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<br /> .• ,� � _ ..... 'H.
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<br /> � 93-1��0
<br /> G.A3SIGNMEN'i'OF LEA9ES.Upan I.ender's nqucst, Borrower shall asrign ta Lender all leasec of tho
<br /> Peopeny and all secu�ity deposita made in connection wf�h leases af the Property.llpon the assignment. Lender
<br /> slwll Fwva the right to m�udify.eatend or termir�tc thc eaisting leasea and to execute�w leases. in Lender's sole
<br /> discretian. A�usod in thiu parngrtiph(3,the ward "lease"ahall mean••sublease" if the Secudty In�tnime�t ic on
<br /> a le�ehold.
<br /> ,,:`� � �� Borrower absolutely und unconditionully aseigns and transfers to l.ender all the rents and revenues("Rents")of
<br /> the Propeny, regardles� af to whom the Renls af the Property are pAyable. Borrawer authorizes I.ender or
<br /> Lender's ugents to collect the Rents,and ug�ees that each tenant of the Propeny shalt pay the Ronts ta I.ender or
<br /> I.ender's agents. However,Barrower shall receive the Rents until(i)Lender has given Barrower�atice af default
<br /> � purcuant ta paragraph 21 af the Securlty Instrument and(ii)Leixier hae given natice ta�he tenant(a)that the Rents
<br /> , ,., ;,;;.,• are ta be paid to I.ender or Lender's agent. This assignmant af Rents rnnstitutes an absolute assig�ment and not
<br /> '�~� an assignment for additiannl securicy only.
<br /> If L.endcr gives natice of breach to Borrower:(i)all Rents received by &►rrower shall be Fwld by Borrower
<br /> •• �'� as trustce fo�Ihe benefit af Lender oniy,to be applied to Ihe sums aecured by the Security Instrument;(ii)Lender
<br /> •''�.� '�?•`�'", rhall be entitled to collett and receive all oP the Rents of the Prapetty;(iii)Borrower agree.v th�t each tenant of the
<br /> .. _i, ., �.Y�' i.t
<br /> ,,,:••;�=:;-nt: -. • �. �'�s-� praperty shall pay all Rent�due and u�paid to L.ender or i.ender's �gems upnn I.ender's w�iuen demand to tha
<br /> .. ,:i;:.�':'. �:�:.,.�,:�,_
<br /> :�'• ti�• .. , �- ' " �enant: (iv) uniess applic�ble Iaw prnvides otherwise, all Rents collected by I.ender or L.ender's agents shali be
<br /> 4a� , . -.5`r•�..tiaeV�:r -��'� ,
<br /> _ , . + ; .•_` upplied first ta►he casts of taking control oi and mnnuging the Proper►y und collecting the Rents, including, buc
<br /> . � not lim it e d to, uttorneys' fees, receiver's fecs, premiums on receiver's b on ds, repa ir un d mu in tenance cas ts.
<br /> �'" ': `- � �' �`'"� insurance premiums. taxrs,ussessments and other charges on the Properly, and then to the sums secured by the
<br /> �.• �: o ,z._ ,,�.
<br /> � �� � Security Instrument;Iv)I..endcr,l.ender's ugents ur any judicially appaintecl rrceiver shall be liable to uccount for
<br /> .:�:t.: � _-t:'•>� ,.•�,.�i:,,� � ,
<br /> �44 �- �.'r,.:•'�!?N��•��•� ._ onfy those Rents actually received; unJ (vi) L.endcr sh•rll be entilled tu huve a r��eiver appointed to take
<br /> � �r�'�:^;-,:',1'+'�=: •� possession of and manage the Prapeny und coUect the Rents and profits derived f'rom the Property without any
<br /> .,;���{4�s... ..
<br /> , �'::yj.' r �ti.._�^:'.••. .
<br /> �` :,;,,�,r,,.:,.,, ghawing us to th�inud¢yuucy of Iha!'roper►y us xcurity.
<br /> s�.� .. : . _ :' ',_ , ' If the Rcnts ot thv Pirupcny are ncx su1'ficlen� t��cover the cnsts af tukiog contr��l of und munaging tha
<br /> •�,., ' • �•.. ••�',�;f:c' ' Property und of coNactin��he Ren��uny funds expended by I.ender for tiuch purposes shull bewme indebtedness
<br /> � `'°�'- �•'�'� � �•f Hn�rower�o I�nd�er�ecurctii by chrt S��curity Intitrument pursuant to Uniform Crnenant 7.
<br /> �?'�.' "� � .���.��;:;�'i''�� &�rcowcr reprenen�a and wurruntx tha� Horrower har not executed any prinr ussignment of the Rents and hus
<br /> ��';.
<br /> ;... 1 '::r��,*°�• ; �� ��`� na and well m��pert��rn�uny ari th•rt a�wld prrvrn�I.enikr fr��m exercising ils riFht�under thix purugraph.
<br /> ,�;'�'"'� ., . I.end¢r. or l,�:nJ�tr'x u�Ca!nt.r ur a judici�lly upFx�in0.�f reccivcr, shull n�n he reyuired tu enter up�m, takc
<br /> i.�,�. - � camml of ur muintain thJ Prc�pcny tr:fon ��r aflcr giving noticc of dcl'ault to Borrower. Howe��cr, l.r.nder, ar
<br /> ' ` � � � Lendcr'r agents or u ju�liairltv app�intad ncri�•cr, muy do.o at uny timc when u defuuU Mrurs. Any applicaticm
<br /> • � �� ot'Rentti shul!n�x rure or wui�e any d�l'autt ur invuliJutc uny�nhrr right ar renxdy of L.�ndcr.This ussignmem of
<br /> r � � ' • � Rentx of tha Propertp,hul!terminutc�v1uR all thr.umti.ccured by�hc Srrurity In,trument ure paid in full.
<br /> � ' S �' ' 1.CROS.�i-DEFAUI.T PRO�'ISIOV. F3��rri�wrr'��kl'auli or Mreach unJrr any n�nr ur agreement in which -
<br /> , , ; u .
<br /> : L.cndcr hus�n intere::i tih:�ll Ik�brcorh uaJ�r thc S�rurit�•Instrunknt und Lender may invuke uny of'thc rcmcdies .
<br /> '' :t{.�; pennittcd by Ihc Scrurit� Ins�rumen�.
<br /> ,�:;•�..r
<br /> ,,,�;. .•.'.'•:�.•. BY SIdN1NCi B�L,UW, li�>rr„wer accept. un�l ugrec� �o the ierni, und provisMn� contained in this I-�i
<br /> ..�' ' ��� � Family RiJ�t �
<br /> .:1�� � , a.' — � —
<br /> �� _ ._ . %�'i: ,� ..-•^— ISraI� IS�alt
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