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<br /> �Recording Requested by& NEBRASKA 6620010734a0a000a
<br /> When Recorded Return To: �
<br /> US Recordings, inc. DEED OF TRUST 00483//WDB04
<br /> 222 E Little Canada Rd Ste 125 y,Jr? , .�,�'�7 �� �.a
<br /> St. Paul, Mn 55117
<br /> Jr,xs�.a cm,r JANELLE A. Lffi4BUR(i AKA J11Nffi.LE ]1 COLP, �+ SINGLE PERSON
<br /> ,. <: < I�dC?�i�88
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<br /> 607 SBEitItJ1N AVE
<br /> ORAliD ISI.11l1D, NE 689034444
<br /> i�plqM�ilf� ; 'C. .�ENI�IGATKiN:NfJ. TAEt�11dNEN� . iDENT�ICATIOti;}li�+
<br /> 509-52-4576
<br /> TRUSTEE: II.e. snt�x ruTtaau. aseocU�tzata
<br /> i
<br /> rr�aao, ND 58303 �� � �(�f
<br /> �con 1 o t or ot axo t on ere na er an any iure a anees or ure gat ons,aa
<br /> rrgy herelnaf►er be advanosd or Incurred and the trust hereinafler memioned and other good and valuable consideratlon,the reoeipt and suffldency of wh�h
<br /> �e hereby admoNriedged, Cirantor hereby {rtevocably warrants, bugalns, sells, transfers, grarna, conveys and assigns to Tn�atee, hia suocesaors and
<br /> assipns,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SAIE for the benefit and secu�ty of o.s. eurx x�►�sau►i, seeocsn�av rm
<br /> (•Lender") ihe
<br /> ary u r t s o rust,un an su �ecM to t e terms an con ons ere n set ort ,w g o eniry posaes on o rantor's presem
<br /> and hriure estate,righL title and interest in and to the real property described in Schedule A which ts ariached to this Deed of Trust and fnoorporated herein
<br /> by this reterenoe,together with all presem and future ir�xovemeMs and flxtures;all tangible personal properry induding without Ikr�tation aq mechi�ery,
<br /> equipment, bulic��g meterlals, and goods of every nature (exduding consumer goods) now or hereafler located on or used in oonnedlon wNh the reai
<br /> property,whether or not afflxed to the land:priv(leges,here�taments, and appunenances indudfng all developmern�igFris assodated wNh the Propehy,
<br /> whether prevbusly or aubaequemly transieRed to ihe Property from other real property or�ow or hereafler suscepNble of transfer irom thfs Propsrty to other
<br /> real property;ieases,licenses and other agreements;rents,issues and pro�ts;water,well,�tch,reaervoir end mineral righta and ata�cs pertaininp to the real
<br /> properry(cumulatively"Property'�;to have and to hold the Property and the rights hereby granted for ihe use and beneflt of Lender, hfe suocessora and
<br /> asaigns,witfl pa�m�eM M tull o(all Obligations secured hereby.
<br /> Morern�er,in lurthe►conaide�ation,Grantor does,for Grantor and Cirarrior's hefrs,represematives and aasigns,hereby expressly warrant,cwvenant,and
<br /> agree wfth Lender and 7rustee and their suxessors and assigns as follows:
<br /> 1. OBLIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall secure ihe payment and perfomianoe of all present and future indebtedness, Ifabiilties, obligatio�s and
<br /> covenams of Bortower or Qrentor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuant to:
<br /> (a)this Deed of Trust end the fdlowing promissory notes and other egreemenis:
<br /> i�pll�l►►t�AMAOUMYf ' ��: '. 1�A'f41i�#1'Y < 4�hM :
<br /> , >
<br /> . <; :::..CR�QIT�IMITi:: ;!. IMqAF&M�NT�A'ff :;: . . . DAT@. . ': . tJ�Bff#i ` . ;; :;;
<br /> 17,000.00 09/03/99 09/07/02 66a0010734�02000a
<br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agreemen s w n r a re er y o is o rua s�ier sxecu or s sams or dliteront
<br /> purposes than the forogoing);
<br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or he►eaiter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust;
<br /> (d) future advances,whether obligatory or optional,to the same extent as it made cornemporaneously wilh the exe�;ution of thfs Deed of Tn�st,made or
<br /> extended on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. Graniw agrees that if one of the Obligations fs a Iine of crec�t,the Ilen of thfs Deed of Trust shall oontinue
<br /> until payrnsm in full of all debt due under the Ifne notwithstanc�ng the tact that from time to time(but before temfination of the line)no balance may be
<br /> outatanding. At no time du�ing the tertn of this Deed of Trust or any extension ihereof shall ihe unpaid and outstan�ng aecured prindpal (uture
<br /> advances,not Indu�ng sume advanced by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,exceed ihe following arnourrt: S •�,.pne_ee
<br /> This providon ahall not constnute an obligation upon or commhment of Lender to meke addhlonai advances or loans to(irarnor,and
<br /> (e)all amen�nents,extenstons,renewals,modiflcatio�s,replacements or substhutlons to any of the foregoing.
<br /> Aa uaed I�this Paragraph 1,the temia(3rantor and Borrower shall indude and also mean eny Grantor or Borrower if rrpre than orre.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Cirantor represenis,waRants and covenarns to Lender that:
<br /> (a) Grarnor has fee simple marketable title to the Property end shall maintain the Property free of all liens,security irnerests,encumbrances and daims
<br /> exoept for this Deed of Trust and ihose described in Schedule B,which is attached to ihis Deed of Trust and incorporated herefn by reference,which
<br /> C3rantor agrees to pay and perform fn a timely manner;
<br /> (b) Cirantor is in compliance in all respects with all applicable federal,state and local laws and regulations,induding,withoul iimitation,those relaling to
<br /> "Hazardous Materials,"as deflned herein,and other environmental matle�s(the"Ernrironmernal Laws"),and neither ihe federal govemment nor any
<br /> other govemmernal or quasi govemmental entity has flled a lien on the Property,nor are there any govemmental,�'udidal or admiNstrative adions wfth
<br /> reapect to environmental matters pending,w to the best of the Grarnor's knowledge threatened,which Involve the PropeAy. Nalther(3rarrior nor,to ihe
<br /> best of GramoPs knowledpe,sny other party has used,generated,released,discharged, stored,or�isposed of any Hazardous Materials aa defined
<br /> herein,in connec1ion wNh the Property or transpoAad any Hazardous Materials to or(rom the Property. Grantor shall not oornr�t o►pemit such acUons
<br /> to be taken in the future. The term"Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, material, or waste which Is or becomes regulated by any
<br /> govemmental authority including,but not limited to,(i)petroleum;(ii)Mable or nonfriade asbestos;pii)polychlo�inated biphenyls;(iv)those substances,
<br /> materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pu�suant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or Ifsted pursuam to Section 307 of tha
<br /> Clean Water Act or any�mendments or replacemerrts to lhese statutes;(v)those substanoes, meterials or wastes defined aa a"hazardous waste"
<br /> pursuarri to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservalfon and Recovery Act or any amendrnenis or replacements to that statute; and (vf) ihose
<br /> substances, materfaia or waates de8ned as a "hazardous aubstanoe" pursuarn to Section 101 of the CortprehensNe Environrnental Response•
<br /> Corrpansetion and Lfability Act, or eny amendments or replacemerrts to ihat statute or any other similar state or federal atatule, rule,regulation or
<br /> ordinance now or hereatter in effeq. G�antor shall not lease or perMt the sublease of ihe Propeny to a tenent or subtenant whose operations mey
<br /> resuh I�contamMatlon of the Property whh Hazardous Matetlals or toxlc substances;
<br />