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<br /> at the option of l.andC�, if m�►rtEago insuranca covera�e (in the �mount �nd ior the porlod that Lender t�equir+a)
<br /> provided by en i�s��rer ap�n�vrJ hy Ixndnr ae�in bex:omee aveilobta�nd ir obtained.Bon�ower ehall p�y tho pramiume
<br /> requlrad to mointain murtgagn insunncu in ettact,or to provide a laes reaetve, undl the roquiroment�or mort`,��e
<br /> in4urance ends i�acc��rdence wich any�vriurn a�reamont tietween Barrower�nd Lender or applicablo I�w.
<br /> 9.lnapecti�m. l.cndcr��r iG9 a�Cnt may make reason�ble ent�fee upon and inspecdone o[ehe Property.Lender ehdl
<br /> Qive Borcower n��tirC ac che timC��P ar prinr co an inspaetion specityin�re�eon�bla cauoe tor the inepeatian.
<br /> _ ,,,:7,4y''��,•, . 10. Candemnatiun.'I'he prcKrecls at pny ew�rd or claim [ar d�m�gae,diroat or consequentiel.in connecxion with
<br /> "'$ �" any condemnation ur uther tnking ot any part ot the Property. or[or convoy�nce in lieu ot aondemrution,ue her�eby
<br /> ••,fr • � aaei�ned and shall l�paid tu Ixndar.
<br /> �:ti''"�""'°°"""4 ln the event oP a total t�king ot the Property, the procads shall ba applted to the sums secuced by this 3ecurity
<br /> '4��"r��c °'r lnatrument,whethCr��r n��c[t��n due,witli any axcess paid to Borrower.ln the event ot a p�rti�l takin�of tho Property in
<br /> "�'�' which the tair markCt vulu�u<<hC f'roperty immediately before the tekin�is eqwt to or�aater thsn the amotmt ot the
<br /> _�,- . ��'� +' ,•.
<br /> ,������,��,. � sums secured by this Srcurity� Instrumrnt immedietely before tha takin$.unless Borrower and Lander otherwiee��roa
<br /> in writin�,the sums Sr�:u�eJ by this Ser.urity Instrumcnt ahall be reducod by the amount of the proceede multiplied by
<br /> ���� the[ollowin Practi�m:(a)chC c�►tal amu��nt uf tha sums socured immediatal befote the tekin ,divided b (b)the fair
<br /> 'u-:�;: � Y � Y
<br /> � •.� � ��" rnarket value�P tha I'n�perc��immediatrly be[ore the taktng,Any balance shall be paid to Bormwer,ln the event ot a
<br /> V �` '�`' partial taking of tha 1'ru��ty in which�thn fair market valua of the Property immediately betore the tekinQ is Ims th�n
<br /> ~ r�' '' ' the amount of th�sums�urrJ immediately before the teking, unless Sorcoasr and Lender otherwiso a�ree in writing
<br />'Ji"� • or u�less appliwblr la��• ucher�vise pravides, the proceeds shall be applied w the sums secured by this Sacurfty
<br />�,'::t"� 'rt_;.�� y� � ' � t° Inatrument whCther��r nut che sums are then due.
<br /> •�.: , ]f the Praperq� is ahandunnJ by Rnrrower,or if,aPter notica by L.ender w Bonower that tha condamnor ottera to
<br /> . ,.. `� '�• maka en award or settla a claim for damages, Horrower fails to respond w l.ender within 30 deys attor the d�te the
<br /> +,� , .: ;� ��'� notice is given,Lender is authoriird to cnllect and apply the proceeda,at its option,efther ta roawration or repair of the
<br /> ��� � -�•�,°�� °`' ° Yropeny or to thC sums srcurrd b��this Security instrument,ahether or not then due.
<br /> '�`��� �' � •� •• Unlass Lander sinJ liorru���er��ther�vise agree In writing,any epplication ot praceeds to ptincipal ehall not extend or
<br /> n• postpane the dua Jntc ��f the munthly �u►yments rcfnrred tu in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ch�nea the amount of such
<br /> payments.
<br /> �� � �� ° .. I I. Borruu'er \ut Released; Po�bearsnce Hy I.ender Not • �V�iver. Extension of the time for paymet�t ar �t�'`1
<br /> ;,..,� �, � ' madification��P am��riiiati�m uf rhC qums se�:ured 6y� this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any euccessor in
<br /> � � interest of Burroa�rr shsill nnt �►�xratr tn rClease the liability ot the original Horrower or Borrower's suceeseora in
<br /> �'�`�� � , intnrest. LendCr shall m�t hC nyuircd t��cummence proceedinge against any successor in interest or retuse to extend
<br /> ',�r.u_, • � time tor pa��mrnt ur uther�risr muJi(�•em�irtizatian af the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any
<br /> .. . � demand madc b��thr��riginal Rnrrower ur Rorrawer's successc�rs in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exentisin�
<br /> � �° any right or remrd�•sha�ll nut hr u�cai�•er uf ur precluda the Cx�rcise ot any right or remedy.
<br /> ' 12. SuccePaors and �lcsigns 13ouad;l�iint and Several Liability;Co-si�ners. Tha covenanta and agreements
<br /> � -�` .- of this Security Instrumrni shall bind and I�nePit the succrssors end esgigns ot l..ender and Borrower,subject to the
<br /> . . . provisions of paragr:�ph 17.Nurrv,a•rr's c���•enants and agrerments shall be joint�nd several.Any Horrower who co-signs
<br /> ' • ,. .. , this Security Instrumrnt hut J��rs nut C�c�utC the N��t�: (a) is cp-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgaga,
<br /> • �� � . • grent and convC�� tl►t,� li��rr��aer's intrres� in tha Pruperey under the terms ot this Security Inatrument; (b) is not
<br /> '`�:;;' �.,,;, personaUy��hligacecl ur ra�� thr sums srrured by this Scw;urity instrument;and (c) agrees that I.ender and an)other
<br /> t. , Borrower ma�•vgrrr in r�t�nJ,modifj�,furhrvr nr make any accommodationa with ragard to the terma of this Socurity
<br /> Instrumant ur thr\��►�•n•i�h��ur tha�r Hnrrua�Cr's cc►n�ent.
<br /> ,� • 13. l.oa�� ('hurges. If thr I�ran srcurrd ny this Srrurity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loen
<br /> i' ' charges, and that I:�e i� finull5 intrrpr�trd 5�� that th� interest or other loan charges rnllected or to be collected in � •"
<br /> .!�?0• ° conne�tic�n�si�h �h�• ���:�n e�crrJ rh�•prrmitteJ limits, thcn: (a) eny such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount =
<br /> �i` .• , • � necrssar�� tu redurr ih�• rharRr t�r ehC �rrmitteJ limit; und (b) any sums already collected trom 13orrower ahich .,,�
<br /> �'"�� •- ,� tsxceede�! �rmitted limits ���ill Fx• rrfundrJ to li��rroa•er. I,rnder may ch�ose to make this retund by reducing the `
<br /> '1��' . , • principal oa•eJ unJnr�I�r\��rr ur hs• m+�king�dirert paymCnt w Norrow�er.If a refund rrduees principal,the reduction '�<�•,
<br /> •' • , will be t�eatrd r►s:�r:,riic,l rrrr:��mrnt a•i thuut an�•prrpay�mrnt rhar�e undrr th�Vote. t �`"
<br /> ' �� 14, \��tices.:1n� n��ti�•r m linrrvn�er rru��iJrJ f��r in this Scr:urity�lnstrument ahall be given by delivering it or by " �.'��
<br /> �. .��; • . ' ..�.;?� ��-.-.
<br /> .;. • mailing it b)' first�lar.:: mvil uul�•::::,�,�,licahlr lu��� reyuirrs use of another methad."fhe notice shall be directed to the
<br /> ' . � PrupCr�y AJJrcw.��n :m) ulht�r:+Jclrrx 14ui ru��cf Jrsignatrs b� I�utice iu{.endcr.:R�,^,^tirn tp 1 Ppaef 9l18I�M�!�'C!!�} .
<br /> ��: first class muil a� I.rnd�•r'•: :iJ�rc�:>:•:t;,rrJ hrrrin or :+n��nrhrr adJrrss I.ender Jesignates by notice to Borrower. Any
<br /> . - noticr pruciJrJ fur in�hi•.ti�•ruri�� Im:irumrn�sl�all he d�meJ�o ha�•r bren given cu Borrower or I.ender when�iven �
<br /> • . as pru�•ideJ in rhi�:�:�ra};r:q,h. �
<br /> IS. Gnrcrning I.v��;tic�crabilit�.'I his tirruriry Instrument shall be go��erned by(ederal la�v and the law of the
<br /> '� jurisciictiun in a�hiclti iho I'r��rc•r�� i:I��r.+��J. In rhr rcrnc thnc a�y pro��ision or clause of this Security Instrumentor the t
<br /> ;, ,,r� Notccunflirts��•ith:+�pli�:�M�•I.���.�uchc�mFlictshalln��tuffrrtc�therprovisionsafthisSecuritylnstrumentorthelVote �
<br /> which cs�n hr gi��rn rii�•.•r��iih��ut thc r�mfli:ting pn�eisiun, fo this enJ thr pru�•isiuns of this Securit�• Instrument and '
<br /> �' . the Note are dc�:larrd a�hr.r�rrr�hlr.
<br /> , , �
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