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<br /> � �3-��9435
<br /> TOOEI'EiER W17'II eli chn improvemenw r►aw or horafter erocted on the propetty, •nd alt ea�emanb,
<br /> aPpurtenancee�anci fixt urwg n��w��r h��wt�nr�prn oi sho property.All ropl�camontt and addttlone�hall de�p bi�opv�vd
<br /> by thie 3ocurlty InRt�ument.Al l ot tha�ure�oin�ie rotcrrod w in this Secu�ity ln�trumant u the'Property." • '
<br /> BORROWFIt�'UV�NANTS that A�rrower is I�wtully eeised ot the aatate heroby conveyed usd b+w tt�,ri�ttt to
<br /> �nnt�nd wnvey the{'ropnny snd the�the Property te unenoumberod,e:cept for encumbntwes oi rax�rd. Borroxar
<br /> wuranta md will d�land Benernlly tha titie to the Prope�ty spi�ut i1�cldm�and demand��wbjeot W any enauatbr�non
<br /> of i+ecord.
<br /> � THIS SECURI"1'1' INS7'ItUAf13N'1'combiooe unitorm covemnts for mt�onal u�e md rwnvnttorm coveruinti pltb
<br /> �' limited ve�iationR by jurisdiction tu conatitutea unitorm recu�ty instrumentcoverin�rerl property.
<br /> �' UMFORI�!COVLNAN1'S.H�rrower and[.ender coven+�nt�nd a�ea�t[ollow�
<br /> 1.Pay ment af 1'rincipul and Intereat;Propayment aad Late Charjes.BorroWet ahall pcomptly py ahen due
<br /> the principa)ot anJ intCrest on the debt avidencecl by the Note and any prep�yment and late chat�eis due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds tor '1'asex and Insurance. Subjnct w appliabla law or to e w�itten aaivar by L.ender,Bomnwor ehall
<br /> Qay w Lender on tha dA�•rc��mthly puyments are dua under the Nota,until tho Note is p�id in full.a aum("Funde")toe
<br /> (a)yearly taxes aod a:�csmrn�.g which may uctain priority over thie Security Instrumont�s a lien on tho Property;(b)
<br /> yearly leasehuld payman►.4 ur gnw��J rcnts un the Property,if any; (c)yearly htzerd or property insur�utGe pr+emiume;
<br /> �. (d)yearly tlood insurance premiums,if any;(e)yesrly mortQsge insuraneo promiume,if any;utd(t)Any eums p�y�ble
<br /> .i, by Borrower to IxnJnr.i�►accorcianca with the provisions oi paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment ot mortQaQe insuranca
<br /> ' "''`'""' ` ' � premiums.These itcros ar�callyd"L'sscrow Itema"L.ender mey,at any time.oollect aad hold Funde in an amount not
<br /> ��"'�'`�``��"'�'"�� � to exceed the maximum amuunt a I�nder for a tederelly rolated moctgege loen may toquire for Borcower's esct�ow
<br /> '��"`'��"'''"` acxount undar thr Pc�eral Real Fstate Sectlement Procedures Act ot 1974 ss amended frorr� time to tirne, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> . -.`�:.
<br />� � � � �-••ti�y iYv�1�t w � �. w
<br /> . �...�.a.,,.,.,��• Section 2601 et seq.( RG.S[ 4 ),unless another law that applias to tha Funds sote a lesser smount.It eo.4ender m�y,
<br /> �„��''. . - - at�ny time,rnlle�:t and huld Fut�ds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amoun�Lender may estim�u the amount ot
<br /> �� � : •��` Funds due on the busis��f curront data and reasoneble eatimates of expenditures of futtin�e Bscrow Iume ar otherwiea in
<br /> � � . .. accordance with upplicahlr laa•-
<br /> The Funds shall br hrld in an institution wha^,e depc�sita are insured by a tederal a�ency. inatrumentality.or antity
<br /> ,' .', '^ :�_�� (including Lender,if I.rnJrr is such an institution)dr in any I�ederal Hvmn I.osn Benk.Landershall epply tho Funde to
<br /> : . • psy the Escrow hems. I.andrr may nnc chargC Borrowet tor holding and applying the Funds, annually anely�in�ttw
<br /> ' �r escrow account,ur �-rrifying dir 13�:roa� Items, unles�s l.endar pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appliceblo law
<br /> • permits Lender a� mukc s�n:h � churge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pey a ona'time ehec�e tor sr►
<br /> ' independ�nt real rrit;�tr tns rr�►rting r,er��ice used by I.ender in connection aith this loan,unlesa spplicable Iow providee
<br /> �:;; ` . '� otherwise.Unl�ss un agrremenc is maJC or applicable law requires inter�t to be paid,Lender ehall nqt bo required to
<br /> i�. ; ���',.�• . � pay Horrower an�• interc�sc nr r:�rningR un the Fuads. Borrower and l.ender may agrea in writing.howevar,thetintere�t
<br /> • shal) be paid on thr I'unJ4. I xnder shal I gi�-e to Aorrower,aithout charge,an annuail accounting ai the Funds,ehowinQ
<br /> —__ �rtdiis nnd debita tn thr 1����rJa and r�«J�nrfx►�e ror which each debit to the Funds was m�de.The Funde aro pledged ao
<br /> ° additional scK:urity for nll sums s�currJ hy thisSecurity lnstroment.
<br /> • � •• It thn t'unds hrld hy I.CnJ�r racrcJ thr amuunr.s perrnitted ta be held by applicable law.Lend�r ehal!account to
<br /> � , Borrower for thr r�r�.s I�und�.in:�cc��rdancr►vith thc requirements of applierible law.lf the amount ot the Funds hold
<br /> �� by Lend�r at any rirnc is rn�t SufPicirnr c��pay cha Iscro�v ltems when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,
<br /> � , � and, in such cu�c linrr�n+�r�:ht►II pn�� u� I.cnJar th�amount necexsary to meke up the de[iciancy.Bo�rower shell malce
<br /> � up the deficienc}•in nu murr�h:�n ta�rl�r munthly pa��ments,at I.ender s sole discretion.
<br /> � Upun��•mrn�in f ul I ��f:�I I ::umt�currJ by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall promptly retu�d to Borroaer
<br /> �• .. any Funds I�CIJ h�� I.CnJ�r. If. �mJer �ur+�graph 21. I.endrr shall acquire or sell the Property. Lendar. prior to the
<br /> acquisition or salc ��f tl�r 1'r��prrq�,tiliull npply �ny� l�unds held by l.ender et the time of ar.quieition or ssle as a credit
<br /> ��;� ' , against th�sums SrrurrJ h��this tircurit�•Instn�ment.
<br /> ".�' � '.�`� 3. Applicatiun u�I'��•mcnts, l�nlc�.s npplicable la�v provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> ���, . parngraphs 1 anJ 2�lu,ll F+r�rplie�l;!'irst}Eo nn�• prCpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable r,
<br /> . ;� , under paragraph 2;tliirJ,t��inttrrsi due:frn�rth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ' 4. Chargc4; I.icns. linrru��rr �h;dl pa�• all tu�es,as5rssments,charges, fines and impositiona attributable to the
<br /> Property H�hich may aru�in �rinri�� ���cr chis Securitc Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if sny.
<br /> Borroa�cr shell p:i� ihrrx��hli�;a�i�m::in thr mannrr pro�•ideJ in paragraph 2, ur if not paid in that manner, Bortower
<br /> shall pay them on tim�Jircrtl� ru N►e�xr:a�n����•rd raJ•mrnt.liurro�ser shall prumptly turnish to I.e�der all noticesot 1 y
<br /> amounts tu he paid unJer r6is�:�r.��;raph. If li��rroa•er mak�s these payments dir�cdy,Horrower shell pramptly furnieh �,
<br /> . , to l.ender recriprs r�idrnri n�;ih�r:q mrnts. ',
<br /> . �,� I�urcoa•rr shs�ll pr��mril��i�:rhr�r�;r:�ii�•lirn n•hich has prioriq•o�•cr this Security Instrument unless Borroper.(e) ..�;,
<br /> ' agrees in ��•riting t��ihr�:��mcur��f ihr��hligatiun secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)cante.4ts in
<br /> good taith thr lir�� h�. ��r JrFcn�J�::��;:�intit rnf��rrrmrnt of the lien in, legal proceedings which in th�Lender's opinion � ,�
<br /> ; operate tu prr��nr ih<<•n���rc�•m�nr uf rhr lirn; ��r(c)serures from the holder of the lien an egreement satistactory to
<br /> •, � Lender suM►rdino�ri►i�;�h�•liCn ►��ihi::tircurit�•(nstrurnent.If I.enJer Jetermines that any part ot the Proparty iasubjact ,
<br /> „ toa lien ��hirh mv� :+►t:ii�i �riuri�c���•rr rhis Srrurit�•Instrumrnt,l.ender may gi�•e Horrower a notico identifying the
<br /> ' lien. I��rrcn�•er sh:+ll �:�ri:;f� th�• lirn��r ��kr unr ��r mnrr uf thr artions sct forth abo�•e w•ithin 10 days of the givin�ot ;
<br /> r� • . � ' notice.
<br /> � , ^ ;
<br /> �
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