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<br /> candem�w�iqt�pt,pther takin�oi'wny part of tho Propeny,or for convoyw�ce in lieu of condemnation.�ro hercby aed�ned�td
<br /> siu�ll ba p�fA Ra�.ebdcr.
<br /> In ihe,evept�af a total takMg of the Property.the p�oceoda shall be applie�i to the sumr xocurcd by thia Socurlty
<br /> lnstrument.whethor or nat li►en due,with any cxre�s pdd to Bon+ower. In the evcnt af a panial taking af the F�ruperty In
<br /> which Ihs fa�it�pwrket valuc of the Property immediately 6eforo tho tnking ia equol to or gtroter�hun Ihe amcwnt of tho Kums
<br /> '` Recured by th4s,Socu�ity Instrument immediutely before Iho tuking.unle�.r Bormwer uM!L.ender olherwlse�gree in wri�ing,
<br /> ,� the sum�ae.�urt,d dy,lhis Securlty Inst�ument xhull be aduced by tho umaunt af thc prcxeeds muUipliad by the Pollowin�
<br /> a
<br /> �� ,,, fractton; (a)ths�tcN���u►wunt of the sum�securcd immediately befare Ihe�aking.divida!by Ib)ihe fair mtuket value af tho
<br /> Propeny fmm�J��rly t�ePcxe lhe tuking. Any baluncc Khull be �id w BuRUwer. in the event of r p:ulial tnicing of the
<br /> Propeny in,which,the fqir,mv�lc¢t value af the Property immediat�ly 6eforo the tuking iF lexs�han ihe amaunt of lhc wums
<br /> securcd immedivttly�befnt�thi taking, unkss Borrowcr and Lender otherwise agrec in wriling or unless appUcable law
<br /> o�herwixe pmvlt�r,IM.1 p{qct�7�ntwli be applied to IMe sumx aecured by Ihi�c 3ecud�y lncwment whether or nat the sums ae
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> If the Pm�eny fs aqar�dpt�d by Barcaw�r,ar if.Afler nalice by Lender to Burrawer thnt Ihe condemna�offen to make
<br /> an awa�d ar Rettle a slaim far darneges,Borrowcr fails to r��p�xn1 to I.ender wiihin i(1 duys after the dute�he notice is given,
<br /> :- . Lender ix authorii�d to calleat and.apply the pra:eeds,at it,optian,either ta restaratian or repair of the Propeny or tu the
<br /> °-.fs�:��t�c <°-✓' sums secu�ed by this Security lnstnuttient.whether or oat Ihen due.
<br /> ,�°.'=�' •• "- Un1eFR I.ender su�d Bntraw�c dh¢rwise ngree in writing,any applicutian of pmceedx io principal shall na extend or
<br /> •��y�iFr ':° 1 ', postpone�due dat�of ihe.mocethly p�ytltsnts refeRed to in purugmphs I und 2 ur chunge the umount of r:uch payments.
<br /> ..v�° Ii. Batrowear Not. Relewseoli�Itorbeiirance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the timc for ps►yment or
<br /> ��1 �' � •~��^ h modificution af c�c�xvtizati�n pf th:sumv�sa:ured by�hia Security lnxtrumem grnnted by Lender to uny xuccetisor in interest
<br /> 6�� ��• .�,^�!??�;�4y�j(�?.;°i of Bormwer shall not operate ta rateu�+the liubiliry af th� origin�+l Borrower or Bumowcre succc•sors in interesl.Lender
<br /> c . .'�:��:;�)�n�.�z;:•:i shal! not be ui�d ta cammencc pt�aceedings again:+t any succesxor in interest or refu�to exrend time for payment or _
<br /> —.a.r ,.r.,,,., .x., �9 , e
<br /> . i _ .
<br /> r ,�
<br /> "�?,;•�;�tT.�'�.•�`�; othenvise madify�amn�it�twn of�h�t tiums necured by thih Security Instrument My roa�on af uny dem.md made by the ariginal
<br /> , • �•�� .•,: .,a shall not be n
<br /> t�. x; ,,,, ,;,;,,,;;';., Borrower or NorroW�er's•succc�ssors in,intexest. Any forbeArnnre by Lender in exen:ixing uny right nr mmedy
<br /> ,'f,;;.,"..�.��.••,,.:
<br /> waiver at ar picclu�e the exorcisc of any rigiit rr remcdy.
<br /> ^ , ����,��+, . 12. Succes.sor»and Adqigns Buundt Juint and Several Liabilily;CaFigners. The roven:unti und agreements oP thix '
<br /> �� , :f.;;.,4:,; :.,: ' Securiq� In�tn�ment hhall bind arxl hanefit�he succ�swn and ussignr:of Lender nnd Bomnwer,subject to�he pmviyions of
<br /> ;� • �:�:�•� � para��aph 17. Bnrmw�r. cavenant� a�vJ ugseements.hall be joint and xeverul. Any Borro�vrr who co-sign� thi+Sccurity
<br /> �� "'�`'' �� lnstrument but daex nat exccuie�h�c fYcn�: la►i�ro•signing this Serurny Inti�rument only to mangage.gran�und convcy th�t
<br /> . ;�.•,::
<br /> ' ° � &►rrower's intcnst in tlx:Prorerl��un:les•IF►r te�rms of Ihis Securiry Ins�rumenr, Ib)i.not�xrscmally�ligated to pay�he sums
<br /> � secured by this Security In►tn�mem;antii(cl�grees�hut Lender urxi uny other Bnrn�wer muy agme�o extenJ,malify,forbeur
<br /> . ' . ot make uny accommadati�nv woth regurd to�he �erm�ot'Ihix Securi�y Inxtrun�nl or Ihe Nate withaut tbut Borrower.
<br /> � ",�,;'..; . consent.
<br /> 13. Lnan CbA�av. IGtht loun secured by thi+ Se�urity In+trumen� i, xubJrci to u law whirh xet� muximum loan
<br /> -- Ch�t'�es.tuf�!hst l�tv fs til+.s!!}'7n!c'�s'e1c�.!�n thn!the inten�t nr��thcr I��nn cht�rg�.r��llecl�d�ir 1�he rnllected in conneclinn
<br /> �.: ,ti°•';; wi�h ihe laun exr�d dk>prrmiurd l�mit�,ihen: (A)any +urh loun charp�vhull he reduced by the amiwnt nece.r•�ury to redure
<br /> � 1 , the charge���the�rmined limir a+x11b1 uny,um.ulreuJy roller�ed Ih►m Born»ver which excreJed pertnitted limit�will be
<br /> �' � n:funckd to$nnowes. Lenc4rr m�y chcwsr to make ihir rei'und by rcducing the principul uaed undrr the Nate or by muking a ��,r
<br /> direc�payrne�t to Burrower. It'a reiund redures principul,thc reduction will he�RUteJ as a puniul prc�wyment withow uny
<br /> �� prepuy�aieni�ch�r�e under thv 3�ot�.
<br /> I4. !�atiees. An��nutiica lu Born�acr providcJ fix in ihi�5crurily In�trumenl shall Ix�ivcn h�� delivcring it or hJ•
<br /> �. � mailing it b�•iirxt cla.r•r;mail unl�tns upnlicahlr law r�yuir�,u.c oi'nni�dicr mcihod.Thc noti�c,hall ix dircc��d to th�ProExny
<br /> Address or uny a�th�r culdrass Rurn�wcr drtii�na�c.hy no�ir�I�i I.rndcr. Any n�ilicc h�Lrndcr+hull he gi�-cn hy fir,i clasti
<br /> �� mail�o LenJer;uJdreti++ta�ed hsrein��r un�•uther uJdnr+,l.endrr dr.ignate,hy nuiic�a►Rnmx�ec Any nulicr pn►vidrd f'or
<br /> ;i`y:. in Ihis 5�curily In�cttument.eh�ll�h� dremcd a�hirve IxYn givrn 1�� Bom►w•�r��r l.rnder when given :�e pmvided in lhi+
<br /> � paru�truph. • ,�
<br /> `'`• IS. (.o�•crninR I.u��: tie��rubNily. Thi+Scruril}• In,lrumrnl ,hall hr go�crnrJ li�• I'rJeral laK und thr la��• ot'th� •. �
<br /> .'j;� jurisdiction in w•hirh tha 1'tn�.tny i.kxiueJ. In ihr e��rnt�hut nny pruvi,ion ur rinu.r ol'thi.Srcuriry Ins�rument or Ihe Nute
<br /> ; � ronfliclti wiih a�,r!icuble la�+,,u�h cuMli�t.hall nut afti rl utNer pro�•i�ium uf lhi.tircuril}�hi.tnuncnt or thr N�ite which c•rn
<br /> ;- � . . t�giren efl'�r:t «•ithout IFx rrn�llicting provi.inn. Ti� tlii.rnd Ihr pru�•i.ion.uf ihi.Serurily In.�rument uncl �he NiNe urc
<br /> . declund ta hw:,,:�•cruhl�. �1'-.
<br /> ��,':: ' 16. Burr��H•er'rc('op}�. Burru�err,hall Ix givrn unc rantiimied rap�uf th.1�ut�and uf�hi.Scruriiy In.irumrnt.
<br /> " - 17. 71�un4fer oi the Properly nr u lieneficiul Int��rext in Borrowrr. If all��r un� pan uf�h�Pn��ny ur un��imercxt in
<br /> �. il i+ .nld or trun.lcrntii I��r if a txneticia; int�nv in Runr����r i��uld��r Iran�lrmd imd l�arro«rr iti nui u na�urul �xr.on� �f�
<br /> , wi�hi�ul l.end�:ri prii�r��rinca run.rnt.l_e�xl�r ma�•.ai ii.u�,iiun.rcuairr inmirdiat�•paynun� in full of ull�um..ecurrd by ";�t
<br /> thiti Securit�•Inruurr�rnt. Hu.�evrr.�hi.�,pti�m�hull n�u Ik r�crri,rd by I.enJrr il c�erri,c i.rrohihiicd h��federul I:�a a.o( Y�.,,>
<br /> tlx dale ol'IhiY Sccurit�•Imtrumrnt. "
<br /> ' �• If I.cnJ�r rxcrrise�th;r i�tion.Lrndrr�h:dl piv� Rorr���rer nuticr ol'arrrlrrulion. 'fhe nulirc+h:�ll pruvide a(kri�xl of ''�'•
<br /> � � a , • � n�K 1c�ti thJn�l)duy.l'r�m�tl�t d:ur Ihe n�,tire i�drin•crrd ur maikd��ilhin���hi�h Bnrruacr mu.i pa� �dl.um..crurcd by thi.
<br /> . . Sccuril� lmlrurrkct6. U liunowrr lail.t�� ti tl�r,c wm. ri��r to Ihc rx ira�iun ��I'thi. ri�r1. Lcndcr may invokc am �: �
<br /> � � r�. r r r� �
<br /> � mmeJieti�:r►n:�1cd hy Ihir Security In.trum.nt��ith��ul Iluthrr n��tirr ur drmimd on Il��m�w�•r.
<br /> t . , ; 18. Bt�rroa�er'+ Ri�S�t i�i Reimtate. 11'k��rn�wer mrr�. rrnaun r„ndiliun.. Hurcowcr .halt ha�c thc right tu h:��•c �
<br /> ,t ; ' '� ,. , entiinrnknt ul'thi.S.tiurin b�.tnmt�nl di�rnnlinurd at am timr prii�r tu Ilic�:irlirr n(: I:U S d:��.I��r�urh uthcr periiwt a. �
<br /> '.� ' tim�:li�l•.�ndv •F'uunk�f��Fnddir�lrcl\ItY1N\tl\�'1'RI\IF:\1'..lm��mn�'��"•u.m�. 4�1111 q,,�irJn�ii�x�¢r�i k
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