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<br /> d aod tM nle�fodadi�Wep�ym�t ot tbe 7tiutael�feer aclu�Uy iacunrod.nat to exae�d 3.0 �e of
<br /> tlie p��moiu�t at tbe note rt tbe Wae ot t6e dec7antion at dd�nit.iuod�r.�uu�ble�ttorney�'tea r
<br /> b�I�wi @)to W wur�ni by thb B�audly Iadn�wet�aed(c)�y'�xow lo tM p�rioa ur penoa�le�y a�
<br /> ak
<br /> 22. Rsoonwynaoe. Upon paYment of ell �ums �ecurcd by thii Securiry Inctrument,Lender elwll requeu'�uctee w
<br /> mwnvey the Prape�ty and�hAll cunender thi:Sacurity Inswment and �II �otes evidencing debt seeured by�hi� Security
<br /> lnrwment to'Uu:tee. 7tuctee chall roconvey 1he Property wlUwut warn�nty and wlthout chsr�e to tho pet�on or parco�u
<br /> le�Uy endUed to lt. Such penton or pereona shell p�y any roco�t�on cosls.
<br /> 23. Subqitute 7tu�tee. Lender.at ita optioa.may from Nme to time romove 7kustoe and appoint a successor trustoe to
<br /> any 7tuuee �pointed liercunder by an instrumcnt rocorded in the county in wbich this Security Instnuneat is�+a�rded.
<br /> Wlthout convayance of the Properiy.the wccxasor awtea chall oucaed to �II tlk dtle, power and dude�confured upon
<br /> ltustee hercin and by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Reqopt tor lVNloes. Bartawer roqueats tlwt copiea of the noticea of'default and aole be sent to Bornower's�dOness
<br /> tj which is the Praperty Address.
<br /> �I�^
<br /> ?�S. Rlder�to tWs Secudty Instrumen� If one or more dders are eaecuted by Borrower and rccorded tagether with
<br /> this Security Instrument,the covenants and ag�oements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and ehall emend a�
<br /> supplement�he covenants and a�neements of tl�s Security Inapument tp lf Ihe rider(r)wae a part of thia Security Instnunen�
<br /> [Cbxk applicabk box(es)1
<br />'i t..,;,•,: .�'_�.;. �Adjustable Rwe Ridet �Cond�minium Rider �1-+1 Farnily Rider
<br /> _ �(hadueted Payment Rider �Plarmed Unit Devalopment Ride� �Biweekly Puyment Rider
<br /> ti , ..�:.
<br /> ,
<br /> .; �B�Iloon Rider �Rate improvsment Rider �Secand Home Ridcr
<br /> ' ' � ,,�.;..
<br /> .:�. .: . �.�:..r ,
<br /> �..
<br /> ":�•r•:I'` .:` • OtheKs)[$PecifY) ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS
<br /> :d;..;:k' .i. a ,.a,t,
<br /> �+. � .- .it-�.A%+rr�.va ._
<br /> ;�,;�;+��,�;,r,�;�•• BY SI(jN11VCi BELOW.Borrower accepts and�ugrees to the terms and covenants oonteined in this Secudty Instrumept
<br /> . �• and in any rideKs)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ����, ;�' x�;,.b.��n•,
<br /> ' ..,w�.�;,�:::,� Witness: Witness:
<br /> . '�T1Srl'y�%�Y�',,.n*,:,'i
<br /> l.."- v�M.r,..�:"Rl.....'.
<br /> 'Rrtu• r4 �:'i;.�.
<br /> �^,4c'Sf(a,�;•�r..,��.•.
<br /> .� .J..I,`�'',y'r;Y,11'.,. . ,,r �SBQ�� � � f��+ (SCB��
<br /> �'� `'� • •eorrowcr ERIC J. H -eortawcr
<br /> �'a�`;;�1 ' . , -
<br /> .�...:;�;,::: I�c��c �• fi�a�.1�P�
<br /> �..�:: � .
<br /> �.�t„`�, . � " (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> '. t''(.''c•�:`' ' �., . , -Bomowcr KATRINA F. HANSEN -Harower
<br /> �'� .��' , ' STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br /> ��. . �.
<br /> ..,.:. .". �.' ,�
<br /> �1;', . ""'..' On U�is 27TH day of SEPTE�IBER 1993 before me.Uie undcrsigned,u Notury Public
<br /> '�' �'' ��-,,:Y' dul commissioned and ualified for wid count nonull cwne ERIC J. HANSEN� A SINGIE P�RSON ANO
<br /> '1'' .�'���1 � �' '� ', ' . KATRINA F. HANSEN, A SINGLE PERSON � y ,to me known to be the
<br /> ',! .��� � : ' � identicel per.wns(s)whoxc namels►ure xubxribed lo thc foregoing instrumcnl und ucknowledged 1he execution ihercof to
<br /> ���•� =K+•• THE IR voluntury uct und decd.
<br /> ,�., I
<br /> ��� ,, itness my hand und noturial scul at GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA in said county,thc ,�'�;'
<br /> '� �� • � �r,;.
<br /> ` � ' d said. �
<br /> � � ,:� '" � - ,' Co 'on expiren� �
<br /> • L,�>' . 1,,ttiv'l}; ,l'• `- � !� //��� �.
<br /> �! '•� }t��;` ,
<br /> �^: Y( . �
<br /> • ' tilci•�;�x,,..'� ,." � `� blic ��lu.
<br /> .''�;.' ' ';�;;?�'��.+; �� � REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANC� s
<br /> > i��. i,�ft.,:•>�.,,,. , • TO TRUS
<br /> � "'0i� "'�y`���', �"' .� The unde hoWcr of thc notc or notes ticcured by thiti Dccd of Trust. Said note or notes,together with �II
<br /> �• ,''� .• . "'�4: `i•.,•;{•.r ",'
<br /> y ,••� , • �`.!'�:��� � other indebtednecti by�hix D�wd of 7ivsi,huve Ix�en paid in t'ull. Y�w urc hereby directcd to cuneel suid note or notes � , ,
<br /> ��'� �'�`r'; � ::;.���''"�';;';!�� and this Deed of 71vs, hich vne delivcrcJ hcreby,und t�i rcconvey, u•itN�wt uarr�nty,ull the cxiutc now•hcld by you undcr �' '��
<br /> f,. r ��,;:"::.., lhis Deed of'Rust tu tiu:penon or�nons Icg�lly emiUcJ thercto. "•�,�
<br /> � �• � �.'r�'�i��a' ,
<br /> 5.,�'�' ��;'. :1: , , Dete:
<br /> ,� '.;; �if�' �: ..��•� Foro8B78 9/9� (puR�6�jApux�sl
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