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<br /> � TOCiETHER WI'ftl dl�ho improvernauc now ar haeatta'eroclod an tho propertY.w�d�ll a�ement�,��
<br /> I �tld{�Ep11+C{11pW Of hCfC�fTCf A�l 0�thC pfil�fC�l)+. All rcpl�cett►a�tr and aWitiona�hdi�Iw be corerod by thi�Savdty
<br /> i Inawmnt. All ot�he far�Qoin�i�rcfemed to in Ihis 3ecudry Inawment�Ua"Property,"
<br /> i BORROWER COVENAM'S liwt Borrower ia l�wi'ully sei�ed of�ho eitato hereby conveycd�nd lus the r��ht to�nt
<br /> ! and convey tho Property and thAl tho Property ir unencumbered,exoept for encumbrancea of rocord. 8orrower w�rraNs�nd
<br /> I will defmd�enerally tM titlo to the Prapeny p��inrt�II clQms�nd dertwnds,cubJoct to Any encurnbronces of rccord.
<br /> � THiS SECUR('fY INSTRUMENT combines unifomt rnven�nta for natianpl use nnd non•uniform covawtu wilh
<br /> Y i limited variationx by juriwlictiun to c�anr�itute 4 unifbm►,�ecu�i�y in►�rument covering m.ul property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower wd Lender covrnwit and pgree ns follows:
<br /> 1. PayaAenl o!Prindpd and Iotereeti P�psymeut i�ad LAte Char�er, Bortowcr shall pmmpllY paY when due the
<br /> '� N p�incipai of and intenst an the debt evidenced by the Note and nny prepayment and late chargea duc under the Note.
<br /> 2, Fluqds tor 7hxes wid lavuraaca SubJect to applicablc law or to a wdtten waiver by I.ender.Borrowe�shall•pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments nne due under the Not�,until�he Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far.(a)yearly
<br /> I taues and assessrnents which may attaio pdority ovar�his Securlty Insdument ag n lien on�he Property:(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> payments or ground rcnta an the PropeRy, if any; (c) yeruly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flc�od
<br /> '� � insurou�cc premiums. if any; (e)yesuly mortgage insurnnce premiums, if any; and l�any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> � Lender,in ricccordance with the provisions of p3mgraph S,in Ileu of 1he payment of mongage insumnce pnemiums. These
<br /> I items are eallad"�.SC�ow Itemsi.' I..ender may.at any time,callect and hold Funda in an amount not ta excced the maaimum
<br /> emount a lender for a federally relnted mortgage loan may requias for Barrower's escrow account under tlu: fi;deral Real
<br /> "..�'`` ;,;,i Y• :`4*:� � Estate Senlomant Procedures Act of 1974 ns emended fram time ta time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unlesg another
<br /> ••�� •, ' • ; law that uppliss to the Fbnds sets e lesser amount. If so,Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in�u►amount not la
<br /> `��M.,,;.; ``—�:�`�'� ' �, excecd tlse lc�scr s►mount. Lender may estimate the amounl of Funda duc on the basis of cumen[ dwa and neasonahle�
<br /> .�, �k��.���;�. i
<br /> :�i�;� ;.,,5�<x;;:,,,m�; �_. � estimntes of eapenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with s+pplicable law.
<br /> ' ��'r •• � ' The Funda shull�be held in an institution whose depasils ure insured by e federal agency. instrumen�ality,or entlry
<br /> � �'�y ;�,�;;;��'�{'���"''`"��: ' (including Lender,if l.ender is such an inatitutian)or in any�edert►I Nome Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Flinds to pay
<br /> �,.��i'r, 'l1td�%�••._��'�;`+^�_"` the Escrow Iwms. l.ender may not charge Borrower for halding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing�he escrow
<br /> ... � �'_;r�r.:�._�.'k.
<br /> - , `i'•'• ti � accaum, or veriiying,the Escrow Items. unless l.ender pays BoROwer interest on the FLnds nnd applicable law permita
<br /> ,;.,4�, , ^ . .�.,. �iN'`
<br /> ;�`, � .,.p �.�:�.�;°s Lender to maka suah a charge. However.L.ender may requir�Borrower ta pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> �;;;•;}: ; �h�'`.���;r..%��.•�..'�� estute tax reponing sen�fce used by Lender in connecdon with Ihis loan,unless appliceble law provides otherwfse. Unless an
<br /> r� . . • � `,; agreement is mude or applicablc law requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> ?�`•" � •�:�_ i es�rnings on tha FundF. Borrower and Le�dcr may Agree in wriling,howevar,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> `���'���'� � • ' shall give to Borrower,without chnrgc,ar�annual accounling oF the Funds,showing credits and debits ro the Funds and ihe
<br /> � '''�'S `�' � purpose Pnr which each debit to the Flinds was made. Tho Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by
<br /> ,. .;,5::;.�; .."••.4. '• ' IhisSecurity Instrumant.,
<br /> - ;,.,,,. If the FundF hald by I.ender ex�r.ed ihe +unuuni+ �r���ittcd to be heid hy appficabtc law. l.cndcr shalf accouni to
<br /> • Bortower for Ihe excess F1mds in 4ccordance wilh the requirements of applicabte law. If the amount of the�unds held by
<br /> : . �;�;�t�,;,:,,; . .
<br /> ,• :�;;,:}„t,.; �, Lender at any tirnc is not sufticient to pay ihe�scrow Itcros when duc.l.ender may so nwify Borrower in writing,and.in
<br /> .. !.,.�•.;..' , such case Barrower shull pay to Lender the amount necessory to make up the deGciency. Borrower shall make up tha
<br /> �"��• : . ' .`:{• deficiency in nc�mora Ihun twelve monthly payments,at Lender\sole discretion.
<br /> ' ' �` ''' � Upon puymem in full of all sums secured by this Security Insuument,Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> z� � � '' � , �I��� Funds held by Lender. If,under parngraph 21,Lender shall ncyuire ar sell lhe Propeny, Lender,prior to the ucquisition or .t•r•
<br /> ' , sule of the Propeny. shull apply any Funds held by Le�der at the time of ucyuisition or sale as a credit against tha sums
<br /> . , sewred by this S��curity ln��rument.
<br /> .' ��;: , �. 3. Appli�atiqn�of' Payments. Unlc.rs upplicuble law p�ovidex cNherwisc, all puyments nceived by Lender under
<br /> . � i parugmphs 1 and��hull be upplied:�rst.w any prepaymem churgex duc under the No�e; second,to umoums puyabls under -"�;
<br /> '�p,. ' . . parugraph 2:third,lo intorest duc;faunh,to principal due:und last,to uny latc charger due undcr the Note. .
<br /> 4. Chpr�es: Liens. Bormwcr shnll puy ull laxes, u,sc.wments, char�es, finc�And impositions attributable to the �.�
<br /> , ;i :::•,. :. I'�openy which rnar�nain priorit� uvcr thi.Serurity Instrumrnt.suid Ieusehold puymems or ground rents,if any. Bomower
<br /> �,:, shall pay these obligatian,in th�mam�er provideJ in p•rrugruph 2,or ii not puid in that msanner.Borrower shall pay tham on
<br /> time directly to tho persan owed payment. Borrower+hull pr�mptly furni+h to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> • ��.. ��. i this p;u�agr�ph, If Borrower mukes these payments dlrcc[ly. Borruwer shull prumpUy fumish�o Lender receipts ev�dencing ,.�
<br /> - � thc paymcnts. �;=
<br /> . 8orrowcr�hull pramplly di,ch•rrge�ny licn which hu�priorily�wcr this Security Instrument unkss Borrower:lu►ugrces
<br /> e. . , in writing to ihu payment of Ih�obliga�ian�ecureJ by ihc lien in u munnrr arccpiablr to Lender;(n)conte.tr in gaid fuith the ��-
<br /> . ' lien by,ar defends against enA�rcemenl oi'the lirn i�.Icgul pnkcrdings which in thr Lender:opinion oprrate to prevent�he
<br /> '� " � enforeement of the lien;or Ic)tiecun�frum thc hoWer uf Ihc lirn an agreemem xuti.fucwry�o Lender sul+c�rdinating the lien ,
<br /> "�f�; to Ihis 5c'curi�y Instrument. If Lrnder deterniinex�hut uny pun oi'the Propeny i�sub,jeci to u lien which may uuain priority ` ..
<br /> �` ' over this Sccurit Instrumcnt.Lendrr ma �ivc Borruw�er u ni�tice idemif in the lirn. Borruwcr shall satist:v the lien or take `
<br /> ;. •,:�� . Y Y b Y F 1'"�
<br /> �. � �•,,: one or more of Ihc aclions aet fanh ahovr wi�hin I(►days of Ihc Fiving of notice. 7�..�
<br /> � 5. Ha�rd or Property lnsurance. Bormwcr tih•rll kecp thr impnnemenl+nuw rxititing or here•rfter crected un the ;;_
<br /> T.. ; •���;;. Propeny insumd agaimt lo��by lirr,hai•rrJ+inrludrd within ihr tenn°rxtended covrrage"and any olher hazurds,includin�! , �
<br /> � � � flaads or flcadin�, for which Lender rcyuire. inxurunrr. 7'hi. inwranr� .hull tk maintuined in thr •rmnunts and for �he
<br /> { � � .�
<br /> ;�,, � Fbrm J�2u 9M10 ip.,xe:„fnp�Qr�� � .
<br /> _:� �' � �; .
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