De�`artd tRe t�Ce�,m notes and any other documents evidenang..:.• �:— <br /> - B�n <br />- � � e�e�y�itures secured Bereby.and shatt detnrer to Tnutee a written natice of detault�d Nc�ci►to causeshe property to Oe sold.and tum; ' z_`__- - <br /> � shall prepare a simAar notice in fhe torm required by ta�x.which shatl6e duly fifed f�ir��Dy Trustee. _ <br /> _ - �:' � `'. ° <br /> - (ak- After theJapse of such time as may be required by ta�tr tot[C��g the recorc+�f;^rnf Notiee,cf t2�isul�and Notice of OeTautt and Notiea of •�� •. r. �__ : <br /> `. Sa1e hahng 6een given as required by law.Tnislee,w[U�t der�nA an Tias[Cr.shatl seA U�K'taperry.ii nat ane ai mora .�"�.�:-; <br /> ., , 3:'. , ,,�..._=. <br /> : parr,els and in such arder as Trustee may determine un the daft��ki0 the 6rt:e aRd R��dss���in said NaGce at Sate,at pcGic auctron -c�,� <br /> �. ��.� accading to law. • , . - �;�:��=�_ <br /> ti �� (b) When Trustea selts pursuant to the powers he*_,�*r:Trustee sAa11 apply tAe�s3�ds of the sate to payment ot the easts and expenses ef ' ' <br />