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. �. <br /> , <br /> . ;,r <br /> ' Y? .�a <br /> �.� 1 n. �•� , <br /> .�i� o � <br /> . � <br /> t <br /> � <br /> i:r , <br /> • 193-'1o6��s <br /> applkable i�w nuy�pocify far t�elarwement)bafon�le.ot;;iha PropertY punu+at to�►y pawar of wb coaWned ia thb <br /> Sacurity Icrwmenr or(b)eatry of�jud�arcru eoforcin�tbis ecurity Inotnunan. 't1HUa condlQau�rte th�t Bormwtr:.(a) <br /> u <br /> WY� L.ender dl wms which Il�oa wuuld be due undar tbia urity N�tnuneat wid 4hrt Nate � it no�coaleadon had <br /> oocuROd:(b)curc��ny deiwit of�ny ather rnvon�nt�a agroemena:(c)P�Y��I oxpa�tr�a�inauned in,a�f'orcin�thi�Security <br /> Insaumcn�includia�.but nd Ilmitad to� ro�san�bla aaorneys'fa.�;rtd (d)Wce� cucA acdon ar lrender auy te�wn�bly <br /> �+equiro to arsurc dwt�he tien af rhh Security In�trutnont.l.enderb ri�hte in,Iha Property u�d Borrowcr"�obli�adon w p�y 1he <br /> sum� :ocwed by �his Security lnrwment �hail candnue unchenQed. Upan ►einwtement by Bamwcr. �s SacuritY <br /> Insnument s�!U�e ubligations aecured her�eby cball remaln iLlly et�eclivQ�if eo�ccekration h�d occunod. However,this <br /> ' ri�ht[o rcinsate shpll not apply in�he caso of AccelanUon under paraOraph 17. <br /> , 19. Sale ot Nok;Qun�e at Lom&rvke� Tha Nota oc A pardsil lnterat in�hc Nou(togetha wlth thi:Securiry <br /> Inswment)ma�be cold one or more dmea w[thout prior notice to 8�c►wor. A s�ic may result in a change ia lhe eatity <br /> (known as thc Loan Servicer")tlwt coIlecta matlhly peymcntn duc under Uie NWa and thfa Socurity lastrument. 71�ere dw <br /> may 6e ano or ma�e ch�ges of the L�oaa Scrviacr unrcloted to a Rals of tha fVWa. If thcre is a chenge of�he I.oan Servicrr. <br /> Botrower wlll be given written ncNiae of tha chunge in eccordanca witl�paragraph 1�4 abnve and applicable IAw. 'The ndioe <br /> will state tbe aemc end addr�ss of 1ha new I.oan Servicer and tho oddn�a to which pnymant�sfioald be mrde. 7f�e iwdce wfll <br /> Wso cont�in any other informadon rcqulred by appllcable law. <br /> ?A. l�doua Sub�t�aces. Bortower shaU nd cause or permlt the presence.ase.disposa��storago.or release of any <br /> Hawrdous Sub�wnces on or in the Property. Borrower shall na do. nor�llow anyone else to do.enything et1'xting the <br /> 3•: . • �`` property that is in violation of any Fnvironmental The preceding two sentences ahall:not apply to the preseme.use,or <br /> ' • �;�:.;� staage on the Property of small q4antitIes of Hna.or�dous Subswncea that are generAlly acog�lxed to be opProp�ate w normal <br /> ��:'�= . , ��,:. , tesidentiel uses and to maintenance of the I'ronerty. <br /> •• �•_' `' �'� Barruwer shall promptly give Lendar written naice of any invest�gatlon.clalm,demnnd.Inwsuit ar ather action�y any <br /> �. .r' �.�ti..��•.. <br /> •I=}" � �'`T�"`� overnmen�al or re a a enc or rivatc involvin tha Pro end an Hazenlous Sub�anoe or F�vironnxntal <br /> n,,;�.�. ... <br /> ,. .,.,h ��,�-.: � B� �Y 8 Y P P�Y � P�' Y <br /> � ��,,-,;,,ti,;.,�;` Law of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If Bortower lenrns, or is notified by any goveriuncntal or rogul�tory <br /> y r ' �� .��� ''�^ authority,that any rcmovat or othar remediadon of any Hau�rdous Substunce affecting the Prope�ty is nxessery.Bamwcr <br /> c <br /> ' i: , ' � ' shall prompdy take all necessary remedinl acaons in accordunce with Environmenlal <br /> , o�.�,...,;:.i�:,;t,.'.. _ Aa used in this puragraph 20,"Hazazdoua SubsWnces"are�hose subawnces defined es waic or t�azardous substances by <br /> Emi�onmental Law and ihe following subsiances: gasoline. kerosene,other flammnble or toxic peualeum products.wxic <br /> '" ° �ti �' pestfcides and herbicides, volat�la solvents,materials containing acbestoc or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As <br /> ,�_ �� . • � u�ed in this paragreph 20,"Environmental Law"meanc federal laws and lawc of the jurlsdletion where the 1'ropartY is lowted <br /> '� - • " ' tlwt relete to health.safery or environmental prQtection. <br /> � ' . NON-UNIFORM C�VENANTS. Bo�rower�nd Lender futther covenent and agree as iollows: <br /> ' 21. Accekradon; Remediea I.ender shaN $ive notice to Borrower prior to Accelerndon followiaq Borrower's <br /> ,.° .. � " "- .' . breach of any oovenant or agreement ia this Securlty lastrument lbut not pdor W accekratbn uader paragrApb 1? <br /> ; ... ^:,.,�, �:P."� udess applicable iaw provides olherwisel. The potke siwll specity: (al tl�e defaulti lb)the actton re9ulred to cw+e tde <br /> , -_ _ ,� , detaull;(c)A date.pot lesa tAan 30 dAys tram tl�e date the notice�givea to Borruwer,by wblci�ihe d¢fau!!t�us!6s <br /> � • ' c�retl;and(d)t6at tWlure to cure We default on or be[ore the date spec(fied in tLe notice mnY resu�t�p�ccekradoA°f <br /> � �, • � the swps secured by lhis Secu�riry lustrument and swie of the Property. The notice slwll furlher iaform Barower of <br /> �� . . .` . tLe rlght to reinsts�te afler xcceleraHoo aad the rlgdt to brtng o court s�ction to assert tUe non-e�dctence ot a default or <br /> '' • wny othe�defensr ot Borrower to accele�ation and sale, It the default Ls not cured on or betore We d�te spedfled in <br /> �+ the nodce,I.ender at its option may require immediate psyment in iull ot all sums secured bY Ihis SecurkY Instrumeat <br /> � without furlher demand and moy invdce uhe pnwer ot splQ �nd aay other remedies pendtted by applkable law <br /> � . I.eader slwll be endtled to culiect �II expensea incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parag�pb 21+ <br /> �E:° including,but not Iimited tq reasonable attornay�'feea uRd costs of tide evidence. ;, <br /> If the power oP sale is invoked.Truetee shall record a notice of dei'ault In each county In whtch pny part ot the <br /> ',��'. . .. : Property is located pnd shall mail copias of such notice in the maaner prescribed by ppplicable law W Borrower w�d to <br /> ��� the other persons prescribed by epplirabl�s luw AfYer IhQ time required by oppNcable low,7Yus1ce shnll 81ve public <br /> �. � ' � notice of sWe lo the persons and in!he munnu�prescribed by mpplicable law• 71rustee+withuut demand on Borrower� <br /> � ' ' ' ° ' sh�ll sell the Properly nt publle AuMbn to the hlgAest btddar at tbe Uime and place�nd under the termv desigrwted ia <br /> � the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any ordar 7'ruetee dQterminea Trustee ms�y postpoae sale ot all or any <br /> �.:� . ., , •�' pwrcel ot the Property by public announcemQnt wt the limQ and piuce at pny previously scheduled sale. I.eader or its <br /> J desi�nee may purche.4e Ihe PropeMy nt aay salo. ,� <br /> � ° Upon r��ripl uf�wywenl uf thu prke �Ed. TruKtec shult del[rer to the purchaser 7lrustee's decd conveying We <br /> . Property. The recitals in tho'I'ruxtee's dned Hhull iw pcima faci�evidence af the truth ot the statements mude therein. <br /> . .��+':� 7lvstee sFwll�pply the proceede af the ex�lu in the tolluwin�orde�s IA)to idl costs and expenses ot exercising the power <br /> . ;��.ti .. <br /> u <br /> i - r.� <br /> �.j. <br /> o � <br /> � .��,� , �;; <br /> .ti� ' l; <br /> � <br /> , . <br /> � . � . <br /> ! , '�, <br /> ��,, . , <br /> , .,. <br /> • ; ;'� <br /> ; ; ; � , . <br /> ; <br /> ; t .�;_.___.. . .. . .. . . , .:,,�.��fi=;�;r�,'fFy�j�r,����,. .,.- - - . .• . r.,,..; - <br /> � '�_ •� ' t �� . . _ <br /> . .. ..._• ,�._•: _ <br /> r = �---------�. .. . . . _ , . . <br /> + t . • , <br /> �•�, � <br /> �Vy i `; .� <br /> 1 '� <br /> � w� �� , . • <br /> 1 :' . <br /> � . <br /> ; . � , <br /> ; ,..,,_ ___--��.�- � -. . . .� . <br /> � � . , <br /> - 1 <br />