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<br /> , ��,R��RDED � � .
<br /> �p� g � 1as� � 9�'� io�� 4,
<br /> I , �� ,2' T a�t�n�At a,a o,M.�p�q�s.incwainp,wHl,w►a�tatia�,fi�,i�a�,im.
<br /> S. Fiw,A��wNN,q/.fMN�. ru�ta�hall pa�r oll tax�s, ia�
<br /> to tM and IwsrhoW a nnts,N orqt,btan tM se�b�can»d�iin9i�nt.Truttar sboN pranp-
<br /> pwitions anributo6M P►o1Mr, oar� Y�
<br /> ty turnish to�fklary aN ratias o}�mo�ts du�uedN this paopr�aph,ond In tM w�n1 Truster:haN maiu pa�nt dinctM,Tnxta�haN
<br /> oroepfw fumish to I�ikiaryr ne�ipts wid�nck+0 wch Pa�►n�M+.Tnator�haN pv/aN taus and oes�tfnMnts wl�ich nie�►b�bri�d upa�
<br /> ' �ebry's iiMa�st h�►a upon tl�ONd of Trust withouf�pad ro aehr low tM1�o�r b��noehd i�osi�q Popn�f of th�whol�a anp
<br /> _ • , 'sa . port 1Mnof upon tIM i�fkiory.
<br /> ` '` ��.°.;A":' 6.AMNNMi Ilw�//�tNM�1�Ifei�'�tMwilr.Trusta shalt mak�ofi popirw�iis ot irtr��st�rd�cipd and papn�ents d aw
<br /> ., .f:: .•�•Y_ .. �.,:�, othK chory�s.iws and.xpmsK camoct�d to b�poid to ary•x�:tinp IMnhold�n«prior b�NcloriK und�r an�prior dNd of t�ust«na►-
<br /> .. ,�.--�,�:,r_;. ipop.b.ior.*M dor�t1�r an dda�qu�n ad pranp�l�pry and discfwrq�an�ond dl o�h.►It�u. clakns or chap�s which moti►f�oparda�tM
<br /> ,�. �'•` �, ::�:, aea►8f►0►aM�d M►�in. If Trusta fails to mak�onp such popmmt or fails to prform a�r of th�eev�and apr�nri eadair�d in Mis
<br /> :.;�'t7�.,«�.�,•�.. ,��
<br /> ,^: � . ,,,. . OMd of Trost,a in ony prior matqaq�or dNd of mnt,of if anr octioe a procedirq fs conNmnad wbich motKbll�r aH�ets B�fkiory's in-
<br /> � � " teast in tlr PrapKty,includinp,but eof Ifmit�d to,�mww�t danain proc«di�Os.ar p►au�dfnOs InvoWinO c d�c�nd�nt•o►if Tnrsta foils to po�►
<br /> ..',��' ,� .. . Tro:ra�s dobr:p.nK011r os rMy becanw dus,tMn 8�i'�ciary,ot 8�ficiory's aption and without emk�ro a d�+nad Won Trusta and
<br /> .:q. without nt�inp Trosta 6am amr oblipa�tion hKwnd�r,ma�r mak�such app�aronas.disburN wcb wms,and tok�wch octlon as is n�assory►
<br />��� ° a �°^� to p►obtt B�neikiury's artwest includinp,bul not Ilmit�d to,disburs�nt oF r�asonobM ottonM�'s fNS,poynwnt,purciws�,tait�st a can-
<br /> ,�:��- �• • ' promise of on��ncunb►ont�,charpe ar li�n,ond�ntry upon th�P►ape�y to mak�npoi�s.In ths�wnt thot Tnntor sholl tal to procw�in-
<br /> j- ::' " .�,,.. •. �` suronc�or to pa�ta.�s,oss�:sn»nts,or an�oM�r chaq�s or ro mak�ahr po�rm�nts to�xistin9 p►la li�n hotd�rs a b�mficiari�s.B�n�fkiary
<br />�: ��. ,, • ma�praur�wch insuraace and moke such parnNnt.M�r omounts disburs�d b�r B�fickry pursuont to this Pmaproph 6 sholl baan�additioiwl
<br />! ' •� , . , � indebt�dness of Trosta secur�d by tMs Oe�d of Trust.Such omounts shaN b�po�obb upon notk�from&nefkiaryr to Trosta r�qwstirg po�-
<br />�I' . �-�• ' ;.� mmt thK�of. and shall b�ar inter�st hom th�date of disbura�rtMnt at th�rat�poyabb from tinN to tinK on outstandirg principol uedK the
<br /> i ,,.., ".
<br /> ,�>...,_,._•_., .� • . _�, Not�unl�ss poyment of iroar�st at such rote would bs corMray to opplicabk low,in whkh�wnt such anounts sholl b�a►intK�st at tM hiqhest
<br /> f'� ' � � �� �ot�pKmissibk undu applicabb bw.Nothirg contamd in this Paropraph 6 sholl rpnlr�B�fkiary to inca an��xpens�or tdc�aqr ation
<br /> t'��':• . . h�rawider.
<br /> , �.,. ?. Asd��t d R�.Beneficiory shall have the ri�ht, powar ond authority durirp the continuonc�of this D�ad of Trust to collect the
<br /> � � •�•� nnts,issues ond profits of th�Property and of any personol p►op�ty located therton with a without takinp poss�ssion of ths p►operty affected
<br /> , � � he►�b�,ad Truttor hereb�obsolutQ�y ond unconditiondly assiqns all such rants,issws and profits to 6tneficiory.B�rMficiary,howevK,h�by
<br /> ' consMts to th�Trustor's collution ond r�t�ntion of such rents.issues ad pro�ts as thry acrw ond baome poYable so lon9 as Trostor is rat,
<br /> ' . at such time, in default with resp�ct to paymmt of ony indebtedness secaed hK�by,a in the perfomwnce of any apreemero h�►�u�dsr•Upon A,,
<br /> �� '• on�such d�fauh.Ben�ficiary moy a4 an�time.�ither in person,by upent,a b���c�ivK to be appointed by a court,without notk�ond without .',�•�,;:r,,
<br /> ' • ` ° •• � rpord to th�od�quacy of ony securit�fa the indebt�dness he►ob�stca�d, lol antK upon and takt possession of the PropKt�or omr part ,��'
<br /> '" theraof,and in its own nom�sue for or otherwis�collect suth rants,issws and profits,including thos�past due and wipaid,and oppl�tFw san�, t".;,
<br /> , " I�ss costi a�d expens�s of operotion and coHeNion, includin�reasonobl�attormys fes, upon on�ind�btedness sawed Mraby, and in wch ��;:;"'..
<br /> - - �—�——`�`== ordK os Beneficiary moy determine:(b)pertorm such xis of r�poir a protaction os may oe oecessory a proper ta ci�me�vrr ih�valus of th�
<br /> ' � Properryt(cl lease the same or an�part ihereof for such rentol,term,and upon such tonditions as its judyment may dictate a terminate a ad-
<br /> �• ' •� just the t�rms and conditions of anr existirg leose or leoses.Unless Trustar ond Beneficiary a9ra�otherwise in writinp,an�application of�ems, ,
<br /> ��:`.•;;,,, : ; issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall no��xtand or postpone the due dote of the installment poym�nts as povided in soid
<br /> ��`• ' promissory note or chonge the omount of such instollments. ?he emerinp upon ond tuking possession of the Property,the collection oi such '•��M'`
<br /> ,,,•�„
<br /> �, • r�nts,issuas and profits,and the applicotion thereof os oioresaid,shall not woiv�w cure ony dofoult ar notice of de(ault herewider,or in-
<br /> � ` vdidote ony ad done pursuont to such notice.Trostor also osslpns to Beneficiary, as(uHher s�curity fa ihe perfwmance oi the obliqations •1.�?'i�'yk
<br /> �,: secwQd hereby,oll prepoid rents nnd all monies which moy hove been or moy hereofter be deposited with mid Trustor b�ony lessee of the Pro-
<br /> ,!�► perty,to secure the poyment of any rent or damages,ond upon defoult in the performonce of any of the provisions hereof,Trusta agrees to
<br /> f}. ,;�,'.;;� � deliver suth rents and deposits to Benefitiary.Delivery of w�itten notite of Ben�fitiary's exKCise of the rights qrontad haein,to any tenont a- � .
<br /> � '�':�},, , cupYinp soid premises shall be sufficient 10 require soid tenant to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice. �• ,
<br /> 8.�o�lbe.lf title to any part of the Property shall be tokQn in candemnation proceedings,by right of emimnt domain w simibr action,
<br /> or shall be sold under threot of condemnation,all awards,damoyes ond prxeeds ore hereby assiyned ond sholl be poid to 8eneficiary who sholl ! •
<br /> ;,,•, opply such awads,damages and praeeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if ony,paid.to Trustor.If TNSta receives i
<br /> ., � ony notice or other informotion reyarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor sho�l give prompt written notice lhereof to beneficiory. �
<br /> . �.` � 8eneficiay shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in ond p►osecute in its own name a�y such ac�im�or proceedings and sholl be en- ;
<br /> . fitled to moke ony campromise or settlement in tonnection with ony such action or proceedings. :
<br /> � � 9. R�dia Not Eaeludr�.Beneficiary sholl be entitted to enforce poyment and performance of any indebtedness or obligotions secured
<br /> � hereby and to exercise all rights and powe►s under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in connection herewith a ony laws �
<br /> ' now or hereafter in force,notwithstonding some or all of the such indebtednQSS ond ob�gotions secured hereby may now or hereafter be other- ,
<br /> t '"' wise secured,whether by mo►tgage,deed of trust,pledge.lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Oeed of Trust nor its .��.
<br /> enforcement whether by court ation or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined. shall prejudice or i�an�manner affect ,
<br /> Beneficiary's right to reolize upon or enfarce any other security now or hereoher held by 8enefrciary,it being agreed thot 8enefitiary sholl be �.
<br /> entitled to enface this Deed of Trust ond any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary in such orde�and manner os it mo�in its ab- �
<br /> � ' � solutQ distretion determine.No iemedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiory is intended to be extlusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> or by law provided or permltted,but each shalt be cumulotive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given here�:nder or now or hereofier
<br /> ,�' ' � � existing at law or ln equity or by stotute. Every power ar remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiary or to which it moy be '
<br /> ' � � otherwise entitled,may be exercised.concurcently or independently, from time ro time and os often as may be deemed expedient Beneficiary
<br /> �'�" � ' � und it moy pwsue inconsistant remedies.Nolhmg herein shall be construed as prohibitirg Beneficiary from seeking o defieiency judyment agoinst
<br /> '"' � ':�`'�,,.,. � the lrusta to the extent such action is permitted by law.
<br /> „ �� � . � 10. Trwshr of hopatr:A�sun�ption. If all or any part of the property or ony interest therein is sold,transferred o�conveyed by Trostor
<br /> ' ��•���; :• wifhout&nefitipry's prior written consenf,extluding(a)the creation of o lien or encumbrpnce subordinate to this Oeed of Trust, (b)the creo-
<br /> �' tion of o purchase money security interest ia household appliances,lc)o tronsfer by devise,descent or b�operotion of law upon the deoth of a
<br /> ��: � joint tenant a (d)the gront of any laosehold interest of th�ee years or less not contoininy an option io p�xchase, Beneficiary ma�, ot
<br /> .L•_.. _��r�_..''''�'t_ _J:_._L..l..__J��..�LI� .. .�1..T...da.M�il.n Mfi��
<br /> -. --•'- _ ' . (�Q11lfIClOfy S OPTIOO.O@CIOf@ OII If1B SYmD]1fGUrini u��ma uucu v� ��ua� w vr umitivti�m�VIR WN�nqw.c...".��..•••.••••••••�.-...� �.._..'-
<br /> of defoult.Beneficiay sholl have waived such aption to accelerote if, prior to the sale,tronsfer or eonveyance, Beneficiary and the person to
<br /> .�, whom the propMy is to 6e sold or transferred reach apreement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary ond thot
<br /> �, . , • th�int��st poyable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at sueh rate as Beneficiary shall request.
<br /> 1 • ri _ .
<br /> , �
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<br /> . . �
<br /> i
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