g .
<br /> "� .. ��„ .' . . 'tA�t. i
<br /> .'1� �•�{ . . i.r.•, - •'���'
<br /> ..."�`��
<br /> • �
<br /> � soss� � �f�,'`�. �� ��F.� � 4 „� ,.
<br /> s�.�,��.�....+,o.�..Tti.ro►��o,,�u,�.��o��,�w�w�+r�r�a+�+,r�i► �
<br /> '! po,i�io�a omi�woet.�o th.nrop..qr,ana bosd�ld ppyrt�nn c�p�pund n�m.N r�yr,6.rar.+tM�w e�»d�wqu�n►.TnK+or sheNqp�p-
<br /> tl�r fiKnish ro Mn�Nciory oN nolias of aiawa�dw un�.Mi�P�oa+�h�.and b t1N w�n1 Tn�tro►sl�aN�ab�M dk�Cfh,Tev�ta sbaN�
<br /> pro�ptip lunish to MrNtic�ary��aiPn��0 wch po1►N1nMR.Tn�shM't�Paf►aN toua and ottKt�nts whkh�ap b�Mrwd up�n
<br /> �Hciary'�inhrKt h�nin a upa�M�is OMd ef Trus�without►�Oard•ta ahr,kIw 1�10�,�01►!��noct�d�p fqln�n►01 tM.�iab a aqr
<br /> - parrt NMnof upen fh�IMMtitiary.
<br /> 6.AYIYr11Nr�i MNeNw�1�r�lNwM�.Tnnlar shaN.uld�aA pa�Ms ot hM�r�st and principd aMl pa�Ms oi an1►
<br /> - - ' �, oM�chorp:.h�s ad�xp�s caitrocbd to b�paid to anp�xisiwg I�nlwl�r�or p�ivr b�ficiwias wd�r a��priw dad o�trust ar mor-
<br /> � tpap��fan th�dot�tt�r an d�lUquNM and P�P1h Pol►��x�P�N and a11,oR11►�i�.clofms a tha►p�s rA�id�mal►�opanlit�th�
<br /> . ...,� .
<br /> `f� i : acu�it�r qrait�d h�nin. If Tnntar fails to mak�aqr wcli pay+�NM a fa�s b pKtq�nq,pa�r,of th�cownant�t a�d opn�Mnq eonfai�Md in this
<br /> ':�';.`�'" �::.b'.,��.t OMd oi Tnrt.a in a dMd of trust. of if octian or i�cannMnc�d which matK alf�cts B�iciorl►'t in-
<br /> � ;.,�;.,,.';�r,;.•,; �P►�^�'�oa0� mv Dtoc�in9 blh�
<br /> �, . . . ,. u tw�st in th�PropKty,incM�diiq,bu�not limit�d to,�min�nt damain procMdiigs,or Pra�Os ievohinp a d�e�nd�nt.a if Trustar fdls to pop
<br /> 1r5';:`:i•:�,.�ks'-
<br /> '� �' ,- Tnntor's d�bts y�olly os tlMy b�con»dw,tMn B�ikiarY.at B�ficiary';aptia�.and without notic�ro or dm�nr�d upon Trusta and
<br /> ia��:.,-.,��.:
<br /> .a,.► .,.:..-.,.,. ..,,�. without nbosinp Trustor tram aqr a6lipation h�rMrdK,may mak�such opp�onc�s,di�s�such wms,md toka wch action a�is n�assary►
<br /> 'ti�'�~ • to p►ot�ct Bakficiary't ietonst includinp,but nat timited to,disbu►�nunt.of r�asanpblp altom�y's fia,pa�rmmt,purchasr,cont�st or cam-
<br /> '�� � p►on�is�of any�ncumbrana.cho►�a Ife+,ond Min/upon tM PtqpatM to ntGk�reppirb.In Ms�wM thot Truata shail fo11 to procun in-
<br /> f :d , �. suranc�or to pop toxK,oss�ssm�m�,or 011�1 OthOr thOrQ�S Or f01t10k��POp�11�11i�fA�x}ftI prior li�n holdKS a bAnefkiari�s,8m�fkiary .
<br /> m�
<br /> .. • t�.. � � ma�procun such insurant�and mak�such pa�M.M�►amounts disburs�d b�9�Mfickiry pu►s�uont to this Paraproph b shall b�can�odditional
<br /> � �' .; ird�bt�ss of Trusta�sacund b�this ONd of Trost.Such amoana slwll b�pupqblp u�poa notia f►om 8�ficiary to Tnrata tiquesttnp pa�r-
<br />- _. i:... _. m�nt ti�nof, ad sholl b�a intxtst fram tM dote of disbu►s�nt ot the�ata pa�roble fram NnN to tim�oe ovritandinp prindpo�und�ths
<br /> '`�' Not�unl�ss pa�rmmt of interast ot such rots would be cor+rory to applicabl�(aw,in whkh tvmt such amou�ts slall ba int�r�st ot Nw hiph�st
<br /> �� , � rm�pe►missibw undw applicobl�law. Nothinp cartoin�d'm this Paaprnph 6 shpll��quir�Bmpfkiqry►to wm�►am��pens�a tdt�amr a'ian
<br /> F��wder.
<br /> , . , 7. bfi�w�t d 4�1s.B�neficiory sholl hove the►ight,porwr and autho►ity durinp the cantinuonc�of this DNd of Tn►st to cdlect the
<br /> •• r�ms,issues ad pofits of th�P►opMy ord of an�persv�al property tocoted ther4on with or without tokinp poss�ssion of iha p►operty affect�d
<br /> � henby,and Trusta h�reby obsolutd�and unconditiondly assiyns all such rQnts,issues and pm�ifs to 8�neficiory.8�ficiary,howrvN,hKeb�
<br /> , conssnis to the Trosta's collection ad rotemion of such r�nis,isv�es vnd profits at they accrue and becane poYobb so lorg os Trostor is not,
<br /> � „ �� � , ot wch time, in defoult with nsp0ct to po�ment of ony itxkbtedness secured her�b�,or in the pe�fa�manc�of my opn�n�nt herw�d�.11Po�
<br /> � : • an�suth default.Berwficiory may at an�time,oither in person,b�apant,or b�nctiver to be appointed bp o court,without notia and without
<br /> S r�9ad to the adpuocy of on�securitq fa tAe indebtadness he�by stcur�d, (a)�ar upon and takt poss�ssion of th�P�apKt�or am pu►t
<br /> 1 tMrwf,and in its own�wme sue for or atherwiu coll�ct svch nnts,issues ond profita,includinp thos�past due and unpaid,and apply th�some.
<br /> kss cott5 ond expenus of operotion and collection, inctudinp rwsonpble ottompys tees, upon ony ind�btedmss s�cund i�sb�r,ad in such
<br /> ' , order as Bmeticiary may detemiine,(b)perform such acis of rQpait or protettion os ma►r be necasory a propc*to conserv�tM vokie of th�
<br /> u Property� (cl leose the same a any part thereof fa such�eetol,tem�,and upon su�h conditions as itc judprieM moy dktot�or t�rmirate or ad-
<br /> ,�+ ; iust the terms and conditions of ony eKistirg leose ar leases.lhiMss Trus�tor and Benefitiary apr�e otherwise in writiny,o�r applicatiai of r�rtfs,
<br /> . iswes or profits to o�ry indebtedness secured hereby shall rrot Qatend or postpone the due dote of.the instpllment paymants as provided in said
<br /> promissaq oote a chanpe the omount of such installmants.Yhe errte�inp upon and tt�Cirg possessipn of the Property,the colloction of such
<br /> �,_ � rQnte,issues and profits, and the applicatian theroof os aforesaid,shotl not waive or cure any defauN ar notice of default herewider,or in-
<br /> e. velidate any oct dw�e pwsuant to such notice.Trustor also ossq�ns to 8enefkkiry,as further security for tlw perfarmones of the obliqations �,
<br /> '�• � securQd herQby,oll prepaid rents and oll monies which moy fiove been or may hereoher be deposited with said Trosta by an�kss�e of the Pro-
<br /> .�;1� perty,to seture the payment of an�rent or dama9es.ond upon default in the perFarrtqnt4 of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor oyrees to �.
<br /> 1 A.• ' � deliver suth.ents and deposits�o Benefic�ary.Oelivery of written not�cR of Beneficiary's exe*cise of the riyhts yrant�d harein,to ony terant a•
<br /> ' cup�inp said premises shaH be suf�icient to requKe said tenanr to�ay said�ent to the Benefitiahr until fu►the►notice.
<br /> . ' ; 8.Ca�fion. If title to any par►of the Propeny snaii be token m condemnation prxeedirgs,by riqht of eminent domain or similar action,
<br /> . 't or shall be sold urder threot of condemnotion,all awards.damoges and proceeds ara h�aby assigned and shall bQ poid to eanoficiary who aholl
<br /> � � apply such awads.demapes and praeeds to the sum secured b�this Ueed of Truti�,with the extess,if on�,poid.to Trusta.If Trustor receivas 1 .
<br /> � any notice or other infnrmotion reyardiog such a�tions w proteedirgt, Truslor sholl yive prompt w►itten notice thereof to beneficiary. �
<br /> . Beneficiory shctl be enritled,ot its option,to commence,appear in ond prosecute in its awn nome ony sucb oction or praeedinps and shall be�n-
<br /> titled to make an�compromise or settlement in connection with arnr such octim or proceedings. !
<br /> . 9. R�Ji��Net E�da�iw.8eneficiary sholl be entitled to enfarGQ poYment�and p�formance of uny indebtedness or obligations secured i
<br /> � hereb�and to eKercise o11 riqfits and powers under this Oeed of Trust or urder ony other agreement executed in connection herewith or any laws �
<br /> � now or hereofter in facQ,notwithstandirg some or a{f of the suth�Mcbied�►ess and obligotions setured hereby may now or hereafter be other-
<br /> � wise secured, whethQr by mortgage.deed of trust,plEdge,litm,vtsiynnent or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> • .� � enforcemeM whether by court action or pvrsuant to the powe►of sple o►other powers herein confained,sholl prejudice or in ony ma�ner offect
<br /> • • � �',� Beneficiory's riqht to reali:e upOn or enlorce ony otlte�security now or hereoher held by Beneficiary, it being agreed thot 8eneficiary sholl be '
<br /> ' • : . enlitled to eniorce this Oeed oi Trust ond any otfier secu�ity now or hereofter held by Beneficiory in suth order ond monner os it moy in its ab-
<br /> ` �' •��' .� solute discretion determine.No remedy herein confened upon or resen�ed to Benefic�ary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> � • or by law provided or permitted,but each shnll be cumutatire and shali be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereofter
<br /> •F '• � existing ot law or in equity or by stotute.Every power or remedy provided he►eunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiary or to which it mor be
<br /> � �. ''�:�� otherwise entitled, may be exe►cised. concurrently or�ndependently. from time to time and as often as moy be deemed eapedient 8eneficiory
<br /> ' o�it moy pursue incansistont remedies.Nothing herem shall be construed as prohibiting 8eneficiory from seekinp o deficiency judqment ayoinst
<br /> � � the Trustor to the eztent such action is permitted by low.
<br /> ; t • 10. ?ran�f��of Pnp�rlr;b�w�pfion.If all or ony pvn of the property or ony interest therein is sold, transfened or conveyed b�Trostor
<br /> :� •�_ without Beneficiary's prior writren consent,e�ctuding 10)the crent�on of o lien or encumbrance subordinote to this Deed of Trust,(b)the crea-
<br /> , � �_� tion of a pwthose money security interest 4or household appliances,Ic)a transfer by devise,descens or by operotion of low upon the deoth of o
<br /> --�--- °---�:_:�._ _.
<br /> --- T" - -'--- - joinf i�rtani Q (Q� TIIC 9/�fll 01 Oflr 180S611V�0 IIIIefeST O� IfIfB@ r�►3 01 �SS n0t G�IUlfllfl� YII VFIIIVII IV`!Yt{,INW. VQ�R�I��Y�� ��r1i�. ��
<br /> f 8er�eficiary's option, declare all the sums secured b��his Oeed of Trust to be imrt�ediately due ond poqoble,or cause the Trustee to fik a notice
<br /> of defoult.Beneficiory sholl hove woived such option to atcelerote if. prior to the sale,transfer or conveyance. 8enefitiory and the person to
<br /> � " � whom the propert�is to be sold o►tronsfe►red reach ayreement in writing thot the credit of such person is sotisfactory to Beneficiory and that
<br /> the interest payable on the sums secured by this Dead of Trust sholl bt ot suth rote as Be�fitary sholl request.
<br /> !
<br /> � f
<br /> .
<br /> : ,
<br /> �� :f .
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