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<br /> , � •,s'�':��fi'��:� � TOOETHER WITH �M th�Nap►ovwnwiU now or h�ftK wecbd on th�prop«ty,�nd�1�aurn�nq, �ppurtenaioN��nd
<br /> ^,�� , . Ibctuns now a h�ttr�pw o1 th�p►opwty.AM nplaarriw�t�md addNlans sf W d�w b�oov�nd by tl�la Bra�Y Insk�.
<br /> M ot th�Ior�poM�p M nNnrd to b tAl�S�audty Instrummt o th�'Propwty.'
<br /> BORRQWEH COVENANTB thiq Bortow�►a kwluNf►Ndnd ol th� a4t� h�nby aanv�y�d�nd hu 1M dpht to pr�tt nM�
<br /> - " oomy�th� Proprty�nd thtl th� Prap�Ay Is unmamibr�d, exo�pt for�nawnbranoN oi noord. 8a►oww w�rtantr�nd v� �
<br /> , .;�_ dMw�d penanNy Ihe IIUA to th�P�op�rty�p�Ynt v oWm��nd d�d�. wbJ�c1 to�ny mexxnbr�noN of noad.
<br /> . �._.•
<br /> •' ',:� `' THIS 8LCURtTY INBTRUMENT oomMnM unNorm cowmnts (or n�tlon�l ue� �nd ean�unlfone oov�ana wMh NmN�d �
<br /> 1 �;:,c_,;'�`:`'';�3 , v�rl�Uona by J�uisdloUon to aon�tflut��unMam a�ourity Inttrum�nt covwN�p n�l propwty.
<br /> UNIFORM CONHNANT8. 8atr�wv��nd L�nda oov�nt�nd a�u IcMowe:
<br /> �f ,�,.:�� 1. Paynn�nt of P�inciptl snd I�nst; Pr�p�ym�M�nd L.at�Charp��. eor►owK eh�N prompty p�y wt�.n
<br /> , J'�,'�:.�:' :, p Y
<br /> ,.,•.,.,, du�lhoprInoipal ot�nd Inten�t on,tha debt wldmc�d by ih�Not��nd my pnp�ym�nt�nd Nte oh�ryn dw undw thN Nol�.
<br /> . :,a•:T�.--.._ - - 2. �unds for Tac�s and Inwnnw.Subj�ot to� Itw w to�w�itl�n w�iv�►by l�ndu, eonowr.hru poy
<br /> ���'�•= •��' ' "� to L�nder on ths d�y monihy p�ym�nb an du�under th�NoU, uMW th�Not�I�p�id h IuN,� wm('Fund�').(ar: (�) ywlfi
<br /> , . . t�unt uid�un�ments wFikh m�y +�1Wn prlairy ov�r this S�ourity Inst�um�M a � li�n an tht ProP� (al�Y�Y Nauhold
<br /> "�='' WY�ta or p►ound wnh on the Property�H�ny; (a) Y�Y haard a propwtY ineuranc�p►Nnium�c (d) Y�h Ibad InRUnma�
<br /> �i . . � Pranlums.H u►y;(�I YwIY mort��pe Insurancs pr�miumi�fl any��nd(11 �ny sum�WYabN bY BoROwK to L�nder In�ooutdMtc�
<br /> '"'"' '.� • with th� proviatons of puayaph e, In,Ilau of the payment.oi martpage Inwruic� premlunu. Tha+� kwns are o�Ned 'Btaow
<br /> r��.`: � . • Bems.' Lender m�y, d any tana, oalMat and haW Funde in�n �mount not to ac.Nd the m�xNnum ampunt� lender fo�a
<br /> I``'�^�° feder�Uy related mortyeqe toen mwy raqulrq br 8o►rower's escrow account under the t�deal Red Estate Setllemant.Proaeduraa
<br /> ��;ti? ��: `� �'� Aat of 1874�s amend�d irom tlma to Uma.12 U.S.C,�ZH01 et ae
<br />�; r , . q. ('RESPA'), w�less�nother I�w thpt �pppea to th� Funde
<br /> k'V -�� /e� .� . :.~ Letnder Im� estlmwte the amount�of F nde due�ntl hs�b�eis of cumn�dd�dind rauon�bk�ntlnwtea of�o��entYWn�of future
<br />;- � ..�i•� � �� . .� , �`,�'�"� Eaorow Iteyma or otherwiae fn aaoordance wNh•applfaable I�w.
<br /> •.���:_ ,�;:�. The Funde ahaA be hold In an Madlution whoee depoafls Are inaurod by a fedenl ayerny.inatrumantpNty.or mtily(includln9 •
<br /> •�,� '.. '``;� '��.:•' �� " Lender, H Lender la auch an Inedlution) or in �ny�edenl Home lan B�nk. Lander shnll�pply the Funds to p�y th�Eec►ow
<br /> !."'�`� � l.�;irty;;;'�t:�� ' b` Iteme. Lender may not eher�e Bomowvr tor holding and apptying the Funds, �nnualy an�lytinp tbe eaomw account, or v«1lytnp
<br /> 'i::��"�•'''�� ��,�.��';=,- :• " • the Eacrow ftems, unless Lender payv Borrower interost on the Funds and eppNee►ble lew pertnila Lender to meke such a
<br /> �.;•..���� . , . ,�; cherpe, However, Lender may nqulre 9ortowe►to pay a one�time eharye for an independent.real oaWte tax repoMinq aavioe
<br /> � usad by Lender in aonnsetlon wilh thia ben, unless �ppSaabte Iwv provida othwvrbe. Unlesa an apreemeM le made or
<br /> �pppaable law requlrea interest to be pald, Lende�ahell not be requked to pay Barowa any Intereat or e�minga on ihe Funda.
<br /> BoROwer and Lender m�y epree in wrlting, however, that intereat ahdl bs p�ld on tl»Fund�. Lender ahall giva to Borrower.
<br /> , wNhout chsrge, �n ennuel �ccounting o} thn Funda, ahowMg crodNs�nd d�bqs to IAe Funds�nd the pwpoee tor whioh wch
<br /> debll to the Funds wsa mwde. Tha Funde we pledged ea addltianel aecurUy(a aU auma securod by the 3ecurtty Inetrumenb
<br /> If the Funds hetd by Lender exaeed the�mounte pertnitt�d to be h�ld by appllcabM law, Lender ah�ll aaoount,to Bo�rawu
<br /> lor Ihe excess Funds In aaaordanae wdh the raquiraments ol applfuble aw. N the amount of the Funds held by Lender Qt�any
<br /> 1 pme la not suHicient to pey the Eacrow Itema when due, Lender mey�o noU1y Bor►owx In w�lting,�nd, In suah�aae Bortnwer
<br /> shoN pay to Lander the amount neceesary to make up the d�flcNncy. Bormwar sh�ll mak�up tha dalldanay in.na�mpra Ihpn
<br /> tw4lve monihly peymanta,at lender's aole dlacration.
<br /> Upon payment In lull of a►I aume eacured by thls Security Instnimen6 Lender ahall promplly rafund to•6armwar any Funda
<br /> _ ___—__ _ -_ held 6y lender. 11,under peregreph 21. Lender ahaM acquUa or aeN the Property. Lmder, pdor to ths�aquisition or s�le 41 ihe
<br /> Property, ahell appiy any Funds hald by Lander at the thne of acquisMlon or sde n�oredd aqAinst the sumn s�cund by thls
<br /> �•;;...� " ,�'..i;'�`'� Sewrity Inatrument.
<br /> ' ' 3. Appllcatton of Pay�n�nis. Unlesa appqcable law providee othe�wise, aU ppymenta �eoeived by Lende► under
<br /> paroyraphs 1 ond 2 shaN be appNed: flrat,to any prepayment chergea due under the Note; second, ta amaunta payabla under
<br /> ' pa�apraph 2;third,to Interest due;fouhh,to prinaipal due; and leat, lo any late chuyes due under ihe Note.
<br /> ' �• ,�; 4. ChAr��e; L(�Its. BoROwer shell pey all taxea. esaessments, ch�rgea, tines end Impositlons attributable to ths
<br /> :��; ,. ;;;;�. ;', P►opeAy whloh mey�ttaNi prio�ity ov�r this Security Inswment, and IeaaQhold paymenta o►pround renta, il any. BoROwer ihell
<br /> �� , . ,� pay ihese obllyations In the manner provided In parayreph 2, a H not pafd h that menner. 6orrowar shall pay them on lime
<br /> �� ;,; ,' ', �� directly to the peraon owed paymanl, Bortower shall promplly Nmish to lendar all noUcea ot amouats to be paid under thle �;r�
<br /> ; ,e;�``.`•� � ',:,,. Parey�repe, tl 9onower makes these payments dkectly. Bonowe► ahaA promptly lumlah to Lender receipts avidoncinp the ,;�:
<br /> :�' ..
<br /> �` , � Bonower shell promptty diseharge any Iten which has prlorily over thls 3ecurlry Inapument unlese Bonower: (a)agrees M
<br /> ' F . '' 1; '� writing to the peyment of the obAgatlon aecured by the Ilen In a mmner acceptable to Lender; (b) contesta in good faith the �
<br /> � •�� Uen by, or defenda agalnat enlorcement ot the Ilen In, legal proceedings whiah In Ihe Lender's opinfan operate to prevont the ,
<br /> ' `S`���' � entacement of ihe Ilen; or (c) aecurea irom the holder of the Nen an agreement setisfectory to Lender subordMetlng the Ilen to
<br /> �'`�� . � �•�� lhia Security Inetrument.If Lender determines thet any part of the Property is aubJect to� Ilen which mey attain pdorRy over this �
<br /> • Seeurily Instrument, Lender may give Bortower a notice Identifying the lien. Bortower shaN s�Gsy the Ilen or take one a more of I
<br /> ' '. , the�aUona set foRh a6ove wphM 10 deys of the givMg ol notice.
<br /> � 5. Hazard or Proparty Insureneo.Borrower shall keep Ihe improvements now exlatiny or hereafler erectQd on the
<br /> Property Insured against loee by fire, hazerds included within the term 'extended coverage' and any other hazards, Including
<br /> • tloods or(Iooding,for whloh Lender requlres Inaurance. Thls insurance ahall be maintalned In the emounts end for ihe perlods � '
<br /> ,.,�; ' that Lander requlrea. The inaurance eaRier provlding the Insu�ance sheN be choaen by Barower subject to Lender's approval `
<br /> � which shall not be unreasonebly withheld. If Borrower lafls to malntaln cove�age desc�ibed above, Lender may, �1 Lendei s '�
<br /> optlon,obtein covwage to protect Lender's dghts M !he PropeHy h accordance wHh parograph 7. �.�
<br /> � All fnsurance poNcfea and ►enewals shell be accepteble to Lender and sheN Include � standprd mortgage clauee. Lender
<br /> shall have the �1ght to hold ihe pollciea and renewels. If Lende�requlree, Borrower ahell promptly glve to Lender atl recelpis of `'
<br /> pafd premlums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall qive prompt notlae to ihe Ineurance ca�er and Lender. `.
<br /> • Lender mey make proof ot loss H not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> - Unleas Lender end BoROwer otherwise agree In writing, Insurance proceeds ahall be appNed to restoratlon or repelr of the
<br /> k Property damaged, N the resloratlon or repair is economicelly teasible and Lender's aeeurky Is not leasened. If ihe reatoratlon or
<br /> ' repeir Is not economlceNy feasibte or Lender's aecuriry would be lesaened,the Insurenee proceeds shall be app�led to tho auma
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not Ihan due, with any exeess pald ta 8ortower. II BoROwer abandons the
<br /> • Property, or does not answer wHhin 30 days a notice irom Lender Ihet lhe insurence wrtier has oflered to setlle a clalm.Ihen
<br /> , � Lender may callect Ihe Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair w restore the Propeny or to pay aums
<br /> i secured by thfs Security Instrument, whelher or not lhen due. The 30•day porlod wfll begln when the noNce Is given.
<br /> Unleas Lender end Bonower othervvise egree In writing, eny eppllcetinn of praceeds ta prinelpal sheti not extend or
<br /> y• � postpone Ihe due dete oi Ihe monthly paymenis releRQd to In paregrephs 1 end 2 or chenge the amount ot the payments. If
<br /> '� under parayraph 21 the Property Is ecqulred by Lender. 8onower's righl to any Insurence polkles and proceeds reaulting irom
<br /> �, �% demage to ihe Properly prior to 1he ecqWeltlon shell pass to Lender to the extent ol the sume by thls Security Instrument
<br /> , j knmediatey prior to the ncqulsition.
<br /> L . � .Qi �.�..�.::wNw�w. Or.°..°..°.::«�i�w �A�Iwi.°.::.°.::�.°. .°.::..�. Dr�►1.�.��Irw �i �i�� D.w r�.• O...r����� IrwMw .
<br /> —�. _. •-- � p 7� ..� .vji.. y�
<br /> . Applleation; Leaseholds. BoROwer ahell occupy, estebNsh, and use the Property a�Borcower's pKncipal residenae wfthln
<br /> � ' sfxly daye after the execullon of ihis Secu�ity Mstrument a�d sheN continue to ocaupy Ihe Properly as Borrower's principal
<br /> � ' 1 realdence for et least one yeor alter ihe dete ol occupency, unless Lender othenvise eprees In writhg,which cansent sheM not
<br /> � be unreasonably wflhheld, or unless exlenueting circumstences exist which are beyond Borrower's conirol. 8orrower shell �ol
<br /> , �� dealroy, damoge or knpab ihe Propetty, eqow the Property to deteriorete,or commit waele on ihe PropeAy. 8orrower shell be in
<br /> . defauN if any lorielture actlon or proceedi�g. whether clv�l or criml�al. Is bayun thet In Lender's good feith�udgment could result
<br /> • � In brlaNurs ol the Propeity or otherwlse moterfaNy impelr the Ilen ereoted by this SecuNty Inslrument or Le�der's securfty interest.
<br /> �
<br /> � •
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