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<br /> '>: TpOBTHER WITH all tlic Improvements naw or�e�aoctad on the praperty,and�II awemait�.q�purta�nca.�d
<br /> - flxturer oow ar hen�ailer p pnrt of thc propeny. All rcplocements �►d Additians shall �Iw be ooveral by lhis Socurity
<br /> Luuument.All aP�he foregoin�Is rcfemed to in thi�Secudty l�aumeni�thc"Prope�ty"
<br /> 80RROWPR COVENANTS tlwt sartowcr is I�wfully seiced af Ihe at�to hercby rnnveyod and Iw�Ilw dQht to�nnt md
<br /> convry the Property and thu the Property i: unen�wmbered.ezcq�t for encumbrances af�ooab. Barrower wuranls �nd wW
<br /> n
<br /> . „I• '. defend gcnerally Ihe litic to tho ProptRy�gainst pll cl�ims�nd dem�nds,wbJoct�o rny encumb�u�tt�s of rocord.
<br /> T HIS SECUItITY INSTRUMENT cambines unifarm oove�wnts for�wtianwl use and non-w�iiorm ooveiwnts with lianited
<br /> _y vuiuians by jurisdinion ta consUwte p uniform secudry inct�umem cuverin�nal properry.
<br /> r UNIFORM CUVENANTS.Burruwer ond Lender covcrwnt wk1�grac u�folluws:
<br /> 1. P�rment ot Prindpd�nd In1a+e�ti �P�Y�� � �L�Y�• Borrower shWl promPt1Y paY wtxn duo Ibe
<br /> � p�incipal af a�d interest an�he debt cvidenced by thc Noto ud any prcpayment and I�te charges due under thc Notc.
<br /> -o..¢�_,f. .�; 2.FLndR tor Twtes�nd lacurauoe.SubJoct to applicable low or to o wrflten waiver by l.ender, Borrowe�dwll psy w
<br /> ',+;.p�•��;:=�•:• :�r*. l.ender on the day monihiy poymcnts are due under the Note.until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly�
<br /> �'�jy�� and Assessments which may ettain prio�ity over this Security instrument as a lien on the Prope�ty;(b)yeuly leasehold p�ym�aus
<br /> ....;;�,,,�c•� or ground rcnts on tho P�aperty.iP any:(c1 Yearly hau+rd or Property insu�nce premiums;(d)Yenrly fload insuruncx pnmiums.
<br /> ' �' : �,,'�"'..`: . if any:(el Yearly matigage insurance premiuma, if ony: and(� anY swna pAYable by Borrower to Lender. in accordanoe with
<br /> � ' '�'fi�.N.�}yi�. the provisianY of puagrapli 8. in licu of the payment of mortgage inaurancx prcmiums. These items are called"Escrow Items.'
<br /> � "� L.ender may, at any time. ca11e�K and hold Runds in en �nount nat to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a faderally
<br />�'".c'' w„—. .�;`'fi(r '`:'�i'
<br /> ' ;, ' ' related mongage Iwrn may rcquirc for Bortower's escrow acroount under the federal Real F.atate Settlement Procalures Act of
<br /> � � 1974 as amendod from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et srq. ("RFSPA">.unless another law that applles to the Funds
<br />� . ..`�'.;�:.... '
<br /> - � �� ssta a lesser umaunt. lf so, [.ender may.at any time,callact and hold Funds in an amount not to excead the lpsser mnaunt.
<br /> � ��'• �.�� 91�:'.^'�'�• i•j-�
<br /> , Lender may estimata the omount of Funds due on the basis of cument dptA and reasonable estimotes of eapencUtures of futuro
<br /> " , Fscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with epplicable law.
<br /> ' . The Funds sh�ll be held in an institutian whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, instrumepWlity. or entiry
<br /> s, , �` � •'•, (including I.ender,if L.ender is such aa i�stitution)or in any Pederal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Fundc to pay 1he
<br /> , Escrow Items. Lender may not chacge&►rrower for holding end applying the Funds,enrwally analyzing the escmw aocount.or
<br /> .:,�r•;�.. . , verifying the Escrow iterns,ualess Le►der pays Borrower interest on the Funds And applicable law permits[.ender to m�ice snch
<br /> °" •. • a cluuge. However.l.ender muy require 8arrower to pay a one-time charge f'or an independent rea!estate tax mponing service
<br /> • used by Lender in cameninn wilh this luan, unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement ia made or
<br /> • , � applicsble law requires interest 10 be paid,l.ender sh�ll not be required to pay Horrower any interest or earni�gs vn the Funds.
<br /> . � . ,. Borcower and L.ender may agree in writing,however,Ihat inte�est shall be ps►id on the Funds. I.ender sh�ll give to Borrower,
<br /> ' without charge, an annual uccounting of the Funds,showing cre�its and debil�to Ihe Funds and the purpose fbr which eacB
<br /> � debit to Ihe Funds was made.The Funds are ptedgod rs addu�onal security for ali sums serured by this Security insmmeni.�
<br /> �. '' If the Funds held by l.ender exceed�he s�mounts permitted to be held by applicable law,l.ender shall acrnunt to ii�rrower
<br /> �, • � � . for the exces�Funds in Aceordar►ce w•iih the requirements of applicable IAw. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> time is ne�t suffrcient�o pay�he Earmw Itemx when due. I.ender may co notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case 8orrower
<br /> '��,�' shnll pay t��Lender the amaunt neces�ary a► muke up the deficiency. Barn►wer siwll make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> � twelve monthly paymcnts,ut I.ender's sole diticretion,
<br /> �..��;'� . . Upnn payment in full of all sumn �ured by thi� S��curity Imtrument, I.ender shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> .��� Fundz he1J by Lender. If, uoder purugraph 21,Lender�h�ll ucyuirc or SeU the Property,I.ender,prior to the�cquisition ar sale
<br /> r.,: . uf the Pmpeny, xhnll upply any FunJ,hek!by Leixler ut the�ime of a��quisition or sole as u credit against the sum.a secured by
<br /> ;�:._
<br /> ' t . '`.''. thix Scwrity Instrument.
<br /> ��� � � ' 3.Application of Pnyments. Unlc�+applic�hle IuN• provide+otherwise. •rll p�ymcnts received by I.ender under parngra�phs
<br /> '�•`;t �
<br /> 1 und 2 shall l+c appli�d: first, to any pr�payrncm rhargc,dur unJer the Note; u�and, �o s�mr►unts payAble under parsigrnph 2;
<br /> i�ti. '.'.,.;iy,, third.a�interc,t due:ii�uhh,to pri�xipal Juc: anJ la,t.u�uny lute charge.Jue uruicr th�Note.
<br /> 4.CharRrs; Lie�. &�rruw•cr tihall pay ull taxc.,u�kti+m�nt.r, chargc., tinr.and impusi�ionti attributable to the Pmpeny
<br /> :�� . whirh ms�y auain pri�►nry nv�r Ihi.Security In,trument_ •rnJ Ica.ehold p•rynknls or ground reats. if any. &im�w•er shall pay
<br /> ' , the�c obligatiam in Ihc manncr providcYi in pi�ra�raph 2, ur if nut paid in that manner. Borr��wer shall pay them on time dircrtly
<br /> " to thc per�on�xv��f pa�•ment. fi�►rroH�cr.hall pr��mptl�•1'u mi.h to I.cndcr ull noticeti of umaunt.to be paid under this par�gruph.
<br /> ` lf&�rrow�cr make.thc�c p•rymrn�.Jirr�d�•.B��rro��rr.h�ll pr�miptly furni.h t�i Lendcr rerripu c��iJcnring the paymenh.
<br /> '�•- � &xraN•er.hull pmmpdy dixhargr am I irn�ehich ha.pri��ri���u�•rr thi�Sceurit�•1 n+trunxnt unle�+Borrower: la1 agree�in
<br /> � " writing a�Ihc puynunt ol'thr��hli�:nian.�tiur��l h�• th�Ii�Ni in u n�nncr urrc�luMlc to I_cixlrr:ibl c�m�c.t�in g�xx1 fuith�he lien
<br /> by. ��r defenJ, a�aimt cnti�rcrnunt ��I' Ihc lirn in. I�gul pnxcedings which in thc L.cnJcr'r upiniun „perate to prevent the
<br /> ' , enfi�reemenl ul'Ihc lirn: ix Ic 1�ecure,1'rom t he hutdcr��f thr lirn an•rgrrrmen�wti�factar� tu LrnJer.uM,rdinating Nu lien tu
<br /> this Securily In,lrumrn�. If I.rnJcr detcrminc.�hat un� �an uf thc Pn,pem i.,uhjrrt la a licn��hi�h ma��ultain pri�xi�y r�•er
<br /> thi.Serurit� In.trumcni. Lender ma� �i�r H��rru��cr a n.��ir�idrntit'}inL the lirn. Ruro•.�arr.h:dl .au.f� the licn��r take�me��r
<br /> � morc af�hc arti��n..c�t�mh ah�nc��ithin UI�a��al thi Li�ing��f ni�tirr.
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