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<br /> S.Taa�.A�M��1�M/M.Trusta shall pa�r dl tox�s,ass�ssn�ntt and oNMr chorp�s,intN�dMiO,withouf liniirotion,fin�s aad irn•
<br /> ''' positlans anri6utabM to th�Prap�tp,ond Mos�hold poymmn a p►a�nd nnt�.if an�l,b�or�th san�buonw d�IMquMd.Trusta sholl promp�
<br /> �.'.�" Ny fi�ndsh to 8enefiela►l►cll netieK of amounfs dw unlNr Nii:parapraph.and in th�w�nt Tru�ta sholl n�ak�parnNnt di►�cfl�r,Tnisfa s1aN
<br /> � ;" ';�:�fl:�.w�.:.. Pr�h►inmi�h to 8�fkiary�aipts widmcinp wch po�rm�ms. Tnista shdl po�r ap taus ad oss�ssnNnt:wlRch mo1► br Mvird upan
<br /> . �. :• � 8�fkiory's intK�st I�.�(n a upai this ONd of TnKt without rpord to ary law thot mop b��nocnd iMposinY PaY�of tM whoN a ary
<br /> � ,c� ��yy1 6�
<br /> �,�..�j..{,���Yi;,' �..�. J ���I^•�P�w,���
<br /> Z�:1T::rh� �Y.�. " �
<br /> , �:=�.�. 6.I�ii1Mrl liw�iltiMeliM�1���/•Trusle►shoA r�afc�oQ pcynNnts of inhnst ond p►6Kipal and po�nt�oi aqi
<br /> sh�
<br /> �" "_� ' .'� .:.� _-' otlwr charpls.h�s and e�e�nses ta+traf�d to M paid to ary��isting tiMholdws a p►ia bnrfitiorl�s u�a�ry►Rior dNd of trost a mor•
<br /> e�,: � tpop�b�fa�tly dat�tfiry an d�linqwnt and P��Pth►Pol►ad dist�a�e mfl and ail otl�Ilms,claims a d�or�s whith moy�opor6t� th�
<br /> ^ ' s�curit�r�roat�d Mnin. M Tnistta foils to mok�an►r such po�rmmt a fails ro pKform anl►of 1h�co�►K+onts and op►e�nri contoin�d b tNs
<br /> i� . . ' ,:.�;:��;+���. DMd of T►ust.a i�anY�mo+'*poW or dNd of trust,of if on�t actlan or procwdinp is can�c�d which motKkllly aff�ets B�fkiary's in•
<br /> l- ° , ��*�.� ; �;,�`��`��`:� te�st in�ta Proo��V,i n c l u d inp, b u�no t l im i t�d to,�m i n�m d o m a i n p�o c M d i n q s,o r p a N d i n p s i m o l v i n p a d�c m d m t,a i f T r u s t a i o i l t t o p o r
<br />- `i�:
<br />'t'`'{� � ���� • � � T�usta�s d�bts penK011�as �y b.com.due, fMn B�ficiary,of 8�fkiory's opflon ad wiMqut notin ro a dMnaid upon Trusfa ad
<br />��. �,, f��. •
<br /> `� without nleosinp TNStar 6om ony oblipat�on h��under,ma�►mok�wch app�oranas,disburs�wth suns,and tck�such atfian as is n�ussary
<br /> ' �`� ".� ��.'� to prot�tt B�n�ikiary's iMK�st intludinp.but nm Iimit�d to,disbu�s�nt of r�osaabM ottonM�'s IMS.poYnMnf.purtlas�,ca�tat a com•
<br /> , '=���: , ' ., � pramiu of on�mcumbraec�.chorp� a li�n,md mtry upon tM PrapMy to maka rpoin. in tIN�wnt Mot TNSta shdl idl to praun in•
<br /> � � , �� '. .. wronu a to po�r tor�s,ass�s�n�nts.a any otlwr chap�s a to mok�ar�r polmNnri to�riftGp aior I(m hotdKS a b�t(clari�s.6�fkiary
<br /> r
<br /> , "� „� mo�r aau��such iasu�a�n ond mak�such parrt�nt.Amr omounts disburs�d bp B�ikiaryr purwart to this Paop►aph 6 shdl b�conN o0dhionol
<br /> • � ,• �� ind�bt�dnoss ot T�ustor�cwd b�this D�M of Trust.Such amounts sholl A�po�obM upon notk�han Y�fkfary to Tnnta r�tinp pa�•
<br /> ' '� � � � m�rn th�r�ot, ond sholl bor Nt�nst Irom th�dat�of disburs�nt at tM rot�po�robl�hom tinN tq tim�on outstandinp prfeeipol�nd�r th�
<br /> � ° Not�unl�ss payment of iM�r��l od such raq would b�tonfrary to applkabl�low,in which�wnt such amounts shall 6�a►inta�st ot th�biph��t
<br /> rat�pKmfssibU und�r opplicabt� bw.Nothinp contnimd in this Paoproph b sholl�tquin B�fkfory to incur ary��p�ns�a tak�a�►oc�ion
<br /> � . he�under.
<br /> .� 7. As�d of RMh. &nefKiary sholl hova the ripht,powar and authority durirp tha contlnuona of this DNd of TNSt to colNct tM
<br /> •• rents,issues and proiits of th�Prapert�and of an�personal prope►ryr locat�d thaeon with a without takinp posussion of th�property affeet�d
<br /> - hereb�, and T�ustor hereb�absoluttly ond untonditionaMy ossipns aN suth�ents,issues and profits to B�naficiory.&rNficiary,hoMnve►,I�eb�
<br /> consents to the Trustor's collaction ond r�t�ntion of such rents,issws ond pofits os th�r attrue and b�cams payobb so lonp as Trusta is not,
<br /> , ot such time, in default with respuct to poyment of any Indebtedness s�cwed her�by,or in th�p�rforrtwnu of an�apreement MnwidK.Upon
<br /> � an�such d�fauh,8enefkiary moy ot any time,eith�►in person,by apent,a by receiver to be appoint�d b�a cour►,without ratice and without
<br /> . reyord to the adequocr d an�securit�fa the indebttdness henb�secured, (o)ant�r upon and tak�possession of the Property or am pat
<br /> lhereof,ad in its own name sue fa or otherwis�colloct such reMS,issues and proflts,includinp thos�post due ond unpoid,and opply tFN same,
<br /> -• --- — _- - deas cos�s ond ekpenses of a�r�s9cn and tollaciion, includir.�raosoaeble ottorneYs fees,uQa+any indebterk+�ss sixwad Iwreby,and in such
<br /> • ader os Bmefic'bry may determiner (b)perform such acts of repoir a protection os may be mc�ssary or p►oper to conserve ihe valw of the
<br /> ' �� Properlys(c) leose the same a an�part thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judpment mo�dktate a te�minote or ad-
<br /> iust the tmns aad conditions d ony existiny leose or leases.Unless Trusfor ond 8eneficiary ayne otherwise in writirg,aa�opptitotia�of rems, _.�
<br /> ' issues or profits to any indebtedness secwed hereby shall not oxtend or postpone the due dote of the installment payments as provided in said �
<br /> ' promissory note or chanye the amount of such instollments.The enteriny up�n ond tuking possession of the Property, the collection of such
<br /> � rents,iswes ond profits,and the application thereof os aforesaid, shall not woive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder,or in-
<br /> validate any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor olso ossigns to Bene}iciory, as further security for the perfamonce of the obllgations
<br /> �+.;, secured hereby,all pepad rents and all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposit�d witb said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro• •
<br /> ,I''� perty,to secure the payment of any rent or domoges,and upon defoult in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trusta ayrees to
<br /> �+' deliver such ren�s and deposits to Beneficiory.Delivery of writteo notice of Beneficiory's exerciso of the riphts grantad haran,to any tenant a• �
<br /> ' � eupyinp said premises shall be sufficient to require wid tenont to poy said rent to the Benefitiary untii further notiee.
<br /> �i'�"` 8.�sni��ndbe.If title to any port of the Property sholl be taken in condemnotion praeedinps.by riqht of emMe�t domoin or similar ation,
<br /> !��1 or sholl be sold under Ii���o� oi cvnoemnar�on,au awards,damoges and praeeds orQ heroby assipned artd sholl be poid to 8eneficiary who sholl �
<br /> apply such awords,damapes and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the ezcess, if any,poid.to Trustor.If Trustor receives �
<br /> ony notice or other informatbn regarding such actions or proeeedings, Trustor sholl yive prompt written notice thereof to benefitiorr. �
<br /> Beneficiar�shoN be entitkd,at its option.to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any such ation or praeedinps and shaN be en• �"
<br /> titled to make any compramiseor settlement in connection with any such oction a proceedings, ;
<br /> � .• 9. R��di��Nof Exelmiv�.Beneficiory sholl be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness or obligations setured
<br /> , hereby and to e�e►tise aN riglus and powe�s under this Deed of Trust or under anY other agreement executed in connettion herewith or ary laws
<br /> now or hereafter in forte,notwithstonding same or all oi ihe suth indebtedness and obligafions secured hereby may now a hereafter be other• :
<br /> t wise setured,whether b�mortqape, deed of trust,pledge, lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acteptance oi this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whether by tourl oction or pursunnt to the power of sole or other powers herein contoined,sholl prejudice or in ony monner offect
<br /> . Beneficiay's right to realite upon ar enforce ony other security now or hereafter held by Beneficiay,�t being agreed that Beneficiary shoU be
<br /> { enlitled to enface this Deed of Trust and any other security now a hereofter held by Beneficiary in such order ond moru�e�os it mo� in its ab• .
<br /> � solute discretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to 8eneficiory is intended to be exclusive of ony other remed�herein
<br /> k or by low provided a permitted, but eah shall be cumulotive and shall be in addition to every other remedy�iven hereunder or now or hereofier
<br /> existinp at low or in equi�y a by stotute. Every power ar remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it moy be
<br /> � • otherwise entitl�d,moy be exercised,concurrently or independently, from time to time and as often os may be deemed expedient 8eneficiary
<br /> ' � und it may pursue intonsistont remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibitiny Beneficiary from sQekinq a deficiency judpment oyoinst
<br /> the Trustor to the extent suchactian is permitted by law.
<br /> • 10. Tnesfe sf�rop�A�t A�su�ption. If all w any part of the property or ony interest therein is sold,transferred or tonveyed by Trusta
<br /> without B�nefitiory's prior written consent,extluding(01 the creotion of a lien a encumbrance subordinotQ to this Deed of Trust, �bl the trea-
<br /> tion of a purehose money security interest for household appliances,(c 1 a transfer by devise,descent or by operetion of low upon the daath of a
<br /> +_ . �_. . �:..� �,,..,...� ,,,�,��H.� ..,.,.�..i�w..I.ne�Mld �nf�r�ef nf fhrw vnnre nr laee nnt renfeinino m ootion to ourehose. Benefitiarv mov. 0�
<br /> _... . : .�. .._ - . �- . ' . .n �vr ...v -
<br /> �����. �a.�.. r....._. ...� ..---.._._ ...._.__. _. ....-- •-- - - --- . . .
<br /> „ :�� ' Beneficiary's option,dQClare all the sums secured by this Oeed of 7rust to be immediately due and paquble,or couse the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> , � , ' of defoult.Beneficiary sholl lave waivQd such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale,tronsfer ar eonveyance, deneficiory and the person to
<br /> �, whom the property is to be sdd a tronsferred reach aqreement in writing tfwt the credit of such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary and that
<br /> , ' �t� ,. the inte��st po�oble on the sums setured by this Deed of Trust sholl be ot suth�ote as Beneficiary sholl request.
<br /> � ' , ,
<br /> � � �,' ,
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