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<br /> ANIOt,�MENTOF I��.�Jfi RI.D�. � ���" ' '
<br /> THiSA�K�INMENT OF 11ENT8 plDER Is m��nd�xatubd IMr 2Z(� �y q� SEP�EI�ER 1q 93.�,�Id hl •': �:
<br /> Inoo�por�t�d Into��d�hall b�dMrtMd to�tfNnd�nd�uppl�rtNnt tM MoAq,tp�or DMa of T�ut�h�nln�Nn nf��d fo as,fha -
<br /> "M�rmity In�t�un»r+t"�M IM��n�t d�t�0�bY!Iw ue�d�r�lpn�d� tN►Nn�ttw ht�tnd to as fM"bnow�"�to.Nau�
<br /> . �OIIOMNr'�IfldrEf�d11MY�AMNMftM hNff�d f0 Y tIM"Not�".10 MOME FEDEMI gAVIN�i�AMD LOAN A�60�'.IATIONQA�
<br /> ORAND I81�N0�h�rMnafbr rU�nd b A!hs"LtrwNr".ot th�ranN O�t��nd Cewrinp 1tM PFqP�1►.dMaW�d M Ily B�p�Af�t•,.; •
<br /> IM�fY11Mf1!�Ild IOOaI�d al: •' ':i�,
<br /> /M ��
<br /> '�{�\�rnp� 1�� '
<br /> ^,1 t�W�G/f7� .
<br /> WMEREA8. Barawr�nd L�nd�r haw�pn�d th�t�mr nnt��nd proffb�thlbuUW�to th�propMty sAauld�onulltut�
<br /> �dditiontl Nawity to tM I.�nd�for ih�WYmmt of th�Not�;
<br /> NOW,THEREFOiiE.lt Is apre�d that tIM 8�aurify Instrum�nt ihall b��nNrwl�d fNnby and d�n�d W Includ�th�tallowinp.
<br /> proul�lons:
<br /> 1. A�(pp�,t af�nh and Lender RgptBf�tMctlon�hts_Borrower Mr�by abolulNy and unCOOdlllonally afslpM�11
<br /> n�nt� I� and proffts of th� Prop�rqr ta 8emflal�ry. L�nd�r �hall have th� �h� pawK and wthoHty dudnp th�
<br /> contt�wnca of th�S�curiq Instrum�nt ta cofNot tIN f�l1t�,IsiW3�f1d pfOflfi O�tIM pfOpKty�nd of�ny pKSOn�I propNty�•
<br /> �-�� loe�t�d th��on with a without t�klnp ppssatlon of th�prop�rty�Neabd h�t�by.L�nd�.how�r�,l��b�r eonNM!to
<br /> :'� BorrowK'a colMetlon and at�ntion of suoh ronts.taws and proflts as tlMy aaerw and b�cortw parabM,so loep�BarowN
<br />_ " � I�not.�t such tlms,In d�fault wlfA nsp�ot to paynrnt of�ny Ind�bt�dn�as waund hrr�b�r.a In tM pKtam�no�ot�ny•
<br /> _ _ ,_*`:• .-. a9qwr»nt henundK.
<br /> ct Z{
<br /> �4,. ^ 2. Ac�olntment of Racehar.If any svsnt of dsfault In aspeat to 11N S�audry Intt�wrwmt ihall haw ocaumsd�nd Dr
<br /> s� continuln�,L.�t�d�r.as a mattor of �i ht and wNhout notic�to BoROwe►a��yonie clai
<br /> '. � ' p minp ur�r Borrow�r,and wNhout
<br /> `� �_ �. : �pud to th�valus of the truat satata or the Interest of th�Borrow�r tMhln,rhall har�th�ri�ht to apply to am►aou�t harinp
<br /> ?�.....�'h�'.. .�• �untdktlon to appolnt a rec�ivsr of th�Property
<br /> • •.�° �' 3. R�pht to Poasasslon.ln ease of default in tha payment of the eaid prinetpal Not�a int�t�st,a any part tlMrsof,�it
<br /> ` � ' . � '� `'. eh�ll m�tun,or In the c�ae of fallure to kesp or perfo►m any of ths covenanb or�preem�nts aootalr�f in tM 3souNty In�tlw�
<br /> . � , �. . �. :, m�nt. tl�n the Lendsr. Its aucassora a aasipns, shall be and Is her�by autBwiz�d aiM �mpowK�d ta take Imm�lll�te
<br /> post�sfbn o!the sald preml�as thonin dsscribsd and to coll�at th�rents th�nfrom��nd to�pply tM procMds tMrceof•M fh�
<br /> p�ynMnt of ths Nots.
<br /> 4. Au�ticatlon of Rente.Isauea and P�ofits.All rente collected by Lender or tM�eceiver sAall M applNd flrst to puym�M
<br /> _ ...• . • c�!the t�+s�s�!mn!���el�ent o!tl�e�uope►ty!!nd Go11eGtlon o1 rl�nt�.!nCludlt�,b!!f no!1!!t!ltsd!4.t�rGe4Yet'a!�la,QromlUr!!e or!
<br /> - � " � ''`�� recelver'a bonda and reaaonable attomey's feeo,and then b!he sums sacu►�d by th�S�auritp lnstnim�nt.L�rWrr�nd tIM
<br /> ' �''��'� raadver sl�ll be liabl�to account only�for fhoco rents actually reqived.
<br /> ,^ ' � ,'1.;;ir' S. ConaUuctlon of Provlslons.Each of the prqvislons contained in this Asai�nment of Renta Rid�►and ths Ssou►ify Indni-
<br /> ° _ � ment ahall,unleas otherwlae specfflcally requlred, be conatrued in accordance wIM Nebraek� law. and in tl�e�wnt any
<br /> � provision hereln or therein contalned shall be detemnined by a court of compatsnt�uriodiction to b�urwnforc�able,tM sartN
<br /> �. , • _ �lu�lt�e construed aa thouph such unenforceable provislon were�ot a part heraof or tMrwf.
<br /> ' ,,•,�,� 8. EHegt o4 Rider.Except as apecifically modlfied by or Inconsistent wlth thia Aasipnment of Rents Rider o►by anr othsr
<br /> �j � applicable rtde�,all of the te►ma and provlslona contalrwd In the Security Inetrument ahall continw In iull torc�and Nteot.
<br /> .t��4..
<br /> ,�`�� IN WITNESS WHEHEOF,8orrower bas ezecuted this Assly�ment of Renfs Ridar on the date first noted abovs.
<br /> t ����,. � �7'1..��,�/
<br /> ' LAWRENC�J. f�
<br /> Borrower
<br /> � �� �>.�.���.�,'
<br /> RITA F, nl LCHER go,�a,,,Q�
<br /> (ss: .
<br /> �;"'� ` CDUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> ;`.�:,'��`�';,'�
<br /> ��'�'''°^"�. . On thls 22� day of SEPTE�IBER 19 93 �fore me tha underaigned,a Nota PubHc dul eommls�for� nd
<br /> � - �i:�.':-.. -
<br /> ' ' ��"��' � quallfiadfasa�dcounty,peraonallycame LAUfRENC� J. I�EL�HER AND RITA F.mEL�HER, HU�BANO AND Wi�
<br /> .' '„••. ;
<br /> , a,;
<br /> ' � — ,b be the fdenticel person�s)whose name(s)islare aubac►fbed r
<br /> �� : 1 ; to ttw tore9olny instrument,and he/shelthey acknowledye the execution thereof to be hlslherltAefr voluntery act and dad. '�
<br /> � - ' � GRAND ISLAND. NeBRASKA ,.��
<br /> .� :
<br /> •• Witrwas my hond and Notarial Seal at __ _____�._
<br /> i:�, � In'said cou �fhe Oete�for id. /, � ,
<br /> .�. s • . l l�t `;-t__r�• ` �-f'�.:�_ �
<br /> ��, Notary Publfa '
<br /> � � �b �2 �, �
<br /> ;�. My Commie4ion exp{�S � '
<br /> NF�07D pll�► �.���� .
<br /> , 4t Cia�.
<br /> . . , '� , � � �y4�
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