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<br /> ,",.��� :r�t-::. ����:,:at ►93—��40 DEED OF TAUST
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<br /> -- - . �:;���rt` . _ . . - THIS DEEO OF 7AU9T("3�cudty Intouma�f')is m�de on�••�•"•�•••�uh . 1983
<br /> . .,�
<br /> �. . . � �., 'nw w.tar a��wn R L�mbua md O�n� L L�n6ura u•••��nd srtd Wit�
<br /> ' ' ''•:, (•pwrow�r�.
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<br /> �}l,.l Ths watM b i�i�oe�i wnR 6i a:�lne�rc�Trud and Savin�Assocltlton 13th and "A"8tnM, UncQtn.NB
<br /> ;�is�w t`71wtp')•
<br /> .. �.�� ,. Th•b��Aat�y Is Th� Ovarlu�d Ndlond Bsnk of Onnd Island ,w�'�0�'
<br /> ar, `..� '' b ory�nl��d and�ristlnp unde►ths hwa of'rh�Unk�d Stata of Apl�rtca .�nd whoa�ddrMS M
<br /> �� ' � • '�Wrst Thlyd Stro�t,Or�nd Island NE 88801 _ (•u"�.
<br /> ; , , . ' earowr owa Lwidw tha a�inalpN wm d�y Tk "•a ....r nnt�pp _
<br /> �`.:.'
<br /> ' ` ,;�P,4;•;`�. .. • . . 00111s(1l.8.= 4f1.�Ofl.bbl. 7hb fl�bt
<br /> '�''�`'�'� Is,evldencad by 8o�roww'a note daNd ths aune date as this SPC�uily Inshum�nt("Note'),whbh provides b►manthly P�Y�u�����
<br /> :79)�::.:�1� ,.. . , . �
<br /> � ,��;fi�% �. ' �,,.'r'� debt,B not pold aullar,due and payabk on zelni�.r t_ 2Agg .Thls Searily Inshument s�W Lmd�t:(�)tM
<br /> ,, t�,,k
<br /> . ..", ' ,;�;�.,�� np�yment ot!he debt evWenced by the Not�.wAh Intanst,and dl renew�ls.��denslons�nd mo�tfons of the Notr, (b)th�p�ytmnt of d
<br /> „ . . ...•,�,��,�"��:
<br /> •:,:i��s�i,;���.,.'� ��..:�<<��1���� other sums. wfth Interost, edv�nced under pu�praph 7 to protect tha secxulty of thls 3ewrity Mspummx �nd (c) Ih� pwtonn�nos of
<br /> � '"'��..;:•, , $ortuweri cov�nuite and agreements. For thb purpose, Botroww Imvoo�bly�nte and convsys to TmaU�,In W� wMh poww of t�M,
<br /> �. ,�.���'„�'��:�I��� ' : .. the ldbwlnq deac+lbed property bcded M H�II Counly.Nebraslu:
<br /> ''. :.''�;�'ti`' � '�`:"�'''` l.o/s Flva(S) �nd Slx (6)� Bloctc Four(4),FIRh Additlon to tt�Vill�� of Calro.Hall Cow�ty, N�braska.
<br /> ;ii�. • •. .'�1 . ..,;i�:.�:t
<br /> . . �,�,;;.
<br /> �l,: .,,
<br /> �r' • �•J,,, .
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<br /> � .; ,�,.�;i.
<br /> �.
<br /> ���.
<br /> �� .
<br /> � � .�� In the event 1hla loan fs determkied to be IneYglble lor Loan (ivamnq• by DepaAment o1 Veterao's Aflaka, thla endre Iwn m�y be
<br /> deGared due and payable at the optlon,at the maAgugea. 'fhe addendum to Deed ol Truat atlached hereto and executed of even dtle
<br /> �`'^':';:r.., , �'�'�� �� herowRh la Incorporated hereln and the covenanta and agreementa of the addendum shaU amend and aupplwnent the covonanto �rM
<br /> ' � ���" � :��:,�, � �greementa oi the Deed ot Tn�at es b the addendum were poA hereof.
<br /> �`� ��' � �' whlch h.s the addrass ot 613 Nubia ___ Calro.
<br /> . , . . , ' su.•,.c tuy
<br /> ' > ... Nabnsk�68824 ("Property Addreas"); '".'
<br /> . � z�coae
<br /> � � � � TO(iETHER WITH all impravements now w hereaHer erected on lhe properly- and all eeaements, appuAenances, and flxlures oow a � ��'
<br /> ��:+' ,.;' ' � herealler a part ol the propeAy. NI replacements and addAlona ahMl be covered by this Secu►Ily Inalrument. AN of tha foreyolny is reterted _,;; ,
<br /> • �'c:�;; .. lo In tMs 3awrity Inatrument aa the'Property'. �• .
<br /> ' ' BORROWER COVENANTB that Bortower is lawlully selsed ol the estale hereby conveyed and has the dght to granl and convey the •
<br /> ' • Property and that the Property Is uaencumbered, exeept far encum6rances of reco•d. Bortowar wnrranta and wW defend generaNy the tNle to �
<br /> .,., , •
<br /> � �he property agafnat all clalme and demands,subJect to ony encumbrancea of record. ,
<br /> � � THI3 SECURITY IN3TRUMENT combines u�florm covenants 1a natlonal use and non•unitortn covanenta wtth IMNted varlatlona by •
<br /> �' wdadlctlon to consUtute a uniform secudty inatrument covering real ptopnrty.
<br /> ._' _ . . ���urno�� /+f1VC1UAIJTQ [i....iw.�r�nA 1 on�far rnvannnt wntl wda�YS 10�OW3:
<br /> . _'� '� ' .- .� � v..nv.a.. ..........�..�. �_.._.._. _..___ " '. .. .
<br /> , ' 1, Paymont of Principal and Intorest; Prepayment and Lat� Ch�rgas. Bortower ahell promptly pay when due the
<br /> �� prindpal of�nd Nterest on the debt evldenced by the Note end any prepayment ond late chwges due under the Note.
<br /> • 2. Funds for T�xos and lo�ur�nce. SubJect to eppllceble lew or ta a wrltten weiver by Lender. Bortowe► ahall pay to lender
<br /> �,� on the dsy monthy ;ayments �re due under the Nde, unlM the Note is peld in fup,a sum('Funds')for. (a) yearty texes a�d assessmenle
<br /> r wh�h may sttaln prioriy over thls 3ecurity InsWment aa a Ilen on the Property: (b) yeuly lesaehotd peyments or ground rente on the
<br /> ' � I Property.N my: (c) yeuly h�zard a property fnsurence premfums: (d)yaarly Bood Ineurance premlums. It any; (e) yearly moNgage Insurance
<br /> t �.' premfums, N any;�nd (Q any aum9 payabte by 9orrower to lender.In accordence with the provlslons of peragnph B. In Ileu ol the payment
<br /> , �
<br /> of mortq�ye Insunnce premlums. Thesa Items are caNed 'Esc►ow Items.'
<br /> ,i , NEBRASKA•S��W�F�may-F�ntue Mac/Fn•dda Mot UPMFpRM�NSiRUMENi F��m� virC VA�
<br /> {- . F�009.1M6 19�11 Pan�•t o1 5
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