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<br /> ��'�. KNOW ALL MBN BY THF56 P'RES��M'8 THAT 1 or WB� Ben Valdez and �mily oaldez,
<br /> husband and Wife. ,
<br /> � � hercin callod the gn�ntar wtkther one or mora,in ooiuidenllon of Oae Doll���ad olher nlw6le aoneida�tbo rcccived trom
<br /> �n�at�x.do herebY��bar��n.convey aad oonfirm unto Don Lanzendorf and Pansy Lanzendorf,
<br /> huaband and wi f e .ai Jofnttenaus with QiQht�of survivorahip.
<br /> aod not iu t�ia vomawa�Ihe fdloMLy de�cribed roal propaty in HALL County.Nabwslu:
<br /> Lot 3, Block 4, Vine Hill, a Subdivieion oE the 9 1/2 0� NW i/4
<br /> SE 1/4 of Section �0, Townahip 11 North, Range 9 Weet oE the 6th
<br /> P.M. , Ha7.1 County, Nebraeka, except a aertain rract deeded �o
<br /> � '"' ' • the City of Orand Island, Nebraska by Warranty Deed further
<br /> p _ �-�- deacribed a�: eeginning at the Northwest corner o£ Lot 3, Block
<br /> � `''�- + ���+•� t-� r 9, Vine Hill Subdivision j thence running eouth on the Weat lfne
<br /> ..��.�-L,��,r���,, of aaid Lot 3 a diatance of 23.06 feets thence runnin g easterl y
<br /> d� " ,�.:�•. on the arc of a circle a distance of 22.89 feet to a poi.nt
<br /> ``:r`x�.''.t,".::::y�."• ',
<br /> .�.� ;,h. � lying 49.08 feet Weat and 8 feet 3outh of the Northeae� corner
<br /> , "' af said Lot 3, eaid arc being a segment of a circle with a
<br /> - �'�F"�_.�'° radiue of 45 feet the center of which lies 45 fest East and 17
<br /> ;��'� �•.' �� " "��`�'�; feet North of the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Block 4, Vine Hill
<br /> -k.�!::....� � y
<br /> � 3ubdivieionj thence running East on a line parallel to and e
<br /> .,�;r,;;::A,�;�,,,;;�,�y feet South of the North line of eaid Lot 3 a diatance o� 49.08
<br /> ,,.,,;� ';,�:,. : , ._�,r.:f•�:• feet to the East line of eaid Lot 3 s thence running North on the
<br /> `.� .:; ,=.�.,. East 13nc af .said Lat � a dietance af S feet tu i�hc Northeaet
<br /> ��� �"•' '� � ^ � '��;•4:�(�.`��,; corner of eaid Lot 3 j thence running Weat on the Norkh line of
<br /> �i�•�� '�� -�--'�`�'�`'' said Lot 3 a diatance of 66 feet to the point of beginning.
<br /> ' j:A'�4....
<br /> �� '�" To hwe and to hold tha�bave descdbed premiae�togethcr with lenemenu,hereditamenu+md�ppurtauuu�a Ihereto
<br /> ::�;•, .'"�''.'.'.'.� .; belonging unto the grantee and ta gruitee's heirs and aaeigns tonver.
<br /> '. �.�' ' . .. .,�"�� , And thc grnntar does hereby covensnt wi�h Ihe grantax and wi�h thdr swigns and wUh Q�e heira ond assigna of�ha
<br /> ';,,'s�`s '
<br /> � � ,h�;,,�,, survivor of them Ih�t grnntor ia lawfully aeizcd of taid premiscs;�hat�hey are frec from encumbrancca cacept rnvcnwnta.
<br /> ��,. : ,. ' . . .a .;:'� : cASemenls and tYSt�IMlona of record; all regular taaes and special�.�uentis, except Ilwse Ievied or a�ssed
<br /> E� �'''�' "� '• ' � '��' � sul�scqucnt tn Ihc dalc herrnfi that gronlor has gaod right an�luwful nulhorlly Io wnvcy li�c sntnc;a�ul Ihat gnuuor
<br /> f ��%���}�;�. •�;; •: warcanls and will dcfenci the tilie to aaid premises against the lawful clairnof all pc�aons whomsoevcr.
<br /> '�','; � '�� � �.�'���_�.��' Il is the inlenlion of all partics hereto th�t in thc cvent of tl�c dca�h of either of the grnntaea,Ihe entirc fce simple
<br /> '��f` �� "�'`��:`,;� titic to Ihe real eatato ahali vicet in the surviving grantee.
<br /> .;I � ,' ",�{.1�.,...: .
<br /> j�il`:`�',:�5'ir:•'��;�1.
<br /> �ti.,�.�:,,;,ti,,;�;�,,.,,�� Uated: Sentember 28, 1993
<br /> �� �.,''�'t� • '���`
<br /> . .. ����,fai;., _
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<br /> �. ' Ben Valdez
<br /> . P..r,.''� � � �� "t
<br /> �Y;.kf`•, ,' " : '�, Emi y Val ez ""
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<br /> �(����.� '•E STATB OF NEBRASKA ) as: � .
<br /> •� { COUNTY OF HALL ) �
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<br /> '^--�----'-- '- •- .. -1
<br /> " a.�c�v�o�am��oquumcni was acuwwleogal OCtoR IIIC 111�6� tt7dAy o( SQ beT � 1993
<br /> --_ �,. t � by Ben V z and Emily Valdez, husb�n and fe �
<br /> � a . . ���G�A J. �� _ _ _ _
<br /> ,-' � � . r tvo�,y�t�t� �
<br /> ,'°�'.;:' �1 „ 4
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<br /> - : •� ;• ,� My Commiaion Bapires
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<br /> �,� �-'�' ' yr^ �� ��
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