. .
<br /> w �, �t7' .ya ,. t y t 3.,' � � , �
<br /> �a;e�5� � � � �ra .� �1. '� �'" . . , ' . .,1�°r' r ��.�
<br /> ,. • -..l� .t ��ft� }"�. . ...�r, 11���i!���}��� � + �:;:w
<br /> , � .. s..' � 'c_- ��::_ .
<br /> ♦.� 1 ..Y.. ~ . .�V�.�..n '°��� ,�.
<br /> , , .,,,.,.,. :��•" � not to �xaNd tb�nwdnwe�t a I�dw fa�t�d�raNy n1�Ud mortp�y� iwn n�y �quh far Banow�s NoraMr aaoowt und�r th�
<br /> j ,� ��r:�1"`�•: °�°+;.~ 1�l�ral RNI E�8�ttl�nwh Prac�durM Aol of 107'4�s rn�ntl�d Mam Um�to Nm�,1Z U.B.C.2001 al t�q.('qESPA'),unbs�anothr I�w
<br /> •.- ;�fY :....a m �
<br /> IF�t yipM�to tl�Fwid� � �Mww �riounL H a� Lw�d�r mwy��1 my tYn�� aoM�ot and hotd Funds In�n miouM not to �w�d tM
<br /> M�w rnouM. L�ndw nNy�stM�p tA�Mnowq d 1wb� da on tIN buk d aun�nt dq� �nd nr�aw�1�M �of a�w�lun� d
<br /> . . �pw Hsorow N�or o1hMwM�In�0000d�no�wNb�pioN�l�I�w.
<br /> �,., ," .`', ` 7M Fund��IW b�hNd h m N�tllWon whoa d�po�p w Inwnd by�Ud�r��priay.IruWrrw�tWy� ar�titY Maludnp I.�ndK� �
<br /> % -:;;� �.:: �',. . ° , Lmd�r I�woh m InstlpNae o►h
<br /> � ) �nY F«MY Hom�Lan B�nk. lmdw�hY�ppfJ►th�Fund�to p�y th�E�arow It�. I.�ndw m�y not/_
<br /> , �„',,,,�,..',., ;; � ahv��Ba►oww tor hoWnp w►d yiptyin0 th�Fwid�,antwMY�A►tlno Ih� �aow �000unL ar v�rit�Mp th�E�arow It�m�, untMS Lindw
<br /> ,. �n,.''��.�•`�:, ';: : ; am ea►o+v.r Int.n.t on th.Fund�.ne.ppto�hl.rw p� �..na.►to nak.wai.cluirO.. Howw.r,l.ndr m.y r.qur�.eorrow.r wM
<br /> � . pry�altfMn�olwy�la an kidrpwid�nt rMl�t�t�t npalhq Wrvio!us�d by Und�r N oonn�ollon wMh Ihb lan�unMu�PP�bM I�w
<br /> ' � pravW�t olh��. UnINS�n �pr�t It mxM a �ppMa�W�I�w rpulrw M�t to b� pdd� lond�r ifW not b� nqutnd W P�Y
<br /> �"�4' " � � ` , :� Borrowr Mr fnt�t a��on!h�Fund�. Borraww�nd Undw m�y�p�In wrNinp� I10WNR�tbat intwat�h�N be prW on th�Funds
<br /> , �' • , ^° �••,. l�nder ahd �to Bartow�r�wqhoul �n�nnw!Mxawidn of th�Fund�.� purpos�j,�
<br /> ' �.: pN alwq�, p howiny a�dAs�nd d�bit�to th�Funds and th�
<br /> r,, .: � �'"' -�.::- ' . ,; ta whbh Mah dM�N to dN Fund�wa m�d�. Th�Fund��n pbdp�d u addUon�l uarly ta al tum��iaund by lhls 8�ourity In�buma�t.
<br /> '" " ��' . . If tti�Fu� hdd by I.mcNr aoMd th� anaunts pwrt�ll�d to b� hMd by�ppAcabM 4iw, Und�r sMl a�t to BoROwx.ta tha
<br /> . ,' ."'y . . . �xoa�Funds In�aoord�nas with tM nqutrMronb of appNc�bN I�w. If�h��mount of th�Fundi MW bY L�nd�►n�ny Nrtie Is nat sufAcleM
<br /> ��...,�.. ., .. t
<br /> . . .,,.�,-� to pay th�Esaow ftami whm dua�LmeNr mry�o nollty Barow�►In wiMkip��nd.b wah ma�Barmww�h�ll p�y to I.ender th�nnroum ��{.,��` ..:• .
<br /> /' " n�wry to m�k�up th� d�0ewnay. Borrow�r th�N nak�up th�daAdmay in eo mon tluin twNv�moMhy p�ymenb. �t Und���ate
<br /> • ' � puyrMnt in fuA oi aM sum� s�ound Ws ':�'''� `
<br /> ''' by 8�wdly Imhum�nt. Lwid�►�h� prontptly nhpid to 8ortowo�ny Fundt hdd by
<br /> �� . L�nda. B,undr pu�pnph 81. l�nd�r thd�cquk�ar �M th�Propsty,Undr.Prlor to th�aoqul�idan or wte of ths Propqry, sMll�ppy
<br /> . � '-'����s'�; �ry Funda held by LandK at the dnh of�oqul�idon a sale�s�cndl�p�hst th�wm���aund by 1hN 8ecurity Inthument.
<br /> ��, .;��� � - 3.A p plie�tion of P�y m�nts. unkas�ppeo.�e iaw p rov�des omarwa�,�N p�y m a rts receN�d b y Landa under puaprephs 1 and .�.ir�
<br /> i� .
<br /> , `.�...
<br /> �.�:. ':.�:,,
<br /> '.. ,. . 2 �h�l be : AraR to N r6 t o s due uncNr the Not�; se�nd, W�ts u�da h 2; thkd to f��t
<br /> , aPP� Y P A�Y� � WY� P+�+�P
<br /> ;� �' ,�;(,:i`:, du��fowlh�to prindpN du�:md 4d�to any�te oh�rya du�undar tha Notn.
<br /> , ` ,
<br /> �' ��. .• 4. Char��s;U�I1�. Boirowr sA�N poy aq tax�, a��assmnts, ohuger, Ann �nd IrnposWon� atUlhuta6li to the PropeAy which ��=d �
<br /> ,. _ ;, °; m�y�1Wn prlo�ly ora IMs 8�audly In�kwn�L and las�hold p�ymmb a pround r�,H �ny. 8aroww shdl p�y theae obN�tians in th� �•,.7��"�A.�` .,
<br /> , .:i`.;:`' �" �" monner provld�d In patipraph 2. or 11 not p�id In th�t m�nnw� BoROww shW p�y thwn an dm� �"�
<br /> ,:�::;.,� dM�atly to the peroon ow�d p�ym�nt.
<br /> ,. , Bor�ow�r �haY promptly fumbh to Lendar �1 notlaa of�maunts b b�pvd undR thls puapap�. M 6aroww rtMkes tha� p�ym�nb
<br /> • &rcty,8orroww�h�M promptly Nmbh to L�nd�neNpts wW�netnp th�p�ymmb.
<br /> ' � �� � � 8ortow�shaN promptly disohay�any Ilw� whloh ha�prlority ww thl� Sacu�ily Inspum�nt uniys BoROwer (�)�ynea in writlny to the
<br /> � ' „ p�ym�nt of th�obYp�flon s�cw�d b th�Wn In� mmnK� t `�
<br /> y captabb to L�nder; (b)conta�b In qood Wth Ih� Wn by,or daNnds ayaNst ..�,a�
<br /> ,� adorce�n�nt ot Ih�Y�n N,Ip�l proardhps whlah in the I.mdu's opinlon operah to pnv�nt Ihe aMacMn�nt Of th�Aen;or(c) �sau►�s Irom l.'i A !..��c
<br /> ;--�,:;,�: � _- - fhs hotdw of th� pm �n igmnwnt �aNd�otay ro Londw wbadMhing Ihs q�n to Ihis Swa�Ity Metn�n�nt. It lend�l�PtPrmine�that�ny --
<br /> ! �• ' ' •�'�.,��.'�.�' put of tha Propvty Is wbJ�ct to�pen whlch iruy�lt�tn p1aNy owr thls 3ew�lty ImUument,L�ndw mry yNs Borrower a notk� (dw�tlfyinp
<br /> � . � • the Wn. 8arow�►�haN wtlsy tM INn or Lk�on�or mon of the�ctlona net fath abow wphin 10 d�ye of the yMnp of notice. .:t :.
<br /> � S. Hasard or P►op�rly Inwranc�. Borrower shY kep tha Mnprovemants now e�datloy or hereeher e►ected on the Prapaty 4;,,,,�..,,,�
<br /> . • Inaured aydnst bss by flre, hwrda Inoluded wUhk►the t�rm 'extended eorenpe' �nd any otha hwMs, �naudm� nooda a nooe�ny,(a ' •;�>. •��'
<br /> �� � whieh L�nd�r nqulre� �nwranae. Thb Insunnce eh�ll be mdnWned In lhe amounts md for ths palods thd Under requirea. The In:unnce °�°
<br /> f� ' c�rtix provldinp ihe inwr�nae shall 6s ehoeen by BortowK wbJect to Lender's �pproval whbh ohal not b� unra��onaby wrihhNd. If 1!
<br /> . � Borrow�r hiis to mointaln wv�Qe descdbsd �bora, L�nWr may, at Lendw'� opUon, obtaln cov�npe to prot�ot Landrr't riphts In th� �
<br /> ����� Property in accordance with P�G�+�Ph 7. E
<br /> � ' � AA Inaunncs poYda end renewNs shvl be�cceptabt�to Lender end shW Mdud�� stmdud moAp�p�ct�uu. Lender ahell h�ve Ihe f ' '
<br /> rlyht to hold the poides and re�ewala, Ii Lender requlnt,8ortowar sh�ll pramptty yhre to Lande►d racNpu of pdd premlums end renwral
<br /> � noUces. In the event ot loss,8onow�r sh�N yhre prompt notke to the Mwranoe cartln�nd Lond�r. Und�r may m�ka prool of loss 8 not : •
<br /> � made prompty by 8ortower.
<br /> • � Unlea� Lender and Bortowa othawlt��pree in writkip, inaurance procoeda eh�q be applled to ratoratlon or repair of the Property ' ,
<br /> ,� damayed, H tha re�tonUon or np�dr Is economiwqy feaelbb and Lendar's eecurity Is not leauned. If 1he reatoratlon or repak Is not •
<br /> ' ' � economieaty fe�slbi�or Lend�r's securily would ba leaeened, ihs inturance proceede ehW be appYed to Ihe�uma eeeured by thia Securlty
<br /> Instrument,wholher or not then due,wtth any excea�pald to 8or►ower. If BoROwer�b�ndona IhQ P�operty,a doea not answer wilhln 30
<br /> daya�notla trom Lendar th�t ihs Inaurance car�er hae oHerad to aetlla� c1�im,ihan Lendr m�y colNcl the Inautanc�proceeda. L�nder
<br /> , nwy uea ths proaeeda lo repdr a raatoro iM Proparly a to p�y awns �aur�d by thle 8eaurity Inehum�nt,whetha or not thcn du�. Tha .
<br /> ' 30�day perlod w@ bpin when the noUea ia 9hen.
<br /> , • � Unlese Lendx�nd Borrower othawise�gree In writinq, any applicaqon ot proceeda to p�indpal slull not exlend a postpone the due
<br /> date ol the moMhy p�ymanta refMed to In p�raynphe / and 2 or chanpe the emounl of th�paymenta. If under parayraph 21 the Property
<br /> la acquked by Lender, Borrowa's ripht to any ineuranca policlee and procaeda reaulUnq hom damape to the Propaity prior to iho ecquiaftlon ,
<br /> ah�A p�sa to Lender to the extent ol ihe auma aecured by Ihis 3ecudly Inatrumenl Mnmed4tey p�lor to the acqulsiGon.
<br /> � 6. Occupancy. Proa�awtlton, Matntananco and Protaction of the Proparty; Borrowor's Loon
<br /> ? AppUcatton; LY�sNloldt.Bortower alul ocwpy, ostahpeh, and us�the Properry as Bortowe�'s princlpol realdenee wRhin slxty drys
<br /> aRer the aecutbn of thb Secu�iry Instrument and ahul eontinua to occupy the Property aa Bortower'a prindWd realdence 1or at IQast one
<br /> � � � � year afla th� d�te of occupmoy, unlaas Lender othervvise ayreea in writinq, which conaent ehall not be unreaaon�bly withhetd, ar unleas
<br /> . . � exlenwUny ckcumotonnoa �ist wh�h�re beyond 8orroww's contrd. Barower ahall not de�VOy, dam�pe or knp�k the Prope�ty, allow Me
<br /> Praperty to deterlorete,w conxnft waate on Ihe Properry. Bortower shaU be In detau4 H any forteNura �eUon a proceeding, whether dvil ar
<br /> i uiminol, Is begun thet In L�nder's gaod tailh�udyment coWd recult In IoAelturo of the Properry or WherwisQ mderl�Ay impalr ihp Ilen cr�ted
<br /> by ihis Security Inalrument a Lender's sacurityy inte►e�t Bonower m�y are euch e dehuR and refnattle, �e provided In paragraph 18,by
<br /> � auatny ihe action a p►oceedinp to be dhmiseed with a ruYny that, In Lender's pood Idth dqarm4►atlan, prectudes fortalture af the
<br /> � � 8ortower'e Interent In ih� PropeAy or oth�r matatal Impakmerit oi tha Ilan cre�bd by ihls Socurily InaWmant or Lender'a securfty Intereat.
<br /> .°.:��u::a`oi�:w WV YO 111 YOI�YII M DYIIVt�w�wrin i�e ivw�e
<br /> � y ppiiwuon prowss, yar�ma[eri�ry aiae w n�ccurate mformaflon ar etatements
<br /> to Land�r (or Isiled lo provide Under w8h �ny mate�l Inlorm�Uon)In connacGon wlth the Iwn evldeneed by the Note, including, but not
<br /> � WNtaC to, npna�nLtlon� concaminp Borrowar's occupan�y ol the Propat�r �s � p�inclpal nald�ncs. If thla 3ocurity Inatrument la on a
<br /> + , +� Iwsehold. Borroww�h�l compy wlth d Iha proHtlons ol th�lesa�. II Bortow�r �cqu4ea Iw Ntla to thQ Prope�ty, the leaeehold and Ihe
<br /> Iw fMN shW not meipe untes�th�Lander�qrees to tha merger In wrlqny,
<br /> . S ;
<br /> .
<br /> � P�p�:ot 5 Form]02B 9I90
<br /> ; :
<br /> R,o2�.uwa tuoa�
<br /> . _. '
<br /> � ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ,iw�o-�•,e . j
<br /> �
<br />