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<br /> 93-1093�4 �
<br />� �[�oaE7'HFR wtTH�u tbe impovomceta now or neroeiner arocteaon 1he property,.na.0 e..errimu,�p�atc�ooa��
<br /> aad flnturot aow a hercafler�p�t of the prope�ty. AU mpl�ccmoals�od ddldoaa�hdl alw be covaed by�bi�8xurlty
<br /> IntwmenG All of�ha fore�oia�is rcfertod w i��hia 3ccudty Inraument u the"Prnperty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN7'S tlut Bartawer i�IawFully sefsed of the es�ate heroby oonvayed�ad f�w the rl�ht to arat►t
<br /> and convey����d th�t thc ProPettY ir w�ancumber�d�except for eacumbrtnces of cccord. Bamwer w�nanu ard
<br /> will defend y the dtlo w tha J'mpee!'aQainct dl cidms md demaada.wbjxt to any encvmb�u►ces of neco�d.
<br /> THIS SECUIt[TY INSTRI]MENT com�ines unifam covcrunta for natianW use and non-ualfann ooveiww w1�b
<br /> Ilmitod variations by jtuisdieUon weon�titute a unifotm�ecurity inawment covering n;a!property.
<br /> `' UNIFORM COVBNAIVTS. Borrawe�and Lender covenant and agroe as foUows:
<br /> 1. Paymeat ot PAncipd�ad Inte�d=Prep�yment and Lak Clu�r�es. Borrower sh�ll P�P�Y t�Y wtkn due the
<br /> princip�I of w�d intaest on 1he debt evidenad by the Note and any prepaymcnt and lau chArge�due under thc Nota.
<br /> 2. FLndy tor'linxts And Imuranea Subjoct w applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender.Bamuwer el�ll pay w
<br /> l.ender an the day monU�ly payments aK due under the Note.unUl the Note is paid in tLll.a eum("Puods")for:(a)yearly
<br /> •. wues and assessmeats whish may ettein pdority over�his Security Instrument as a Ikn on the Property:(b)Yearly leatehold
<br /> PaYments or ground cents on the Propeity. if any: (c) Yeauly h3�+d or property iasurancc premiurna: (�) Yearly tlood
<br /> r° iasurance ptemiwns� if en4Y: (e) Year1Y mort688e insurancc premiwns.if any: and(�anY $�PaY� by Bwrnwer ro
<br /> l.ender.in accotdance with the pmvisions of pazsgraph 8,in lieu of thepayment of matgage i�surance pnm�ums. 71�ese
<br /> danc
<br /> items an called"Escrnw Item�." I.ender may.at any tlme.coUect and lald Punds in an amount not to excetd t6e maxlmum
<br /> � ,,: - amount a lender for a fe�eraUy relrated rnoKgage loam m�y regutra for Borrower's escrow account under�he fedeM Real
<br /> �,r�_.
<br /> _ ~"` ` '�:,,. ,. Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to dmr,12 U.S.C.$2601 ei srq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> . ; ���:?;:?���:'�,_.: law that applies to the Punds�sets a lesser amo�n� If so.l.cnder may.at any dme.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> ;. �i;!•. ��-� :'_,�:,'; exceed the lesser amount. L.ender may estimute �he amount of Phnds duc on the basis of cwteat data and reasonablo
<br /> � k..ti,.-. •;�,<,;,t,,.::, esdmates of eapenditures of future Escmw Items or od�envise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> �i : - . •.u;x.':�1.=� P� Y � Y� , �5'
<br /> :,.:�� • ,�;;�;.,, , 'fhe FLnds shell be heW in an instituHon whose de us ere insured b a federal a enc jnstr�unentality or enti
<br /> 'w• � �'i'�'�:,•� s,f (including C.ender,if L.ender is such �r►insdwtion)or in ony Federal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply 1he Fbnds to pay
<br /> "' ,.� .. �+^•�`�;�'�r�� ���k'�,4�� the Evcrow Items. Lendee may not ctiargc Botmwer for holding end Applying the Funds. annually analycing the escruw
<br /> , tr ,;�:!�;."•��;���,;, ti, , accaunt, or verifying the Burow Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem�ils
<br /> . ' ';�',:.��,�:;:°;{'"��'�'��'��` I.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent real
<br /> '; '`s`� ,!�����'�'-„� estate tax repurting service u5ed by Lender in connect�on with this la�n.unless applicable law pravides dhenvise. Unless an
<br /> •�., ; ,..... ,;
<br /> :::;',�.,�.,i�..lr�:?�;;�� �-i
<br /> � . . S . L. agreement is made or epplicnble law requires interest to be paid I.ender shall not be required to pay Bocrower auy interest or
<br /> ,r;�:�.,:;-.. '•,. ..• ;,;,;� earn;ags on the Funds. Bdmawer and Lendcr may agrec in wdung.however,that interest ahall be paid on thc Funds. Lender
<br /> d f``��"� ' shall give to Borrower.without charge,an onnual accounting of ihe Fund.c.showing credits and debits W the Funds and the
<br /> � ��''''' ' ., �� purpose for which each debit to the Flmds was made. The FUnds are pkdged as additional security for ell suma cecured by •
<br /> .y•,;.-�� .
<br /> �.._� this Secu�icy Instrument.
<br /> � � If tha Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permitted to be hefd by appiicable iaw, i.ender ahali accuuni lu
<br /> ;.�. ; Borrower for 1he excess FLnds in accordunce with the reqwrements of applkable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> � : � Lender at any tlme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng.and.in
<br /> `� �. � such case Borrower shall pay ta Lender the amaunt necassnry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shell make up the
<br /> " � def3ciency in no more than tweh�e mon�hly payments,at l.ender's sole dlscrelion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums securrd by this Security Insuument,Lender shnll promptly rePund to Borrower any
<br /> � Fl�nds held by Lender. If,under parngraph:1.Lender shnll acquire or seU the Property,Lender,prior to the acqui�ition or x�
<br /> �� , sale of�he Proparty, shall apply any FLnd�held by L.ender at the�ime of acyuisilion or sak as n credit against the sums
<br /> 9 ' secu�rd by this Sccurity Inslrumcnt.
<br /> ; ., . 3. Applia�llon of Paymenls. Unkss upplicable Inw proviJer otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under
<br /> �� � � • paragraphs 1 ond 2 shall be. applied: fint.�o any prepayment chsuges due und�r the Note;serond,to amounls payuble under
<br /> �� ' , pamgraph 2;third,to interex�duc:fourth,to principul due;und lus�,w uny la�c chnrges due under the Note. :��
<br /> . 4. Cbqrges; Lieas. Born►wcr shall puy ull taxcs, �scesxrnents,charges, fines and impositions atlributuble to the
<br /> Propeny which may attain priority over thi,Security Instrument,und leaschold paymen�s ar ground renu, if any. Borrawer
<br /> shnll puy�thesc obligutionx in the manner providcd in parrgraph 2,or if nat paid in thnt manner, Borrawer tihall pay them on ;z
<br /> � • � ' time dirccUy to liie person aa�ed payment. Bnrrower shull promptly furnish�o Lender nll notices of amounts lo be paid under •
<br /> this parug�ph. lf Bormwcr make. thec�payments dir�ecdy. Bormwer slwll pmmptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�dencing �
<br /> .. thc paymeM�.
<br /> Bomower rhull pmmpd�•disrhur�c any licn which hu�prioriry ov�r ihi.Security In+lrument unless Borrower:(u)agrecc _
<br /> �:.,, in writfng to the payment of th���bligation.erurcd hy thr lien in u manner accrptaMc t��Lendcr;(hl contcsts in good fuith thc �°
<br /> � lien by,ar dafcnds ug�in��enfnrrrmcm c�f�hc lirn in,Icgal pnxceJin��whirh in the Lendrr's opinion operate to prevent�e `�'`'
<br /> enforcement of thc lien:or Io)scrure.from thr hulJrr uf th�lirn un u�;rcetnent,•rti.l'uctary to Lendcr�ul►ordinating the lien -
<br /> to this Securiry Inswment. If l.rnder J��emiine�thut uny purt uf Ihe Pmperty ix suhjeci to n lirn which muy Auuin prinri�y �r-
<br /> �,_ ' over this Security Instrunxnt.LenJcr muy Fivc Borrowrr a noiKC idcnti(ying lhr lirn. Borruwcr,hall satisfy�he lien or tpke
<br /> �, �' i • one ar more of the urtionx set f�xih alxw�within 10 Juys��f the Eiving e�f noticr. �
<br /> +; 5. Hau�rd or Properq�Insurane�. Eiom►wrr.hall kcep thc irnpr��.•cmem.nuµ•cxi.riing ar hereuficr rrecicd on the �
<br /> ,�; Property in�ured aguirnt Ic.�s by tirc,h�ard.i�x:ludcd within Ih�t�nn "extcndrJ ra�•�ragc" anJ any othcr haiurd.,including �
<br /> � -, i floods or tluuding,ti�r which�Lcndcr n:quircti in.urancr. Thi. imurancc .hall t+r maimui�kd in thc umaunts und for the
<br /> � .�� � t �'
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