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<br /> . � .. s�t '.�:tlie�i.. .rc. "` : ' ` y v.:_._
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<br /> '��.' �, � ' .`b� .M � �' ,<��}:� , ' . _�_-` . ._ , (' . . , _ —
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<br /> k�= .` `:1 ` : � - � ��--i Q'�27� -
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<br /> � ` . _'[�0(�Et�{ER wITlf at�the in►provements'now ar hera►fter erectc.�on tn���[�rtY:ana alt�,5�ents.aQP�rte��s-
<br /> � aeid��tures naw or.hcreafter a pan of the prvpertY. All repixements aud addidousshulbalso be.�+ered b�r tbis Secun►Y
<br /> tnstrumen� Ali ot the foregoiag is refernd to in this Secwrity Insuument as the"�Itoperry,"'
<br /> =�� � BURROWER COVENANi'S t�at Borrower is tawfiiliy seised of the estat�hereby conveyed c�iuf has d�e right tQ grant _
<br /> v �; and convey the Pt�ope�ty and that the Ptoperty is unencumbend,except for ertcusiabrances oE fecar�:�Bartower watrauts and �°__ -
<br /> - _ wi11 defend�enerally tt�e titte to the PtuPectY agai�st all ciaims and demar►ds,sub�ect to uny encam�tdnces of�ocord. _
<br /> _- `� "i'1(IS SECIIRf9'Y 1NS7RUMENT comtiu�es uniform cavenant� for nac3onal�nse and noss�v�focm rnvenants with {..�;,w=_----
<br /> - , � W==-�.--�...
<br /> limited variations by jurisd'icuon to coasdtute a aniform sec�uity instrument covc�aittg�eaLpmpctty.• • � �� � �ry
<br /> � UNIFORAi COVENA�'NTS. Bortower aad Lender rnv�aad agree ac fa��tnws: � �'�' --_
<br /> - . i. Paymeet ot Principft and Iat�Fcepaymcot and Este C6 e�i,Bo�n�uer shalt p�kmF�Y P�X��due the _ � �����-�:_
<br /> ' prin�ipal oi and�interest on the de6t evidenced 6y the Note and any prePaymenl�ad tate chu�esde�e�uader the Note. . �� ��"`" .
<br /> ` � Z. Eti�ds tor Taxes�f In�urance. Subjest to applipbts law or to a wniitcn sxniver�►y l�.Borrower sha11 paY w , ��
<br /> .,�r" w �. �4�9.,i , y"'_._
<br /> - � Lc�cr on thc day monihiy p3yrt►�nts are due undcr the Note.unGl the Note is:paid in Ei:t�:;a suc�f°E�ds)for.(a)Y�Y -;.�'z-.:•...;_,�.:.�.:.
<br /> � ��' ' ' tax�s and assessments which may attain priority over ihis Security insuument sfr3 a 1"�n on cise Ym(:�ettY.(�1 y�iy teasehotd , � - •.
<br /> ` p�ymcats or ground renu on the Prapercy. if any: (c> yculy hazard or propercy bisnr.�nce pr�ivms: td?Y�Y �� _-s''" - -`��=�,�;�`�;
<br /> "•`'� t:�._-,.
<br /> � insuauxc premiums. iF any:(e)YeariY rrtort8a8e inswance premiwns. if a�►Y:srtd{fj�3r,swn${rayable by Borrower to � Y:�'Y��_;
<br /> � - t.crtdcr.in accoMu►ce with the prori5ions of paragaph 8.in lieu of the payrtrrnt of�ma[tgnge•ir,�inance pran�ums. These .;i,"�����!�,.L_
<br /> -- iums uz cafled"Esaow Items." I.ender may.ai any pme,collert aad hotd E�:ids im suLUrrmunt a�oc to exteed the maximum . `:;� ;:},,,,;.�.�
<br /> ' `;'7>_....`. c►mount a tendcr[or a federatly retated mortgaae loair may require for Borratver's esrrovu acar�nt under the federal Reaf, _A���.��:..,.�:�'.'
<br /> '`'.-���;,�. . Estate Seulcment Pracedpres Act of 1974 as amended fram ume to tim�12 U.5 C.§?b01 et seg�;4"�Pa'7•�1ess anoth� � ; �`.�;:���;��
<br /> ' - � law that�pplies to the Funds'sets a lesser aEna�au. If so.Lender may,at aaY titi►e.callect artd fwi�Euaids in an amount not rcx �'.:,,,.:.
<br /> �;`� .: , exceed the tesset amoua� [.endcr may es�ate the ama�t of Fc.�s due�on the basis of�rt�data aad rpasoiia6!e �._,;..:•.::_----
<br /> � " . estlmates of expenditures of future Esemw[tetns or athena��ise in aeeor�arsce with apptic�lcs taw::: ' %E��'���.• •`:,,:---
<br /> rf .:.r---
<br /> . � �,.. �.�` 'i't�e.Fupds sh�ll be hefd in an instidttiaa whose deposits are insnred b�a fed�'agec�r,���r.ta�6t�..�r entity � t,�:�=:..�
<br /> ctv.>,.�� .`.�_
<br /> ' �=t .. . (including l.cnAcr.if Leoder is suc6 an instinuinn)or in any Federal Home Utan Ban[c: Lessdec i�„L�p1y ttx�rwids to pay ��:�,;r,a.• __
<br /> y�- • tite Esr�uw Ite[ns. i.ender may noi¢ttar�e Sotrawer fot botding and appiyipg�he Furtds:aar*,.�d aratyzing the escrow . ' , �-. �_'__�
<br />, ' ��',� � account.or veri[ying Ihe Escro�+ ftems,untess Lender pays Borrawer inteti�st on th�Amd���applicable taw pertnits ��••.rt.--
<br /> . ;,, ,. l.ender to make such a charge. Howe�er.L.eader may requtre Sorrower to p�y a one-time ch,i�for as�independent�eal , .fy:��.-
<br /> ,..,�,:�-
<br /> . : .-.. eststs tax��pottiag srtvice used tsy Lender in connection witb this loan.unle�.applieAblC lavK pFbvideti othenvise. Untess an .._' .._- T=,-'--
<br />