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<br /> ,„�r..,6���.• ,- Borrow�r d�slpn�tw by noUc�to L�ndu. My notla to L�nd��h�M b�qwn by M�t ot�u arY to Unda's�ddne�t�ttl hwln a�ryr
<br /> , , «,� ..,~�',� , oih�r�ddrMS Unda d�lpnda by notla to 8arrow�►. My notlo�Provld�d b►In tM�8�wib In�pummt thY b�d�n�d to htv�bwa
<br /> •,� 8 .�4i4.�;. Ylvrn to BarowK a Und�r wh�n 9N�n w provM�d�n thk Pnpnph•
<br /> .a. '•.� s 16. Oowrnitl�p Law; Sw�rabllity� ThI�S�awllY M�trum�nt th�A b�pov�n�d bY Nd�al rw�nd tM I�w ot th�Jwl�diouon N
<br /> ' `�': '..�. ° .;r wbloh th�Rrop�Ay N loa�t�d. In ih�aw�t th�t mY Provbfon ar el�u�a oi thla Sawr�Y Inahummt or tha Note contYct�wNh �PP��
<br /> . Mw.woh eon�ict�h�1 not�tl�at othw provl�ion�o}Ihla B�awNy Inskum�nt ot tM NoU whloh a�n M ON�Mf�l vrMhaul tN�o°^1M�M�0
<br /> ' '.. " ' proyUion. To lhis�nd th�p►ovlWont ollhit S�oudq ImWmw�l ond tha Nota uo dec,�ued to b�sevenbi�.
<br /> � ,•°.� , " "• 1a. Borrorwr's Copy. Borroww dW b�piwn on�conionmd oopy d th�Not��nd of thb 8�ourNy Instrum�nL
<br /> ,� . 17. T►an�r oi th� Prop�rty or� 8�n�floi�i IM�n�t in Bortow�r. n d a�ny a�rc ot th�aop�rty or.ny �nt�►a�
<br /> �.` ,4•�; ` . In H Is sold o►tr�ntl�nd(a N�bmMid�l NtKat b Bortowu It�old a ir�nH�nd md BoROw�r It not�n�W n l Penon)wilhout lwtd�
<br />,: " � u's p�ta►wikt�n cont�nt�L�ndK m�y, �t Ita opUon•nquin Wrrmdi�t�P�Y��In tup ot all wnu su�nd b�r thb 8�w�tY Instrum�nt.
<br /> ., ��,"'i' . Ho�w�+►�.Ihls opUon sh�ll not b��►crab�d by L�ndrr N aKda Is prohihq�d by bderd law as o1 the d�t�of thit 9�cwfly In�uumrnG
<br /> - ��:r : • q Landx a�a thls optfon.LancMr sh�Y yiv�Borroww noUoa o1 occe{�ratbn. The notice ehW provide�P�iod oi not las th�n 90
<br /> " } , d�y�hom ths dRte th�notle�b d�livrnd or m�ited within whkh Bortow�must p�y d sums s�cund bY thls S�curky Instrum�n4 II
<br /> • '•, ; ' Boaowa t�Ns to pay thes�sums Wio►to ths�q�kailon of this pedad,Lwidar nnY invok�any nmedhs P�a�d by ihis S�awilY In�hu•
<br /> + , . mrnt withaut turlhK noNoe or d�nd on Bamvwr.
<br /> � ' • ' ,, %� 16. eorrovwr's Ripht to Ran�. M 8ortawe►me�t�calain condidone,BortowK sluiN hwe th�dgbt to ha�enforcMn�n1
<br /> " , ol this SoeuritY In�lrumaN dlseontinu�d�t u�y Wm pdor to tM e�rllr ot: (�1 5 d�y� (a wah oth�r p�rlod ws�ppYdibl�I�w mwyr sp�eiy 6 • .
<br /> '�'•� o br ninshtanenl) befora wN of th�Proprty pu�swnt to�ny power o1�M conYined In thb Saeurfly In�humant�or(b) �nhY o1� Judpmmt
<br /> � '• anloraMp thls Seewity Instniment. Thw�condlUon�aro th�t BorrowK: (al paya Under aN wmf whkh than would be due undec thfs - �
<br /> '�;, � Sacuriy Inatrument�nd the Nots as B no wc,c�l�ntion had occurtnd;(b) auras any da�wlt of�ny other eovenmU a ayraemente; (01 pny�aN
<br /> � ^ expenap incumd in entordnq ihle Stcudty In�Uument.Nidudinp,but not qmit�d to, n�aon�bte�ttomya'feea;and(�Wces auoh scllon
<br /> �} ' �s Lender m�y rpeombly roquin to�aeure th�t th�Ilen of thh SecurUy Inst�ument, Lend�r's riphts in tha Property and BoROwa'e obUyo.
<br /> . don to p�y the sums eacund by thie Security InsUument eh�A eontkiva unoh�nyad. Upon relnet�tem�nt by 8wrowa,thb Seaxity
<br /> . � InaNumenl md the obQgaUone a�curod Mreby sMA rNndn tuNy eilaoWa u H no�aoder�Uon had ocaurted. However,this riyM to roineUte •�+4w
<br /> �. �'� oM�l not 4►PN In ihe caee of accelemUon w►der ParayraPh 17.
<br /> . 19. Sd�of Notr, Ch�nge of Loan S�rvk�r. The Note or A pa�l kNareet In ths Nots(tagethar wfth thb 8awiity
<br /> InetiumeM)m�y be sold one or moro tNnms wllhout pdor noUee to Borrower. A wle m�y naull In�ah�nge In th�enqly(knowe as the
<br /> • 'I.wn 3enleer')1h�t collacts monthly ptyrtnnts du�undx th�Note�nd thla S�curity IneWmvnt. Ther�also may be one or moro chu�s o1
<br /> lhe Loan Servker unretated to�wle of Ihs�Note. If th�n Is�chanpe ot th�lan 3NVic�r. 8arower w1U be yiwn writt�n noUce of th�ch�npe
<br /> - _ ___-_--- In acco►tl�nce wflh pua�raph 14 abova and I�DPAqW�I�w. The notice w1Y state iho n�me rnd�<Jdt�SS oi ihe new Lostn 9sttvlar mfd the
<br /> �ddress to which paymenta ehoutd be medQ. The notie�wiN�leo conialn any olher inlorm�pon requlrad by appNpbN law. ,.t ',.
<br /> • 20. Hu�rdous Subahncee. 8or►ower ehaN not ause a pemifl the pr�smce,use,dispoe�l,stonpe.or rale�se ot�ny Hanrdan ;� ;,
<br /> eubetancaa on or In the Rroperty. Borrower ahall not do,nor�Now�nyone etae to do.anylhlnp aNectlnp the Property thd is in viol�tlan of .,. .':J
<br /> �ny Environmental Law. The p:ecediny tvra tent�enoQS shdl not apply to the pre�enca,uae,or atorape on the Property o1 ertwG quantitih of •' N
<br /> Flou►doua aubatencea th�t�re yentr�lty r�cogniaed lo b�approp�iate to nomial nsidential usee and to mNnten�nca of the Property. �������
<br /> ., • ....v7::"•.rr,+�,�.
<br /> Bortower shap promptly yNe Lendar writtm�nMlcQ of any Irnastigatbn,claim,demand.lawsuR or other acllon by any 9ovemmenW or �.. hfe'`�.
<br /> � re�ulatory ayency or private paAy Involviny ihe Proparty and any Huardous Subetence or Environmental Law of which 8ortower has�c1ua1 �
<br /> ��.' knowledye. If Barower le�ma,a It noUflad by any gorMnmental or regulrtory aulhority. ihat any removel or other remedl�Uon ol any Hwrdous ,
<br /> Suhstance aBecUny the Property b nac�ssery,8ottowe►ah�ll p►omplly take aB neceae�ry rcmedlal�ctlons In accordanoe wRh EnvironmenW I.�w.
<br /> As uaed M thls paraqraph 20, 'Hp=ardaus&:bpances' are those subetencee deftned aa toxle or hez�rdous aubetaneea by Environmental
<br /> , � . Law end the fa�owinp eubatancea: paaoline,WO�osena, olher fl�mmabte or toxic pelrolwm producta.toxla peatieidaa and herblcld�s,volatYe
<br /> sahente,materlals cantalning asbesloa or fortmldehyde,and radloaelive materlala As used in this parapnph 20, 'Envlronme�td Law' !
<br /> me�ns taderal lawa and laws ol ihe Ju►f.sd�tlon whwe the Property Is loated that retate to heaAh, safety or envMonmental protectlon.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENAN7S. Baraaer and Lender IuAher covenent and epree as tollows:
<br /> ,•� 21. Acceloratlon; Remediee. Landar shall glva no4lce to 8orrower prior to aacelor�tion tollowinq ,
<br /> � � 8orrower's breach of any covonant or egraement in thia Security InstrumaM (but not prlor to accelarallon
<br /> • � under ps�rsigraph 1 T unlees eppll�able law p�ovidea otharwl�). Tho notice shall apecHy: (a) th� dafault: (b)
<br /> the action requtred to curo the dafaulN. (c) a dato, not leas than 30 daya from the date tho not�e ts giveo to
<br /> Borrowor�by which the def�ult�must be curod; and (d) that failuro to cura tha dofault on or bafora tha d�4o
<br /> �pocifl�d in tFw notice may roeult tn accalerallon of tlw sums s�cured by thie Seaurity Instrumant snd sdo
<br /> • • of th�Proporty. The notiae shaN fuether Inform 8or�ower of tha right to ralnatate aftor accelar�tlon and
<br /> , ' tho rlght to bring a court aotinn to asee�t the non-exiatanco of a defautt or any othar dofon�o of 6ar�owe►
<br /> � to �ccaleration and sale. If the default is not curod on or befora the data spocifled i� tho notice, Lendor
<br /> • , at its optlon may requiro immedleto payment in tull of all sums socured by this Security Imtrument wltF�out
<br /> � turth�r damand and mey tnvake the powor of sale and any other remedies permlttad by applicvbl�
<br /> � � Iner. Le�der shall be ontltled to collact all oxpeeeea incurrad in pursuing tha remodlas providod in tMs
<br /> ; . paragrAph 21� inaludtng, but not Ilmited to, reascnablo attomeys' fees and costs of titlQ evidanca.
<br /> � If tho powar of sale io Invoked, Truatoo ahall roaord a notica of default in each county fn which any part
<br /> of tha Proporty is locatad and ahall mail copies of such notke in tha man�ar proscribad by applicable taw
<br /> . to Borrowor and to the other persons prascrlbod by apqlicable law. Aftar tho tima ►aquired by applicAble
<br /> I�w�Trustee ahall giva public notica of sale to the persons and in the manner pr�scribed by Applicable law.
<br /> �' • TrustN. wilhout demand on Bnnowar. shall sell tho Property �t public auction to tho highest biddor at tha
<br /> �, � tlmo �nd ptaco and under the torms deslgnated In tho notice of aslo In one or mora parcels and in any ordor
<br /> _ � . i �s•�� e...�.�. M. r�.IJl� �nnnuncatt�ont
<br /> � T�ust�o dotarmines. Truseee ma�r posipone saie v� Mi. �::e�� r+r:. ... ..._ . ...
<br /> • � at tha tima and placo oi any proviou�ly schodulod sala. Londar or its doaf�naa may pu�chpso iho Properly
<br /> , ' j at sny sala.
<br /> , ��� Upon recoipt of p�yment of the prica bid,T�ustea ahall deltvor to the purchaser Trustee's doad
<br /> � oonvoying th� Proporty. The rocltals in tFw 7rustao s dnod shall ba prima facle evidonce of the truth
<br /> of tho st�tomont4 mado therain. Truatoo shall apply tho procoods of tho sdo in the following ordar:
<br /> ' � (a) to�11 costs and ezpon�oo of oxorclsinp tho powor of sala, and the aala. Including tha payment of tho
<br /> ; Trustn's fo�s �ctually incurrad, not to oxcood 3.0009L of tha princ{pal amount ot tho noto at tha timo
<br /> of th�d�alaratlon of dei�ult, and reason�blo Ntornoys' faos as pormitt�d by law: (b) to all sums socurod
<br /> , � by thl� Socurity Inatrument; and (c) any axcaas to tho pa�son or p��son� lo�ally ontitivd to it.
<br /> Fam 3L+29 oron
<br /> � JO�A3.hm lBID1) paqa�or a ;���
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