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<br /> � r:�, ,� . . . . , ' ,. . . � " .
<br /> ' • 'r '. J!$i$10l�J,f��N40N RBN1'�.,,�1l,�R ��'�' ���
<br /> � tHl$Jl�,IbNkS�1�1T•�F�OEN7'�RiDLR Is+�d�Rnd�s�MCUted thl� 2.,..4�____.d�y of SEPTEMBER��1p 93 _,and la
<br /> �,r,�,o�ima•na an.0 a,�.omoe ea.n�a ana suppibm+�nt tla Mart�ppua D�sd of Tn�N,hrnlnsMw nf�ndtou tla �
<br /> '"�ou�liy I�at(In�tt"�of ttw am�a d+�t��9v�rf by th�una►nl�ned. heretn�ftsn rotoRad to a�th�"Ilor►ow�"�to poun
<br /> �on�sv,�rr'Q i�pt�drtse9,.he�inattsr tat�erad to a�4�1�e"Nott",to HOME FEDERAL BAVIN08 ANQ t.0�►N�ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> .4RAHtd iBi.AN�1,h�n�Rsr r�t�d to�ttw"t,�ndw".ot tAs�anw datp and aow►Inp th��raartY drsc�terd In 1M S�oudty
<br /> Ms4run�st�nd�o4eit��t;
<br /> , 812i WEST lOUISE, GftAND I.^,t.�if�i0 N£BRASiti� 66803
<br /> ' ,�i , .I ._�.�. I��r��1
<br /> WIPN�BS�YH:
<br /> !}�
<br /> WNBREAA.Borrbw+�r�nq Le�ids�1►�w�prMd that �ny r�nl��nd proflla�Itributabh to 1M�prop�rlp�hpuld oon�tltut�
<br /> �qdltional s�ot��lqr to th�L.�nd�t fa fM p��om�nt of th�Hatr
<br /> � WOW.tHEfAI�F�RE�It l�ap►NO IfMt th�8�aurity In�trum�nt�hall b�ammd�d Mr�by�nd dMm�d to in�ude 4h�fWlowtnp
<br /> ` provl�lon�:
<br /> �, �j�,nmenl ol R�n�ond L�nd�r Rantal Coll�ctlon Rlohte.8onowe�he��br�ba0lut�ly and unCW�dillC�nali�.pssipn��11
<br /> �rstA, irfu� �nd D►ollts ot tIN prop�Ay to BerNflclary. L�nd�� �hall h�w the rlpht, powe and authorltr�tlurinp ths
<br /> ' ..• � contlnu�nc�af ti�S�curity InstrorrNnt to collsct the r�nt�,fa�u�e and proiiN of the property And of any�aonA1 propsrty
<br /> ��, ,� � IooN�d liwrot+r�wlth a wtQhout takinp paaeeslon ot ths p�op�rty affeat�d hsrsby. Lender, however. hKeby,cons�nts to
<br /> � o+
<br /> .:�:..��:'�Y,t ,�� Bonow��'�Do1l�otlon and��t�nHon of such r�nts.ie�u�s�nd prollts as they�aoru�and beaome p�y�bt�,eo lag usBoROw�r
<br /> ti.;:;�.,, ,• is not,l�i�uoh tlme,In�fault with raspect to p�ym�nt ot any Indebtednass Naund Iwreby,or In tM performano�of any
<br /> w�� : � � � aqr�rwnt htreund�r.
<br /> :�u ��a�'�, ,�;�� 2. ��nt ot Recelver. If any svent ot default In rsapect to the S�cuNty Inatrument ehall have occurred and be
<br /> ' ��, t�-�.• "r�"'. : contlnulnp, I.sndar,as a matter ai rlpht and withouf notice to Borrower or anyone clalminp under Bonower,.arr.t withouf
<br /> � •,���,��' �ep�rd to 1M value ot th�trust estate or the Interost of th�8orrow�r thereln,ehall haw the dpht to spply to any codrt havMp
<br /> ,� .. ;a�"'���• � '� � �� �urisdlotlon to�ppoint a recelver of ihe praperty.
<br /> � , j. t H oy,,;:f; °::N:'��d'��.
<br /> ° ' £�r. 9. Rl�ht to Roaeeaslon.In case of dehult In the pAyment of the eaid prino�pat Note or Intereat,a any pa�t 1fNg�of,as It
<br /> .���,�'���r}w�;;NS'' ,'�; �
<br /> �6�. ., �,n�,?�, shall mature,or In the c�ee of failure to keop a penorm eny of the covenants or ayreemanta contained In th�8ecwlty Instru•
<br /> ep
<br /> ;�r;��y,,,+�•�1 '..��? •?� ment,then the Lender, Ite euccesaors a Assipne,shall be and ta hereby autho�ized and empowered b tqic� irnrn�diate
<br /> ' �i`�'•'"�'"����� aession of ths said rsmlees thQrei�deacHbed and to collect the r�nts the�efrom,and to 1 the oee�ds th�saof to the
<br /> ; ,'•�,• > )',,,,�-., ��i�•'�•� � P aPP 9 P�
<br /> �� ;� �-; payrtNnt of ihe Note.
<br /> i ,,�ir�i��;�
<br /> ; '' °S�"t_ •;.'�,��..;.t.
<br /> --=- �. Aon!!ca!!on at Rents.lss�a�Qratlis.A!!reat�CO11IIClC'J�y�£tiit�8f Oi l�iC iCCCIVCt 3��1�iC it��l�}Itti2 10�tyiR8A2
<br /> � ' l ..�:�`�o�;',;4`;�;;`.,.,• �:. of the aoate ot mana ement ot the p •
<br /> p property and collet.tlon of n:nts,i�cludln ,but not Nmlted to,receive►s fe�s,premlums on
<br /> � i�j�'""`' `':.' " ,:�}� recelvet's bonds�nd rsasonable attomey'a feea.anC then;o the sums seoured by lhe 9eaurlty Inst�umtnt.lrral�a��nd the
<br /> j„ ` �.� �. � , �4-.;' recalver ahall De liable to account only fa those rents actually recelved.
<br /> � �^��°•���'�� . �' 5. Constn�otion of Provlslons.E�ch of Ihe provi9lons contained In this Aeslpnment of Rent9 Rider and the Security Instru-
<br /> � � • ��' •�'�`�.` � ment ahall, unlesa otherwlse speclfically requlred,be construed In accordena�with Nwbraska law, and I�th�e�+ent any
<br /> }, .,,.�. ,, .,,. :.
<br /> • ���� •;� provision he►eln or thereln cootalned shall be determined by a court of competent ju►IaAlntinn to Ne unv.nforcqbl�,the aame
<br /> I�;;�..� `" �;.'" . � ; �,�� shall be construed as thouQh auch une�forceable provislon were�ot a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> ;��,�,; ., '�:;�;�;� 8. Effect of Rlder.Except as apecifically modlfled by or Inconslstent with thia Aaslpnment of Rents Rider or by�nr other
<br /> j��. � ' • �.,..�,��lµ;; applicabte rider,all of the terms aod proWsions contained In the Security Instrument ehell condnue In full foro�and�ftact.
<br /> .��1:,• ';.'', , .
<br /> , � �'�,;:;s,,.�� � IN WITNE3S WNEREOF,Borrower h�a executed this Assipnm r�t ot Rents Rider on Iho date first noted abore. ,;
<br /> �.d; S .;,r•,z .. ' . . .
<br /> ,., �,,. � � Y �.` .� _ C�a
<br /> �r � � _�:��� � � : ____
<br /> - J� "�'�' WILLIA�1 J. CHADEK rrower
<br /> . ; :
<br /> f y _,.'.. . ' _S��L�
<br /> � � ._� . ., �(L �'
<br /> .. L U L B. CHADEK eorrower
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA) �";,
<br /> -•�. ��. ti
<br /> - Iss: 4!':'.:
<br /> � '` � SEPTEI�BER 93 "' '�
<br /> ,, ,� . On thla 2L�TFL day ot , 19__,before me,the undersfgned a Natary Public duly eommissi¢nsd and ��,�'.',:,:.
<br /> � . qualifled tor said county,personally came WILL IAm J. CHAOEK ANO LAURE� B. CHADEK. HLISBANb ANp UIIFE t::�;
<br /> , � :�'
<br /> 1••`' � � ,to be the IdenNcal peraon(s)whose name�e)ie���sut�fCrlbed � ``
<br /> }'.'; • � to the forepoln�instrument,and helshe/they acknowledqe the executlon thereof to be hielheNthelr voluntary qat ar�dYrd. :,�:�
<br /> GRAN� ISLAND* NEBRASKA �������
<br /> .�� • Wltnesa my hand and Noterial Seal at— -.----------—---- ---. i,c�..,;
<br /> i �
<br /> �� � • ' aTd�COUMy,the dete ator 2i • •
<br /> :
<br /> � • � ,. • �� �
<br /> � _�L�S��:(L� � �
<br /> ' , � 4 .. � _ __ ��M ry PublfC
<br /> My Commisslon expfres: .,����M���
<br /> .- �' - . �Nw- — __ —
<br /> -- Ns�wo v�
<br /> �-�.` � .•
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