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<br /> applicabb isw rn�Y�pecifY for tidnsutement)beforo wde of thc PmP�►�Y P�uaat w Any powa of iale conhinod in Ihlr
<br /> Secudty lncuumeah or(b)enay of w jud�ment enforcing thi�3ecurlry Inouume�a4 Tho�o condillons�ne thu Horrower. (a) ,
<br /> paYi Lender dl wmc which thrn would be due under thi� Security Imaument uid the Noto�s it ao accel�atiaa had
<br /> occun+ed�(b)cwer any defaull oi�ny dhu cove�unt�or��ramenu:(c)WYs�II oapea�er iocurred in eaforcing thi�Security
<br /> Insaument, includin�, but not Ifmitad to,r�eawnsble awnneys'fees;and(d)taka such acdon as L.c�ckr may rc,�uon�bly
<br /> requiro to Aciw+e thnt tho lien of this Sectuity Inetrwncnt.Leoder'c dghts i�the Pr�e�ty and Bornawer's obligadon to pay the
<br /> ti� eumo �ecurod by thi� Security In�aument ih�ll cantinue unahangal. Upon reinsteteroent by Barrowa. thie Securlty
<br /> In�hument and thc oblig�au RecuneA hercby�all amain fully effecdvs as iP no acceteration lud axun�ed. Howevcr.thi�
<br /> '�'.� d�ht to roin�u�te shall na»ppty la�he caso of wcceleration under paragraph t7.
<br /> 19. 3ab ot Note;Chaa�e at I.o�o S�rWoer. The Note or a��l lnta+est in tha Nou(together with thic Securlty
<br /> `�' lneuument)mAy be sold one or mor+e times wlthout prior notice to orrower. A sale may roaull in a change!n the entity
<br /> T . ��. (known as th�"Loan Servicer")Ih�t coltecls monlhlY paYments duc w�der tha Note and thia Secu�ity Instrume�N. There.alao
<br /> may be one or moro changes of tho Lo�n Servicer uncelated to a sale of the Note. If thero ls a chenge of the Loan Serviccr. .,,
<br /> � Bonower wfU be given written nodce of the change in accordance w11h parag�h 14 above and applicable law. The notive '
<br /> � �b�i4��ii�' will r�tatc the nama end add�sa of the new Loan Servicer end tho addrc�s to which paymenta chould be made. 71a notice wU! •
<br /> '' i:;�';:';�:'`-"�' ' al:o conain any aher infoemation roquired by applicAble law. •
<br /> '��� 20. H�rdous Snbet�. Bomawer shall not cause or pem►it the presence,use,disposal,storage,or nlea.se af ae�y
<br /> a:.,,, ,4.,, Haza�dous Subatances on or in Uic Pmperty. Borruwer shall not do,nar aUow anyone else to do. anything affecdng the
<br /> ��n ,nt,�,�r,�,&:�' "' Pr�operty that is i�violatian of a�y Environmental Law. 'I'he preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> �,,:.,��:,:.,::.:; •� swrage on the Pmperty of smeU quanddes of Hazar�dous Substances that ere geaerally rxognizeQ w be appropdete to nortnal
<br /> �, s, ,""�•"-"�` reeidendel uses and to maintenaece of the Property.
<br /> � '��• ''•� '`��{`�':', Borrower shall promptly give f..ender written nodce of any invesugt►tion,claim.demand,lawsuit or othcr action by any � ,
<br />' - ;� �^ - - --- govern�uental or regulatory agency or privatc party involving thc Property And siny Hazardaus Substaace or Envfrot�menta!
<br /> ° Law oi which Borrawer has acmal knawledge. If Hoaower learna, or is notified �y any govemmentel or regulatcrry '
<br /> t • • ' ' • •aulhority,that any removal or other remediation af any Hazarclous Substanee affeclin�th� PrapeAy is necessuy.Borrower
<br /> shaU promptly take nll necessary remedlal eetions in accardance w��h Env9ranmental Law.
<br /> ,. , As used ln this psuagraph 2Q,"Nnzardaus Subatances"are tlwse subsmnces ciefined as toxic ar hAZardous substances by
<br /> !:•� � • ' � � Em�ironmental l.�w And the following substances: gasoline,kerosene, o�her flammable or toxlc petroleum products,toxic
<br /> `:�,,�' � ' ':s;;�: :•, pesticicles and herbicides, valaiile solvents, materiels containing a.abestos or formaldehyde,and radfoacdve materiaJs. As .
<br /> � � �� !••��%��••� used in this paragraph 20,"Environmcntal Law"menns federAl lnws und laws of the judsdlctian where the Property is located
<br /> � �,,.
<br /> �s� �'''t', that relate to health,safety or envlronmental protection.
<br /> � .:��'�;�,-;;.; NON-UNIFOR�t COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fbrther covenc►nt and agree as follaws:
<br /> . '.,;,��..,•.'�: 21. Accelera93on;Remedks. I.eader shull glve natice to Borrower prilor to accelerAtioa tollowing Borrowe�'s
<br /> � ' "��� brcacfi o�s�ay covenant or A rcer�aent in this Securl lostrument(but r+ot p�1or to AcceterAtba anider d 17
<br /> �, � �.f:.�:,, � tp �P
<br /> {"�•���G�" uplcas a kable IAw vides dherwise). The notice shu91 s ec (A)the det�ult;(b)�t�e�cNon re aired to cure the
<br /> �_____ • �:�;:,;�' PP� Pro P Ui'� 9
<br /> t—� ,.,::;:y�';l;�� defauth(c)A dwte,aot less tA�n 3U doya irom the date ti+e natice�S given to Horrow�er,by whici�ii�e defroli ma�i i�
<br /> �t ;� � '�-'�+i��;;..%��� ' cured;and(d)tlwt failure to cure the defpult on or betore the date speci(ied in the notice mey resWt in accelerallon of
<br /> ,}i,; . ..
<br /> ��}�;. r�•,'• ' lhe sums secured by t6is SecurUy Inst�ument and s�le of the PropeRy. The notice shaN f�urther Iniorm Norrower ot
<br /> i; . the rlght to relnstAtc atter Accekratton ond t6e right to bring A court actlon te wssert tMe non�extRtence of a defeult or
<br /> ; any other defense ot Borrower lo accelerAtlon end xele. If the defpult is aot cured on or betore Ihe dwte specifled in
<br /> '�, ' •• ' 1he notice,I.ender At Its optlon may requlre immedipte pAyment In full oi all sums secured by thls 3ecurity Instrument
<br /> { without fLrther demwid wid may Invoke Ihe power o(sale pnd any other remedtes permltted by wpplicable low
<br /> t, . • � . . , I.ender slwll 6e enUUed to cuYect WI expenses incurred In pursuln�►he remedks provtded In thir pua�ph 21.
<br /> �, .,� . Includlnq,but not Ilmlled to.reason�ble attorneys'feeR�nd costs of title 4vldence.
<br /> � It Ihe power ot sale is Invoked,71�ustee shpll record a nottce of deiault in each county in whkh wny part of the
<br /> ���-• Properly is IocAted And slwll mall coples oP�uch nolice In the manner prescdbed by applMable low to Borrower aad to
<br /> ("' lhe other pen�uns prescribed by wpplicable low. After the timc requlred by �ppllcable Ipw�7lruslee slwU Qlve publk
<br /> '' noUce ot sale to the persone and in lhe manner prescrlbed by appllcable low. 7�ustee�wlthout demwid on Borrower,
<br /> � , shwll seN the Property at public ouctlon to the hi�hest bldder At the ttme ppd ploce And under the terms deslgrwled in Kv,
<br /> the notice of sale tn one or more parccis and in any order'Irustee determines. 7lrustee may postp►ne sale of All or Any :��•�:
<br /> j � � • parcel ot the Property by public announcement pl the time und place of ony previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its `' �
<br /> ' , , desiqace mpy purchwse the Property al any salc.
<br /> ' ' Upon rcceipt af puy�ttent oP the price btd.7t�ustee shall dcltscr to the purchaser ltustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ',..,�:,.,�:,.
<br /> '' `��' Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prtma Pacie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> �„ 1Fustee shall wpply the proceeds of t6e sole in the following order: lal ta a�l caRts s�nd expe�ases of exerclsing Ihe power
<br /> ,. '�.
<br /> 'i
<br /> ,.. .. -
<br /> .tr. . ,. .' .4.
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