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<br /> WY�ta aay no lon�er be raqWitad�pt.IhA�ii'►n Q�k��•iP martQ�c incunnco oovers�o pn�ha anount ancf�or the pa�iad
<br /> ttwt L,dder roquima)pmvldad�by+�a1.it�s4l�at Mpprovod by Letder a�in baooma avdlable and i�obWned.Horrower�haA p�y
<br /> �he pnaniwaa raryirod w mpitl{Idn�mqrtB�to in�u�ux�in d�'ert,or a prnvide a loea raervo.un�il We roquiremeoi icr mort�e
<br /> iawr�e a�d�in�ccorAt�+e wlih�n�!�+klittt►n�8roemart ixn"'ea�Borrower md Lender ac�pplic�b4e I�w.
<br /> !. ierpedioa. l,ender or itc�Batit�m�y m�ko�a�o�uble auria upon�td in��pecdotw of tbe Propeity, i.ender�11�ive �
<br /> Borrower naice a tlte dmp of or.prlar,ta s�n.lnspoctlon�pocifyjn�rca�on�blo caiue for the incpahbn.
<br /> t0. Coade�u�llan.,7iM p�rx+eodE of,any�war�d oc clrim for dams�ea. direct or con�equential, 1n caru�oction widi�ay
<br /> conderon�tlon or other�of way p�ut of�11w Property.or for ooavayuKx in lieu of w�on,ue henby wi�aod and
<br /> i iFwll bo paid w l.enda.
<br /> ' �'� Ia the event of a tatstl twkitiB of�Prappty��t1a�r000eds rhe�l bo applied w the suma zecurod by thi�5ecudty InWtument,
<br /> whether or not then,dua, with�ny excese Wiid t4 8cxnuwrr. ln tha event of a p�utial tiking of the Pro�erty in which the fair
<br /> marlcct value of tho Propaty immedi�taly bdforo tIM.tAldng is equal to or gteater tlwn the amouM of the wmA Recurod by thi�
<br /> � Socurity Inst�umrnt immodi�taly beforo ti�a Wkin��.unias�Bonower�nd l.ender otherwjse agroe in wriUn��tha sunw socured by
<br /> �hls Savdty Insttumait�shwll ba raduood fiy 1hA,�maunt of the prooeeds muldpliad by the folbwing fraction: (a)tha tot�l
<br /> anwunt of the sums �oout+�d immodiately befpra,tho taicing.divldod by(b)�ho fair maricat vWuo of Ihe Property immodG�tety
<br /> befone the wlcl�g.My.�b�l�uwe s1u�IP bo ppid to,Borrower. In the event of a partiai taking oP�he Propeity in which tlie f�ir
<br /> . �, � 4k rtwrkd value of tho AropCriy immadiNtRly bcfatn tho tRiting is lesa dum ihe Amount of tha sums axured fmmediately before tdn
<br /> w�ing.unle�Bomnw�er smd I..endar othawjs�+�ree in wrldag or unless appllcable law othawi�e pruvida.the prooeed��II
<br /> ..>•.:-. be applted to thA sums sowred by Ih1A Securiqi�Insuumait whether or�rot tha�ume a�e then duo.
<br /> , ' '"��: . • °" � If the Property•is Abandan�d by�•&�mnavor.or if.aRer aotice by Lender W Horrower th�t the oandemnor oti'er�w m�lco�a
<br />_ . ,:r r.� award or settle a claim�far dNms�ga9. Bmmwer fails to napoad w Le�da witbin 30 days oRer the date the ootice is giveo,
<br />- �.,,�,.• �:-.
<br /> � �,�s::,;�� •=;;; Lender is aulbodzed W collt�ct and�ppll'�P�s•�its option,eithu w r�estorat�on or�ir of tha Property or w the wm�
<br /> i • t,•�.,.;• „�`.�"'�,i:'n�•; . �curcd by this Secur�ry Insqumaot�W�htaher or not then due.
<br /> . . b Unless I.ender and Borro�r�otherwise agroe in writin8, enY epplication of procroeds to principal sht�lll nnt exteAd ot
<br /> .. �a:'; .. _ p.. :
<br /> .,;:�,�:,_..�,: r:�;�;, Postpone the due d�tc+af,the monthlY P�Yments neferrod to in para�aphs 1 w�d 2 0�chonge the amount of such payments.
<br /> � ,•;.`.'._;. ,. :� .. 11.Borrower NM R,e�sed;For6earance By Lenda�NM p Waiver.Extension of the cime for payment or moditicatiaa•
<br /> � �� ° ' '"� '�s.� o f amo r t i�t ion o f t h e sums secu ro d b y t h i c S o c u r i ry I n u r u m e n t g r n n t e d b y I.e n d e r t o a n y s u o o e s s o r i n i n t e�e c t o f H o r ro w e r e h a l l �
<br /> .. ..7�,''. � . .
<br /> � � ' not operate to relnse the liability of tho or�ginsd Borrower or Borrower's sucoessors in inte�st. Lender slWl not be t+tquitat W �
<br /> � � ' ' wmmeooe pnxeedings against any suocessor in intenat or�efuse to extend time for payment or dherwise modify amortizntion
<br /> � " • � of the swns socured by this Secudry Instrument by rcaaon of any demand mede by the original Borrower or Bomower't
<br /> �',' , ' .". � �M°^ sucoessors in intercst.My forbwr�e by Ixrider in axerciain�any dght or moxdy shnll not be a wAfver of or proclude tue
<br /> _ ��" exencise of eny right or rcmedy.
<br /> ,��a�:
<br /> '`` ; . 12. Su�ssors wid Assi�as Bouad: .loint and SeverA! LioblUty; Casi�pnerR. The covenants and nIIres�nente of tUi�
<br /> ' � � . Securiry �asuument sMall bind and beneSt the suocessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject w the pwvisions of
<br /> " .. ' ' • paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanls and agreements shall be jolnl and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> "'''�,;j�� Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is oo-signing this Security Instnu�ent only to moAgago. grnnt and convey tMw
<br /> h'L;',',.�'. � Barrower's interesl in the Property under the terms of this Secu�ity Instrument;(b)ia not pe�sorwlly obligated to psty the wma
<br /> ;;:', ,. ' secured by this Securlry Instrumem:and(c)agrees that I.ender and eny other Borrower may agrce lo extend,modify.focboor or ,
<br /> '�;:�'; � make any accommadations with regard to the terms of�his Security Inst�ument or the IYote wi�hout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> ��`�" ' ' 13. I.oa�n Charges. If the loan sacured by this Security Instrument is subjecl to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> ;;�'�
<br /> �` and that law is finelly interpr�eted so that the interest or other loan chsirrges collected or to be collectad in connectlon with the
<br /> :i k�. � � loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a1 any such loan charge shall be reduoed by the amount necessary to reduoe the charge
<br /> '► �;, •• to the permiued limit and(b)uny sums already collected from Borrower which exceaded permit�ed limlts will be refunded to
<br /> '. ��,• Horrower. l.ender may choose to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dinect
<br /> ""?': . ':,
<br /> . . paYment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. .in ��:.;uc�iuu w�ii be [reated as a panial prep�yment withou� any
<br /> ''�.,A.. ed
<br /> �• ,,� prepayment charge unde�the Note.
<br /> :�°,•�':`� � l4. Natices.Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Instn�ment sh�ll be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> . �,,.�,. .
<br /> it by first cls4ss mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. '1'he notice shall 6e directed ro the Property Addtess
<br /> " or any other address Barrower designutes by notice to i.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> ¢;�,.� ' l.ender's address stated herein or any other aJdress Lender designate+ by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided for in thls
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall be deemed�o huve been given�o&►rrower or L.ender when given ar•provided in this paragraph.
<br /> I5.Governing I.ow; Severability. This Security Instrument +hull be governed by federal luw and the law of ehe
<br /> ,. ., , • jurisdictian in which the Property is I�xated. In ihe�vent that �ny pmvision or clause�►f this Se��uriry Instrument or the Note ,-;•
<br /> ' �� ' conflicts with applicuble I�w, .uch canflict shull not uffect ather provisions of thi�Security Instrunxnt or the Note which can be �•�
<br /> ��� � given effect wi�hiwt the ronflicting provicion.To Ihi�end the provisions of this Securiq�Inslrument and the Note are declar�ed "»���
<br /> ,:. • -
<br /> ,�. . to be�everable. �;
<br /> • •+ 16. Horrower's Copy.Borruwer�hall be given ui�confurnied cc►py of�hr Note and of this Socudty Instrument.
<br /> . t . .
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