�:t• .
<br /> . "�S;';`
<br /> b{.M ' �'Y,J
<br /> +:. . , �' ;•!jl
<br /> � �� a� �' , ' i1'?'.'��: �W��• . - •
<br /> t'. t •`�l ,. .��i.'-���r. �sY v�
<br /> � � � _ .. _s.:Nl���
<br /> .� /9�.�0�3
<br /> `� - payments,which ore roPernd to in Pu��rnrnph 2,or chwnge ihA amaum uF�uch paymanla. Any eaceAr praceeda over Nn
<br /> amount�y uined to pay dl owsrmndinQ indebtedm�s undar tba Nota uHl thia Saeu�ily�1n�uunxnt�Iwl1 be qid a�be ondty
<br /> k��lly entltled ifta�eto.
<br /> B. Fen. 4en�{er mAy collect faR ond ahwr�er wu�harixa0 b��lta 8avmtuty•
<br /> 9. Craunda for Accekrntloa of Debt.
<br /> la►DehuN. Lender moy.eacept�IimUcd hy re�ululinnw j�suad by thp 4ecratary in the ewre of payrnent dofaults.
<br /> - � rcquir+e Immedl�tep�ymem in full oF all rumn wcurcd by�his Sccud�y inr�n�m�ni�ii:
<br /> .. ..,�w��_.� (i)Bortower defAUlt�by f�iling�o pay in fbll rn�r mnmhly pAymam�rnynirad by wir Sa;urity In�trumeM priar
<br /> �. � to or on the duc dute of thc ncxt manthly paymant,ar
<br /> ;•�_ ;. (ii)Bomower def�uU�by Fqiling�fw a podat uf�hiKy day�,lU perf'unn�ny othar nt+li�ntinns con�aincd in�his
<br /> �T .�..i�' �
<br /> �•. .
<br /> s ..a-' SeCUdfy Instiltmepl.
<br /> ' o;,;�.��a�';°",� (b)Sale Wftf�out CredU Approvol. Lendar shall,if parminud hy�applicublc luw anQ N�ith,thR pricx Approvs�l of the
<br /> ':�i.,;.,•; ;,�.. �.�,�+. Secratary.rcyui�e immediate paymem in full af all�ha aume secunad by thiK Security Inhtn�menl if:
<br /> '�..... .......:„�• . N•�,4. (i)All arr part of the Propetty.or o banoficial intamRl in a m�h�ownjna ull ur part of ihe Propeny.is sold or
<br /> ..,� ' � ,'F athcrwir.e uansfemed(wher�han by dovira or dercenq hy tha B��rruwer,anJ
<br /> '`- - ;:.. " " (i�)'Il�e F'�operty is nw accupied by Iha purchaser or gramue na hfK ur her principal reeidence.or the pu�cheser
<br /> - • �•' `� •. �; or grantee does so occupy tho Ptoperty bul hiF or ha� ��ed8 has not been appmved in Accaodance
<br /> p •,. wltb,the requi�mantR of�ha Sacrotury.
<br /> _s���; . �y' ; ' . �f (c)Nv Wilver, If ci�rumstances occur thut would pormit L.endor ta reyuiro immadiata payment in full,bu�l.cnder
<br /> � �^. . � dacx nat require suoh poymen�x.4.endar dacs nnt waive i�a�ghlN wi�h r�bpect u�suhceyucnt cvents.
<br /> ac
<br />�'� � � �' �' � "�-'" (d)Re�uWiaao of HUD Secretary. b many ci�um�tunces rcgulndnne�iasuad b��tha Secretary will limi�l.ende�i�
<br /> i .. . ; �:'.._=:.�,:�•..,:,,,.
<br /> , � ..• �;;r,,s•�• rightr:.in�he case of a mont dafuultx, to require immedia�o uymunt� in f1dU und forcclosc if notpa�d. This
<br /> ti, .. � ,:'.- �,. .� , Security lnstrumem daes nd aulhar�ze accel@a►lion or WrecluEUrpif nm permiued by regulu�ians of�he�ecrctary.
<br /> �,, • � „ -�,� ;; le)Mortpge Not In�ured. Bormwar agreca�hut shnulJ�hiH Securlty Inftrument nnd the nae�ecurcd thereby nw
<br /> ; .+ :v�
<br /> }. .. . � � be eligible for in�ur.�nce undar �ha Nntional Huueing Act wi�hin 8 IApnths from the .
<br /> ' � � , date hcreof, Lendar may,nt i�x a�xioo ond nn�wt�Ne�u�ncling unyU�ing in Pumgrcrph�9.require imme�iate paymen�in
<br /> '�� • • � �.� full of ull surn�sew�ed by this Securiiy Ine;trumant. A wri�lun r.�utuman� of anp Authorized agent of the Secretary +°„
<br /> � ° ,. s` ��•,,- >••,r� dotud cubuquent to 8 moaths from�hu dm�hareoF,cl�clining�u insure this Security �. ,
<br /> � .� � ,'� lnslrumeni and the nota secumd�hareby,shull t►e daemud can�:luhive pr«�f of,uch in�Ugibili�y. Notwithstanding
<br /> � '" ` • ' • . ' �'� the foregoing,ihix optinn.mny not be exen:i+�d by I.cndu� whan ihc un�vailability of insuroncc ic salaly duc to ..�
<br /> .. .,.::,;
<br /> ' ;�.'.���'i. ,::A��� Lender�s failure to nrmit�a mnagag@ in�urrnce pr�mium u�thu 5rcretury. �°°;
<br /> "":�,�.;�;,'" � 16. Reinstatemm� Burrowar hAa a rigM tu be�inr�tutud if Lrndcr hux reyuired imm�liute puymcnt in full because
<br /> " '"•"••• „ af Borrower's failure w pny an amnunt duo undar ihc�Nutu or thin Securny Inswment. 'fhi.r right applies even after ;;�
<br /> ` ^ foreclosure proceedinga ut�a institu�ud� 'li► rcinhtuw tha Security Mtimimant� Burrower shuU �ender in a lump sum all �f'
<br /> u
<br /> amounts reyuimd to bring&�mo�ver s uucount•cutr�rn�,inGluding,tu �ha extunl•thay ure abligu�ions of Borrower under this s��
<br /> — -='�r---� - -� Security lastramcnt. torcrli�a:erc ce::ts�ad n:;�.�nublc astd cur�un�usY stturne;s'l��e and expenses prnperly assoc4eted with •
<br /> - �'''' ' � the torecbsure proccedin$, Upan r�in�+tutemen�by Buimwer.thiK Securi�4 lnknumant und�he obligations that it securrs �,
<br /> ,��,�,�
<br /> ; � • • shull remain in effect as it Lendar had nW rcyuircd immuJiutu puymunl�in�l�ll�.Hau�avcr.Lcnder i�na requimd to Permit r
<br /> . �� �i,':i,;.,, minstatement if: li) Lender has aceepted remstAtemen�•uflur tbp camm4ncemern oi'foraclosuru proceedinFs withm two
<br /> , " , years immecfiutely prccedin@ the commencemem of� currani ti�rudn�unr proceedinp. (iil �in�twtemen[ w�ll preclude
<br /> �• foreclosure on diiferenl grounds in the fuwre,or Iiii1 reintitutumunt�wilh ud►�enely affect the priority of�he lien created by
<br /> ' this Security Instrumem. ~_ _
<br /> "'R� ` ' •��'� 11. Borrower Nut Relensed; Mu�6earancc bv I.endur N�q a Waiver. Exten+ion of the lime of puyment ar `'�'
<br /> +i' - madification of amnnimtiun of�he.umr secur�J by Ihi�Scrurilv Inrwmenl granted by Lender to uny successor m mterest �:��:.
<br /> ��,• t " � of Borruwer shall not operu��to releak�he liahility of the nriNinul Borrower�x Borrower:�ucceti.or in interesl. Lender `,�-�
<br /> ,,�� • � • shnll not be reyuired lo commence procecdings aguin�t c►ny +uccr+•ur in im�re�t or refutie to rxtenJ iime for payment or
<br /> {�' � ��• othcrwise modffy urnonizulion of the �um.xxurvd hy �hl�.Sc�uriw Inxtnim�n� by revwn oi any demond mud� hy the ' •�
<br /> . •��;_ originel Borroweror Borrowerz.rucces.orti in imarutit. Any farbrarunrc by L�nJrr in exrrcirinF Any right or mmedy shull 'M,,
<br /> , .. ' nut be u wuiver of or preclude the exercitie ul'•rnp riNhl i�r nsmeJ�. �
<br /> '� 12. Successors and Asri�ns Bound; Joinl�and tieveral�.iabilHy;Cu-Sf�ners. Thr rovrnunta und nkreements of ��;'�
<br /> ,,,.;
<br /> - '��p ' •this Security In.trumem�hall hind anJ txnefit the wrrr�.urr.and�..igm i►f Lrnd�r und li�►ROwer,+ubjcct to the provisiuns y;.y;
<br /> of Parngruph 9.b. Borcower: covenurns unJ aFn emenir. .h�dl F►e p�int und +cvcral. Any Borrower who co-a�gns thi.r ,�;.��.
<br /> , Serurity Instrumcnt hw dae+not executr[hr N��te: 1u► i.cu•,igninp ihi,Serurity In�trument only to mortguge,grant and d:�...'•
<br /> convey that Bi�rrowcr�interesi in the F'ro�xny undcr the temi+i�f�hi�tiecurity Intitrument;�b1 i.not Fxnonully obl�goted to �• ;
<br /> pay the sumti.recurecl hy Ihis Seruri�y In�trumrM:t+nd Icl a�!rc��thal l.endrr anJ emy�ulhcr Nurrower muy agnx to extend, 'r,`i}
<br /> modity,fortx•rr cx make imy uccomm��clution+wilh rcgi�rd tn Ihr Irrnn ut�Ihi� Security Intitrument or the Note without thut .;Et'-�
<br /> ' Bormwcr ti ron�cnl,
<br /> l i. Notices. Any notire N� Borrowcr provid�d ti,r in �hi, Sucuri�y In.trumcm .hull hr�ivrn by drlivering il ur by
<br /> rnuiling i� by tir.t clu�• mail unle�.applicuble 1•rw Ryuirc,uu ot�unuthrr me�haf. 1'hr n��tire shull be directed to the
<br /> Pmpctly AdJn��or any ��thcr uddrns. F3urro���cr d.•.i�nuie,M• nutire t�►Lrndrr. An��n�nire ta Lcncler.hall bc givrn by ,
<br /> ' .. first rinxs muil to Lender', uJJn,.�taieJ hcrein ��r um• aJJn., LrnJrr Jr,i�n:uc, h�� rn�ure a, Burtawer. An}• no�icr
<br /> ' providcd 1'or in thi�Secunty In�trumm�t .hull Ix drrmrJ tn h�ne Fxen Eivrn u� Hurn�w�r�,r I.rnd�r when given ati pmvidrd
<br /> � . in this parugraph. �
<br /> 14. Governln�Law:tie��crabflit�. Thi+Srruri�y Imtrumrnt +hall tx �����rm�d h�� I��dcral 1:���•anJ th�laH•of'�hc
<br /> ' �' jurisdictiun in whirh�he Ri��xny i,Ioculyd. In Ih�evrnl th:N .►n�• pnni�iun ur �lau,�uf thi.Srcuri��• In+trument or�hr
<br /> ! ' t ;�;,� Nole con0irtti wilh appliruhk la���.,uch cuntlirt,hull nol aflert uthrr pr�,�i.i�x►�nl'Ihi� Securi�y In,trument or Ihe Ncitc
<br /> ,E ';`i;. whinc�un hc Eiven ctfcrt withuut Uic c��ntlir�in�t pr�wi.ion. 'li►thi�rnd th�pru��i.�an.uf�hi.Srcuri�y In.irument and�hr
<br /> Nute ure derlaRd io tx�everaMa
<br /> , . IS. 1�►rroaer'sCupp. Burruwcr.h:dl Ik Eivcn une c�ml��miid rur}uf thi.ticrurn� In.trumrnt.
<br /> � : ,... 16. As.�ignment of Rent�. Burruwer un�onJ�tiuiu�ll}a..i�n�anJ tran.lcr.�u l.rnJrr ull the rcnt,anJ rcvenue,of the
<br /> � Propeny. BormWer •rmhuriir.LenJcr ur Lrndrr'+:�gem.lu c��Urrt th�rrm.und rr�rnur.and hrr�hy Jirecl,rach teni►m of
<br /> � i ' ' ,': the Propeny �a pay thc rem.to L�nJrr ur l.enJer'.a4rnt�. HuNCVrr.pnur lu LrnJrr'.no�icc ro B.irn�acr ot'Burn►u•rr:
<br /> •��'� bmach of uny rnvenanlor agrcemrnt in thc Scrurii� lin�nmm�t.N��rraarr+hull r��llcr�unJ rnrcivc ull rent�and n�•enue���I�
<br /> . < ' the Propeny a�Iru+we fnr the txnelil oC Lendcr and HurruN rr. 1 hi.a..ignmrnl i.f nnt+runtitiwlr�un ab,ulute�.��i�:nnxm
<br /> ,� . . and nW un nssigntn�nt for additional u:curity only.
<br /> If Lendcr�ive.nnticc ol'bnenrh tu l3orruw•rr. �a�:dl r�nt�nrc��rd hy Fi.�tr��µrr,hull(x hcW by Burn►aer a�Iru+trr
<br /> e.1.r....r....c�...�.1.�. ..lo ...�... ..I:.,.1 �..�6., ..� 1... .�...C.. .:�. �...�..........�• �A�1....i.. .1...0 �,.,...,�id.,d�.,
<br /> ..- ---- .--.__— . ... .�• .. _- 1rr. . .... ...... ,..... .... . ......... . .._. . . .. .... .
<br /> collect and receeve ullnf tlx mnt.af thr Pmprn�,,•:uid�rl,earh trnunt of Ihr I'ro{xm•��hall pa}•all rent�duc anJ unpuid la
<br /> � Lender or Lenderk agem an Lendcr:wrinrn JemunJ tu�hr ten;mt.
<br /> � � Borrower ha� nw exccuted uny prior a..i�nmcm ut the nm. und hu.nut �nJ W�ill nut ExHi�rtn any art�hut w�wld
<br /> ,� . prevem Lender from exerci+inF its right.under�hi. Pan►Eroph Ib.
<br /> .. Lender shull na be rcyuircd to rnlcr up��n,takr runtrol ul'ur mamluin the RaExm t►rfore ar att�r Eivin�nutirr��f
<br /> ; r • brearh to Borrower. Hou•ever. Lendcr or a juJiciully up�x�imcJ rrccivrr ntay d.�.0 at :m�� timr �hrre i+u hrcuch. An�
<br /> . application of rt:nts�hull not curc or w�ive•rny dcf�ult ur mvaliJuh:uny ulhcr ri�ht ur rcmrJ}•of l.rnJcr. Thi�a�.i�nmrnt
<br /> ' � of rents of the Property.hall tcr►ninute whrn thr debt uxureJ by thc ticcunty In.Irunxnl i.paid in tull.
<br /> - —=- iN�r',9o!'n�rv �
<br /> �
<br />