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'�,(tr:` �'ri-�dn -c1`;.Y�c�• (i..i!.{�v�Y'N,..?. <br /> ': . <br /> �ri!' � <br /> '" <br /> - . , .•,, • -� ���..1. ���n/��.� � � .. <br /> . .`t:'r� ��y. <br /> � � . ,�����. ..F.� .. ,.. ... _ <br /> � �. '.�r::i � 'Lk .mr <br /> �'"' �' .Y: �'".�� � � 17� T��nshr pl th� ?rop�rty a � 9m�flal�1 iM�nd In Bonow��. 11�1 «�ny pWt w th�Prap�ty a <br /> �� �+'�^ „ <br /> . .�y�nr«..��n a a.aa a aa.�„o�«►.d�o.r. an.aoW w�an.��n ao�row�I� �old o►tr�n�irnd�nd 8arowa a not �natuN <br /> � ._ p�ton)wllhout lmd�r'�ptkx wrN�M cons�nt, l�nd�r m�y,tl It�optlon,nqulr�Imm�Yt�p�ym�nt In IuN ot d surta s�ar�d Oy <br /> � IhN 8�aurity In�Wm�nf, h14ww+r,thb optlan � not 6�ptwolWd 6y I.�nd�►M�nah�I�prohblt�d by f�al Mw �u of tM <br /> •':,«��1'•'�' d W o f I h l�S a u�l y I n�p u m�n b, <br /> ; °:' �, N=:�. N lmd�►�x�roi�n thln optian� lmrJ�r�Ad piv�9ortow�r notlos al�eeN�nitlan. Th� noUc��hM provld��p«iod o1 nW <br /> 1 �� <br /> •.�.�+ •'- In� th�n 90 dry�kOm 1hq dnt�ih�nptlr,� It dNNw�d a m�Wd wllhin whkh Bortawa nrut p�y �N wm� acix�d by IhN �Q <br /> .1'� ', . ..""�. S�owtly In�bum�nl. H BorrOwK qNe t4 A�N�� �wro pbr to 1M�Iratbn o1 thb pKlod.LwidM rtrY hvok��ny nmdM � <br /> - . ' , p�mflNd by Ihl�6�NY Imtlum�nt wllNaut fuM�r natla�a d«n�nd on Borrawo. "M <br /> :- °- �-- . ,= �e. 8a►ovwr's RIph1�ta R�IntMt�. n a�►� �. �.�, �a�., e�...� n.�.,n. �ne�o n.�. <br /> 'x, � c..�... . <br /> . , � �,u��,� a �nh s�+�r u�aauma�� da�o+,u�,.a.� .�y am. ��o �na ..�wr or. �.�e d.y. �a won ou�« w�oa.� <br /> . " . apppqaWp Iqw may speelly fqr t�InataUmilnl�.befon ub ol tM Prop�Ay purownt to�ny powN of�cont�N��d b this S�cwky <br /> '�� ImWm�nC or(b)mtry of�Judpm�nt mfardng thls S�wrlly Instrum�nG Thove aondition��n that 8onowe►:(U p�ri L�nda N � <br /> � '� ... tuma whlaf► thun would be du�under thls 6aawlty Insirum«+1�nd th�Note�s If no acaeter+dlon h�d ocuund; (bl eum �nY <br />�;�`�a� �� ' . dN�ufl of any othK eovvnsnt a wpr�nenta; (c)WY� �II�xpensa Inarrad In enfaclnp Ihia SscuRy Instrumml Indudfnq, Out <br /> 1:�;. . �ot MmU�d to,n��onaMw�1tam�n' tea: and ��tak�s wch action ns L�ndK m�y rauon�bly r�quka to�ssur�Ihat th�N�n ol <br />`•' . ' ' . thle 8�wrtry InaWmant lN►der'e rights In the Propwty �nd Bortower's obYpatlon to p�y the awns tecured by thle S�cudly <br />'` , . " • Inatrumait shdl candnu� unahpnged. Upon ninstaternad by Bom�wa, this 3ewrfty Instrument �nd tho obN�tlons ��nd <br />:� , 41 ���., , h�nby�haN nm�n lu�r*Ifactiva�s If na �ec�ation had oaumd. HowevK.thb dyM to rolnstW shU nol�pP�Y b tM e� <br />` .."' .•„• , :;: of aceeUntlon under perog►Nph 17, <br /> Jr <br /> '.� i " � 7 9. 8� W Na��,Chwn�� of LA�n Ssnrico�.The tJate a p � pudel Intereri M Ihe No�e no�+na wnh �nis <br /> ,f..�r ` • , "' ' S�cwity Inadvmanq may De add one or mora timea w�hoiR�ior notks to 8or►oww. A eda m�y rowR In�ch�np�in iM�nUly <br /> . . .'�';�;� '� . . , .� (known rt th�"loan Servlaer') thet coNecta monihly paymants due under ihe Note and ihis Socurtty Insfiiment Thue aho may <br /> "�;:,',�..: , b� on� or mor� chanqe8 of ths Loan 9avicer unrelated to w eale of the Note. It 1hKe I� • ah�nye oi th� Lwn Servieer, <br /> ti,., . BorrowK wlll be qluQ�wrltfqn n411ee ol th�ehanpe In�eeordancs wUh paaprAph 14 �bova md apppuble law. Th� nollee wlq , <br /> •:�,;, ,� � euts the namn end ad�lrraa of the new Lan 3ervlcer and the addrsss ro wldch paym�nta should 1�awd�. Th�1101160 WIU YI�O ', <br /> �� > cantaln my othar Infqrtnatiqn rsW�rtd bY oPPUc�bto 4w. <br /> . ' 20. Hu�rdous 8ubsi�naeo. BaROwer shdl not cause or permit ihe presence, uee, di�posal, storags, a rdeaae oi <br /> y-� .' . �� . �ny Hasucbue Subatanaea on a In the Propaly. Borrower shall not do, nor allow u►yone etse to do, anylhinq �tt�otiny Ihe <br /> • � Property that Is In riqlatlnr� d any Environmenml Law. The precedkip two sentencea ahall nol apply to lhe presence,uae, a <br /> � staaqe on the FYOpeKy of ama0 quanUties of Hasardous Substanas Ih�t are qenKally rccoqnlzed to be approprat�to nomnl <br /> ,., • �hldendal uss �nd ta mainUmanae of the PropeAy. <br /> � 6aroww shaA promPUy ylve l.ender w�itten noUce ot +�ny InvestlqaUon, ddm. demand, IaweuR a other �dlon by any <br /> '�''� . yovammantal ar nqulatory ayency or piivat�paMy invobinp the PropMy end�ny H�zardous SubaUnce a EnvkonmenW Law of <br /> � -- •_=_ - whiuh 8�vwrr.i►as rcivai iuiuwhnJgn, it B�nroww liw�ns� w ia �n�i�ilenl i►y any yovenxnerWl or requlaWry auiharky� ihat any <br /> ' • nmoval or othar remadl�tlon of �ny Hazudoua SubaUnce affeoGny Property b neceawry, Bortower shaY prompl�y Wca �II <br /> ' necesa�ry rsmadal actfone in accadanee wqh Envlronmenul law. <br /> ' Aa uaed 1n thlo paray�aph 20, 'Huardous SubaUnces' ere Ihoae eubstancea deftned es toxic a hazardoua aubsUncas by <br /> � ' Env4unmental Lew and lhe followfng substanees: gasollne, keroaene. other Aammable or to�lc potroleum producta, toxlc <br /> • , '� peeticldee enb herbleldes.volotile solvonts,materlals contalning asbeatos or fortnaldehyde,and radloactive mateiiels. As used In <br /> „'„�� ;, peragmph 20, 'En�konmentel Law' means federal lov+a ond laws of the Ju�IsdkUon whwe tM Prope►ty Is bcat�d that ntate to � <br /> '�., . ,. <br /> haodh,eafety or envkonmental prWecUon. �� <br /> ,4��� NON•U�NFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender IuAher covenant and agree as lopows: .~�' <br /> '� 21. Accelaratlon; Remedles. Lender ahall give notloe to Bor�owor prior to acaeleratian <br /> ;.��- idQe�ntn� Borrower's breaah of any eovenant or agreement In thls Securily Instrumont (but not E <br /> ' piioe to aecoaratlon under parap�aph 17 unleaa appUeable law provideo otherwlse). Tho notloo <br /> ' shall �p�cHy: �s�) the dofault; (b) the actlon roqui�ed to cure tho default; (c) a date� not les9 than � <br /> �' , 30 days fror�th4 d�ta tha nottco Is given to Borrower, by whlch the dafault muat be cured; and � <br /> ��' (d) th�t tallure to curo the defautt on or bofore tho date specifled in tho notice may resuR In ';� <br /> ' ' accel�ration of!he aums secured by thia Security Instrument and eate of the Proporty. Tho notlao <br /> � <br /> ' � � • � shall tue�ther lniorm Borrowor of the right to reinstate aiter acceloretion and the rlght to brin� a �, <br /> aourt actio� to assort tha non•existooce of � default or any othe� defo�se of Barrowor to � <br /> acceloration and salo. If the default is not cured on or befo�e the data speciflad tn tha ooticv� � <br /> , L.and�r at Its opllon may roqulre immediate payment tn full of all aums eacurad by thfa Sacurlty : <br /> �; Inatrument without furthor demand and may invoke tho power of salo and any othor remedles � <br /> .. partnitted by appllcable law. Lender ahall be entitled to collect all oxpenses fncurred fn pureuing <br /> � tha ramodios provlded in thls parayraph 21, including, but not Umlted to, reasonabla attomoys' <br /> fao� and costa of title evidence. <br /> ' If tho power of sale i� invoked, T�ustee shall record a notico of dofault in oach county In <br /> ���. ., whlch any pa►t of the Proporty {s located and ahall mail coples of such notice In tho mannar <br /> � � proscrlbad by applicablo law to Borrower and to the other persona preacrfbed by appllcable law. <br /> � After the timo required by appUcable law, Truatee shall give publlc notice of sale to the personc <br /> ";; . ` and In the Manner prescrlbed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on 8or�ower, ahall sell <br /> thQ Proporty at public auction to the highest bidder at ttw time and place and undo� the ierms <br /> ' dasignated in the notice of sale In one or more parcels and ln any order Truatee dete�mines. <br /> , � Trustoa may poatpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by pu6lic announcement at the <br /> � tima �nd pface of any previously scheduled sale. La�de� or ita deslgnee may purchaso the <br /> � Proparty at any sale. <br /> __ Ueen rocolet ef eavmonf nf fho nrfcn hiA; Truufas ahsll rleliyar �n 11�9 n�vrl��mr Tr�afan'n <br /> �� E � doQd conveying the Proporty.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie ovidence of <br /> � � tha truth of tha atatomonts mado tlwroin. T�ustee shatl appty tho procead� ot the sale in the <br /> '� followtng ordor: (a) to all costs and exponses of exorclsing tha power of salo. and the sale, <br /> � �• ; Includlny tho paymont of tha TrustQO'a hos actually Incurrod, not to exceQd three <br /> � �� � 9'0 of the princlpal amount of the <br /> i i � noto at tha tlma of tha doclaration of default, and reasonablo ettornoy's faes as permitted by law; <br /> � • (b) to all sums cacurod by thta Securlty Instrumo�t; and (c) any oxcoss to thQ porson or persons <br /> bqallq ontttl�d to It. <br /> . , , <br /> • , . � :i31fi�MG�8,3L au�-•...�t 5 ��� �t'� '1 <br /> � I <br /> i <br /> ���i,. � <br />