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<br /> .
<br /> �1NWNMENT Of!1�lITi AIDtR 93-� �o� �
<br /> � THIB ASSIGNM�NT OF FIEN'f8 RIDEFt l�mad�wnd nc�out�d this��2N� day of 4RPTI�l�lfl� ,1Q,Si3._,_.,�nd GI
<br /> � Inaory�o►at�d Into�nd shall b�dNm�d to am�nd��d�uppl�nt th�Matp�q�a Owd of Trwt�h�nlnaM�►nh►�W to�s tM ..
<br /> "S�au�ity instrunwnt�',of th� wrrw d�h plwm by tfN und�nipn�d� Mnln�fte nhmd.to u 1M'�Barow�r','to Moun
<br /> Botn�w�P'�Ind�bt�dn���,Mnlnaft�r nfe�M to��th�"Not�",to HOME FEDEiiAL 8AVING8 AND LOAN A680CIATION OF �•
<br /> GMND ISLAND�h�nln�R�r►abrnd to u iM"L�nd�"�of th��am�d�u and cowtinp th�propatY dnarlb�W M tIM Slotult�► ,:s�.
<br /> Inatrum�nt�nd loat�d�t:
<br /> 4252 VERMONT AYE. GRl1ND ISLAND. NEBRA3KA 68803
<br /> , -
<br /> �b;, (�aPhtY Addn�sl
<br /> ;, win�esssTH:
<br /> ,��
<br /> WH8REA8,Bor�ow�r and Lender hava apre�d th�t any r�nt��nd protlb�tlribut�bl�to tlt�prop�rty�houW aaMfltub
<br /> �..�; additlon�l��ourlty to tha Lmdu for th�p�yment of thn Not�;
<br /> r. .t, �
<br /> _��:t�:..�':;>;=.�:•. NOW,THERBFORE,It Is aprad 1hN th�S�owlty lnstrum�nt�hNl b��rrNnd�d hor�by�nd dNm�d to Includ�th�toMowinp
<br /> ,� prorl�lons:
<br /> r µ���;,; ;�t.
<br /> . : ,. �;i:,.�' .4
<br /> :�bu�•�;�.'�. w-:•�.•i' 1, AeaanmentofRentsandLanderRaMa0Cap0ac�onRlqhte.BornswsrtNrebyabeolutii�r�ndurwOnQ{t�tiy�s�ipnsall
<br /> �`"'' ��. r� : •. , ronts, Issusa and proflts of ths propsrty to Bsneflclary. Lendsr sholl hove tM rISAt. powwr ��d �utho�Ntr dwrinp th�
<br /> "°"r�""�� continuanc�ot tM 3�curit�Inatrume�t lo colleat tlw nnts,iaeuas�nd rolits of th�
<br /> .�-. y � , :_ ,_: , f- ' p propeRy�nd of any PKaa��ProPM�Y
<br /> � �••� ' ', , �,'"�,,�:;: locat�d tMreon with a wilAout takinp poaeeaelon of ths p�opsrty affectW f��b�r. t�nder, how�wr,Asr� conMnt�to
<br /> ` � ����•,•�.� , �� �•,� 8onows►'s colNctlon�nd r�t�ntlon of suoh rante,i»uea��d p�otits�s thsy acanw�nd b�cam�p�yabl�,so loip u 6a�
<br /> ' "� �� � � ' - � 1�not,at such t�ms,In dofault with n�peet to payment of any Indebt�dn�u s�cund Mr�br.or 1�1h�p��form�nc�of�egr
<br /> �, x ���' .'`,.<<L ':'rl;;'; apreemsnt hereundor.
<br /> �t; ;:`,•�: �' �• � I n ev n t It In r o to r 1
<br /> �� • „ �• 2. A o n o i n t m e n t of R e c elv e r. f • y e t o f d e A u e a p e t I h e S�c u i t y n s t r u m e n t�h�l l h�v s o c c u a s d�r�8 b e
<br /> ':�• continulnp, Lender,ae a metter of ripht and without�otice to Borrower or a�yone cl�imiop under Bortowor, and without
<br /> �, S,.f :.:..f : ' .•�, :
<br /> •,,. .. �+,,•••'� ''�°•;, repard b ths v�lue of the truet estate or the Interesl ol fh�Eiwrowor th�rain,eh�ll haw the�ipht to�ppiy to eny aou�t h�vinp
<br /> ' `'��''°�'�'. . - Jurtediotlon to�ppolnt a reaelver of the property.
<br /> ``������,����`��� � ��" 3. A1 ht to Passesalon.In case of default In the payment of the aaid rinai al Note or iotereat,or an art thsreo},as It
<br /> � �' • ° � .' � sholl matun,or In the oaee of failure to kesp or pe�form any of the noven nU or apreements aontalned In th�Securlty Instru•
<br /> m�nt�then th� L�nde►, Ifs aucceseors or aselpna,shall be and Is hereby authorizad and empowered to take Immedi�te
<br /> �� .�!�°,.:- ��• , poaseeelon of the sald preml4es therQin desaribed and to colloot tho ront�thorai�om,and to apply the p�oas�ds th�rsof to th�
<br /> '��A��i��'�� : p�ymmt of th�Note.
<br /> -__ ':„ �"� �. AeQIlcetlon ot Rsnls.lssues snd Prollts.A!!rents co!lected by�sndsr or i!�recelvss ahe!!be applled flrs!to pnymen!
<br /> � � of the costs of manaQement af the property and oolleotlon of rents,Includinfl,but not Iimlted to.receiver's fees,premiuma on
<br /> '',�'� ' ��'�� reaelve►'s bonds and reasonable attorne s feea,and lhen to the sums secured b ths Securlt Instrumant.Lendar an0 the
<br /> ,:�:,�lj:;•.• Y' Y Y
<br /> � �';��,:'�"� �ecelver ehall be IIaWe to acaount only for thoae renls aatualry recelved.
<br /> � ,, �;�., ,:
<br /> ' � ,:!�d,;'�•';?,.�.. • 5. Conetruotlon of�rovlsi�ns,Eech af the proviaiona contalned In thls Aasignment o1 Renta Rider and the Security Instru• �;;tr,
<br /> � ' '" . ' mient ahall, unless othenv�se apecifloally �equlred,be construed In eccordance with Nabraelca lew, end In the event any
<br /> � � , proviabn hereln or therein contalned&fiall be determined by a court of competent Ju►Isdiction ta be unenfo�ceable,the aame
<br /> � shall be construed ae thouph auch unenbrceable provfalon were not a pa►t hereof or thereof.
<br /> � , 8. Eiteot of Rlder. Except as apecifically modified by or Inconslstent with thla Aesiqnment of Rents Rider or by any other ,'
<br /> •�s'• � applicable rlder,all of the terms and provlslona contained In the Securlty Instrument shall continue In full torce and eHect. �,7�
<br /> �':. , . ..
<br /> 1 ¢ „ . IN WITNE33 WHEREOF,Borrower has exeauted this Asal enf of Re ts Rld r o �pte flrst nofed above.
<br /> � . . � , ��i �
<br /> '. : � $ARRY SCI�Ui�rower u
<br /> ,�-.?'f1`''`J ---- �;�t;
<br /> • ���'': DEBRA L. SCHL► rower
<br /> ,, .,
<br /> � ��,. ,
<br /> ;:..:,•:1 �•
<br /> ;', :��'��..:, . ,"`�� 3TATEOFNEBRA3KA)
<br /> , , ;
<br /> � ��;,r;r, ,� .. . (SS: �:y'.'
<br /> . ' COUNTY OF HALI ► :`;;,��:
<br /> i•.. Q �
<br /> '� 5•�" ' � �'� �' On thie � �L da of 19 � before me,!he underal ned,a Notary Public d I commisafoned and
<br /> '��� •;!� Y �R�—, �� 9 Y
<br /> ; '�, • • ",,;.� qualffled for sald county,peraodally Came a'Vi� >? • [�,�,, _ �,. �e h /f z_
<br /> :'• �.i'�:' I __ __,to be the IdeMical person(s►whose name(s)Islaresubscribed ����
<br /> � ; •';�.' " to tAe(orepoinp inatrumenl,and helshelthey acknow�edye the executlon thereof to be hls/her/their voluotary act and deed. �• �
<br /> , •��`.1.?� .. .;,,,:, iu;;C:
<br /> ' � �'� �'•' Witneas my hand and N01a►ial Seal at_�c�a�!�.���_ `��,'
<br /> ,.: � . �, ,,., --__.—,..
<br /> ,' � ' ` '' 'r'•,� _ In said counfy,lhe date atoreeaid. �•,:'+�;
<br /> '��.��.:�•,.., � r
<br /> ►.�: J�� �
<br /> ( � �,[
<br /> .• .�r�.t� �GS.G1L!l<<-._�_ ?��_..1�r.i)�t_ly-�----- ---�-
<br /> � �.� Notary Pue��c . �.
<br /> • ' � My Commisalon explres: -—3 v7 -��._ _-�---- - .�.-- ��q��RMy
<br /> ,
<br /> '�------._.�. .. Mc�oao oAa O�t IIreMl,t111 �
<br /> 1 ,..,. �_ ... - --..- ,
<br /> 1 � � • .
<br /> � ,
<br /> . +� '
<br /> , � , .
<br /> , �
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<br /> �
<br />