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<br /> (7I�O�M CO}��$. 801f0YYM Wid(.NIdM OOYMIYlt�Ild C�TQO i1 t0�0Yf0: A�- ��� '
<br /> 1. Paym�nt af P�Ino1pN and Inhn�PnP�Yrn�nt�nd L� CW�r�n. Barow�YP��N P��dw tl�
<br /> ��� � p�ind�l d�nd IntMwt on 1M el�bt�vldN�ad bY th�Nat��nd�ny PnPrY��nd I�t�ohMO�d�+��ndu tlN Nob.
<br /> '•'• .1.1 n ti, Q. Fund�tor Tax�s utd Inwrana�. BubJ�ot w�ppMabt�Mw or to�w►Nhn wWvr by undrr,Borrow�r dW p�y to L�ndr on
<br /> �,Kr!'��•v�Y tM���N P�q�dw und�r tA�Not�� wdY th�N�Mw h�+eN!6s�!,a aca� ='Fa�nw'j i�+i: (�y W�►t��nd sua�umnts whlch
<br /> �� rtwy nqin pAaily a►rK thb SrairNy InWum�m u�Mn on th�PropMty;(b1 YwtY I��MwW paymM+q a Qound�b on th�PropwA►�
<br /> � � .; °+.°�" N NY' (a)Y�N�a P►aP�Y Inwnna pnmMur�. I�Y+�!►11oad Niwnna�pra�ums,a wtiY ta3 r�N�s�.�nw�enes prenrum+,
<br /> :. �.,�.,,:-:, • N�nr�nd(��nY�WY�bY BarowK to I.�nd�.N�000nMnw wkb th�praA�lonr of D�►�9nPh 0. In N�u ot the�Ym�nt ot mo�t�0�
<br /> ��' �• :�,:.��.:.,-:�-�. b�w�np p�niums. Th�kNns w a!�!'E�aow ftwns'. UndK mry�d�ny tlm�. ooN�ot�nd hoid Fund�tn�n�nount not W�xa�d
<br /> a.�.a �'�''..
<br /> '• �:'�+��:-:�::K��.. th�m�irnum�mouro� Nnd�r la�Tod�rtly rN�bd mort0�p�lan ma�l�ti for Bomow�r's�erow�000wq undr M�i�d�l RMI
<br /> •'�•=e'..';,�: �° " Estab SMUwnwrt Proo�dwa Aat of 1874 u�m�ndrd t►om tYnt to tNn�.12 U.B.Q.g2801�t aq.('RF�BPA')�unlKS�wthw I�w th�t�pplMs to
<br /> , . ' x•,. r
<br /> },�'� :, th�Fund���t��i�t�rnowit. H so�Lw�d�r mry.q any tlm�.aollect�nd hoW Funds In �n rrt�ount not to�ota�d ihe IMt��moutf� L�ndv
<br /> �'• �r,.., .,�.;c• m�y�t�th��mount of Fund�dw on th�bnia of a�r►wd dala�nd rona�bM�atNnaUa of apandh+ra ot tuwn Esorow ftana a othwwM�
<br /> ,.:. ,iytisr_:.;.*,�,.,�-,},�.' MI��llq IMk�I�N�RW.
<br /> ��<. _ `•';;_��:�;�� Th�Funds shaN b� held N�n hstldrdon whoss d�po�lls ua inwnd by+�tad�nl ay�nay�Instru�nd6ty�a�ntily Qndudfnp Lendet Y Undw
<br /> � � ' ,�;'�.:,'" ,• a wab�n InrdWtlan)or in a�ny F�der�l Han�Laan 8�nk Under�hd appy ths Fund�to pry the Eaaow R�na. l,md�►m�y not clw��
<br /> rn�� �'' .`r;?.L�,;.�-.,,�n,; the eaaow�ocouM or v«If�Mp the Efaow aena�unNss Undar pay�Bortowr
<br /> ;�.�;, . �, .,� ,,;: Bortow�r tor holdinq�nd�PP�Y�O th�Funds�umwty�uNtinO
<br /> ,.• ". {�. ...:. � . . `' . � Intrat on th�Fundf and appYcabl� I�w pr�Nb L�nde►to m�k�woh�chuqe. How�vw. L«Ma►may rsquks BomcwK to pry�on�ehvp�
<br /> ; '%5". '•;':. `,-.,"�•.:'.
<br /> " �..�.�:. ;. 4., ._.:�.. -. •-.-.;.y lor m Ind�p�ndmt n�l eitaU Wt npoAY�O�avbs used by I.ender In conn�aUon wllh thb lan,uN�a��pp9cnble I�w Provld�s othawiw. Unteu
<br /> � ��' an�pnaneM Is m�de a appYo�bM law requkaa krterast to be pdd,Lmder sh�N aot b�roqulnd to p�y Bortower any k�t�at or Mmk�ps o�t►N
<br /> � � •."`;;',�" " ' -`�, Funda. Barow�►�nd L�nder may�pree M w�idnp, howw�r,ih�t Inter�t�haY bs p�d on th�Fu�. UncHr shaA 91v�to 8arow�r,wkhout
<br /> � �� �. ch�ry�,�n�nnwl accoundny oi the Funds showinp amdlts and dabks to the Funda�nd th�purpo�e for wbbh aah d�bll to th�Fund�
<br /> � . • wu nwd�. Th�Funds �n pMdgad a��ddlGon�l securfty tw�I wms s�oured by thls Srcudty InsYUm�aG
<br /> II th�Fundi hdd by I.on�Mr s�ase�d ths amounta pennitbd to b�hNd by�ppAabt�Mw,I.w�drr shd accoum to 8or►oww for th��xoas
<br /> _ , ... Fundr In+�caord�nc�wilh th�nquk�t�of�pplicabls I�w. M th�artwunt of th�fund�hdd by L�ndr at�ny Ume U not suflki�nt to pay th�
<br /> � E�crow IUms wh�n du�,L�ndrr rwy�o notly Barraw�r In wddnp,and,in wah oau Bortowu shaY p�y tn Landw tlw omount nww��ryr W mdw
<br /> up iM d�Ad�nay. Borrower�h�ll m�lu up th�d�fld�noy M no mon than tweM� monthlY WY�u� �t I.�ndw's wt�dscx�da�•
<br /> , " Upon paymmt In fup of aA�un� Naund by lhls Seeurity Insbum�nt,Under sh�A promPtly relund to Barowr�ny Fundr hNd by Und�. tl
<br /> �� undw prapaph 21,LendK duip�cquir�or sd th�PropKty,l�nd�r.Prlor to the kquluqon a s�N of Ihe Properly.shvl�pply�ny Funds hdd
<br /> � ��,�'.'�'
<br /> - - - .. .._,��;� by Lender�t th�time af Rcqulefdan or wls as a c►edit�ydnst the sums�scund by thl�Seewity Msbuae�M.
<br /> —^"`;'�:�"��`�}:�t; 3. App11C11tIOn of PaylnN�t�. Untns�ppNcabl�law provlda othawlse.a0 payments rewlvad by l�nder under pua9�p�s i rnd 2
<br /> • , ahaN be Applled:ftrot,to�ny prep�ymmt ch�ryen dw under the Note:eecond,to mwuntt p�yabb undr pu��nph 2;ihkd,to Yibrest dur,
<br /> •`-�<'t•'�� ./,��.:c, foudh,to p�teipd dw; �nd w�t,to any lal�chu9ea due under the Nota.
<br /> �',"'�'�`�� �`�-� 4. Ch�r�s; Uen�. Bortower shNl pay all taxes,aaaesamenb,ohu�es.Anes�nd Mnposqbna attdbutabl�to the Property whlah m�y
<br /> �,� ",•��'r''��� �ttaM pdorily over thle 3�curNy Intbumad.�nd IeaaehoW paym�nta or qround rant�,R any. Bor►owar ehdl p�y these obllp�Uone in th�m�nna
<br /> ��,.'�';.• r;r.+•.
<br /> . �,�`•-t''�(::.�•'�'� . � `' provided in panqr�ph 2,a H not p�id h that monner,Bortower sMdl p�y them on tlme dlrecUy to the praon ow�d p�yment. Boirower�hWl
<br /> � . ,r'r;,.;,,..
<br /> � ���•:�'• • Pr�PW tuml�h to L�ndrr ap noQc�s ot amounts to be p�id und�r thl�P�raOnph. N Bortowr mYcas th���paym�nts dk�cty. Borroww
<br /> .�.��� ' �'� , ",'�° sheN promptly h�mleh to Land�r reeeipts evldendng Ihs p�yments. �
<br /> ,... � �y � : •' Borrow�r ehNl promptly �schuge�ny Yen which hae prforqy ove►thle S�curity Mstr�t unlas 8orcower. (a)apnes In w�fdny to the pay-
<br /> ,�' r ' mant of th�obAq�Uon secu►ed by the Yen In s manner secept�ble to lander, (b) conteate In qood hRh the Y�n by, a detands�yainst enloresment 'a
<br /> � •� ' of tha Nen In, IpU p►oceedinpe whlch In the Lender'a opinlon opmta to prevant the enfacament ol the Nen:or(e) saowes hom tha holdw of th� •���:�.
<br /> � ;,..._
<br /> � :`.-;�;,y;;',;'��;",';�,� Nen�n Ayrewnent a�qaf�dory to Lender subordlnAtlnp the Aan to this 8earity Instrument 11 Lender det�mines 1Mt any pad of ihs Propsrty Is
<br /> � •� ": .,� � .. subject to a Itan whloh m�y�tlain prio�ily over thle &curHy Instrument.Laider may pive Bortower�noUce Wa�1f�Mp ihe Nm. Borrowv sMp �
<br /> ' • " satlsiy the Ilen a take ane or moro oi the actfons ael forlh abova wllhin 10 d�ya ai Ihe yNlnp of noUeo,
<br /> 8. H�zord or PropKty Insuranoe. Bortower ahall keep ihe Improvements now eMiatinp or heraafler ereoted on the Roparly Insured ��
<br /> " apalnat bse by ilre,hazuds Included wRhin the term'exlQnded coverape'ond any other hozards,includhg doad�or Iloodlnp,ta whioh landar
<br /> ' .. requkes ineuranee. Thia lnsu�nco shill be malnlnined In ihe amounts and for the perioda that Lender requkes. Tha inaurance c�rtlK provldiny ��
<br /> the ineutenaa ahall be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender'e approval whieh ahall not be unreasonobly wilhheld. If Bortower ldla to maintaki >
<br /> wvenpe da8wib�d abova, Laider may,ot LondM"s opUon, obtdn eova►�e to PrWeat Laidar'a riqhts In the Property In�oaordanea wflh j
<br /> t
<br /> PBreOraPh�• ;
<br /> All Meurence policlea and renexrels eheM be secaptebte to the Lender and ehetl Include e etqndord mortyeye ckuae. Lender sheA h�ve th� ,
<br /> ' ripht to hotd tha poNdea and renewals. II Lenda requires, Borrower ahap promptiy qive to Lander all receipta of paid premiuma�nd rene�nral :
<br /> , noUaes. In the event oi bss.Bortower ahall qHe prompt notlea to tha Inwrance artier md LQnder. Lender may mak�praol of loss H not nn�de
<br /> � I promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � UMess Lendar and Bonower otheiwlae agree in wrUinp,Inauranee practedt sh�tl be eppNed to restoretion or reFwb of the Property dam�yed,it
<br /> � thu astoraUon ar repalr Is ecanomicaly feaaible and Lander'a aecuriry Is not lesaened. II the restaatlon or repalr is not eeonomic�ly tesaible
<br /> � or Lender'e gecurity would be lesaened,the Insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thla 3ecuriry Inetrument,whelher or not
<br /> ' . then due,wKh any exceaa pald to 6ortower, 11 Bortower abandona the Property, a doea not answer wllhin 30 deys a notke trom Lende�thet Ihe
<br /> � ; N�u�anca carriar haa of(ered to serile�clalm,then Lender may collect the insursnce praaQds. Lender may uae the prooeeda to repalr or rastore
<br /> tha Propxty or to p�y sums secured by thia SecurHy Inatrument,whether or not then due. Ths 30•day perlod wiM begin when the not�e is given.
<br /> � � Unless Lenda►and Borrower olhenrlse ayree in w�itinp, eny appllatlon ol proceeds to princlpol ahaq not exiend or poatpone the due dete �'
<br /> of the monthly p�ymente referted to In pa�►qraph 1 and 2 or chanye Ihe�mount ol the payments. If under pa►agraph 21 the Propeity is .
<br /> � �cquksd by Lender,Bortower's Hght to eny inauranee poticlies�nd procaeds resutting tram damoge to Ihe Praperty prbr to Ihe acquisNbn
<br /> w.. t shap pats to Lender to the extent o11he euma aecured by ihis 3ecurity Inatrument Nnmedlately priw to Ihe oequisalon. '
<br /> 1 - ----� — -
<br /> — ^'� 8. Occup�nry.Pratarvstlon. Maintonpnce �nd rroiearion vi ino Proporip; 'oor.oi�vdi� ��w���NM�i:�:i�.,
<br /> � � l.��hotds. Bortower ahaN occupy, ealabliah, and uae the Property�s Barower'a prind{ul resldence wllhin alxty daye after ihe execuUon ol
<br /> , �, ° thls SkurNy Insirument md ahall conUnue to occupy the Property�a Bortower's pdncipal residence for�t Iwat one year aRer the dale ot
<br /> ; �� . occupancy,unle�a Lander othe�wlae �p►eea In w►itMg,whlah cona�nt shall not be un►eaaon�bly wAhheld, or unleaa extenu�Uny clrcumsLneea�dst
<br /> � whkh aro bayond Bor►owe►'e control. Bortower ah�N not deaWy.damsqe or Ynpak the Property,dlow the Property lo delariorate.or commft
<br /> �i i wa�b on the Woperty. Borrower she0 be In detautt H any forleiture acUon or proeeedinq,whethe►civN a crimk�el.is bepun ihet in Lendei a good
<br /> i I
<br /> � � �p�1.km f7N11 pnpa t ot s Fotm 3026 8(BO
<br /> ; � >�$' ''�,
<br /> , ,
<br /> -. ;
<br />